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BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Printable Version

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Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 02-23-2022


Original codes by Orion, edited.

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-20-2022


Original codes by Orion, edited.

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Windowmemer - 04-08-2022

character break !

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Valerie Lingré - 04-08-2022

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 260px; width: 180px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px white; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: #751234; margin-top: -16px;"]??????? ??????
full name. valerie lingré
nicknames. val

sex. heterosexual
gender. female

physical age. one year and six months
mental age. two years
spiritual age. two years

group. the frostguard
rank. range
titles. n / a

species. hellhound
appearance. standing quite large, valerie is noticeable in family portraits. large-paws but slender limbs with a thick build she has really dark fur, almost inkjet black. bright orange optics shine, flecks of light green scattered throughout. the sclera are completely white. she has lighter stripes on her body and a very pale underbelly. nose a soft ashy grey twitches ever so slightly like she's trembling. her fangs are quite large but only slightly jut out from her jaws. tail quite long it's ridged with scales, forming spikes at the end. it does some heavyset damage and she can lengthen the spikes at will.
her appearance might be off-putting for people, because she likes to decorate herself with flowers and skulls and antlers. she likes wearing skull crowns over hear head and likes bone necklaces and fangs.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. multiple scars around her flank. a deep one going almost completely around her muzzle, and criss-crosses down her throat.

discovered powers. n / a
mastered powers. n / a
future powers. n / a

deep inside.
personality type. infj - a
positive traits. trait. trait. trait.
neutral traits. trait. trait. trait.
negative traits. trait. trait. trait.
personality description.
valerie is good at focusing on one thing at a time, and always does things to the end before starting something else. if it gets interrupted she will try her best to go back again and complete it. it's not that she has a structure for what she does every day, but she's good at keeping things on time.
she's very approachable at parties though but she doesn't talk much. has a very bright outlook on life and is very confident in her decisions and plans so she knows that things are going to work, doesn't want to change it. she likes all things artsy, emphasises with people really well. has great care of her emotions and is very in-tune with reality. she doesn't mind being around others but also likes having some me time. she likes playing in the sun and relaxing there, and often she can be found with a small book, drawing weird patterns and writing poems. she prefers to communicate through poetry and art and have people interpret it instead, and gets frustrated when they don't. very artsy. thinks with her head and not her heart. loves communicating with people who are very different and have good stories to tell. not just small talk, but deep, meaningful conversations about everything will bring out a spark of joy in her. she loves gifts like flowers and butterflies and small bones.

mental disorders. none
emotional disorders. none
quirks. her obsession with skulls and flowers

goals/dreams. to live her life peacefully and fully
fears. that there will be nothing after death

history. answer.

generation. second
parents. jeridisire
siblings. half-sibling to bai shi

romantic orientation. interested in the opposite gender
sexual orientation. interested in the opposite gender
crushes. none, open for plotting
love interests. none, open for plotting

romantic partner. none, open for plotting
children. none, open for plotting
best friend. none, open for plotting
mentor. none, open for plotting
apprentice. none, open for plotting
enemies. none, open for plotting

Gasoline by Halsey
Don't Wanna Be Famous by Despotem ft. Faithroze

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 05-16-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴜᴘ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ɴᴏᴡ ɢʀᴀʙ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡʀɪꜱᴛ | ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ | ʙɪᴏ


gently move your shoulders, lessen the aches and pains and memories.
...arvid, was it not? he was the one who took your life - although unknowingly.
what could you do, however? always hovering at the borders of right and wrong, never considering the consequences.
black, darkness all around you. small stars, too far away to reach but burning your skin.
your porcelain-like skin, all wounds gone and leaving silvery, glowing patterns in their wake. you are in a state of half-conscious, are you not? slowly moving, barely aware of your surroundings. you have no idea the trouble you have caused, what the outside world thinks of you, do you?
no, you do not.
do you remember the night where you were staring them down? your fingertips were reaching out to save her. yet the arrow still grazed your joints and you failed. it did not work. you failed. the ice melted, crumbled beneath your feet and you fell.
time to drag you out of your nightmare, darling.
return to reality, would you like?
no, you should stay sleeping a little while longer, okay?
just, a little while longer.
think, what did you do?
think when you sleep.
you are safe, it is okay.
you will live
i will make sure of it
you failed.


Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 05-19-2022

????? ??? ??? ?? it's not fun being lord of a dead planet ── ???'? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??

how pleasant, this feeling
????'? ??? ???????????

dead. you feel dead inside, don't you?
he's gone, she's gone. the rest of them, too. leaving you alone, on this dead, lonely, cold world. you need to be doing something, don't you? you have a deadline tomorrow, don't you? she's coming tomorrow, isn't she?
don't you look forward to meeting her?
isn't she the only thing to look forward to?
do you not feel the passion?
the aggression?
do you not crave her presence, constantly?

i'm sorry
???? ???? ??? ?? ????

did you not say once, that she was the only spark? the only thing that lights up this world?
yes, i recall you saying that.
who knows how she manages to get here.
even you can barely breathe here.
everything is dead, you are alone.
do you not wish to hear the larks sing, just once more?
or witness the supernova again?

touch my neck
??? ??? ????????? ????????? ???? ???

where did they go?
why did they go?


you want me to stop?
to stop plaguing your thoughts, your memories?
i am merely speaking your thoughts out loud, and you know it.
you cannot silence me, i am the ashes, the volcano, the hurricane, the destructive force that lingers inside of you and you know that it is true. i am all around you, the only semi-living sentient around you. you cannot silence me.
why bother trying when we both know i do not exist?
i am merely a meek figment of your imagination.

the ashes fall slowly
????? ?? ?? ???????, ?????

do not tell me what to do.
i have always been there, been around you. since they left, since he picked up another child.
i shouldn't talk about your father like that?
he is merely confused, just like you.
but now you have her, do you not?

i'll touch yours
???? ??? ???? ?? ????

soon you will not have her anymore.
do you not remember what happened?
do you not remember what will happen?
you know exactly what happens.
we have gone through this many a time, darling.

how it feels to rest on your patient lips
"???? ??!"

what happened? do you even know?
i am not mocking you.
you are a god, this is your world, and yours alone.
i cannot rule it for you, i am just the voice that whispers in your mind. your consciousness, i suppose.
call me what you want, a leech a parasite a monster a demon a ghost a shadow.
i accept all of it. a leech? of your thoughts. a parasite? eating you from the inside out. a monster? urging and yearning for destruction, like you. a demon? destroying for my and your pleasure.  a ghost? haunting your dreams, giving you your nightmares. a shadow? plaguing your thoughts.
whatever you call me, i can match.

??? ?? ?? ?????

passion, no?
oh look, she is here.
embrace her, go on.
do you feel how warm she is? does she feel how cold you are?
makes me wonder why she keeps returning to you.
what does she see in you?
surely not the stars in your world.
surely not the softness in your breath.
surely not the death in your gaze.
what does she see in a god of a dead world?

to eternal bliss
???? ????, ??????

what is there to see?
oh look, she is leaving.
always here for so short.
her white pelt, white tail, brushing over your nose.
do you remember her?
do you remember being young?

??? ??? ?????? ?? ????????

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - SERAPHIC VIOTTO - 05-19-2022

in the house of the dying sun

the sun ✹

the moon ☾

˗ˏˋ they have all died ´ˎ˗

what will you do? how hard will you cry? how hard have you cried?
face it, viotto. you lost them all. you could not save them. everything you do is wrong.

be careful, darling.

watch what you say, you do not make the rules, no, not here. here you follow, meekly. but not you. you do not follow, do you? so they suspect you.

you are lost.
lost to your willpower.

remember when you screamed? when you heart broke, hardened as you watched him fall? saw his body?

do you remember that?

remember how dark your world became?

you lost them, you lose.
it is not your fault, though. believe that. the universe has its strange, strange ways, does it not?

but hey, darling, do respond, but be wary. they could do anything you can not control.

"the blood" ✦ all of them have died. when is rebirth? ✦ "runs down your face"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 10-11-2022

  ◦━ asmodeus di angelo
  ◦━ future names // past names
  ◦━ as + aliases or titles

  ◦━ 2 years physically // 3 years mentally
  ◦━ male // male // he / him
  ◦━ heterosexual // romantic attraction ofp
  ◦━ 1/2 of shipname
  ◦━ pitt + pittian // possibility to betray

  ◦━ voiceclaim - zach seabaugh
  ◦━ faceclaim - amerigo valenti
  ◦━ birthed in the coalition of the condemned , travelled back to the pitt when he was a few months old with his father jormungand
  ◦━ nothing else to note as of yet

  ENTJ-A [the commander]
  jungian, villain, archetypes. [the JESTER] [the NEMESIS]
  ◦━ traits - soldier, tough worker, will bend rules sometimes, the perfect gentleman, harsh enforcer

  does the character have any specific dreams or goals in life? do any dreams come true/have come true? what are their ambitions in life?

  ◦━ aphra cipher (distant) deceased & jormungand di angelo (close) alive
  ◦━ younger siblings
      ◦━ hydrostatic + male + deceased
      ◦━ angelembrace + male + deceased

  ◦━ current partners - none (type of bond e.g; lovers, platonic )
  ◦━ crushes - tbd (group)
      ◦━ name + gender
      ◦━ name + gender
      ◦━ name + gender

  ◦━ species - panthera
  ◦━ breed - panthera pardus
  ◦━ pelt color + length - his fur is thick, but fans out during the summer to make sure he doesn't burn to death. it is quite short on the rest of the body and is longer and really tough to pierce through around the neck and scruff area. the color throughout the top of his body is a very dark chestnut brown, turning black at the tips and forming a black necklace around his neck. his underbelly gets lighter, almost to an oaky brown, and his legs gradient until the color becomes white at his paws. his muzzle is also oaky, with dark chestnut splatters running up the length of his cheekbones.
  ◦━ eye color - his right eye is icy-blue, with almost liquid silver running in it. His left eye is a complete bright gold
  ◦━ accessories - answer
  ◦━ scars - answer
  ◦━ tattoos or marks - a ring of pale white around the eyes like white eyeliner. small golden spots on his fur that makes it look like he's shimmering in the sun

  ◦━ powers - answer (proficiency)
  ◦━ bodies - answer [ref]
  ◦━ health of bodies - 100% health (body)
template credit @ teef

Re: BUCKINGHAM PALACE IS MINE // Window's storage & thoughts - Valerie Lingré - 01-09-2023

an alias, a whisper. quiet quiet quiet quiet. no noise should be made, remember? remember what jeridisire had said? remember how they had told you to shut the hell up and just observe? how they had all told you, those soulless eyes, to just watch and observe and not speak not make a noise don't say anything? remember? remember how they dragged your limp body to the altar and pressed you against the stone and made you bleed and bleed and bleed and then they feed and feed and feed?

nono this wasn't real, they assured you as your lifeblood drained from your body and all over the floor and in their mouths and their eyes glowing red stared back at you with smiles and laughters and promises of warmth and happiness and everything better. you smiled back at them and said it was okay and they kept taking taking taking and taking until you were completely empty and dry and you had nothing left to offer. the skulls danced, they laughed and they shone and they glowed and showed you perfect happy visions of everything you did not have.

more skulls more flowers more antlers jabbing into your spine your neck your face your lips your paws your mouth your body your everything until they were stringing you along in a happy little dance and song and bringing you through the waterfall to wash all your sins away.
