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Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - Printable Version

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Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2018

(Sorry! Finals are now over!)
Killua had taken his sweet time before making his way over toward the meeting. He didn't get the rank he had because he wanted it. When it came to the clans, he was used to having the ranks simply given to him. The assassin didn't really care in that regard if he were to lose his rank, as it was just a means to having to manipulate others. The last thing he needed to worry about right now was of course politics. He had the night terror that he had been given, seriously injurying himself as well, to figure out what his next move would end up being. Killua knew that he probably didn't belong in the ranks like everyone else because he did little work. So why did they allow him to keep his rank? Was it because of the fact that he was strong and that they probably needed him? Maybe. If they wanted that they probably would have told him that to his face, but he wasn't about to complain as long as they didn't ride him on his job that he was uspposed to be doing. There were seperate ranks for events for a reason. If there was going to be a battle, Killua would be more than welcome to get involved, although probably not with his current condition. With the injury that he had given to himself on his right arm, one would think that he would be walking with a severe limp thanks to the damage done to the muscle surrounding his bone. Which he should be, but he was forcing himself to walk normally to make it seem like everything was okay. This ended up with Killua originally replacing his bandages constantly because the wound would start to split open more at the sudden angle. Annoying, but he didn't feel enough pain to really be worried about it. The young male blinked his sapphire blue eyes when he heard yelling coming from the cave that they were meeting in. Yelling was probably more than what Killua should really consider it to be, but it was both Jacob and the avian that were talking to one another although it was obviously one sided. Killua didn't care of course what was going on as it didn't deal with him or London. Catching the clouded leopards scent offered him a little bit of reprieve from his thoughts, but it didn't last very long as he silently made his way toward the rest of the group. And of course it turned to politics and the events that they were going to be doing with their allies. Killua kept a stoic look on his face as he made his way over toward London, sitting down near her, offering Mel a nod of his head as he didn't really feel like speaking while Jacob was speaking. He was also incredibly tired and just wanted to rest his eyes. However, there seemed to be slightly more distance placed between him and London. He hadn't managed to shake the night terror of where he killed her. Bandages wrapped tightly around his right arm and his throat, although the supplies blended in with his skin. Except for his right arm where blood seemed to be seeping through the bandage. A fake yawn slipped passed his jaws as he tapped his paw again. "Ascendants. I said the Ascendants would be good allies because they're basically like us. But have like a cool telescope compared to us." The former deputy would say with a neutral expression. If the other wanted to deal with the ascendants that was fine, but he would not be tasked with the Typhoon. If Jacob thought that he would be the better person in that regard, he was asking for alright. Killua talked in somewhat of a bored tone when he did speak, but didn't say anything else. His mind seemed to be somewhere else.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - london r. - 05-11-2018

The meeting soon got started, much to the girl's relief, and as Jacob spoke she realized how silly it was of her to have gotten nervous. Though she really had no idea what to expect, she should have suspected it would be something like this. It was kind of an event brainstorming session, something that seemed rather suiting for Jacob to ask for, seeing as the Chief had previously created a branch of positions based on the principles of being welcoming, such as planning events. A branch of positions she had chosen to join no less. So she should probably offer something, something that could be a way to bond or learn more about others to help everyone get integrated more. Though first it might be wise to listen to the ideas the others were already inquiring about, it would be quite embarrassing if anything was repeated, and this way she might be able to better figure out what idea she could present.

The voice of Killua caught her attention as her friend came over to sit by her, and a smile would once again plaster itself upon the girl's features. His suggestion was an interesting one, and it made London want to come up with an event that other clans could be invited to without things getting too crowded. "How about maybe a talent show? I'm sure a lot of people here have some impressive skills to demonstrate. We could even invite places like the Typhoon and the Ascendants." the clouded leopard offered, rather pleased with her input. It would be a challenging events to organize, There would need to be a sign ups for it, definitely, and she would also need to find an area that would be suited for all acts, somewhere elevated, so that the audience would be able to enjoy the acts to their fullest potential. Though London was certain she would be able to figure it out.