Beasts of Beyond
what do you want to see for this group? - Printable Version

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Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-23-2018

i know what you mean, galexiux, but i guess my thing isn't that i want to steal ff sunclan and bring it over here anyways, i just wanna capture the vibe and expand upon some of the ideas that i really adore.  i'm using sunclan as a jumping off point because i really like the general theme/feeling it has (specifically older sunclan as i've said), but i do wanna make it all it's own for bob!  hopefully it won't really seem like it's lifted straight from another source at all

also in the discord we've already done a lot of talking about names, but we're not totally set on one yet!  i think we've tentatively agreed on one of the pictures that grassina linked to have a mountainous territory but maybe a floating seatown for their camp so kind of on a beach/ocean? (could also be the tourist town that grimm talked about in their potential territory description) but a lot of these names are based off of that assumption, so bear that in mind.  i'm gonna list some of the names below in case anyone has other ideas or ones that specifically stand out because what i want to do is narrow it down to a few we like the best and then have a vote or something.  most of these are made from a list of prefixes, suffixes, and words so it's easy to mix n' match!

sunflower sanctuary (or sanctum or haven again)
sunshine harbor/port/pier/marina/cove/lagoon/bay
sunsplash harbor/port/pier/marina/cove/lagoon/bay
altar/royals/prophets of the sun
sunray/sunbeam beach/bay

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Orion - 07-23-2018

nononono it's fine dude

- Red Devils
- Crimson Devils
- Red Hawks
- Fire Hawks
- Red Stars
- Crossfire
- Spitfire
- Flaming Suns
- Burning Suns
- Pheonix
- Pheonix Suns
- Sun Strikers
- Sun Sparks
- Superior Suns
- Regal Wings
- Wicked Furies (Fury)
- Wicked Phoenixes
- Sun Gladiators
- Sunflares 

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - axiom - 07-23-2018

*zooms into the discord*

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL ADDED] - elliot - 07-24-2018

okay so we've moved onto voting about the group's name!  to help you get a better vibe, right now we're thinking about artsy merchants that live in a floating sea town at the end of a mountain range.  they're probably going to have guilds for artistry, war, and medicine and worship some kind of sun-related deity.  they value creativity and have many traditions centered around painting and such, but also either trade or have some kind of currency system to sell goods and services to each other and other clans as traders.  obviously nothing is set in stone but these are the ideas that have been thrown around so far.

a poll has been added with the names that were most popularly liked within the discord out of the lists we had! whichever wins will be not-sunclan's name and then we'll move on to iron out other details!!

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL ADDED] - ceilidh - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 600px"]OOF im definitely hopping on board to this fun train

coming from someone that had a lot of good memories from not-sunclan, i totally understand what u mean faux, the vibe of that place is amazing and i can't wait to see this whole new entity!!

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL ADDED] - tikki - 07-24-2018

I'll hop onto the discord next week when I'm home, since I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate a new dc server on his discord, and I don't want to log him out of his lmao

so yeah, as far as names go, I really like Sunhaven

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL ADDED] - elliot - 07-25-2018

poll has been reset to just sunhaven and summerglade as options because they were the top two but they were really close and we kinda stopped getting votes so consider this a tiebreaker!

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL ADDED] - elliot - 07-26-2018

bumping the new poll again

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL UPDATED] - tikki - 07-26-2018

voted !!

Re: what do you want to see for this group? [POLL UPDATED] - elliot - 07-26-2018

ok so i said in the discord that i was gonna close the voting at 10pm est bc it was so close and we kind of stopped getting votes anyways. so sunhaven wins!
i’ll post about other ideas regarding other stuff later tonight when i get home