Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Printable Version

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[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s right ear twitched. Though she hated the Coalition for what Stryker and Ninazu had done to the Typhoon, Romulus had proven himself a peaceful leader; however, she doubted that using him as a ‘neutral third party’ would go over well with either the pirate crew or the swamp rednecks. The ocelot worked her jaw side to side as she considered her response.

Then she was distracted by the approach of a family member. She didn’t know Atticus well—he’d never lived in the Typhoon, though he’d visited once or twice—but she recognized him. He lacked the smell of wounds and antiseptic, so she assumed he’d sat out of the violence. Good; she didn’t have it in her heart to hate anyone in the family.

“That would be fine.” Rosemary nodded and adjusted her satchel. Should she use this opportunity to ask about Alexandre? No, the location was far too public—the other Tanglers were certainly able to hear, and it would be bad to try passing a quiet message.

“You must be quite a diplomat, since you once called the Pitt and Tanglewoods home.” Clearly, the ocelot was digging into the past to distract from the current conflict, though she did find it interesting that there had ever been a Roux with that dual allegiance. “What was that like, traveling between and living among two different cultures?”

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - aesior - 02-05-2023

somewhere along the line, coming to these meetings had become a bore, and more recently, an annoying task that the sleep-deprived luminary didn't wish to undertake. it was even more of a challenge for the american lion this time as he walked along, his newest challenge being a change in his depth perception. the luminary's face was decorated by a new and sore looking wound, a scar given to him by none other than the typhoon's juniper, something he was sure her groupmates had congratulated her on, or would after this night. breath misting around his muzzle as he walked into the clearing with his head raised high, veil draped over his muzzle and the garish wound showing in it's own glory.

the luminary was lacking an eye following the exchange on the island that belonged to them, an injury he accepted despite the agony it still caused him. seven had dressed it so many times and they'd done what they could but had only been able to keep the scratch and other injury as clean as they could. tanglewood had already heard his screams of pain, aside from those of their own. they'd learned more or less that it was best not to question what happened when shrieks and screams came from seven's house, his poor shadow reaper. she had so much work to do, and her own issues to face with this recent battle that his heart honestly went out to her.

heavy dark paws left paw prints behind as the lion walked his way into the clearing and towards the tall tree, observing the rising tensions between all groups present as he walked up to the front and smirked when he saw sorbet. where was their fierce tabby captain? stifling the dark laughter that wanted to bubble up, the lion licked his lips and sat down in his spot, "so nice to see you again, sorbet.", he held back the snideness that wanted to erupt from him, curling his tail over his paws. clearing his throat as he fixed josiah with a curious look, ears twitching, "romulus. and i suppose josiah. i doubt that a third or fourth party would be able to easily settle this dispute. it would come as no surprise that territories have suffered from the recent storm, no? tanglewood has decided to leave behind our path under former luminaries, we remain as outcasts of course, but we are no longer allowing ourselves to be bullied and our rightful territory to be stolen away by another group. the typhoon may have the waters, but they do not get land that sits within junction of other territories. tanglewood used to not be an explorative group, we used to stay only in our swamps, we used to let others pick on and harass our members.", he drawled with a glance between jormungand and romulus, remembering that one of their own had been taken prisoner some years ago, and that prisoner was important to the kingpin of the coalition.

exhaling wearily, he looked over the gathered bodies, "tanglewood has taken back the island that is rightfully ours. tanglers have to look out for themselves, after all, and securing that island is part of it. isn't the typhoon's territory large enough, sorbet? tanglewood has suffered quite the territory loss with this storm, and we have moved to secure the assurance that our children, elderly, sick and our warriors will be able to fill their bellies and continue to trade this year. the ships we commissioned from you were made with a majority of our lumber and our own metals.", he spoke as he turned his gaze back to the quartermaster of the typhoon with a grim expression. he knew he was going to get flack for the fact that they had captured one of the typhoon's own but he had been captured trying to commandeer one of tanglewood's ships and dealt with accordingly. he was still in their custody and he supposed he could rub it into sorbet's face but ah ... was he searching for another battle today? "your groupmate, alexandre, was it? xyr are in safe paws under seven's care. when we are assured that you will not invade our island, we will release xem. casualties are the cost of war, and we were prepared to face these things."

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Casphian - 02-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Quatermaster of the Typhoon.
His fur bristled when he noticed the Luminary making an appearance. Late as ever but he wasn’t about to comment on it. Sorbet sneered as Aesior spoke, growing ever more agitated the more that was said. Finally the feline would push himself up onto his paws, stepping away from Loki as he drew closer.

“What right did you have?” He snarled out, lips curled back. “We had already been on the island before your measly group showed up, and then what? You attacked first,” he snapped. “You cry about needing territory then find your own don’t steal it from others!” He lashed out, ears pinned back as his chest heaved with anger.

Normally passive and relaxed orbs were narrowed into slits as Sorbet glared at the lion, fur raised on the back of his neck. But then it was as if something in the Quartermaster snapped. A switch had been flipped. How dare they rub it into his face. HOW DARE THEY. 

His body moved on its own, time seeming to slow down as paws left the ground and the smaller body leapt towards Aesior. He would attempt to land on the other’s face, claws attempting to dig into the fur and skin to grip onto him. If he was successful he would stare deep into Aesior gaze with a snarl. “Don’t you ever say xyr’s name again,” he said quietly.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Casphian - 02-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
The lass didn’t want to be here, she didn’t want to show up and deal with seeing the group she was growing to despise ever so slowly. Most of her fellow groupmates were still licking their wounds and it angered her to see everyone so distraught over the tension of all the fighting. But still Juniper followed after everyone, head lowered as the lioness kept shifting her gaze around to keep an eye on everything.

And as she drew closer that’s when she saw him. The lion she hated the most. The elder lioness stopped in her tracks, head lifting as she glared down Aesior, eyes filled with anger and hatred. Oh how she enjoyed seeing the wound he sported though, as sick and twisted as that was.

He had messed with the wrong group and now he had one angry Juniper hot on his tail. She would continue to chase him for all of eternity. She would make sure the Luminary never say the light of peace again. So Juniper would love to sit towards the back, watching as Sorbet lunged at Aesior, a smile pulling at her lips. Oh how entertaining this was.

//powerplay permission given for teef with Aesior!

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Romulus - 02-05-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
At the clearing of another lion's throat, Romulus' gaze turned away from the crowd and towards Aesior. The kingpin listened to the other's spiel, but had already come to the conclusion of being unable to assist at the mention of being unable to solve any dispute. As the other continued to speak, there was no hope. Usually he found himself with an open mind, but instead, he turned away. He had heard the sparks beginning to kindle a flame in Aesior's words, similarly to when his own father got passionate about helping his own. There would be no crusade today. At least not with the Coalition of the Condemned involved.

Instead, he turned his focus towards the other Coalitioners that had gathered. His narrowed gaze, sharp and concise, pointed out each and every individual among the crowd. With every one spotted, he hoped that they would understand that his firm expression meant 'GO.' Any other stern look towards violent and sporadic individuals meant the same, but added on the addition of a threat of safety if they were to join in on the attack.

As Romulus turned back to the other, he held his tongue. There was no more that he could say to assist, especially if their leader wanted no help and had a desire to spill blood today. Instead, he watched as some Coalitioners began to clear out. The leader would be the last to leave, making sure all his subordinates were safe and sound beforehand.

Before the majority could leave the crater and begin back to the islands they inhabited, the fight had initiated. Starting with Aesior's taunt and Sorbet's reaction, the lion got up from his seat and spread out on all fours. Claws unsheathed from their previous position. He had no intention to fight, nor was he interested in doing so, but as a precaution, the leader's tail was lashing and ears were perked in an attempt to listen for attackers in front of him as he stood on the crater's border. However, he did not account for those behind him.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - JOSIAH F. - 02-05-2023


Josiah was going to explain what his group was doing, though as more and more tension broke out, the Sentinel, and most, if not all, of the Covenant ranks had retreated into the shadows. It was much more fun to listen to the drama anyway. The wolf watched intently as remarks became violent attacks. And he watched as the Coalition began to leave, all except the big man in charge. Romulus. Didn't look much like a fighter.

"Aid our pirate allies." He hushed before breaking out of the shadows behind Romulus, aiming to land on his back and bite into his neck hard enough to draw a decent amount of blood. Around him, Covenant members flooded from the shadows, and he caught the familiar armor of Morana head into the fray. Good job, pretty boy.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Romulus - 02-05-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
From the shadows, Josiah emerged and caught Romulus off guard. Paws wrapped around his sides, weight pushing down onto his body and causing the leader to stagger to the ground. With a thud, pain shot up his ribcage and throughout his spine. Sharp teeth latched onto the back of his nape and traveled downwards, blood starting to pool at the site.

With a roar of pain, the lion attempted to turn to face his attacker. As he flipped over, he was caught off guard. The complete one-eighty from their previous confrontation caused Romulus to stare back at the other with wide eyes. Had his interest not been enough? Was Romulus condescending? He did not know, but it did not matter now. The other had drawn blood. That was the end of it.

With calculated consideration, the lion attempted to push his paws upwards and press outwards to knock Josiah off his body. Claws would try to drag, drawing a significant amount of blood and potentially causing stinging pain.


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

everything happened so quickly. from the friendlies to sorbet abandoning lóki and lunging at aesior, then josiah leaping for her uncle. she blinked, optics swirling with a mixture of emotions, and watched the same emotions streak across loki's expression, mirroring her own. inferno was more experienced and older, and at romulus' look for them to leave now sprinted over to the typhoonian youngster, who was standing frozen in shock.

"oi, you," she snapped, batting lóki's face. the ice cream cat jerked away from her, blinking at the vantas female through wide optics as if not registering anything. inferno slapped her, hard enough to startle her and snap her back into reality from whatever monster she was seeing, ignoring how anyone else would react to her laying a paw on the captain's daughter. "run. get back to your territory, now." the other looked like she wanted to argue but inferno bared her teeth and gestured to the battle around her. "run, lóki!" and watched as the animal hared away in some unknown direction.

after that was sorted, she scanned the clearing for skádi. the long-legged female was spotted moments ago, disappearing into the fray, but then caught inferno's eye. she was moving away from the battle and she breathed a sigh of relief before lingering in place for a moment, gaze returning to romulus and the snarling and spitting josiah, what had caused him to just attack like that? a mad laugh-shriek, the first in ages, burst from her maw, and she was so ready to launch herself at somebody but his gaze flashed in her head and she knew he wouldn't be happy, so she followed skádi in a hurry.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - natasha - 02-06-2023

Natasha’s golden eyes widened as Sorbet attacked the Tanglewoods leader. The Coalition needed to leave, now, and, thankfully, Romulus knew that and gave the cue.

She rubbed her hand over the soft fur of her red cloak and breathed out; she felt so exposed on the ground. Her heartrate didn’t slow, but she calmed enough to keep her wits.

Sounds of a new fight broke out behind her. She turned, lips pulled back to show her sharp teeth. But it was that cocky fighting Romulus.

She turned to flee without hesitating. Romulus didn’t need her help; he was a lion with elemental powers, she was a powerless monkey only good at sewing. If she stopped to help and one of Josiah’s allies got her, she’d be dead meat.

// out
macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion


[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
When Sorbet attacked Aesior, Rosemary’s fur fluffed out. That single brawl sparked further violence. With how many different groups were attending and the scent of blood covering everyone’s group-scent, Rosemary feared this would become a brawl.

She stood up. Glancing at Atticus, she indicated with her eyes for him to follow her. He’d chosen to sit by her—but she’d chosen to sit near the Typhoon—and they both needed to leave.

Rosemary trotted calmly through the fray. Her four eyes drifted over the battlegound in pairs; the ocelot had been a medic long enough to know how to navigate a battlefield: calmly and collected, to avoid triggering an enemy’s chase reflex.

When she got safely to the treeline, that’s when she bolted.

// out
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night