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...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Printable Version

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Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - THEM - 01-29-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He pushes himself up slowly, works hard to keep his balance steady - this isn't his first rodeo (ugh, rodeos, wasn't that reference a thorn in his side) and he's well aware that in this state, there isn't much he can do. Or make himself do, really, when his awareness of rules and consequence have dwindled in favor of immediate gratification. And right now, hell, he'd love to see a fight.

"C'mon, easy now." It's a lazy warning. Vathmos is already on edge and Snarl has no intentions of backing down, but he'll make an attempt to clear the air all the same. The tension is a palpable heaviness that makes the air suppressive, crackling with pent energy that bunches in Snarl's tensed limbs and Vathmos' gritted jaw. He feels it, too. The hairs on the back of his neck are standing stiff. It's only as the opposing hyena snaps her jaws in warning that Miller realizes there's more in the air than just bitter feelings.

He knows he's moving, but doesn't register the pawsteps - he's aiming for Snarl's side but it ends up as more of a lurch, driving his shoulder into her side to get her out of the way. He knows what's coming, teeth and blood and pain, but it isn't anything he hasn't felt before. At least, that was what he thought, head swimming - no, drowning - in a haze of ethanol.

He never realized that, somewhere between the flood of adrenaline and the crashing wave of pain that beats your body against the rocks, there is a moment in which you feel absolutely nothing. Nothing at all.

There's light. So much light. His vision goes stark white and Kazuhira sees nothing in the flash, only the flickers of harsh, angry static dancing in Vathmos' jaw as she clamps hard around his neck. He registers the rush of blood. The way his muscles twitch against his will, jerking away from her grip and scrabbling at the dirt. The electric shock, rushing through the conducive salt in his veins and forming a complete circuit where her teeth sink deep into his skin. He doesn't breathe. He's forgotten how.

He wonders, in that distant, out-of-body way, if she had full intent to kill Snarl with such a devastating blow. He thinks about what this would feel like if Vathmos really wanted somebody to die by her hand, if it could be any worse. He feels his body hit the ground, but isn't sure if she's still got him by the throat, the pain is so numbing; a scattered nervous system clamors to make sense of the mess, registering pain, sight, the scent of something burning. He rises back to the surface, back to consciousness. His heart gives a few stutters just to keep the blood moving through his veins and out of that fresh wound in his neck.

And he thinks about death.

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - wormwood. - 01-29-2020

Danger. Danger, danger. Keep them safe, keep them safe. The air around Aurum was crackling with nervous energy, his heart roaring in his ears as the tensions between everyone skyrocketed. He didn't even know who his head was begging him to protect. Miller? Vathmos? Snarl? They're all being so fucking stupid, and the proxy feels like the only sane person near the fire, cause Miller is drunk as a skunk, Snarl keeps spitting out a word he doesn't understand but knows means something shitty, and Vathmos is a veritable ball of rage. He heavily considers somehow knocking both Vathmos and Snarl the fuck out somehow, just so that things couldn't escalate any further. However, as usual, his instincts were working far before his mind could catch up, because suddenly Vathmos was in her blood rage state, and she was charging forward, teeth bared. The lion's eyes went comically wide, and his mouth was open to yell, but everything was just moving too fast. Miller moved before he did, and suddenly he heard the sickening sound of teeth sinking into skin and muscle. Aurum's words died in his throat, and for a moment he just... stood there. Staring. Meanwhile, his heart was beating wildly, and the voice inside his head was screeching. It was so loud, and so panicked. DANGER! DANGER! KEEP THEM SAFE! KEEP THEM SAFE! FAILURE! When his voice finally returned, he found himself roaring, "VATHMOS! That is enough!" It was rare for the male to sound so fucking angry, but anger wasn't the only emotion mixed in there. There was also utter panic, and terror for Miller. He could see and smell blood, and his heart was aching. He had failed.

He had failed, but he could make things right. Or better, at the very least. The lion quickly moved forward, moving to try and grab Vathmos by the scruff of the neck. If he was successful, he would move to pull the hyena away, and toss her roughly in the opposite direction. He aimed to put himself between Vathmos, and Snarl and Miller. Stretching out his massive wings, Aurum had never seemed more like a disappointed parent. Disappointed in all of them. His burning gaze moved between Vathmos and Snarl before he finally spoke, sounding both like an angry parent as well as the fucking proxy of Tanglewood, who was furious, "That is enough from all of you. Miller, you're the only fucking one who isn't in the wrong right now, and even then, you're a dumbass! Snarl, you cut the shit with the harassing and provoking. This event is over. I'm not saying this as your friend, I'm saying this as your fucking proxy. If you can't throw a fucking bonfire without a goddamn fight breaking out, then maybe you shouldn't be doing shit at all." He glares with steely eyes at Snarl before throwing out a wing, using his fire elementals to entirely snuff out the flames. He was practically shaking with anger, and his brain was still screaming at him. Once the flames were gone, Aurum roared up into the air, "Selby! Moth! One of you get your ass over here! Miller is injured!" He felt bad yelling at Selby and Moth, considering neither of them had done anything wrong, but he needed them to get over here quickly.

Once he knew that medics were hopefully on the way, Aurum focused his attention on Vathmos. He knew she was probably still blood raging, but the lion just didn't fucking care. If she wanted to attack anybody else, he would be in the way, and he was entirely alright with that. Stepping closer, the lion rumbled as his tail lashed from side to side behind him, "And you. Vathmos, what the fuck? I know she was provoking you, but you know the fucking rules! We've been through this before! You'll be lucky if Leroy doesn't goddamn throw you out! For fuck's sake, I'm pretty sure I would goddamn throw you out!" He set his jaw, his eyes softening, with sadness and exhaustion. He continued, sighing heavily, "...You were doing so well. I thought you knew better than to fall for shit like that... I'm so disappointed in you. If you want to take your shit out on anybody, take it out on me. Not either of them." He would wait until this shit all get sorted out, and then go talk to Leroy. He'd let the general figure out what their punishments would be, once he had the whole situation in mind.

[member=8845]moth[/member] [member=2072]selby roux ![/member]

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - suvi. - 01-29-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
She was surrounded by violent-minded individuals and she was tired.  She didn’t understand.  When someone upset her, she walked away.  She didn’t want to lash out.  She didn’t want to hurt anyone.  No matter what they did or said to her.  Words were not worth claws.

The petite vixen saw the bonfire.  Tasted smoke.  A nice, warm fire.  But she didn’t move towards it.  The idea of surrounding herself with anyone most days... Unnerved her.  They didn’t notice her absence and she didn’t mind the quiet... That much.  Besides, feeling sorry for herself got her nowhere.  A nice book... Might teach her something or make her actually smile.

The medic felt her ear flick at raised voices.  She’d only been taking a quick walk.  Enjoying some air.  When Aurum's voice rang out with more intensity and alarm she faltered.  One of her ears disappeared entirely.  A cry for the other medics meant someone was injured.

"Fiachra!" She barked out sharply, body tense.  The raven answered her call with a resounding 'caw', telling her he was on her tail as she began to race to the place the bonfire had been.  The scent of blood reached her nose immediately, her unmatched hues locking on Miller without a second thought.  The others didn't matter.

She could care less about whatever argument had taken place.  Less about insensitive words.  A tribemate was injured with only other tribemates around and a part of her brain registers there is blood on Vathmos' mouth.  Miller's.  Miller is the only thing that matters in this time and place.  Any rage or fear or despair or disappointment she may have felt towards the others disappeared in the firm concentration of I have to stop the bleeding.

Quietly, her raven companion drops her medkit gently at her paws, which she immediately begins digging through with swift efficiency.  She quickly removes bandages and her vials of horsetail poultice.

With a wary gaze directed towards everyone else, Kiira is moving up to Miller, to sit beside him.  "Miller.  Hey... Stay with me, 'kay?" She murmurs gently.  She knows she has to work quickly.  An injury at the neck... Could kill.  She steadily applies the poultice first, then begins working with the bandages, applying careful pressure over the wounds as she did so.  "'s gonna be fine."

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Blazic - 01-29-2020

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - trojan g. - 01-29-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:11pt;text-align:justify;"]Moth knew not of what was happening in Tanglewood all to often any longer. She was on her own or with Selby most of the time, hiding away and reading her books, resting for the children that would come in the month that followed. Although she knew she would technically be fine walking around and doing her own usual things for the time being, she was also anxious about things, and didn't want something to go wrong. She would have preferred if nothing, in general, had gone wrong, but that was a wish that would be brought upon deaf ears and never made to come true.

She had been walking around outside near the garden that Selby used to take care of, now torn down and rotten, thinking about things that she could potentially work on with it when she had heard the sound of her brother yelling her name, his stern voice - one she'd not heard very often - reaching her ears, frightening her for a moment before she began making her way over to where the bonfire had been. When she saw the smoke in the air she worried for a moment that it had been a fire, the Pitt coming back for revenge despite their capture and change in pace, but when she came closer and realized that, no, it had been a fight, her ears pinned to her head in frustration, making her way over to Miller to help Suvi out. She didn't much care for the male, but she couldn't let him bleed out in front of her, and she knew Suvi wouldn't let that happen either.

Taking cloths out of her own bag that she carried around her body, the feline would hold them there for the moment, waiting for Suvi to be done with the poultace before passing them along to her, looking over to Aurum and those present, tail lashing out behind her. "I don't care what the events were that happened so Miller is injured and Vathmos has blood on her maw, but it had better have been a good reason and not a petty fight. It's winter still, our resources are thin, and you shouldn't be attacking group mates." If she held the power, Moth would kick out the ones that started fights with other members of Tanglewood. If you can't get along with someone just steer clear of them and leave them the hell alone.

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - THEM - 01-29-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Really, he should be in more pain than this. He should probably be dead. Surviving a lightning strike wasn't exactly a likely scenario for most, and yet Vathmos managed to hit him with just as many volts and he's still breathing. Alive, holding onto scraps.

His vision comes back double, and he remembers how many times he's seen old roguemates survive the impossible just because they were too drunk to flinch. Figured his stupidity kept him from getting his throat torn out - if he had hesitated at the last moment, any more agile and any less drunk, Vathmos would've had him right by the windpipe. Instead she caught him in the tail-end of his nosedive, snagging the jugular but mostly gashing the tendons that kept his neck and his shoulders in one piece. It would heal in time. He'd be bandaged and aching for a while, but he would be fine.

(Snarl wouldn't let him be anything less.)

His limbs are tense, sore - all Kazuhira can do is focus on the harsh, panting breath wheezing in and out of his nose. He keeps a rhythm, at least until his instincts take over and he stutters into hyperventilation. It's a desperate attempt to exchange oxygen without the volume of blood it had before. His field training kicks in just enough to parse that he should be elevating the wound, applying pressure - but he's too far away from his own mind to do much more than twitch and think of how heavy his paws feel. "Hah... What the fuck?" His vocal chords are fried, for sure - maybe the others would be grateful to have a few weeks' respite from his constant barking. (He'd laugh to himself in his disorientation if it didn't hurt so much.)

In another place, another time, powers were stuff of legend. Certainly his team had heard of the lone wolves that could tear down forests in a breath, walk through walls, rain hellfire from the skies. But he'd never seen anything like it. Mutations of any extreme could be explained away as freaks of nature, though even they were few and far between in his exploits. The rest remained fireside banter - myths of science experiments running loose and eating you up at night. Nothing he had to train for, to worry about. At least, not until Vathmos sank her teeth in and showed him what lightning felt like firsthand.

Barely a rasp of a breath escapes his throat as he stares up at Snarl, her twisting body lunging for Vathmos' hind leg, the anger in her voice ringing high and violent in his ears. She didn't need to fight. He'd already won for her. It was over, now. His legs aren't cooperating, either from the drink or the lulling faintness that comes with the sight of one's own lost blood, but he still grabs for her ankle with whatever strength he's got. Never was Miller one to ask nicely, but it's the closest he can get to please. "Sn - What th'fuck?"

The fire goes out, and he realizes he can see a little better. Somewhere along the line his glasses were knocked off his face, cast aside in the dirt - damn, probably scratched to hell, too. In the shift of light he blinks hard, realizing there's a presence at his side amidst the sudden, sinking vertigo. Medics. He struggles a little, tries to be a good patient and sit up to offer better access to the wound - but at best he only shifts under Kiira's paws and emits another wheeze. "Mmhm. M'here." He's going to be fine, so Kiira says. He wants to hear it from Snarl - not because he doesn't believe the medics, but because he wants to hear something other than her raging screams.

Snarl had done enough - caused enough. He was marked, now, with proof of what he'd give for someone else's survival. Was that not enough?

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - fulzanin - 01-30-2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Feza had shown up to the bonfire when it'd been calm. She hadn't said much after arriving, mostly amusing herself by trotting around a part of the fire's surroundings that wasn't cramped. She hadn't been paying much attention to what was going on. The fire was very pretty. Despite having icy abilities, she wasn't really scared of fire. Even the snow leopard could be chilled by the deep winter air to the point of being uncomfortable at times. A nice and warm fire fixed that. It was comfortable, really, from the distance away she was sitting from the heated flames. The same applied to the heated discussion that was ensuing. When it began, her icy gaze shifted over to watch. Briefly. It wasn't festive. She didn't want to hear it, but she didn't want to leave. She'd moved to grab a thin stick, just to hold near the fire to see if she could somehow roast it. Practice roasting a marshmallow. Something fun. Something festive. Something better than the argument that was brewing just a few bodylengths away. Numb everything away, be oblivious. It was something that Feza could do with ease.

When the fire was suddenly extinguished, the guardsman was snapped back to attention. The shouting and screaming startled her, and her feathers ruffled in response (or perhaps it equally was to accommodate for the warm flames now being gone). Her ears were pressed against her head, and her paws nervously kneaded into the ground. She hadn't been that zoned out, had she? Aurum was shouting, yelling. Not at her. For once she was not the one on the receiving end of the lion's anger - and she felt bad for thinking that, because they both had been doing better. People were still flinging each other at other people, and someone was being cared for. Hurt. Feza wished that she could curl up and just leave. That wouldn't be the right decision. Slowly the vibrant feline shuffled closer to the Proxy, the other person of high ranking present other than the two chasers that were involved in the brawl. "Is there, is there anything I can- I can do t-to help?" She asked, gaze flickering between the combatants. Who was she asking? She didn't know. Her mind was numb. She didn't want to get involved in what was transpiring before her. She didn't want to see it, but it was there. Obliviousness could not cover what she saw with her own eyes, her wings tightly pressed into her ribs. It was so dreadfully cold now, and the hostility was absolutely choking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - Vathmos - 01-30-2020

Vathmos feels blood fill her mouth, but confusion hits her when she realizes Snarl remained uninjured. Her eyes casted down, Miller's throat in her jaws. The hyena stepped back, releasing him. Her eyes returned to their normal blackness as Vathmos felt a strong pair of jaws grab onto her Mohawk and send her flying. Vathmos hit the ground on her left shoulder, skidding on her side and scrambling herself to stand.

Vathmos tried to recall if she had ever seen Aurum angry, especially at her. Her ears fell back and Vathmos' body recoiled itself as Aurum yelled at her, looking down at his paws rather than meeting his gaze. She couldn't help such a submissive reaction, but her gaze glanced back to Snarl, trying to defend herself and standing over Miller's body. A small pang of guilt hit her- Miller was not meant to be caught in the cross fire. Vathmos' and Snarl's feud was a battle among themselves, primal and driven by blood, and now Snarl had justification.

Aurum's words hit her ears, and Vathmos found herself lowering to her belly. Throw her out? No, please, she couldn't go anywhere else. She needed shelter, she needed to survive- disappointment. Vathmos lowered herself further, the lion hulking over her.

She wanted to yell at Snarl. Fucking scream at her. Snarl was too fucking busy with her head in the dirt and fire on her pelt. Snarl brought it on herself. Spew insults, push her into the now-extinguished fire, bare her teeth. This whole fucking clan was protecting the hyenas from each other and they needed to get out of the fucking way. Aurum threat lingered over her head, and Vathmos bit her own tongue to keep silent.

Re: ...And The Moon Was Hungry | Bonfire - wormwood. - 02-01-2020

Even as the fighting died down and people began to race over to tend to Miller, Aurum's entire body was still on high alert. His fur was pricked up, his back tensed and his fangs eager to be bared to put anyone in their place that was looking to continue the conflict. His mind still screeched loudly at him, loud enough to drive his ears flat down against his skull, hurt, hurt! Keep them safe, keep them safe! His brain chanted repeatedly at him, before eventually he was allowed to relax, when Vathmos's eyes returned to their regular color, and the hyena was moving backwards, pressed against the ground and looking submissive and guilty. He absolutely hated pulling rank, and he also hated raising his voice into that howling, terrifying roar that he knew he could do when he tried hard enough, but Moth was right. They were in the dead of winter, and they shouldn't have been having petty fucking fights in the first place. Snarl was jabbering away at his ear, all hot anger and excuses, but the proxy found that he couldn't even bring himself to care that much about what she was saying. For fuck's sake, she was acting as if she hadn't done anything. As if she was just some innocent party in this whole thing. Aurum just shook his head at her, looking between Snarl and Vathmos for a moment before he rumbled, his voice hoarse from roaring, "Snarl... shut up. Both of you are in the goddamn wrong here, and you're not gonna change my opinion of that just because you yell loud enough. Both you and Vathmos are going to be punished, and you should just be thanking your lucky goddamn stars that Miller isn't dead. He wouldn't have even been injured if the two of you could act like civilized adults." His voice was harsh and exhausted, and his tail was twitching and lashing from side to side behind him, the only real sign of the rage that was still boiling over inside.

The male's eyes were trained on Miller for a moment, watching closely as both Kiira and Moth saw to treating him. Thank fuck they had good medics around here, or there was a good chance that Miller could've died from such a vicious hit. The proxy found himself wincing as he thought of his own experiences with Vathmos's rage, the bite scar in his back leg aching in response. Shaking off those unpleasant thoughts, the lion dipped his head to his sister and her fellow medic, saying softly, "You're very right that this shouldn't be happening, Moth. Thank you, both you and Kiira. We're lucky we have you around." Glancing down at Miller, Aurum could clearly see that the other wasn't in the best shape – how could he be? – but at least he wasn't dead. He was speaking, even if it was slightly sloppy and pained, his words coming out as more of a wheeze than anything close to real speaking. A sigh left Aurum that slowly pulled the rage and the adrenaline from his veins, that voice in his head quieting and being replaced with only a soft Miller is alright. Now he was filled with nothing but exhaustion, his head pounding and his body longing for rest that it would not get for at least a few more hours. He shook it off, a little grunt leaving him. Now wasn't the time to be worrying about himself. After all, this was his job. Getting back up to his feet, he said softly to Miller, unsure if the other would even know what he was saying, "I'm glee that you're alright, Miller..." He'd need to heal, yes, but this was a much better outcome than some of the alternatives.

Feza, ever the avoider of conflict, had shifted and padded over to linger near his side at some point, her eyes wide and fearful as she spoke. The proxy had no idea if she was speaking to him or just to the air in front of her – she didn't truly seem to know either – so he decided to just assume it was to him. With this in mind, he draped a wing silently over her for a moment, in a soft touch of comfort before speaking, "If any more fighting breaks out, you come and get me, alright? And if the medics need anything, help them out." What he was saying to her was technically orders, but he said it in such a soft way that it seemed more like a simple request, without any heat behind it. He didn't want Feza to think he was angry at her. Once that was done, the male stepped away from Feza, rumbling firmly, "I'm going to go find Leroy and tell him what happened here. If I hear about any more fighting going on while I'm gone? I will personally kick both your asses." He shot a warning glare at both of the hyenas present before he turned, taking a few steps before he flapped his strong wings, taking off into the air. He didn't know what Leroy would want to do with them, but he wasn't just gonna let this little event go down without consequences.

( out! )