Beasts of Beyond
hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Printable Version

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Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - COSMIIX - 06-11-2018

Fen cared too much and well, it was nice to have someone care for her in such a way. Her ears perked up and she couldn't help at his sudden roll of the eyes, the jaguaress would then murmur pressing her nose to his neck "Maybe at some point, I could exchange a few dance moves with you but, sadly, I cannot now." Of all days or months he could have chosen her ex-husband had decided to come and injure her, she wanted to dance with her beloved one yet she could not especially since her arm was wrapped into a type of cast and her wing in the same condition. It wasn't like she could have predicted Kaatachi coming to attack her, she should have trusted her gut when she felt nauseous or nervous whenever she was alone but she had thought she had been overreacting. She realized that the two of them had settled on brushing next to one another, she loved it but she wished to express her gratitude and affection for the other in a different manner. Nothing completely intimate, of course, just soft and loving.

She would try to stand up a bit on her hind legs and it looked a bit ridiculous especially with what she had been planning to do, she didn't stand all the way luckily since she was shorter than Fen by a few feet. She would attempt to place a kiss on his cheek and she would sit back down with a smile, she could feel her face heating up a bit but she nudged him playfully afterwards even though the gesture was more affectionate if anything.
© madi

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Morgan - 06-12-2018

Morgan nodded at the descriptions his fellow Tanglers gave. "Dancing... it makes sense to me now. Thank you Barb, and thank you Valo," he mumbled, turning toward Fenrisulfr to hear him speak. "Oh, Fenrisulfr, I'm sure you can dance if you try with me." He gave a nod of good will to Amunet, who still seemed to be recovering from her recent injuries. He hoped that she would continue to get better soon enough, especially since activities like dancing could be too strenuous for her as-is.

The dog focused on the music, bouncing up and down to the beat. He turned first to Vigenere, coming close to him before whispering, "Let's start." He kicked his legs up and down as he shifted from side to side, attempting to move around to the song. Finding himself struggling, he breathed to the rhythm and pulled streams of water from his bracers. The streams of glittery water flowed in circles around the pair in small, simple patterns. More comfortable now that he was moving water, Morgan did his best to replicate its flow as he repeated his steps. He added in a quick hop or two for good measure, finding joy in moving around so naturally.

Not wanting to leave his fellow Regent hanging, the samoyed pivoted to face Fenrisulfr. Two more streams of water joined the rest, arcing back and forth as if they were bouncing off of the first two. The glittering light show was hopefully entertaining enough for Amunet, who the canine wanted to please as well. She deserved something to take her mind off of things, at least.

"Fenrisulfr, Vigenere, follow me!" he commanded, doing his simple shuffling and kicking steps again and again. He bounced around as if he were floating in a pool, hoping his two partners would listen to him or even do their own steps. Morgan's samoyed smile grew as he looked up at the larger beast, his fluffy tail wagging hard as he giggled in delight.