Beasts of Beyond
may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Printable Version

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Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Ares - 06-06-2021

Ares snorted, staring over to her 'uncle' as he lanked over, ignoring everyone as the lazy cheetah spoke. And then she hardened her gaze as he continued to speak. "Mom isn't Pretty-mother. She isn't Elsweyr." Elsweyr was pretty-mother, someone who loved Ares and had loved her even as a monster.

"I'm here because I belong here in the swamp, Elsweyr simply welcomed me in, as did Dad. I didn't know my sister Ana was here when I returned from Palm Glades." She looked away, looking back to Arrow. She stepped over, deciding to stand next to her mother.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - merlin - 06-06-2021

⛥ drop of rum on my tongue with a warning ⛥

"how do we all know it's intel and not double-sided spying? he may have proven himself in the past but it's a new time. new leadership. we all aren't the same as we were. some of us lost things to the people he was with.", she would respond to ximen. "he left under a new leader to come to another new leader. loyalty has to be proven time and time over. just because he did something nice doesn't mean we are ready to roll over and give up our bellies as a prize", she spoke. "we are not at peace with the pitt, have you all forgotten what they have done? we certainly have not. we have not, and we will not. he must prove himself to us now, for we have all proved ourselves in some way to tanglewood. we have made our way in, we have proved ourselves. he was here under different leadership, there's nothing wrong with getting him to prove his loyalty to us again. when you leave, and come back, would you expect to be greeted with open arms when you've lived with an enemy?", she would speak, lifting a paw and licking it, drawing it over her ear.

"the information he brings, can be beneficial, but we have already said we will fight the pitt if they come after us again. we have scores to settle, and his bearing that scent does not make things any easier. what we ask of him is the same we ask of any joiner, new or old, 'prove yourself to us and be accepted or denied', either again or for the first time. bringing intel and coming 'back' does not prove that alone. he needs to show us that there is something more than a running mouth and a quick step to him. we ask of all joiners to swear their loyalty to us. he's back now, yes, but he has to prove that loyalty to the group. we cannot afford for him to run off if something happens. you do not abandon your kin or your group over waivering loyalties.", she would comment, picking at her nails with her teeth. god she regretted getting up to check this all out. she would welcome him if he showed himself - but until then, he was still a desert snake to her, one that might have interacted with the rat she sought to hunt and kill. she didn't know what all had happened between others, or what was going on with xilbaba, or what had happened. she knew she had come back to different leadership, and that was fine. some things had to be accounted for again. "we did not forget things, but we choose to think further than the surface appearance, or how things seem." she would utter finally, sitting beside the cipher siblings with perked ears. a scuffle would be hilarious to her, especially as how things stood with few medically trained beings. well, seems she needed to check her herb store again and make some more tinctures.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]EVERY FEELING IN MY BONES IS TELLING ME TO LASH OUT -。+゚.[/glow]
"'Key intel' that was already known fact." Vigenere stated simply, ears flattening for a brief moment as Ximen stepped over him. "The Pitt being enemies is nothing new. Never has been and never will." The fact that Atbash came here for him was not a surprise, but he had come here on his own free will originally. Coming back from the dead had been a choice, to come here for his sister to make up for abandoning her before. "They had a truce with us, something that was broken, or is this something both Elsweyr and Ximen forget? A truce is an agreement, not neutrality, and The Pitt has shown time and time again that they are not trustworthy." That was about the group specifically however and not Atticus specifically.

"However." Vigenere added, speaking louder now and clearing his throat, as if trying to get the attention back on him. "The final decision is Arrow's and Arrow's alone. I will respect her decision, but -" The demon's gaze went back over to Atticus, pupils going into slits as he stared at the wolf. "- do not expect me to treat you like a true Tangler until you have proven yourself." That was all he had left to say on this matter and he was making his stance clear - if Atticus was going to stay, he had to prove himself to Tanglewood, and until he did, he was in outsider in the demon's eyes. Whether his sister followed that stance or not, he didn't care.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - rhosmari - 06-06-2021

While the woman was indignant she remained calm. But she was also frustrated as her own decisions during her reign were pushed at her as of she did not know what she had done during it. Looking up at her brother she leaned against him as he came forth, just for a little bit of comfort before she sighed softly and shook her head. This was a mess, one that she did not think she could stomach further. What choice would be made would be that, a choice. And one that would have rippling effects like all choices did. Like her own choices had. "No, Vigenere. It was her leadership that the neutrality was established. She called it a true neutrality. She had talked to Gael and instated it before Jormungand decided to be rogue and attack Merlin while he was staying in the Coalition which Gael and the rest also had no knowledge of." She voiced this train of thought evenly, smoke wavering around her form before she then rose to her paws.

With care she waved her way around Ximen's legs to get to Arrow. Carefully touching her nose to her leg before she then moved to look at Atticus. She gave a smile, one that was worried. But she would hold fast to their friendship, regardless. "If...if he has time. Despite whatever happens she would like to speak with him. Maybe in private?" Just not here, guessed she was weak in her stomach after all. With a dip of her head the tribal woman turned to leave the scene.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - arrow - 06-06-2021

While this scene played out, while Arrow felt the numerous presences around her, her attention was forced away once it became far too much, too many voices at once to keep her grounded. A bird flew past, which she found much more interesting than this circle of conversation. It didn’t feel like it was going anywhere, really, and the longer it continued the longer she lost her focus. Which might have not been great, only encouraging it to keep itself up, but that bird was really interesting.

”Ughhhhh all y’all shut up for a second, hold on.” The Luminary groaned loudly, sticking her tongue out. Jesus Christ. ”I don’t like the Pitt. I hate em, actually. They did shit to me I physically never recovered from until death, and caused mayhem for years on end. I would watch them all burn alive and not so much as piss on the fire to put it out. But the idea of a guy crawling away from the desert into the swampland just as I dropped the declaration of war is real fuckin’ entertaining to me. And as I don’t like to be a selfish leader, how’s about this, Atty, since I respect my lady’s opinion as much as any of my fellow ride or dies, I let you in. You be a good boy, behave yourself, and we let your actions speak for themselves. If the rest of my Tanglewood brigade want to keep you around, you’ll be free to roam as you wish within our borders. If not, you best hope you have an escape plan on record.” A cheerful but subtly twitchy smile crossed her features. Man. ”Should I sense that you’re a two-faced snake, then the Pitt is the last thing you’ll need to worry about. But I’m sure you’re gonna be juuuuust fine, yeah? And uh, do mind your manners during your little chat with the mother of my children. Unlike myself, that’s a lady. Everyone disperse.”

With the usual mock-salute, and a sidelong gaze at the departing smoking feline, Arrow turned tail and lazily strolled to god knows where. Junkyard perhaps.

// out unless stopped

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - XANTI - 06-06-2021

Ximen glanced at Ares and nodded. The cheetahcore couldn’t quite tell if the youngester was pissed at him for dragging her into this or simply angry at the situation—teenagers, amiright?—but he supposed that mattered little.

Grimacing to himself, he levitated a cig out of his bag. With a squint and shoulder-touch at his sister, he silently asked her for a quick flame.

“There’s more to intel than just meetings and shit.” He shrugged, took a drag, and exhaled. Fuck arguing in circles; he’d wait for Arrow to show.

And, sure enough, before his cig burned halfway down, the luminary showed up running on swears. Least the arguing ended. And, for all Arrow’s hotheadedness and foul mouth, Ximen thought her a rational leader. A bit more smoke than fire, but hot enough to burn bright.

His golden eyes slid back to Atticus. “Ximen’d like to pick Atticus’s brain. Perhaps over a meal. Perhaps in between blows in a sparring match.” The cig flicked, as though tapped by an invisible finger, and the ash dropped between his paws.

Stifling a yawn, he stood up and stretched. Big. Teeth. Energy.

Re: may i stand unshaken amidst a crashing world }} rejoining + warning - Atticus Roux - 06-07-2021

Blah, blah, blah. Bickering continued. Atticus merely stared at the crowd, slowly beginning to lose interest in their arguments as they went in circles. He was thankful for those that supported his efforts though, along with the neutrals, but he couldn't help growing annoyed either. Did everyone have to put their thoughts in? Couldn't he explain himself? Even when he did, the entire point just flew over their heads or the question wasn't answered, leaving the canine to sigh under his breath. Good god. It was as if he wasn't dual-aligned or betraying The Pitt for a reason. As a member of Tanglewood, now trying to return to full-member status, it was as if the intel he could provide didn't matter. If they wanted to die, so be it, but he wouldn't stand for the ruckus. He helped prevent a war during Aurum's time and he would do it again.

Before he could even tell the rest to shut the fuck up, Arrow already intervened. A golden gaze settled on the luminary. The usual warnings, but he was true to his purpose. There was nothing to worried about. "Understood," he responded firmly. For a moment, his eyes swiveled towards Elsweyr. Alabaster canines peeked out from underneath his maw, offering a grin as she departed. It appeared the two were now together. Good for them.

Ximen's words caused his attention to shift. He was slightly taken aback, but was pleased overall by the male's offer. "We can do that later," Atticus murmured. There was a few other things he had to attend to first.