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MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - T. ROUX - 12-03-2020

They were still fighting but that didn't matter to the draconid beast as he loomed over Aine with his molten eyes fixated onto her, everything buzzed and went silent as the brute tried to grasp for words. He opened his jaws momentarily only to close them once more watching from the corner of his eye realizing that more of them began to fight against Ninazu yet he didn't care. The beast was supposed to protect and guard them like a silent sentry but here he was standing in front of the small vixen before him. She had been preparing another attack until she glanced up to see him and acknowledge him, plumes of smoke leaving his nostrils as a soft growl left his jaws. The small vixen began to say something but he couldn't quite hear her well, he figured that he might as well lower himself just as he had done before when Stryker had promised him that all the pain would stop. Once he lowered himself down to the ground despite the fact that he had just became a vulnerable and easier target to attack, the draconid beast didn't seem to care as his chin touched the ground with a huff leaving him. He would listen closely to text and catch what she had said. The pain in his chest subsiding and all he could hear was a loud thump thump within that chasm of his, heart barely murmuring.


His eyes squinted for a moment before they widened slowly, it was a name but whose name was it? Was it his own? He was unsure but it brought him closer until his heavily scaled cheek touched the earth, he then realized that she was crying and the pain returned in his chest. A frown on his maw as he reached out with a large talon in an attempt to wipe away the tears that were leaving her eyes. He was thoroughly puzzled by these feelings then that vulpine he had looked at when they first arrived spoke another name. Trygve. He moved away his talon and lifted his head, he stood once more on all his legs. The ache in his chest growing worse as he looked away from the small vixen that was in front of him. Why was he hurting so much? Stryker promised he wouldn't feel the pain anymore. His talons dug into the ground. Stryker. The beasts lips peeled back as a loud growl was drawn from his throat and his own form of "tears" began to pour from his own eyes, the lava dripping on the ground away from Aine. Trygve... His head hissed.

His movements were hesitant but the words that lingered on his tongue demanded to be said, the lava flow calmed down once more as he parted his jaws to speak as he looked at the small vixen that was in front of him. His voice gruff, dry almost as he spoke these three words "JE T'AIME, AINE..." Trygve closed his jaws and offered the best smile he could as a monstrous dragon, he had an identity now and he could clearly recall the Pittian that he had met that fateful day and fallen in love with.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - trojan g. - 12-04-2020

Sweeney had never been fans of the meetings that happened once a month in the middle of the uncharted territories. She had found them useless, and they gave away too much information to the other groups that were there. Just by looking at someone you could tell if they had been eating well, by talking you could tell if they were in their right mind, and by watching those who followed from the same group chatter away, you could tell if they followed their leader, or simply wished they would die already. She didn't like to give that information away to anyone. So why am I here? Her mind struggled with the thoughts of chaos, of revenge. The words spoken to her only the day prior echoing in her mind. Achieve what your father didn't.

It hadn't taken her long to figure out what that had meant, and it had taken even less time for the kitsune to begin to follow the white lion. Eyes narrowed, the vixen would look over the meeting that was happening from above, watching things unfold for a moment, watching as everyone fought. For now, she would fly and watch, waiting for the forces to pull her down to do something.


Charlie arrives late, though that is because he hadn't ever been to a meeting before as Stryker hadn't permitted it. That said, he and Bill had managed to remain completely closed off from the events with the other groups to the point that they weren't even entirely sure what was going on.

The moment they stepped into the meeting, however, that changed. The sight of what he assumed was the other group's leaders all tied up was a shock, as was the fight currently going on. Stryker and Ninazu had been attacked and Ninazu had attacked back, and their giant guard dragon wasn't doing much to help them; Charlie, admittedly, felt more inclined to turn around and go back home than to join in. He had managed to stay out of it thus far and he would like to keep it that way, however he was here now and he was sure to be noticed, especially as Bill took off into the air, wings flapping and a loud roar falling from his maw as he ascended. Pity he couldn't breathe fire.

- - - -

Barei arrived shortly after Charlie and Bill, his single optic peeled as he surveyed the fight. He wasn't going to go plunging himself into it, like Charlie he was happier off to the sidelines and uninvolved; but should anyone attack him he would most certainly fight back. He might be old, but he had several years of fighting experience as shown by the multitude of scars across his frame, and he was not afraid of death; in fact, he welcomed it.

Still, his pride would not permit him to go without leaving his opponent a mangled mess, too.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Atticus Roux - 12-04-2020

A rabid hiss left the feline's throat as he approached. Golden eyes locked in on the leader at the front, subtly watching as the leaders behind him struggled in the entangled roots. Atticus' dead gaze peered into the audience as he sauntered to the front. Familiar faces lined the crowd. Pittians and pirates alike, they all held no way over him anymore. His dedication lied in one place now... with Stryker. While it was unwilling hypnotization, the man had no way of knowing of the downsides just yet, as his conscious had been repressed and the feral beast within had taken control. Needless to say, Atticus was gone. All was left was a hallow shell of what once was.

As he settled near the front, his hues momentarily diverted to the sky. Sweeney was placed strategically in the sky and peered from above with a looming glare. Atticus' mind faltered into thought, the control inside him eventually suppressing his desire. His teeth grinded together. Frustrated, he snapped his head back towards the lion and sat silent.


Despite her injuries, Roxanne had come regardless, she was determined to end Stryker's reign and her eyes locked onto Gael, Ardent of the Pitt who had yet to fall to the lion yet her eyes shifted away noticing the draconic beast that oozed with lava. Her heart stopped. She recognized those horns and those scales that had been left behind on Haven Island, she bit down on her lip realizing that it was her son yet he didn't seem to be himself entirely. Roxanne almost tempted to approach her child but she couldn't, no, she had to speak to Gael. Roxie took a deep breath as she shook her head and continued to move forward with her tail lashing to the sides, she had a mission and she was going to carry it out.

Her eyes locked onto the vulpine as she said in a hushed voice "Gael." Hopefully, that was enough to get his attention as she drew near making sure there was space between the two of them. Roxanne continued to speak in a soft voice as she watched what was unfolding from the corner of her eye "I have a proposition... This will benefit the both of us but I'd possibly consider a truce between the Pitt and the Typhoon. Together and with the help of the other groups if they're cooperative... We can take down that son of a bitch that sits where he does not belong," Her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits though she would be attentive and alert, if anyone tried to attack her then she would be ready.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - rhosmari - 12-04-2020

Shit, he had just come along to fuck around a little bit. Get the dets on all of the strange groups that he was encountering. Gael was a nice guy he guessed but the Pitt wasn't really his home. He was just there because that was where Blue decided to drop herself. He knew what was happening though and he was just there staring, eyes of black wide as the three pupils he had in each the also widened. This was simply madness and he couldn't say that he was on their side when it came to attacking this guy. "They're all mad. Fucking ridiculous. He has those leaders tied up like this, at his mercy, and they are gonna risk their lives by attacking him." There was no concern. He was just flabbergasted at the idiocy, he could off one of them right here and now and it wouldn't be anyone else's fault but the attackers that were riling the situation up and making it worse. Man, he knew he should have just skipped the group part and he stepped back more. The direwolf wished Blue was here more than ever now all things considered. She was a firm force that he could at least depend on when he needed it. And he lifted his head to bellow a throat broadcast call to see if she was nearby, she sometimes trailed after him.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - rhosmari - 12-04-2020

The wicked lioness was already on guard for some type of attack. Why wouldn't she be after someone tried to grab at her father with vines. The ice still stuck in the ground in a barring like structure to give Stryker time to do what he needed to do and her eyes snapped to Aurum, sending his sudden jump forward before he was instantly gone. She didn't have teleportation and frankly had never really encountered the lower before. All her fur along her spine rose as she felt the presence of someone behind her and her head turned,  neck curving slightly in an attempt to see but jaws caught on the side of her neck and she hissed with volatile movements as she was lifted from the ground. The pain of bubbling flesh from those teeth hit her but all she felt was anger and hatred. "Let go of me!" This was her family and her life. She had no other way of seeing it and she would die for them. They were all she had and her body thrashed and kicked, blood seeping down her fur. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the crowd of people, shivering and shaking at their might and strength.

But this display, this moment. He's making a mockery of you. In front of everyone, in front of your mother, your father, your brother. Her thoughts spiral and water came forth from the ice she had previously used. Like a torrent as the blood that came from her body crystalized and turned into needle like structures that aimed to stab into [member=6881]aurum.[/member] mouth and tongue to cause severe bleeding and pain. Her water wrapped around her body at the same moment fire ignited and steam billowed in the air, bursting like a fog around them. The heat was intense and it would sear her flesh and fur but she would fight till her last breath, twisting herself in his jaws to try and score her claws across the side of his face.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - kinglykingstone - 12-04-2020

Unfocused was the two-headed feline, ears picking up the sound of approaching paw steps but not processing it. It wasn't until the scent of Elysium reached them that Alani whipped his head upwards, green eyes landing on Loey. His heart shattered at the poor sight that greeted them. A pained whine left the feline as he squirmed before falling limp with a sigh.

He would slowly lift his head and, if he was able to meet Loey's eyes mouth 'I'm sorry' before dropping his head again. Most likely nobody was near enough to see it but, tears streamed down his muzzle as he shoved it against Hani's head. Hani was still, his parts motionless as he sat there numb. The rest of the fighting was blocked out as the Astral Seraphs grew lost in their own minds. Would anyone actually care about them? Probably not. Loey, most likely. Rumor if she was here, but he hoped she wasn't. He hoped she was far away, safe. Tena? No, she wouldn't give a fuck most likely, she had never seemed to approve of him. Was there anyone else who'd even possibly care? Probably not. An end that was fitting. Uncared for and alone in the end, just like he'd always been told.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - wormwood. - 12-06-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Genuine joy spread through Aurum's chest for the first time in a while as soon as his attack connected. Fangs clamped down onto vulnerable flesh, digging down into muscle and making it bubble and sear as his flames rushed forward. His wings were strong behind him as he lifted into the ground, feeling Sojourn struggling and lashing out as he went up, up, up. He could feel Sojourn's attack dig into his mouth, but it was barely anything new. Even as blood seeped forth, he found that the pain was muted, hidden underneath the rush of his fire. Edited out by staff for powerplay.

Aurum figured he might as well wait to see what was going to happen next. He could see Roxie talking very softly with Gael, and figured that something was going on there – much as he loathed the thought of making a deal with The Pitt. So, he decided to stand down for the moment... relatively. He flew down towards the ground, making sure that he was aimed in the direction of a Coalition scent. Eventually he came to land near Barei, the lion's large body settling into the crowd once again as he snorted. He reached over and tried to pin Barei ([member=16342]CHARLIE W.[/member]) down against the earth with a paw. If successful, he would hold the other down into the dirt with his full weight, gaze on Stryker and the rest of the proceedings. For now the angel was still, but Barei's fate laid fully in what happened next within the meeting. Regardless of how small the male was, Aurum was simply aching to end the life of one of these Coalition members. Every single one of them deserved to die, if they willingly followed Stryker. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [DECEMBER 2020] - Stryker - 12-08-2020

[TW: gore]

The jolt from behind stung at his backside, causing his head to whip around towards Goldenluxury with a vicious snarl. Pain from the now-peeling skin crawled up through his spine within seconds. Alabaster teeth gritted together in frustration. A forced cackle left him. "Take all the shots you'd like, Goldie Locks," he spat. Slitted eyes narrowed, attempting to lock with hers as a smirk curled upon his maw. "Because you won't have much time left." The lion offered a mocking flick of his tongue, only to turn back towards those before him and admire their bickering.

As Aurum shouted desperately at Gael, his smile only widened. The Pitt... being cowardly? How strange. If this was one of Stryker's courageous reigns, he would have swooped in by now and attempted his own pursuit of power. Instead, Gael sat there. What a self-serving cunt. For once, the Kingpin had to agree with the other maned lion, despite their many quarrels. Aurum, if he kept shouting, would only cause The Pitt to feel more comfortable with the Coalition of the Condemned. After all, more power to them. Instead of commenting, the other big cat just watched with amusement.

Another defiant yell from the crowd. A proclamation from a small feline. One of The Pittians, actually. Ironic that Kian stood up, rather than their own leader taking action. Before he responded, the lion used his elementals to raise a wall of stone in front of him, essentially shattering the ice that headed towards his chest. The rock crumbled before his paws afterwards. "You don't have to tell me that, kitty," the lion responded. A sneer lined his face. "I know how you're damn group works. I led them twice."

The ground below him rumbled, both due to Aine's attack and his own willingness to let it continue as he found the culprit. His gaze surveyed the audience, noticing the attentive fox. Green hues narrowed down onto her. As the vines began to entangle at his back legs, the stone beneath his paws began to shake violently. Moments later, spikes shot upwards towards the vines and cleanly cut them in half. The vines sloughed off his legs easily. Offering a cocky brow raise, the Kingpin moved along.

Slitted eyes with a mischievous glint shining within them moved back onto the audience. "Anyone else?" he tauntingly offered. As he awaited an answer, his gaze traced those who showed up. A suitable amount had arrived. With no answer just yet, the lion decided it was time. Thus, the show began.

The roots entangling let Vigenere loose, releasing him from his makeshift prison. The feline wheezed, finally able to breathe freely, but he wouldn't go without a fight. The time to act was now. Tanglewood's Luminary stumbled forward, darting towards Stryker without hesitance. Unsheathed claws attempted to reach out towards the lion, only to freeze before he jolted upwards. The stone below wrapped around his paws. Hues widened in concern. He writhed in his spot, trying to break free from the earth's hold, but there was no luck. A ragged growl echoed from the back of his throat.

Stryker merely peered backwards with a wicked smile full of crooked teeth shining in Vigenere's face. "What?" he rasped. No response came. Only a stuttered mess left the golden cat. "Did you expect to leave scot-free, Cipher?" A maniacal laugh left him as he stood face to face with the feline. His paw drifted close to the feline's chin. A rough paw pad pressed on the luminary's chin, raising his head up to look up towards Stryker's gaze. His stare locked with Vigenere's fearful one. The leader trembled within his grip. "You won’t win this," came his hiss. "You have a dangerous ally on your side. Don’t expect loyalty from someone who won’t give you honesty." The paw around his chin tighted around his cheeks, squishing them up and hushing the feline effectively. A disapproving ticking left the Kingpin.

The roots of his former entanglement lingered behind Vigenere. Stryker offered a final smirk, only to let loose. Wooden spears shot through Vingenere's back, one impaling straight through his heart. Blood splattered across the albino lion's face in an instant, causing him to stifle a laugh as he continued on. The impaling roots lifted upwards, exposing the luminary's bleeding underside with crimson liquid beginning to gush on the floor below. Vigenere's head hung loosely with dead eyes staring down at the audience in shock. His jaw unhinged, almost as to let out a final screech, with his tongue splaying outwards into the still air.

As blood continued to pour, the lion's attention shifted towards the three leaders left before him. Hani, Alani, and Goldenluxury were left on his agenda, but who would meet their fate next? Determining the answer, the lion turned back towards the audience with a smile.

"Shall we continue?"

//permission to powerplay from Mysteriously Maple Wink