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Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Printable Version

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Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - beck. - 05-31-2018

    When Beck suggested cleaning up some of the swamp's water in the first place, he figured Morgan would understand it as finding a particularly murky pond, and just filtering out the toxins and trash so that it was drinkable. The commander assumed it wouldn't be permanent; the radiation and sludge would just trickle back in and corrupt the swamp all over again, an infection that could never be truly healed. But it was something, even if it was only a temporary band-aid over a diseased gash. Yet the idea of water-filtering somehow translated into an alligator massacre. The danger of the ancient reptiles was one he had known when he took up haunting in the swamp at least a few years before he dragged a bunch of misfits into a group with him. It was an easy lesson to learn: the healthy wildlife wouldn't harm you if you never bothered them. A mutual agreement across species to co-exist in a fragile balance. If an animal happened to be unfit for survival and snatched up as a meal, it was their own fault, not the predator's. It was his skewed philosophy that they were sharing the land with the creatures already present, and the native wildlife deserved to be respected.

    But beyond his tree-hugging ramblings, the sounds of distant commotion and bubbling stirred a confused pang through his being, rearing from his lazy slump between a tree's trunk and its branch. Ears twitched about on his head, two triangular satellites searching for the source of his disturbance. Having missed the samoyed's call for assistance, Beck was left to slip down from his perch and stalk in the direction of the gurgling water. He couldn't imagine what was going on that could cause so much ruckus. Was there a fight? Aw, he was missing out on it then. His limping pace quickened, eager to arrive fashionably late and save the day again by shedding trespasser blood.

    The sight he was greeted with was not what he had been expecting. The poltergeist stood in shock on the fringes of the patrol for a moment or two, jaw dropping slightly in a melting pot of emotions. "What d'ya think you're doin'?" Beck finally shrieked out above the noise, his voice fractured and close to wailing. It was difficult not to notice his frantic glancing back and forth between the looming water under the control of Morgan and the steam, stubby tail beginning to tuck as he fought the urge to cower. "Don't kill 'em -- they didn't do anythin'!" Their commander sounded like a child tugging at its parents clothes, pleading with them to stop, as if he had forgotten his own hands were stained with the mixed blood of innocents. He wanted to debate with them, tell them that the alligators didn't deserve to die for living in their own home, but all that could come out was a shrill jumble of words. "They -- they ain't done nothin' but mind their own business, ya can't kill 'em, ya can't --" His stammering trailed away into incoherent mumbling as his voice gave out from yelling, fumbling for words he couldn't produce with anything more than a hoarse squeak. He didn't know why it affected him so badly, his matted flanks faintly heaving with the struggle to force air he didn't need into lungs that didn't work.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-31-2018

Ivan raised up, Wars flicking back and looking at Beck. He knew it! They should have asked Beck! Ivan released a small whine at the revelation, upset that they had upset Beck and looked at Morgan.
Zimavich reacted on instinct, knowing Beck wanted to stop, and re-aiming on Morgan.
He charged, and aimed to headbutt Morgan into the boiling water.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Morgan - 05-31-2018

Morgan stopped holding the steam in place once it heard Beck's voice, turning to him to listen to his piece. "Hunting and cleaning," it replied, innocent in its intent. Indeed, those who were unfit for survival ended up as prey as per the rules of nature. However, alligators were no exception - least of all for a creature only part-sentient like Morgan. In any case, if the gators were not killed conventionally, they were dead from being boiled alive. Several carcasses littered the shores, where the bottleneck point faded as the ice melted.

Beyond his orders to stop, the rest of the spirit's rambling was lost on the samoyed. It did not matter either, as the polar bear's surprise attack sent it too far away to even hear the apparition. The dog was launched above the pond; readying itself in the air, it steadied its breath and focused on sensing the water it was nearing.

Mere moments before hitting the hot surface, a wide pillar of ice rose and caught the falling canine. With little time to move before the ice melted, it got up and hopped forward, raising more ice to land on. Careful not to lose its footing, it did the same thing one more time, landing on the opposite side of the swamp from where Zimavich and Beck stood.

The dog said nothing. Instead, it stared at the bear as the pillars of ice melted into boiling water. Its gaze was a mixture of pity and disgust, hidden behind its pointed mask. Attacking and attempting to kill another Tangler was against the group's rules - one of the few things the samoyed knew, and knew well. Such was a sign of betrayal, especially after the samoyed had shown mercy just minutes before.

Of course, the Commander's word was the last word as per the law. Morgan barked out at Fenrisulfr to order him to stop, respecting Beck's wishes. In the meantime it took some deep breaths to gather the steam once more, then took a smoother, shorter one to let it all fall into the pond as a now-clean liquid. "Done," it said, finally facing Beck.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Luciferr - 06-11-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenrisulfr stopped immediatly - oh seemed their leader hadn't been clear on just what he meant by cleaning if he didn't want the gators dead, sigh - though the fiery canine had immediatly moved to intercept Zima he'd been too far away but thankfully Morgan was alright as it was the large beast was immediatly between Morgan and the bear just in case - but if beck had seen the leader would no doubt mention something on that, instead the larger beast turned to Morgan with a quiet gruff "alright?" there was no visible damage to be sure.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]