Beasts of Beyond
Gift Swap! Names Rolled! - Printable Version

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Re: Gift Swap! Names Rolled! - axiom - 01-15-2021

My gift recep was [member=296]Wag[/member] , basically is me throwing my doodles of Diego at them, with some commissioned art and a pinterest board for Diego. artsssss

Re: Gift Swap! Names Rolled! - teef - 01-15-2021

my gift recipient was [member=207]axiom[/member] !! I hope you enjoy my art of Ninazu ^^ she was fun to draw! <3

[Image: Untitled111_20210115010432.png]

Re: Gift Swap! Names Rolled! - Orion - 01-15-2021

I got Athenii as my randomly rolled name and I’ll be sending them 200k gems for them to spend on powers/art as they please!