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brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - Printable Version

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Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - Casphian - 07-01-2022

NAME & GENDER: Ube Sorbet Flóki (Goes by Sorbet) || Male or Non-binary
USERNAME: Casphian
PERSONALITY: Sorbet comes off as stuck up and snobbish to most. He hates to get dirty and despises when his coat has even a single strand of fur out of place. Most of the time he avoids social interactions, preferring to leave the being social to his siblings and just chat with those that he already knows. His social battery is honestly always low so he can give off a cold vibe to anyone who doesn't know him which doesn't mix well with the snobbish attitude he seems to have. || I will be working on this more as ideas come to me this is just a general base
APPERANCE: Ube Sorbet is a maine coon breed that is a mix of different dark purples. His coat is long, wavy and thick and takes a lot of work to keep clean and maintained. His build is on the bulkier side because of his breed which he uses to his advantage. Sorbet loves to wear jewelry and most of the time is seen wearing some sort of chain or piercing. || I will be posting an image of him as soon as I have the drawing finished <3
EXTRAS: If accepted I will be throwing him into the Typhoon so he can pester his brother Sherbet <3 He's been wandering the Beyond for a few months now and finally deciding that he wants to stay in the Typhoon.

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 07-01-2022

Accepted :O

/There's now one Sherbet litter slot left <3

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - teef - 07-15-2022

any chance i could reserve the last baby? thinking strawberry milkshake icecream w/ strawberry or ube waffle stick pieces <3


Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 07-15-2022

Of course <3 I eagerly await to see them <333

Re: brain freeze || sherbet sibling adopts + kittens - SHERBET - 09-25-2022

All kids from the litter are a year old as of August 6th, 2022 <3 forgot to do a thing for that