Beasts of Beyond
Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Printable Version

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Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Whisper - 04-08-2018

I'll get working on it soon! You're total comes to 1000g!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Orion - 04-15-2018

eyes this
tracks <3

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - roman - 04-17-2018


Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - tricky - 04-18-2018

squats in a tracking position

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Whisper - 04-22-2018

- [member=58]Bunstache[/member] I Sent you a preview of the image over discord. I'm not sure if you got it/ would you prefer i send it over this sight? Putting it on hold until i get feedback. I'll finish it up when i get it <3
- Working on yours now Sky. Sorry for the wait!!
- 2 slots open ^^

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 2/3 Slots open ) - tricky - 04-22-2018

cough cough i think bun's on a hiatus since im assuming she was grounded by her parents but may i,,,, slip in?


Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 2/3 Slots open ) - roman - 04-22-2018

drops this in

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 2/3 Slots open ) - Whisper - 04-22-2018

Accepted the both of you! ^^ That'll be 7500 a piece!
Aa, SInce it's a full body and i haven done one in a while I'll shoot yall an outline of the image before coloring and shading if that's fine w/ you?

Tricky- with the bigger version of Audrey- do you have a reference of him?

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - tricky - 04-22-2018

yes indeed i do, i'll add it to the form!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - lexasperated - 07-18-2018

I'm not sure if this shop is still active but hnggng the art is too good I have to try

Screen name: lexasperated
What you'd like: full body
Character name: vandal roux
Personality / inspiration: vandal is pretty much a go-with-the-flow character - here are her personality traits: opinionated, strong-willed, protective, rough, rogue-ish, impish, mischievous, blunt, no-filtered, sassy, can be a bit of a jerk if she wants to be, brave, cunning, ill-tempered, truthful, honest, snappy, quick to anger, volatile, defensive, a troublemaker in disguise, highkey flirty but shy when directly confronted with confessions, hopeless romantic
References: here's her written description:
here are two bust shots i made for her - unfortunately, i succ at full bodies:
Specifics: preferably a teasing look with her tongue slipping out, since that's her signature pose
Other: if it's alright, could you draw her wearing a sharp gauntlet over her talons? This is what it would look like.