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power idea thread - Printable Version

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Re: power idea thread - astre - 06-22-2018

i’m all for telekinesis and poison powers. air elementals for moving objects similar to telekinesis just seems... kinda clunky. telekinesis however can go into the psychic powers field similar to telepathy. poison powers would be really neat too, i’d like to see what kind of designs could be built around toxicity/poisons

Re: power idea thread - rakue - 06-23-2018

w h e w okok
im so sorry for whoever's trying to skim this

i dont see this being very necessary tbh? having a power to counter a power is not a good cycle to feed - think back to old ff when a similar power was introduced, it ended up being removed because it was counterintuitive and frustrating to both the user and those affected. if someone would really like to use something like this for a plot, however, mental manipulation would work fine- forcing the user to forget how to use their power all together

shapeshifting would work fine for this! similar to how the "appearance changing" power on ff functioned, your character can simply shapeshift to mimic the body of someone else

shadow manipulation
this came up as a suggestion a while ago, actually, and staff decided against it. we dont want light/shadows being used offensively (think shadow ball from pokemon, or even some of raven's moves from teen titans) and all in all the price would be very steep for something that would only be aesthetic. lightplay in itself is more or less illusionry, and using telepathy/mental manipulation to fool others into seeing differently would suffice just as well. keep in mind certain powers can also cast whatever shadows you so choose- so if you want your character to seem to "disappear" into shadows (like raven from teen titans, again) it could simply be intangibility + artistic liberty

this would definitely need hard restrictions, and has a lot of potential to be abused, but i think it would also be a nice addition to the shop as an alternative to using air elementals, which is a steep price to pay for a minor use. tbh aesthetic elementals would work fine for lifting up small items and moving them around so long as they're not being used in combat, since it would still fall under air elementals. if we were to implement a telekinesis power it would almost certainly be more expensive than aesthetic elementals, so it's kinda cutting our own throats to put it in the shop just for a technicality

acid in itself i dont really want implemented, but there are plenty of poisons/toxins that would work fine as a free mutation. mutations relate to the natural world and what can be taken from nature itself, so uses would include shooting venom (cobra); venomous bite (snakes/tarantulas); venomous saliva (komodo dragon); toxic skin (frogs); poisonous blood (eels); venomous claws (platypus); and poisonous flesh (puffer fish). this is another thing that i think locking behind a higher price in the shop would be unnecessary

this would be included in earth elementals, although it follows the same limitations!

shapeshifting would work fine for this imo, and like orion mentioned this can also be fine as a mutation. i dont think this would be super necessary as a shop item?

i was personally not a fan of the growth/shrinking power over on ff so this is biased but im against this one. vixem mentioned shapeshifting and i agree that shapeshifting would also work fine, it might not be the same exact species but i think changing species to take a smaller form would be better than completely changing the size of the character's current body

hidden identity
see copycat

hidden languages
this is already a thing some people do with their powers, and imo wouldn't make a very good power. characters understanding human languages like russian/english/arabic is already a common practice, and if someone wanted their character to understand all written languages, i think it'd still feel clunky whether or not it's locked behind a power. if people want their characters to understand languages that are species locked, like for a cat to fully understand and pull conversations from feral dog barks and sounds then i think that should be up the roleplayer rather than be a shop item?

reading auras
i think this would go very well with the sight, to function similar to how ff's the sight worked. i think making it a separate power aside from the sight would be a bad idea

flower prints
functions fine under aesthetic elements tbh, it's the cheapest item in the shop right now and removing it to be its own thing is redundant

uHHHH it's TECHNICALLY a mythical, but the price is really high for something as minor as vampirism/lycanthropy? i think it'd be okay as a mutation tbh? definitely think it should be cheaper than the "mythical" item it would currently fall under, but if we were to add it as an item i think it'd do well as a subsidiary of the mythicals item

would also work fine under aesthetic elementals. again, the cheapest item in the shop currently, making it it's own item would b useless

dieting changes
i think this would be fine as a mutation tbh. animals have many different diets, and transferring that digestive tract onto a character would be no different than giving them wings or sabre fangs

mimic/scream of death
i feel like this would function better as a sort of "sound manipulation", similar to what ff had? personally im not against bringing in a sound manipulation power but the specific use of mimcing only someone's voice i dont think would be a good shop item

characters can view themselves however the roleplayer wishes in mirrors imo? this could also be linked to certain mental disorders which definitely shouldn't be locked behind a price, but i think mental manipulation would work fine to make other characters see them differently in mirrors (or, for example, it could be tagged to other powers - for example, if vampirism DID become an item, a vampiric character wouldn't need mental manipulation to be invisible in a mirror)

i like the idea but i think the use of intangibility would work fine for this. intangibility can be used to create ghostly bodies and whether or not attacks hit on a ghostly character is up to the roleplayer imo

spikey boi
lmAO THE NAME OF THIS ONE also i think mutations for natural spines (think pufferfish, lionfish, porcupine, where the spines are hidden but jut out suddenly) and earth elementals for sudden spikes (sharp fragments of stone or metal) would suffice fine

ethereal appendages
intangibility would b fine

this is like the textbook use of possession? even if it doesnt necessarily involve the character fully leaving their own body to take over the other, i still think this would fall under possession

i think we could make possession include this too?? to possess inanimate objects and to reanimate the dead for a short amount of time under their control, i think it would add a much needed spice to possession that it doesnt have right now rather than making it it's own power

mutation! think like, a gecko or the axolotl

"multiple eyes"
uHH well multiple eyes in itself would b fine as a mutation but i think having a power that sort of allows your character to "sense" the presence of others around them would be neat? i think it'd fit well into the sight or maybe adding it on to clairvoyance?

dream walking
telepathy/mental manipulation!! tbh at this point we should just,, merge telepathy into mental manipulation


time control
i actually really liked this power on ff, and would love to see it here? i think it should definitely include more than just stopping time, since seeing a sort of "time traveler" character would be really neat. i think it would need some hard line uses for things like use in combat and the like, but tbh i also dont want to restrict it too much because there's a lot that this power can be used for and i'd love to see the creative ideas that come from it

this is a synonym for clairvoyance

slowed perception
either clairvoyance or time control, if we were to add it?

gender switch
shapeshifting would work absolutely fine for this imo

echolocation: this is a textbook mutation

truth detector
this could be accomplished with telepathy, since they can dig into the person's mind directly and project/read their thoughts?

this seems very easy to abuse and doesn't have a lot of use outside of combat, i'd rather not have this as an item

an actual shield or a shield of air would be fine, sort of like the ward from skyrim

i just dont think this would fit very well in the bob universe but i dont see any technical problem with it or any subverts

i would love to see gravity manipulation make an appearance on bob, where characters can affect the gravity around them to either make them very light (save them from a great fall, for example) and to allow them to walk up walls. similar to x-ray it doesn't really have any combat use but would be a fun power to implement for ic purposes

silver tongued
i mean ,, lying is lying and forcing someone to believe your lie would be fine as mental manipulation

health transfer
gOd this power was on ff and i dont remember the name of it but i'd love to see it here. the ability to transfer woulds would have a lot of cool uses icly- imagine a character that couldnt control the power, so anyone they touched, they'd gain their scars/wounds/bruises. it could provide an interesting battle dynamic where a severely injured character could transfer their wounds to their attacker when they move in for the final blow. yEAh tl;dr i really loved this power and still do

if we were to create a seperate power for this we should merge telepathy into mental manipulation. tbh i'd be fine with abolishing telepathy and merging its uses into mental manipulation, while turning illusion into its own power. we could discuss this greater in the staff board?

appearance manipulation
honestly,,, this should be a free power so that it's separate from mutations & shapeshifting. or it could be considered mutations? but i like having mutations as mutations, extensions of the natural world onto your character

inhabiting a dead body
going back to an earlier point, i think this would be a really nice touch to possession

this would be fine as a mutation, since asexual reproduction exists in a handful of animals

small bean
age lock? uHHH i think time manipulation would be fine for this if we were to implement it

the sight
ive said it before and i'll say it again i like the sight plEase

super speed
i was never a fan of super speed/super strength and while personally i dont want them to be added to the site im not opposed to it either if the majority wants it

soul manipulation
what would this entail? what would it be capable of?

i had some ideas of my own but i,, forgot them by the time this was done c': definitely open to discussions on these as well!!

Re: power idea thread - Sorrel - 06-23-2018

I'd like to have Super Speed and Super strength, this way smaller animals can take on larger ones?? If possible?
Molecule manipulation: Which can manipulate molecules to create small shields, cause fires by vibrating molecules etc.
That's all I got on the top of my head xP

Re: power idea thread - Imortapose - 06-23-2018

I agree with everything Susitna said!

Vampirism and lycanthropy could definitely be mutations or mythical creatures, bit I think they would do best as their own separate shop power.
I support merging telepathy into mental manipulation since that's pretty much what telepathy is. It'd make things simpler if they were one power.
For super speed and super strength, I could see those powers becoming easily problematic. How far would super speed and super strength be able to go? Would a mouse be able to throw a tiger across an open field? Would a cheetahs be able to run so fast they can do go back in time, like the Flash? I realize that every power can be problematic but these two just seem very risky to me. As far as small animals standing against bigger animals, there are other powers for that. But it also comes to a point where we have to ask, should small animals be able to go to to toe with larger animals or is that stretching it too far?
Molecule manipulation also seems risky because, well... molecules. xD But I don't know enough molecules to really make a point on this one, so I'll leave it for other to discuss.

Re: power idea thread - Whisper - 06-24-2018

oof here is i! This is some ideas and notes on already put down powers that i think are really cool- will probably add to this later or just make another post about it but uhhh.. here we go! :>

Molecule manipulation // This one would probably have a lot of drawback to use because it has a lot of practical uses. Someone could instantly heal themselves by hardening blood, make fire or easily rip through almost anything with their claws.

Super speed // can be made to x amount more speed than a creature is possible of having? Like if a cheetah can run 70mph they can now run double or triple that amount. Or we can just put a threshold of how fast they are like 120mph as a thresh hold limit. Same can be put on super strength as well.

Reading auras // could kind of be added into Clairvoyance with the ability to see auras i think. Although I think this can be upped by manipulating auras to the point of hideing your aura from someone who can usually see it or trying to calm a person down / getting them to feel a particular emotion. THis can also be branched into it's own power of emotional manpulation

Spirit walking // This could be an extension of an already power of possession, but instead of inhabiting another body in placebo for shapeshifting- you just sort of turn into a ghost. This would work wondrously for people who want to kill their character off and turn them into a ghost. But would negate the need for Intangibility and reincarnation for when they re-posses a body/ are reborn.

Venom Same goes with acid / toxins i feel like people should pay more to make this mutation turn lethal or paralytic in retrospect of lessened effects. Like a venom one- giving people the ability to paralyze and stun enemies for a short moment and venom two being able to kill a person or completely take down someone/ longer effects of venom 1.

Re: power idea thread - Orion - 06-25-2018

I absolutely love all of these ideas. I'll be discussing them later. Wink