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AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Printable Version

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Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - axiom - 07-10-2018

Her head snapped towards the one advancing towards her, the movement jerky and more closely resembling a bird's motions than a human's. Gritting her teeth and lifting her chin, she leveled a warning look at the human; as she heard her name, this rage seemed only to abate slightly. Eyebrows drawing down to her dark brown eyes, the feral creature growled in warning as he came closer. She realized then that, along with a slew of other advantages her Utahraptor possessed, she lost the advantage of height and greater muscle mass. Well, no trouble at all; she knew how to stand her ground and kill larger opponents than herself.

But, now that he stood closer, she sniffed the air again. Puzzled, she tilted her head to the right as her angry expression gave way to confusion. Her jaw muscles relaxed, and she made another obvious sniff. Yes, she felt reasonably sure this was favorite food giver. He smelled the same as before, despite the strange body mishap; though, she supposed her own trouble excused him from appearing as one of the things she hated most in this world. How ironic, to hate humans so much, only to end up as just another fleshy mammal with nothing but inferior abilities.

"Favorite," she babbled, her anger appeased for now. The odd mammal did like to try chittering at her, as well as talking his own language at her; she found this repeat of usual behavior more evidence that this human was, indeed, her Favorite. She didn't particularly like to hear him talk; most of the words he used seemed to change, and it proved difficult for her to get a read on what any specific one of them meant when he threw a whole slew of them at her to listen to. Still, she stared back at him, a similar click happening in her brain as occurred to him. As she shared the mammal packs' species now, perhaps communication might become easier.

Bristling for a brief moment as the cloth wrapped around her shoulders, her spine straightened abruptly at the unfamiliar sensation of cloth. It felt soft and warm; even as a Utahraptor, she appreciated warmth. With this human form, she now realized textures mattered much more to it than she was used to. Even the soles of her feet, which should be the toughest part of her skin, felt itchy and achy after the long walk through the forest. By contrast, the fluffy thing felt like a cloud. Pleased by Favorite's gift, she grabbed the parts over her shoulders to wrap the warm object closer to her body - as well as raise it to her nose for a closer, inquisitive sniff. A shaky, wiggling grunt came from her throat; her first attempt at a purr in this human form, which failed completely. "Good and warm," she babbled as replacement to the purr, her head position returning to center after she finished appraising her gift.

As a second gift appeared in Bast's hand, smelling like spicy carrion, she wasted little time - she leaned forward and grabbed it with her teeth. Unused to using her thumbs, especially with her hands preoccupied with keeping the warm gift wrapped around her (as she realized now) cold body, the thought to grab the jerky with anything else failed to occur to her. Realizing that Bast's gaze broke from her own, she turned her head to follow his vision, a bit surprised to find that he stared at another female human. One that looked completely different to Bast, compared to the rest of the humans in the room, so not a familial relation. The role of this other female in the mammal pack seemed important, though, if Bast checked in with her visually.

Chewing on the jerky, idly realizing that her human mouth also paled in comparison to the teeth and bite strength of her Utahraptor form, Delta turned back to Favorite. Her memory jogged that these mammals also used a social hierarchy, she knew that Bast acted as their alpha. How he won that spot with his tiny cat body made no sense to Delta, but as humans it made more sense; after all, he stood quite tall. She assumed that the Ascendants' sparring practices were ranking squabbles, and that the group likely operated similar enough to her own experiences. And now she was small and weak in the heart of their territory, vastly outnumbered. How annoying. Favorite gave her food, but with all of them sharing the same species, she certainly disliked the potential problems that could result - before, her pack occupied a different niche in the ecosystem, so the two packs hardly seemed to squabble. Now, though, it seemed more likely to cause trouble.

She stared at Bast as he backed up towards the rest of his pack, making another one of his nonsensical chitters at her. Disliking the idea of following them, she stayed put for the moment; she liked having an unobstructed, known escape route in the midst of all these equally-sized creatures. Especially since it seemed that most of them were far more coordinated than herself; add their communication, and she felt thoroughly annoyed that she came to the building. Perhaps she should have forced this weak form to eat the leftover carrion and tried to find her sisters; though she knew that seemed silly. She hadn't seen Blue and Echo in a while, and Charlie seemed off the territory for a bit now. Normally, this isolation bothered her little, but in this state she doubted it made sense to try for a solo endeavor.

Begrudgingly stepping forward, she leveled quick glares at those with helmets in the crowd, edging away from them due to their semblance to the human technology she loathed. While everyone seemed human now - and how she hated that - old grudges died hard. Not appreciating following Favorite, she made sure he knew with an irritated look and loud hiss from her throat. Quickly after, though, she attempted to bite another piece of jerky out of his hand.