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Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Printable Version

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Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 12-09-2018


test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ligula dolor, lobortis in orci iaculis, ornare finibus quam. Cras in ante volutpat, mattis justo et, finibus velit. Vestibulum sit amet consectetur velit, nec ultricies tellus. [glow=black,2,300]" #fedc65 Integer auctor aliquam sem at luctus. Proin vel rutrum nulla, vel pellentesque nisl. Nam vel commodo ligula. Pellentesque placerat purus a orci accumsan varius. Pellentesque non lorem velit. Integer feugiat pulvinar mi nec commodo."[/glow] Nunc consequat dui non mi luctus, a malesuada erat laoreet. Aliquam non ante ipsum.Morbi ligula magna, dignissim sit amet ornare a, pretium sit amet tortor. Nunc neque lectus, placerat ac feugiat et, varius eget arcu. Nunc ut consequat arcu.[glow=black,2,300]" #e4cf81 Integer auctor aliquam sem at luctus. Proin vel rutrum nulla, vel pellentesque nisl. Nam vel commodo ligula. Pellentesque placerat purus a orci accumsan varius. Pellentesque non lorem velit. Integer feugiat pulvinar mi nec commodo."[/glow]

nsectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ligula dolor, lobortis in orci iaculis, ornare finibus quam. Cras in ante volutpat, mattis justo et, finibus velit. Vestibulum sit amet consectetur velit, nec ultricies tellus. Integer auctor aliquam sem at luctus. Proin vel rutrum nulla, vel pellentesque nisl. [glow=black,2,300]" #fed234 Integer auctor aliquam sem at luctus. Proin vel rutrum nulla, vel pellentesque nisl. Nam vel commodo ligula. Pellentesque placerat purus a orci accumsan varius. Pellentesque non lorem velit. Integer feugiat pulvinar mi nec commodo."[/glow]  Nunc ut consequat arcu. Quisque consectetur, lacus nec lobortis faucibus, nisl mi ullamcorper nulla, a blandit massa ex sed augue. Curabitur nec elementum metus, id aliquet neque. Ut pulvinar turpis vestibulum, varius nisl ut, cursus sapien. Quisque ante ante, commodo quis ipsum eu, aliquet laoreet risus. Donec magna quam, placerat in sem et, luctus bibendum metus. Vivamus tincidunt erat varius, vestibulum ligula sed, malesuada quam. Praesent sit amet felis odio.

[align=center][div style="width:45%; background:url(; height:15px; background-size:cover; opacity:0.70; background-position:left;"][div style="height:100px; width:100px; margin-top:15px; background:url(BACKGROUND URL); float:left;"][/div][/div][div style="width:45%; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; line-height:15px; font-size:10px; padding-left:3px;"]

[align=center][div style="width:45%; background:url(; height:15px; background-size:cover; opacity:0.70;"][/div]
[color=transparent]  [color=#fedc65][glow=black,2,300][b]  [/color]

**Delete this line: Bottom color=transparent is used as a placeholder for invisible text-color code for speech that can be quickly copy/pasted and just needs the end tags [/b][/glow][/color] at the end (in that order or it doesn't recognize it's there). You can keep it or delete it, I just personally use it that way**

Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 12-20-2018

[/td][td][div style="height:300px; width:250px; text-align:justify; overflow:auto;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget laoreet nisl, non ornare lectus. Nullam a auctor tortor. Mauris a molestie nisl, quis tincidunt turpis. Quisque turpis tortor, blandit vel condimentum id, eleifend sit amet nunc. Sed ante ex, sagittis id risus in, semper maximus nibh. Phasellus vulputate urna ante, eu consectetur ex fermentum eget. Nunc placerat luctus nulla ut bibendum. Integer feugiat ipsum risus, vel molestie diam aliquam eu. Suspendisse facilisis non tortor bibendum venenatis. Etiam viverra magna non orci maximus, volutpat interdum urna mattis. Nulla tincidunt magna nibh, nec euismod purus rutrum at. Curabitur tristique tincidunt odio, at laoreet nulla sollicitudin id. Mauris aliquet lorem a metus tempor sagittis.

Pellentesque vel ornare purus, eu mollis sapien. Nulla sapien quam, cursus non elit ut, bibendum consectetur ante. Nullam congue vestibulum malesuada. Quisque dui risus, hendrerit eu pellentesque id, suscipit id nisl. Quisque erat dolor, porta rutrum volutpat sit amet, luctus nec sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur tempor accumsan eros vitae imperdiet. Proin eu lacus eget odio commodo suscipit.

Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 12-23-2018

[div style="width:420px; height:13px; border-top:3px solid white; border-radius:2px; border-bottom:7px double white;"][div style="height:10px; margin-top:-11px; color:#efeee9; text-shadow:2px 2px 1px black; font-family:georgia; font-size:27px; text-align:left; letter-spacing:3px;"] ANDROMEDA
site moderator  •  ⅛ of the suts

Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 12-23-2018

[div style="height:10px; margin-top:-5px; color:#547af8; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px black; font-family:georgia; font-size:27px; text-align:left; letter-spacing:3px; text-indent:5px;"] NAME!!!!!!
tag  •  tag • tag  •  tag

Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 12-23-2018

Re: Oh my tender heart // STORAGE - Quill - 01-30-2019

[div style="height: 455px; width: 95%; background:url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: center;"]

[div style="font-size: 50pt; color: white; margin-left: -255px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 35px black; font-family: times new roman; padding-bottom:10px;"]ELYSIUM

To be a true Elysite, you must promise to protect this community with all of your strength, to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary, and, most importantly, to never forget yourself and your well-being while still contributing to Elysium to the best of your ability.

  Do you swear to uphold the values of both community and justice in equal portions? If so, welcome to Elysium.

Welcome to Elysium, a group where balance is their primary goal. With one side that represents justice, and another that represents community, they want the best for their members. "Never give too much of yourself, yet always contribute for the greater good." Their motto, this phrase directs how the clan is structured and how their priorities are aligned. They never want members to overextend themselves, but they always want to hear what they have to say. With a court system, they enact their justice in a way they see as more balanced than simply seeking out their enemies to capture or kill them. With their merchant system, they bring in beneficial resources and connect to the clans around them. As a community, Elysium's primary goals are to encourage development and an open, inviting atmosphere. Currently, [member=9]kicksie ![/member] and [member=111]apricity[/member] run this group. If you have any questions, feel free to contact them on site or on Discord.

[div style="height: 30px; width: 104%; margin-left:-12px; background-color: #bbd5f2;"]
[align=right]TERRITORY ! ◄
[i]general territory[/i]

Elysium is located in a mountainous region that often experiences cold temperatures, although they do have all four seasons despite this. Winter tends to be a bit longer and a bit more harsh and they can also face extreme conditions in spring when all the snow begins to melt. Their summers are relatively mild and fall is rather short due to the long winter. Their land is incredibly fertile and lush, as they aren't so high up on the mountain that they're near the permanently snow covered peaks (although more adventurous members may venture there if they choose to do so). All primary locations are connected via a pulley system that helps members travel through the mountainous region quickly without having to actually climb the rough landscape.

main camp

Elysium's central camp is located behind a myriad of tunnels in a mountain. These trails are confusing enough to ward off any unwanted outsiders, but easy enough for new members to remember after traversing several times. Once you get past the tunnels, you'll reach the main camp, which is an open air area in the mountain. Here they've carved out small caves and shelters for themselves within the naturally occurring formations. There's one large cavern near the back of the camp, away from where members initially come out from the tunnels, where meetings and large events may be held or where temporary shelter may be taken in times of crisis.


Leftover from when Elysium was once two separate clans, this location now serves as the "justice" center of the camp. This is where all court meetings are held and it now acts as a sort of armory in times of war or crisis. Most training or discussions about defense would be held here. If prisoners are held following a court hearing, they would be held here, in the bottom of the observatory, which once served as housing.

floating sea town

Another remnant of a previous clan, the floating sea town now serves as the primary base for community. The merchants' shops are located here and most large social events, such as festivals, are held here.

One of the most important traditions in Elysium is the use of necklaces to represent what titles have been earned. Each necklace has a special, engraved bead specific to the character, and then also holds the beads that represent their respective titles. To see what those titles are, look in the title section of this guide. To check what titles you've earned or to log a new one, make sure to take a look at the title tracker linked in the header of this post on the site.

shop system

This is yet another important aspect of Elysium's culture. Members can create their own shops creating and selling various items on the floating sea town. They can also go and purchase things from other shops. The main goal of this merchant system, however, is to visit neutrals and allies in order to not only have their wares purchased, but also to gather supplies that Elysium may need or want from other territories. This is also another way that Elysium connects to other groups. This particular tradition is primarily guided by the Helion.

court system

In order to make sure their enemies receive justice, Elysium have a court system. There is a trial held with an open jury made up of their members, while the individual being tried answers a variety of questions, first from the Magna and then from the jury itself for a period of time. The Magna is the one who leads this process as the judge and therefore this is something primarily guided by the Magna. These trails are held in the observatory.

Another aspect of this court system is joining. Elysium does not auto-accept members. Instead, newcomers at the border are granted permission to stay on the territory by either the Magna or the Helion and then, at the next meeting, they must agree to always keep the group's interest above all else, followed by the Helion or Magna asking if anyone has any objections to their joining, and then they are granted membership.

stellar collision festival

This is festival that occurs every year during the month of February to celebrate when Ascendants and Sun Haven came together to become Elysium. There are a variety of events and all allies and neutrals are invited to come and celebrate the new bond made between the two groups, now formed to one. It's generally about a week long celebration and it's headed by the Helion.
→ Helion → The Helion is one of two leaders in Elysium. While both leaders have equal power and make all major decisions together, each one has a specification. The Helion is specifically involved with the community and merchant system. This means that they announce all titles, hold events, and help regulate the merchant and shop system. The only thing either leader may do alone is grant a newcomer permission to stay on Elysium's territory before they officially join.
    → Bex, played by [member=9]kicksie ![/member]
→ Magna → The Magna is one of two leaders in Elysium. While both leaders have equal power and make all major decisions together, each one has a specification. The Magna is specifically involved with protection and the court system. This means that they announce all new alliances or declarations of war, raids, trainings, and hold court sessions. The only thing either leader may do alone is grant a newcomer permission to stay on Elysium's territory before they officially join.
    → Clarence Aston, played by [member=111]apricity[/member] 
→ Warden of Community → One of the second in commands, this position specifically focuses on the community aspect and is next in line to be Helion. They specifically deal in events and are in charge of making sure the community is welcoming and that everyone's needs are being taken care of. 
    → TBA, played by TBA
→ Warden of Justice → One of the second in commands, this position specifically focuses on the justice aspect and is next in line to be Magna. They specifically deal in things such as military trainings, protection, raids, and court proceedings. While they do not hold court, they are often put in charge of the care of prisoners' should there be any.
    → TBA, played by TBA
→ Elysites → These are normal members of Elysium that have been accepted as official members through their first meeting. They may hold events with the permission of either leader, start their own shops, and visit allies.
→ Newcomers → These are members that have been accepted past Elysium's border, but have not been sworn in yet as full members.
→ Prisoners → These are individuals either awaiting trial in the court system or have been sentenced to prison time. They are held beneath the observatory.
Elysium has Zodiac titles, Odyssey titles, and Quark titles. Zodiac titles recognize personality traits or significant factors of a character, while Odyssey titles can be earned through specific tasks, and Quark titles acknowledge progress in the Elysium Characterization threads.

zodiac titles

Zodiac titles are assigned based on personality traits and characteristics. The titles earned can be used in-character to introduce your character. (For instance: "Exampleman, advisor of Elysium.")

odyssey titles

Odyssey titles are so named because they require that members quest, so to speak, to earn their title. There are five named for constellations, and in order to earn these titles members will have to complete the tasks correlated with each star in that constellation. They require much more work and effort to earn, but they also help encourage involvement and development from members. Those who earn these titles will denote them on their necklaces with obsidian beads engraved with golden constellations.

quark titles

Quark titles are based on additions to Characterization threads and plotting. In order to receive these titles, make sure to look at the pendent tracker thread and note which ones you have completed. They're meant to encourage plotting and diving deeper into both your character and others. They're blue with gold engravings. To add to your characterization threads, take a look at the Elysium Title Codes thread, linked in the header above.

Elysium is a neutral clan and makes allies and enemies not based on their own political stance, but instead on their interactions with them. However, they also have a strong sense of justice and morality so it's much harder for them to side with clans that do not fit those standards of justice. The primary way Elysium interacts with their allies and neutrals is through their ambassador and shop systems. To learn more about those, check out the link in the header of this post.

allies: none
neutrals: anyone not listed
enemies: none

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