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Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-27-2018

—ranking TBA
3 years
—mental age 3 years
—aging ratio 1 year every June 13
—zodiac: gemini
GENDER female
—pronouns she/her
distantly related to egyptian royalty
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] domestic cat
—breed siamese
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] a flame-point siamese with blue eyes. her right ear is torn in a "v"-shape, and there is a scar on the bridge of her nose, as well as scars on her chest. she also wears a gold necklace.
—smells like tba
—injuries n/a
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] holds herself high
—posture normal
INTJ ("The Architect") - Lawful Evil - Syltherin
anticipative - creative - daring - dignified
ascetic - deceptive - strit - whimsical
abrasive - arbitrary - arrogant - cold
ORIENTATION[b] bisexual and biromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family n/a
—enemies n/a
may start fights - will fight back - won't try to end fights - may kill
—platonic relationships somewhat easy to become her 'friend', although she tries to use them for her own personal gain
—romantic relationships isn't too interested in romantic relationships
—rivalries very easy to be her rival; she's very judging
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
attack in BOLD ORANGE

- N/A
Tags - N/A
[url=http://]Character Study - N/A

TV Tropes:

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 06-28-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: CAESAR (updated 11/26/18)

Full Name: Caesar Cipher
Age: Over 1 trillion years spiritually, though takes on the physical age of whatever body he possesses. Currently, he is in a 6-year old F1 Savannah body. He is mentally 4 years old.
Death: Caesar is immortal and cannot die. Though his former domestic cat body had been killed by a feral raptor named Delta on June 2, 2018. His last word was yelling at Argus for help. Another domestic cat body was killed on August 5, 2018, from Carolina of The Ascendants snapping his neck.
Background: Caesar was born in the Seventh Tier of Dimension FiveX, along with his brother, Vigenere, and sister, Atbash. He had a very normal life - or about as much as you could in the Seventh Tier. He was loved by his parents and was very well taken care of, although his family was starving. For the most part, Caesar was happy living in the Seventh Tier until Vigenere had been Chosen for the King's Guard, and he slowly got jealous over his brother's opportunity. He soon got himself into trouble by sneaking around and was eventually caught trying to listen into a meeting between the King and his Court. The Shaman had apparently had vision of him destroying the Dimension and shared her vision with the King, causing rumors to spread through the Dimension quickly. Caesar started to become shunned by the rest of the members of the Seventh Tier, so he sought out the Shaman in an attempt to hunt down and kill her for the rumors she spread. His attempt failed, and he ended up being brought in front the King, which eventually ended up with Vigenere being dismissed from the Guard and the Cipher System (family) being Exiled.

Caesar eventually worked with his littermates and the other Outcasts over murdering the King and setting their Dimension to flames. His motive was out of pure revenge and rage, in addition to craving the fame and reputation it would cause. He succeeded in his plans this time, murdering the King and eventually setting the Dimension on fire. The Dimension started to rot from the inside out, and Caesar escaped just in time with his siblings, leaving their parents to burn alive with the Dimension. By this time, his two siblings had pulled out of the plan and were against Caesar, and he tried to get them back on his side after he rescued them, however they declined his offer. Caesar left them, heading for Earth, vowing that he'd get back at them for betraying him eventually.

On May 3, 2018, Caesar joined The Typhoon, having heard rumors of the pirates living in the area. Soon after his joining, Caesar experienced the Entrance Ritual on May 7, 2018, which is a customary tradition of The Typhoon, although it wasn't mandatory. Eventually, Caesar was promoted to Striker on May 27, 2018, and then promoted to Privateer on June 3, 2018, and was eventually promoted to Officer on June 18, 2018. He eventually learned that Atbash was on the same Earth as him on an unknown date, and learned that she lived in Snowbound. Despite The Typhoon being allies with Snowbound, Caesar attacked her on June 19, 2018. A day after, Jacob, the leader of Snowbound, visited The Typhoon and confronted Caesar on June 20, 2018. Pincher, the leader of The Typhoon, soon decided that Caesar would be temporarily demoted until he made up for what he had done. On June 22, 2018, Caesar learned that his brother was also on the same Earth, living in Tanglewood. On the same date, albeit a couple hours later, a pack of feral raptors appeared in The Typhoon's territory and Caesar attempted to chase them out, though he was quickly killed by Delta, causing him to be forced into a seagull body. On July 1, 2018, he got fire elementals back and Roxanne gave him a blade, and he possessed a new feline body on the same day, a couple hours prior to the gift Roxanne gave him.

On July 16, 2018, Caesar passed out on the beach and found a sickle by his paws when he woke up. On the same date, although a couple hours later, Caesar captured Pele of The Ascendants and started to torture her, his first capture and torture since coming to Earth and joining The Typhoon. On July 23, 2018, Caesar attacked Atbash for the second time, although this time it was a Weekly Task rather than his own doing. On July 24, 2018, he captured Thea of The Ascendants, his second capture.

On July 24, 2018, he got two injuries from Delta/Dimitri, prior to capturing Thea. His left hind leg was broken here and he gained scratch wounds on his side here. On July 29, 2018, Caesar received a small wound on his chest from Carolina. On July 30, 2018, Caesar got a black crown from Goldenluxury; he keeps it in his room.

On August 1, 2018, Caesar was captured for the first time, by Carolina of The Ascendants. On August 5, 2018, he was killed by her due to not answering questions. Since his feline body was killed, he got stuck in a mongoose body on August 7, 2018, however soon returned to his normal feline body on August 8, 2018. On the same day, albeit a couple hours later, Caesar begun to feel fear and was unable to hide from his Crewmates.

On September 16, 2018, Caesar gave Edvwdug (Edgar) to Beck. On September 17, 2018, he visited The Rosebloods for the first time as an Ambassador from The Typhoon. Later that day, after returning to The Typhoon, Caesar found out that his Electric Elementals returned.

On October 12, 2018, he was visited by two spirits pretending to be Vigenere and Atbash. On October 29, 2018, he has a nightmare he is unable to control.

On November 3, 2018, Caesar set fire to Snowbound, thus forcing the tribe to flee and disband. On November 7, 2018, he was promoted to Head Officer. During that same meeting, Caesar spoke out against Bakugou's promotion, soon challenging Bakugou to a fight. However, upon Pincher's response, Caesar snapped and attempted to attack the Captain.

On November 12, 2018, he attempted to attack Stella. On November 13, 2018, he was exiled from The Typhoon. The same day, he went off and joined The Pitt.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: The Seventh Tier in Dimension FiveX was the lowest Tier you could be in, outside of being an Outcast. His System (family) was very poor and his father worked as a farmer, while his mother took care of him and his siblings, being a stay-at-home mom. There are seven Tiers in total, with the First Tier being the highest - which consisted of the King, Queen, their children, and the Shaman. The Second Tier was the King's Guard, which is basically the military for the King. They protect the Kingdom as well as ensuring the King was safe. The rest of the Tiers were pretty much Commoners, although as the Tiers get higher, the poorer members in that Tier are. Their Dimension was at war at the time, although Caesar didn't too much about it since Vigenere refused to talk about it.

Caesar currently lives in The Typhoon, and they live on an island known as Paradise Island. The island holds a tropical rainforest jungle as well as an active volcano. There are many other islands in The Typhoon's territory, and you can see each one detailed here.

Weather: Caesar's favorite type of weather is sunny and he enjoys the summer. He likes the heat of the sun on his pelt, while he hates the winter and snow. He doesn't like being cold, despite his personality, and hates the feeling of snow clinging to his fur and melting.

Physical: Currently, Caesar is stuck in a mongoose body. It is short and stocky with gold fur, and faint black stripes on its back. He still has his signature black eyes, of course, as well as scars from his previous body. These scars include: a scar on his tail from where Delta had bit off it in a previous body, a canine bite-wound on his left leg, and another bite-wound on his side. He also has a bite wound scar on right hind leg and a scratch wound scar on his side.

Caesar also has a tall and lithe golden F1 Savannah body with black spots and eyes. He also has black paws and ears, as well as thin, black lines on his forearms. His tail has thicker black stripes in addition to having a black tip. He has a bite-wound scar on his side and right hind leg, in addition to a canine bite-wound on his left leg, and a scar on his tail from where his previous body had it bitten off. Due to him not taking care of himself properly at times, this body is horribly starved and deprived of sleep, though he has learned to drink more to prevent dehydration. He wears a black knife sheath on his left arm, which holds the blade Roxanne gave him. Finally, he has side scars from where Delta of Snowbound attacked him.

Weapons: Caesar typically doesn't use any weapons, although whenever he gets Conjuration, he will prefer a knife to use. He trained himself in using knives, and it wasn't exactly a family tradition, just an idea he got from Vigenere being in the King's Guard. Caesar prefers using his powers (although they are practically non-existent right now) and long-ranged attacks, as he isn't a very good fighter. He usually tires out very easily, due to his body not being taken care of properly. Caesar isn't the type of person to risk his life for, and if he did risk his life, it'd be for himself. He doesn't care of anybody else about himself, and therefore doesn't risk his life for others. However, there are times Caesar will coward out of a battle, especially if his brother is in it.

He currently has a blade which was given to him by Roxanne that he uses in battle and keeps on him with a sheath. He also has a sickle that he carries with him for tortures and battle.

Reactions: Below are ways Caesar acts a certain way whenever he feels a certain emotion. His emotions change quickly, mostly due to him believing he is above everybody else and thinks that people should obey his every word.
Anger - Caesar is prone to anger outbreaks, especially when he doesn't get his way. When angered, Caesar lights himself on fire and the fire acts as a way for him to get rid of the emotion.
Scared - Caesar typically isn't scared of anybody or anything, though he knows that some people are stronger than him and he can fear them in that sense. If that's the case, Caesar typically gets tense and tries to avoid eye contact.
Stressed - Caesar, like all dream demons, bleed when stressed. They bleed from their nose first, then their mouth, and finally their eyes if the stress gets too much. Too much stress can cause dream demons to Corrupt, to which their body is constantly in stress, therefore is constantly bleeding from the eyes.
Rejected - Caesar doesn't really care much for rejection since he doesn't form a lot of romantic/platonic relationships. However, if he is denied a chance to become some sort of position in power, then he usually has some sort of outburst. Usually he would light himself on fire, but again, without that ability, he usually ends up tearing his room apart.
Happy - Caesar doesn't really know how to express happiness, but if he is proud of himself or his actions, he usually straightens up and grins.
Hurt/Sad - This is another emotion Caesar doesn't know how to truly express, but a way you can tell he's not entirely happy with something is by the way he just stared and seems to be in thought.
Confused - Caesar's tail usually flicks or twitches whenever he's confused, and he often appears to be in thought.

Motives: Caesar's current motive is to become Captain of The Typhoon. He has always been ambitious, and has always wanted to be in a position of power, although it is mostly for his own gain and pleasure. He doesn't truly care about the members of The Typhoon and only wants to be Captain so they will listen to his word. He always had been a little attention-seeking as a child, though after he got exiled, that turned into revenge, and ever since then, Caesar has just always craved being in control over others. Caesar will go far to achieve this dream, as proven that he killed the King just to become King, only do destroy his Home Dimension because he felt everybody was to "impure" for him to lead.

Failure and Success: Caesar believes his biggest success was destroying his Home Dimension. He loved the thrill of the rush it caused, and he loved the screams of pain the flames caused to echo throughout the Dimension. He takes this with pride, although that pride is a mask to hide how he truly feels about the situation: which is regret. He actually hates what he had done and wishes he had gone about it in another way, but decided that lying to himself is the best course of action.
His biggest failure as of right now, to him, is where he failed to hide his scent when he went to attack Atbash. Because Jacob figured out who it was, he was immediately caught by both Jacob and Pincher, the latter whom temporarily demoted him for his actions. Caesar doesn't cope with failures well and usually just ends up pouting for a long time.
Caesar is indeed affected by his past actions, as his 'success' in destroying his home Dimension haunts him to this day, and the effect of his failure is him not having a position of power in The Typhoon until he comes up with an event for Snowbound. He usually doesn't care about others' opinions, so their failures and successes don't mean much to him unless they are relation to positions of power. If they are of a higher rank than him, Caesar gets jealous.

Mood: Caesar is typically very stoic in his emotions, although he is extremely quick to anger and feeling irritated. When he's alone, he's usually wallowing in his regrets and sometimes it gets to the point where he's so stress about it, that he starts the stereotypical dream demon bleeding associated with stress. However, when he's out and about in The Typhoon, he tries to keep a stoic expression as much as possible. With enemies, he likes to taunt and tease them despite that stoic attitude he wants to keep. He is extremely quick to reaction to situations, though that reaction is usually just him getting pissed off and leaving the scene. He isn't very easy to calm down despite what it may seem without his powers, but once he gets fire elementals back, he should be able to calm down easily. Caesar doesn't really get embarrassed often, but his emotions are usually tied with how others react to him and his relationship with them.

Opinion: Caesar has a very strict opinion on love, and that's that he hates it. He's never really truly loved anyone, and any litters he's had are from one-night stands. He eventually killed the mother when their children were weaned, so that they couldn't have any choice to be with him unless they ran off.
Caesar likes war and is constantly trying to start something with enemies. He likes being an annoyance and he knows that being in enemy territory will eventually annoy them to the point where they start attacking. Same thing with capturing and torturing members of the other groups; he knows it will start something and he loves it.
Caesar also likes powers, especially his own. He relies on his powers to fight, although this is a bit hard to do with his powers being stripped from him. He is a long-range fighters and prefers fighting with his powers over physical strength.  Monarchy, however, is a tough thing to describe. Caesar likes the idea of a person ruling, though he wants to be that person. He hates anybody else in charge and although he will pretend to like and respect them, that facade will quickly go away as time goes on.
Religion on the other hand, is quite easy to describe. Caesar despises religion and thinks those that believe in a religion are idiotic and blind to things and are gullible.

Religion: Caesar is an atheist, he doesn't believe in anything. However, the group he joined, The Typhoon, is religious. The Typhoon currently believes in a religion based off Haitian Vodou, and it focuses on a spirit (or "Loa") named Agwe. Agwe rules over the sea and is seen as a mediator between The Supreme Creator (or "Bondye") and those who believe in the religion. He doesn't believe in this at all, nor really respect its traditions due to not caring. His morals are skewed to say the least, he thinks he is morally grey, however most of his actions are irredeemable. He's a bad person and he's proud of it. Caesar certainly isn't virtuous, and he expresses many types of vices: pride, wrath, envy, and greed. He is prideful in the sense of believing he is better than anybody else and expects everyone to bow down to him (he goes as far as to call himself the "God of Chaos" at times). Wrath comes into play just because of how quickly it is to anger him and due to most of his actions being caused by said anger. And finally, greed comes into play due to how he always wants power over people, even when he already has some sort of position somewhere. Caesar can also be envious, especially when it comes to his brother Vigenere, as he is jealous over how popular and revered Vigenere had become when he was in the King's Guard.

Magic/Powers: Caesar does indeed have powers, although most (if not all) of them were stripped when he came to this Dimension. Before he came here, he had the ability to destroy Dimensions as well as travel between them. This is a common power for most demons in Dimension FiveX, as well as any sort of power that manipulates the mind, such as telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to manipulate dreams and memories. Dream demons also have the ability to shapeshift and/or possess multiple bodies, and some control elementals. Caesar had the ability to control fire and lightning. Caesar also had the ability to warp reality, although this and other Dimension-related powers are NOT being transferred over to Earth. However, since traveling to Earth, Caesar had been stripped of his powers and due to him having a mortal body, his energy to use any powers he gains back will be used up. He needs energy to use powers and using too much will cause him to wear out.
As of right now, Caesar only has the ability to possess other bodies, reincarnation, fire elementals, electric elementals, and mental manipulation/communication.

Perception: Caesar's view on the world is very negative. He sees it as something he should be able to change and control, and that nobody deserves anything and that he deserves everything, and he sees the glass as half-empty. Caesar is very cynical, and practically everything he does is in his self-interest.

First Impressions: Caesar is extremely hostile and distrusting and is pretty much an ass to everybody he meets. He rarely actually likes somebody and usually only tolerates them because he has to. He likes to keep to himself, though this is mostly at night so people can't see him stress out and bleed due to remorse. Most people see him as closed-off and as mentioned before, an ass; most people don't like him, though within good reason. He doesn't like people and will often be snippy and dismissive when he first meets somebody.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-01-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: ATBASH (updated 11/25/18)

Full Name: Atbash Cipher
Age: Over 1 trillion years spiritually, though takes on the physical age of whatever body she possesses. Currently, she is in a 6-year old F1 Savannah body. She is mentally 4 years old.
Death: Atbash is immortal and cannot die, though the body she possesses can die.
Background: Atbash was born in the Seventh Tier of Dimension FiveX, along with his brothers, Vigenere, and Caesar. She had a very normal life - or about as much as you could in the Seventh Tier. She was loved by her parents and was very well taken care of, although her family was starving. Atbash was happy living in the Seventh Tier, despite knowing how women were treated there. Females of the Seventh Tier were considered the lowest of the low outside of being exiled, and were very mistreated often. They were often sold off to get married to a random male in the Tier, and many females are unhappy with their marriage. Luckily, however, her parents were happily married and loved each other from the start. She always wanted to be a Shaman, although she knew that was highly unlikely. But when Vigenere had been selected by the King's Guard, Atbash had been happy for him, but noticed how upset and jealous Caesar was. She tried to comfort and support him, but she knew that Caesar would do anything for attention, and it didn't surprise her when she found out that he snuck into a Court Meeting. What did shock her, however, was Caesar's assassination attempt of the Shaman. Because of his attempt, the Cipher System (family) had been exiled.

Atbash had joined Caesar when he was first talking about raiding the Kingdom and killing the King, swayed by both of her brothers' feelings of rage and revenge. However, when Vigenere told her that their family (other than Caesar) could return to normal, her feelings changed. She wanted to go back to the Seventh Tier, even if she was going to be treated just as harshly there as she could being Exiled. At least she knew in the Seventh Tier that she would be taken care of, even if she had to forcibly marry a male. On the day of the attack, Vigenere and Atbash tried to convince Caesar to stop, however they didn't succeed. Caesar murdered the King and soon lit the Dimension on flames. Vigenere and Atbash thought Caesar left them to rot and fled to their home, finding their parents trapped. Atbash had leapt through the flames and tried to convince them to leave, but they refused to leave, and Vigenere had to drag her out of their home. Eventually Caesar dragged her and Vigenere out of the Dimension, just in time before it collapsed in on itself. He tried to manipulate them on the outskirts of their former Dimension, though she and Vigenere wouldn't budge. She couldn't go with somebody who didn't feel remorse for their actions, let alone kill their own parents! She just couldn't.

So she and Vigenere eventually ended up on Earth, completely unaware that Caesar was here as well. Vigenere and Atbash traveled together for a while, until Vigenere snapped at her one day and chased her off, telling her that he needed some time to himself to think. So Atbash walked off in an unknown direction. She had been guided by a couple of nice NPCs towards Snowbound, where she joined them on May 3, 2018. Soon after joining, on May 6, 2018, Atbash had her Marking Ceremony, which is a customary tradition of Snowbound. On May 11, 2018, she was promoted to Flurryhost and recieved the title of Duckling (now renamed 'Snowflake'), which is a title given to joiners who show promise. On June 3, 2018, she discovered that Caesar was on Earth and decided to avoid The Typhoon, despite Snowbound being attacked by humans. On May 29, 2018 she had a panic attack over seeing her brother. On June 15, she was given some gifts by Izuku, and on June 19, 2018, she was attacked by Caesar. On June 24, 2018, she had a nightmare about the attack, and was promoted to Arcticplayer on June 25, 2018. On July 5, 2018, she was OOCly promoted to Chief, and made the IC announcement here. On July 11, 2018 Atbash announced some changes to Snowbound, including the name of her current rank being changed to Hailcaller.

On July 23, 2018, Atbash saw Vigenere for the first time since she joined Snowbound, where he warned her about Caesar. However, a couple hours later, Caesar ended up attacking her for the second time. On July 24, 2018, she started to recover from Caesar's second attack. On August 6, 2018, she recovered fully from that attack. On August 9, 2018, She received a purple bracelet from Wendell. On the same day, albeit a couple hours later, Dimitri tries asking her out, to which she rejects.

On August 13, 2018, Atbash was attacked by Stryker when she went to visit The Pitt and on the same day, Stryker soon took over Snowbound. On August 14, 2018, Atbash lost her left eye due to Stryker pulling it out. The next day, Atbash finds herself in the medic den, very slowly healing from Stryker's attack. On August 20, 2018, she tries to walk for the first time after Stryker’s attack.

On September 3, 2018, Snowbound started to rebel against The Pitt and Stryker. On September 12, 2018, Atbash fully recovered from Stryker's attack. On October 7, 2018, .

However, on November 3, 2018, [url=]Snowbound was set to flame
, destroying the place she had made home and try to make better. She fled, finding her way towards The Ascendants. Through a timeskip to a couple of days later, Atbash decided to talk to Pincher about the event. She finally settled into The Ascendants on November 8, 2018, and got a room in their observatory. On November 14, 2018, she adopted Coriander. On November 16, 2018, she visited Tanglewood as an Ambassador; this is her first time visiting her brother's clan since joining The Ascendants.

On November 18, 2018, she was promoted to Starstruck Guardian. On November 25, 2018, she was promoted to Lunar Lieutenant.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: The Seventh Tier in Dimension FiveX was the lowest Tier you could be in, outside of being an Outcast. Her System (family) was very poor and her father worked as a farmer, while her mother took care of her and her brothers, being a stay-at-home mom. There are seven Tiers in total, with the First Tier being the highest - which consisted of the King, Queen, their children, and the Shaman. The Second Tier was the King's Guard, which is basically the military for the King. They protect the Kingdom as well as ensuring the King was safe. The rest of the Tiers were pretty much Commoners, although as the Tiers get higher, the poorer members in that Tier are. Their Dimension was at war at the time, although Atbash didn't too much about it since Vigenere refused to talk about it.

Atbash currently lives in Snowbound, which is a group that lives in a village on a tundra. You can see a more detailed description of their territory here.

Weather: Atbash's favorite type of weather is snowy and he enjoys the winter. The snow and cold weather remind her of home, and she enjoys feeling the snow on her pelt. Her least favorite season is summer, since it's so hot and humid.

Physical: Atbash is a F1 Savannah with a golden-orangish pelt and a short tail. She has black spots and eyes, as well as black ears and tail tip. She also wears a moon pendant that glows in the dark, which was given to her by Izuku. On this pendant, she also wears a charm of a duckling, signifying the title she earned. Her left ear tip is charred off, and she has a triangle brand on her right shoulder. She also wears a purple bracelet on her right leg, which was given to her by Wendell.

Weapons: Atbash doesn't own or use weapons, since she is typically a peacekeeper and prefers not to fight.

Reactions: Below are ways Atbash acts a certain way whenever she feels a certain emotion. Her emotions are hard to change and she's usually very happy-go-lucky.
Anger - Atbash isn't very easily angered, but one way to know that she is is by the way her fur is puffed out and the way she paces around.
Scared - Atbash is scared very easily, and her fur puffed out whenever she's spooked.
Stressed - Atbash, like all dream demons, bleed when stressed. They bleed from their nose first, then their mouth, and finally their eyes if the stress gets too much. Too much stress can cause dream demons to Corrupt, to which their body is constantly in stress, therefore is constantly bleeding from the eyes.
Rejected - Atbash hasn't been rejected yet, but once/if she does, it's likely she may retreat to her room for a while and think about things and be harsh on herself.
Happy - Atbash is almost always happy, and she always wears a smile on her face. Her eyes shine and her tail sticks straight out as much as it can (having a short tail can be rough sometimes), and her ears are pricked.
Hurt/Sad - Atbash usually goes to her room when she's feeling upset. One way to tell she's upset is by the way her eyes look and the way she holds her ears and tail. Her eyes become dull, and her tail droops (as much as it can), and her ears are lowered.
Confused - Atbash tilts her head when confused and her ears are pricked.

Motives: Atbash doesn't really have a current motive, as she's happy where she is right now. She would like to find Vigenere and keep in touch with him, and she wishes that Caesar wasn't the way he was. The most important thing to her is getting close with her family again, although that might be difficult to do with Caesar.

Failure and Success: Atbash thinks her biggest success is joining Snowbound and rising in the ranks there. Although being in a position of power isn't everything to her (as she's used to being treated as a lowlife in the Seventh Tier), she is happy and glad that Jacob promoted her. Her biggest failure in her opinion is not convincing Caesar to stop his actions in the Dimension FiveX. She copes well with failures for the most part and tries not to let them get to her, however sometimes they come back to haunt her. She doesn't measure others' successes against her.

Mood: Atbash is generally a very happy-go-lucky person and enjoys life. When she's alone, she usually just thinks to herself and reminisces on the past. Sometimes these thoughts get the best of her and she ends up having attacks or breakdowns, but luckily she knows that she has Snowbound to protect and help her. She isn't quick to anger and hasn't gotten to that point in Snowbound, but something that really irritates her is when people don't know that they're worth something, but she is easy to calm down if she gets to that point. Atbash is quick to react on situations, and tries to come up with a solution as quickly as possible. Her mood is usually determined by others' since she is a very reactionary person, but she will always try to cheer somebody up if they are upset.

Opinion: Atbash thinks love is a wonderful thing and she wants to be in a relationship at some point. She's almost "in love with love" and wishes she could be in a relationship with somebody, though sometimes this could end up with her in abusive or toxic relationship (which she hasn't been in one).
As for war, Atbash hates war and believes that both sides are usually right, depending on the situation. She believes that both sides should compromise and come up with something to put them at ease with one another. But she also knows that war is avoidable sometimes.
Atbash doesn't mind powers, although this is mostly because she was born with powers herself and has some. She isn't a fighter, and even if she was, it's likely she would be a defensive fighter and prefer to fight long-range with powers that don't do a lot of damage.
Atbash isn't religious, but she does respect those who have a religion and believes in something. She doesn't entirely understand the concept, but she won't voice her opinion out loud without being asked to.

Religion: As stated above, Atbash isn't religious and is an atheist. Snowbound, however, does have a religion and although she doesn't believe in it, she does respect it. In Snowbound, they believe in a list of ancestors and the titles given are based after those ancestors. Ond is a duckling and represents the Duckling title that was given to Atbash; Ond also represents potential and change and is peaceful. Medve is a bear and represents the Bear title; she is a war-bound person and represents the military side of Snowbound. Kanina is a rabbit and represents the Rabbit title; she is a warm and bubble ancestor that takes the form of a child rabbit. Hollo is a raven and represents the Raven title; he is another war-bound ancestor and heavily relies on strategy. Pipi is a bee and represents the Bee title; she is the ancestor of healing. Lumba is a dolphin and represents the Dolphin title; he pushes for positive relationships between allies and those within Snowbound. Teknos is a turtle and represents the Turtle title; he is seen as a grumpy old turtle and is constantly pushing for change. Draki is a dragon and represents the Dragon title; she is a wise old woman and knows every detail about Snowbound's history. Agu is a lion and represents the Lion title; he is seen as the 'leader' of the ancestors and is the most balanced.

Atbash doesn't understand nor know anything about the ancestors but she does respect Snowbound and their traditions regarding them.

Magic/Powers: Atbash does have powers, but most (if not all) of them were stripped when she traveled to Earth. Before she came here, she had the ability to travel between Dimension, as well as the typical dream demon abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis (among other mind-controlling powers). Dream demons also have the ability to shapeshift and possess other bodies, and some can control elementals. Atbash had the ability to control air and water, though these powers aren't with her currently. Due to possessing a mortal body, any powers that Atbash uses costs energy from her, preventing her from using multiple powers at once and from using them in short succession of each other.
As of right now, Atbash only has reincarnation, conjuration, mental manipulation and communication, air elementals, and water elementals.

Perception: Atbash's view on the world is very positive and she believes that everybody is worth something and should be happy. She doesn't think the world should change, though people who are immoral should be talked to, to try and solve their insecurities and belief. However, she knows that some people will never change (such as Caesar), and sometimes bad people are just what they need for the world to stay happy. Atbash sees the glass as half-full and isn't cynical at all.

First Impressions: Atbash is a nice person from the start and usually people like her. She isn't mean to others unless she feels like she has to (which is rare) and is very trusting. She is friendly and cares about others, leading to people having a very positive first impression of her.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-01-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: VIGENERE (updated 11/26/18)

Full Name: Vigenere Cipher
Age: Over 1 trillion years spiritually, though takes on the physical age of whatever body he possesses. Currently, he is in a 6-year old F1 Savannah body. He is mentally 6 years old.
Death: Vigenere is immortal and cannot die, though the body he currently possesses can die.
Background: Vigenere was born in the Seventh Tier of Dimension FiveX, along with his brother, Caesar, and sister, Atbash. He had a very normal life - or about as much as you could in the Seventh Tier. He was loved by his parents and was very well taken care of, although his family was starving. Vigenere was happy living in the Seventh Tier, though his life in the Seventh Tier didn't last very long. He was soon approached by the King's Guard and was told that he had been Chosen. His parents were very proud of him, and so was Atbash, and Vigenere couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He went with the Guards to become apart of the Guard, though life didn't entirely change much there. He was still discriminated against and treated as if he was still apart of the Seventh Tier despite being in the Guard, though he was only treated this way by other members of the Guard. People outside of the Guard honored and admired him, and he loved the feeling of that. His training to be in the Guard was rough and he earned a few scars and tears in his ears from training, but he was soon promoted and the harsh treatment ended.

Vigenere soon met Athena, the King's daughter, after he had gotten promise, and she seemed to have taken a liking to him. At first, Vigenere thought that pretending to like her would get him to become King, so he could get his entire family to move up to the First Tier with him, but he soon found himself actually falling in love with her. Vigenere tried to spend as much time with her as he could, and he always remained vigilant on the field whenever he was on guard. Months went by and Vigenere eventually found the time to buy a ring for her, and the demon began to think about ways he would propose to her.

However, almost a month after he bought the ring, Vigenere learned that Caesar tried sneaking into a Court Meeting, and rumors started floating around the Guard about how Caesar was going to destroy the Universe. Vigenere didn't believe it, but most of the Guard did and started shunning him for his relation to Caesar. But soon after that, Caesar was brought before the Court, charged with attempted murder of the Shaman. Vigenere had been shocked upon hearing this and he had no time to react as the King dismissed him from the Guard and brought them to the dungeons. A day later, their System was exiled.

Vigenere refused to talk to Caesar for a while, and at first, he thought of murdering his brother. His father stopped him and calmed him down, but Vigenere still felt rage towards his younger brother. However, when Caesar brought the idea of getting revenge on the King, Vigenere couldn't help but join in on his brother's plan. It'd be a chance to get revenge on the Guard for how they treated him, for how they disrespected him and didn't treat him any different than he had been in the Seventh Tier.

But upon one night meeting Athena, she told him that there was a way for his System to return to the Seventh Tier, just without Caesar. Vigenere thanked her for convincing her father to let them return, and immediately went to Atbash and told her the news. He and Atbash both pulled out of Caesar's plan, causing him to get angry at them, but Vigenere didn't care. What mattered was that he was going to go home and be normal. That night, Vigenere met Athena again and was about to propose to her, but Caesar promptly murdered her just as Vigenere was about to propose.

Vigenere barely had time to recover from Caesar's actions when he went to go kill the King and set the Dimension on flames. Atbash and Vigenere tried to stop him, but he refused to stop, and the only thing they could do was try and save their parents. But by the time they reached their den, it was already on flames and starting to collapse. Atbash leaped through the burning door and into their room, and eventually Vigenere dragged her out, convincing her that she had to stay with him to stay alive - that their parents would want her alive. Caesar eventually dragged them out of Dimension FiveX as it collapsed, trying to convince Vigenere and Atbash to join him one last time. They refused, and Vigenere once again chased his brother off.

Vigenere and Atbash traveled to Earth, completely unaware that Caesar was also on the same Earth. They traveled together for a while, before the stress started to get to Vigenere and he chased Atbash off, which allowed him some time to be alone and think to himself. However, he eventually started to miss his sister and went to go look for her, but when he didn't find her, he decided to join one of the groups that was nearby. So on May 4, 2018, Vigenere joined Tanglewood. On May 27, 2018, he received a gift from Fenrisulfur, which was some reinforced claws so he could fight off the local alligators that lived in Tanglewood, and was promoted to Chaser on June 3, 2018. On June 7, 2018, he had a breakdown, remembering his past with Athena and Dimension FiveX, however his groupmates quickly came to his aid and relaxed him. On June 17, 2018, Vigenere was promoted to Firebrand. On June 21, 2018, he learned that Caesar was on the same Earth as him. Fearing for Atbash's life, he and Morgan started on a journey to go find her on June 28, 2018. On July 1, 2018, Vigenere was promoted to Proxy and got the title of Gatorbait.

On June 5, 2018, Vigenere discovered that he got his electric elementals back. On June 14, 2018, he was promoted to Regent. Although there is no official date since the thread was left unfinished, Vigenere received a mask from the Mask Vigil that he wears in battle.

On July 23, 2018, Vigenere saw Atbash for the first time since arriving to Tanglewood, and he warned her of Caesar's whereabouts. However, she told him that Caesar had already attacked her prior to his visit. He and Morgan stayed the night at Snowbound, and on July 26, 2018, as they here heading back to Tanglewood, Morgan admitted his feelings to Vigenere. To which Vigenere admitted them back and asked Morgan out. On July 27, 2018, Vigenere and Morgan start dating.

On August 11, 2018, the Regent rank was changed to Captain of the Guard, making Vigenere a Captain. On August 18, 2018, he was given the title of Good Noodle. On October 4, 2018, he saw ghosts for the first time.

On October 7, 2018, Vigenere saw Atbash's new scars for the first time. On October 8, 2018, he saw Athena's spirit and apologized to her for not being able to protect her. And she forgave him.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: The Seventh Tier in Dimension FiveX was the lowest Tier you could be in, outside of being an Outcast. His System (family) was very poor and his father worked as a farmer, while his mother took care of him and his siblings, being a stay-at-home mom. There are seven Tiers in total, with the First Tier being the highest - which consisted of the King, Queen, their children, and the Shaman. The Second Tier was the King's Guard, which is basically the military for the King. They protect the Kingdom as well as ensuring the King was safe. The rest of the Tiers were pretty much Commoners, although as the Tiers get higher, the poorer members in that Tier are. Their Dimension was at war at the time, and Vigenere was often fighting others in the war or repairing weapons.

Vigenere currently lives in Tanglewood, which is a group located in a swamp. You can see a more detailed description of their camp here.

Weather: Vigenere's favorite type of weather is when it is cold and crisp and he enjoys the fall. He likes the feeling of the cold weather and enjoys feeling the leaves crunch underneath his paws. His least favorite season is summer, just because of the heat.

Physical: Vigenere is a tall and muscular golden F1 Savannah with black spots and eyes. He also has black paws and ears, as well as a black tail tip. His left ear has a hole in it, while his right ear is torn. He has a scar on his lip and a scar on his shoulder, both given to him during his time in the King's Guard.

During battle he wears a mask, which was given to his during Tanglewood's tradition of Mask Vigils.

Weapons: The only weapon Vigenere currently carries is the reinforced claws that Fenrisulfr gave him, although he enjoys using swords and knives, due to being trained to fight with them. Vigenere considers himself a good fighter, and during battle, he always tries to keep an eye on his opponent to study their movements and weaknesses, and attacks accordingly. He doesn't consider himself a coward, and is always willing to protect his fellow Tanglers in times of peril.

Reactions: Below are ways Vigenere acts a certain way whenever he feels a certain emotion. He isn't a very emotional person and likes to keep things cool and collected, but sometimes he emotions do get the best of him.
Anger - Vigenere isn't quick to anger, though if he ever gets to that point, the signs to look out for are puffing out and bristling fur, as well as a lashing tail. Vigenere tries to keep his cool as much as possible and sometimes he digs his claws into the ground to try to soothe himself.
Scared - Despite what it may seem, Vigenere is a bit easy to scare. He may constantly be on the lookout for movements, but sometimes things get ahead of him and he gets spooked. Vigenere puffed his fur out when spooked and his pupils dilate.
Stressed - Vigenere, like all dream demons, bleed when stressed. They bleed from their nose first, then their mouth, and finally their eyes if the stress gets too much. Too much stress can cause dream demons to Corrupt, to which their body is constantly in stress, therefore is constantly bleeding from the eyes.
Rejected - Vigenere hasn't been rejected yet, although if he ever did, it's likely he'd try to pass off his attempt with a joke.
Happy - Vigenere is almost always happy, though he just doesn't really express it. If he's really happy, his eyes will shine and he will have a large smile on his face.
Hurt/Sad - Whenever he's upset, Vigenere goes to hide in his room. He doesn't like showing people that he's upset and will try to hide as much as he can or as long as he has to.
Confused - Vigenere tilts his head when confused and his tail tip will flick thoughtfully.

Motives: Vigenere's main motive right now is to become the Commander of Tanglewood, although he is very happy in his position of Proxy. He had gotten used to being in a position of power during his time in the King's Guard, and he hated not being as well-liked whenever he got exiled. However, being in Tanglewood, people actually respect and like him - even if he wasn't a Proxy - and he is quite happy staying where he is. Or hell, he'd be happy if he stayed as a Rogue! The most important thing to Vigenere is honor, as he's always held himself high and wants to make others proud, though his family - both his siblings (yes, even Caesar) and Tanglewood - is a close second.

Failure and Success: Vigenere thinks his main successes is becoming a well-known and trusted member of Tanglewood, as well as being apart of the King's Guard. He likes being respected and well-liked around Tanglewood and he misses the amount of respect he was given by the lower Tiers when he had been in the King's Guard. For failures, Vigenere believes his biggest failure is not taking care of Caesar like he should have. He should have killed Caesar when he had the chance, especially after he murdered Athena, but he couldn't find the courage to murder his brother. Vigenere tries not to let the successes of others get to him, although sometimes he can't help but feel a bit jealous at those higher in rank than him.

Mood: Vigenere is generally in a good mood, although he has a very neutral look on his face. He is a very calculating and alert person and is always looking for signs of somebody's mood changing whenever he speaks to them. He relies on body language and movements to portray and read somebody's mood, so his mood is usually determined based of the people around him. He isn't quick to anger, but he is quick to react and is almost sort of trigger happy when it comes to reactions. If he does get mad, it is hard for him to calm down, but he tries to keep his anger under control.

Opinion: Vigenere isn't sure how he feels about love. He had been in love once (or so he thought), but his first relationship was with the Princess of Dimension FiveX, and he first got with her to manipulate her into making him King. He eventually learned to love her, but he wasn't sure if he truly loved her, especially now, eons after her death. He thinks he would have been happy with her, but the fact that he's found a new crush has him thinking otherwise. Vigenere isn't the type to rush into relationships, and it's likely he'll either get over his current crush or never admit to it (though the latter is mostly in fear of Caesar killing them).
As for war, Vigenere was trained to fight in wars. He's used to it and thinks nothing of it. Wars can't be avoided, as both sides are usually right in their own way, and they will never come up with a compromise. Vigenere is almost numb to wars and wouldn't protest against one unless he absolutely had a reason to do so.
Vigenere doesn't mind powers, although he personally doesn't like using them very much. He had been trained in the King's Guard to be a physical fighters, not a powerful fighter who fights with long-range attacks.
Vigenere isn't religious and doesn't entirely understand the concept, but he respects those who have a religion.

Religion: As mentioned above, Vigenere is not religious and is an atheist. Tanglewood does not have a religion, although there are multiple god/god-like beings that live there.

Magic/Powers: Vigenere does have powers, but most (if not all) of them were stripped when he traveled to Earth. Before he came here, he had the ability to travel between Dimension, as well as the typical dream demon abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis (among other mind-controlling powers). Dream demons also have the ability to shapeshift and possess other bodies, and some can control elementals. Vigenere had the ability to control electricity and water, though these powers aren't with him currently. Due to possessing a mortal body, any powers that Vigenere uses costs energy from him, preventing him from using multiple powers at once and from using them in short succession of each other. However, Vigenere prefers to fight without his powers and relies on physical strength.
As of right now, Vigenere only has reincarnation, mental manipulation and communication, electric elementals, and water elementals.

Perception: Vigenere's view on the world is mixed. He believes the world is a good place, although he sees that there are some corrupt people as well. He believes people should be able to do what they want, so long as it isn't morally incorrect (such as murder or something worse than that). He believes that those who do evil in the world should be stopped or at least put in jail for life, depending on how severe their crime was. But despite his cold views, Tanglewood has taught him that the world can be a good place, and that Earth isn't anything like Dimension FiveX.

First Impressions: Most first impressions of Vigenere is him leaping at them. He doesn't like trespassers on Tanglewood's territory and most of the time, that's how a stranger met him. Despite this, he is a good guy and means well, but he is overprotective of his groupmates. He tries to keep an open mind, although sometimes his bluntness and thoughts will come out without him knowing.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-02-2018

! Please note there may be some triggering things in Gordon's backstory, mostly about abuse !

CHARACTER STUDY: GORDON (updated 11/13/18)

Full Name: Gordon Cipher
Age: 2 years
Death: n/a
Background: Gordon was born to Caesar Cipher along with her twin brother, Billiam, in The Typhoon. Their mother was killed soon after they were weaned and open their eyes, and Caesar refused to talk about her, and therefore, they never met their mother. Which left Caesar as their only parent, and he raised them by himself. However, despite him being their father, he constantly belittled and yelled at them, bossing them around. He called them many names and eventually started to lash out at them as they got older. Eventually, one night when Gordon and Billiam were trying to escape, Caesar caught them and attacked them both, leaving them both scarred. Gordon ended up with a scar on her stomach, and her brother ended up with a scar on his lip. Caesar then locked them in their rooms, only occasionally allowing an NPC to visit and tend to their wounds.

A couple weeks went by and eventually Gordon and Billiam were well enough to move on their own and once again attempted to escape Caesar, though this time they enlisted the help of the NPC that took care of them while they were healing. Gordon and Billiam ran, although once again Caesar caught them, but they split up in order to disorient them. Gordon headed towards a group named The Ascendants, although she had no idea where Billiam went off to.

On May 29, 2018, Gordon joined The Ascendants and soon received her pendant on June 3, 2018, which is a customary tradition that The Ascendants have. Billiam joined soon after on June 5, 2018, using their mental bond to locate where Gordon was. Gordon temporarily disappeared, though she returned to activity on June 19, 2018. On July 2, 2018, Gordon was promoted to Starstruck Guardian. On July 15, 2018, she stepped down from the position OOCly.

On an unknown date, Gordon left The Ascendants and joined Sunhaven on August 12, 2018. On August 15, 2018, she joined the Art Guild, automatically gaining the title of Impressionist in doing so. On August 19, 2018, she was promoted to Hearthkeeper. On August 26, 2018, she was promoted to Dawnguard. On September 22, 2018, she was promoted to Goldenblood.

On October 4, 2018, Gordon saw ghosts for the first time. On October 25, 2018, she had a panic attack over seeing Vigenere for the first time, thinking he is her father.

On November 11, 2018, Sunhaven was caught in a flash flood, where Gordon drowned and blacked out.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: The Typhoon had been where Gordon was born, and they live on an island known as Paradise Island. The island holds a tropical rainforest jungle as well as an active volcano. There are many other islands in The Typhoon's territory, and you can see each one detailed here.

Currently, Gordon lives in The Ascendants. Their territory consists mostly of plains and grasslands, and their camp has an old Observatory and Bunker. You can see their territory explained more in detail here.

Weather: Gordon's favorite season is spring and her favorite weather is any time the sky is clear with a light breeze. She likes the flowers that bloom in spring and enjoys the rain (although harsh storms scare her). Her least favorite season is winter and her least favorite weather is winter.

Physical: Gordon is a small and short-legged golden she-cat with a black stripe going down her back. she has green eyes and wears a red flower, which is pinned to her left ear. there is a long, curving scar that goes from her stomach to her side. She wears a red flower on her left ear.

Weapons: Gordon doesn't own or use weapons, since she is a peacekeeper and prefers not to fight.

Reactions: Below are ways Gordon acts a certain way whenever she feels a certain emotion. Her emotions are hard to change, and she is commonly very shy and nervous around others.
Anger - Gordon is extremely hard to anger, though one way to tell if she's angry is by the way she glares at somebody and tries to look threatening, despite her size.
Scared - Gordon is very easily scared, and she jumps whenever she is spooked. Her fur puffs out as much as it can, and her eyes get wide and her pupils dilate.
Stressed - Gordon gets stressed very easily, and she usually tries to go find Billiam and talk to him, or talk to another trusted member of The Ascendants.
Rejected - Gordon has never been rejected, although if she ever was, she will probably go off to her room and cry and try to find comfort in Billiam or another trusted member of The Ascendants.
Happy - Gordon is almost always happy, despite her looks. One way to tell how happy she is is by the way her eyes light up and her tail sticks straight up, as well as her ears being pricked.
Hurt/Sad - Just like as if she was rejected, Gordon will hide in her room and cry, trying to find comfort in Billiam or a trusted groupmate.
Confused - Gordon tilts her head when confused and her ears are pricked. Her tail flicks back and forth as well.

Motives: Gordon doesn't really have a motive in life other than to be with her brother, Billiam, at all times and protect and comfort him whenever he feels unsafe or afraid. She is quite happy with her life, and she doesn't want to see herself rise in the ranks (although she won't deny a promotion).

Failure and Success: Gordon considers her biggest success finding Billiam. She briefly lost him whenever she went to join The Ascendants, but they soon found each other. However, she feels that her biggest failures are whenever she looses him and she isn't able to comfort him (or anybody else, for that matter). Gordon doesn't really compare her successes to anybody else, as she is quite happy where she is.

Mood: Gordon is almost always in a happy mood, although her outward appearance may give her the look of being shy and nervous. Her nerves do get the best of her at times, though she is very happy with her life in The Ascendants. She heavily relies on others' emotions for her to react with her own, and she is very reactionary. Gordon isn't quick to anger (she actually might run away if she feels too threatened or afraid), and even if she becomes angry, it will be pretty easy to calm her down.

Opinion: Gordon has a mixed opinion on love. She wants to be in love and find somebody who will love her but she can't help but feel worried that they might leave her or treat her harshly, or judge her for her past and who she is as a person. She hopes that if she does find a partner, that they will respect her wishes on not wanting to engage in a sexual relationship.
Gordon is highly against war and torture, as she is a major pacifist. She will firm and strict on her believes and will even try to stop tortures as they happen if she has to. She believes that war is only shedding useless blood and that both sides are right and should stop and come up with a compromise.
Gordon doesn't really mind powers, as she has a couple of her own, although she prefers not to use them very much. She is wary of others that use them, but she won't judge them for it.
As for religion, Gordon isn't religious but she respects others for their beliefs.

Religion: Gordon isn't religious and is an atheist, although she respects others' religions, even if she doesn't quite understand them. The Ascendants doesn't have a religion, though they do honor their former leaders and members during their funerals in what could be considered a religious funeral.

Magic/Powers: Gordon likes powers, though she is slightly wary of them when they aren't used by her or Billiam. She doesn't use powers a lot, as she is a pacifist and prefers not to fight. Gordon's only powers at this moment are reincarnation and having a mental bond with her brother, as well as Clairvoyance.

Perception: Gordon's outlook on life is very positive and she enjoys life, despite how nervous and anxious she is. She believes that everybody is a good person at heart, even if they have ill intentions. She is a firm believer of peace and being a pacifist and hates tortures and murders, going as far as to stop tortures if she has to.

First Impressions: A lot of peoples' first impressions of Gordon is how shy she is, mostly because of the way she carries herself. She is usually looking at her paws and only looks up briefly to see who she is talking to right before her gaze goes back to her paws. But once somebody gets to know her, she is a very sweet and loving and caring person, and will do anything to help her groupmates. Gordon is a bit wary of newcomers and she often hides behind some of her closest groupmates until she becomes comfortable enough with newcomers.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-02-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/26/18

> Aphra Cipher | Female (she/her)
> 2 years (24 human years) physically; 1 year mentally
> The Typhoon | Crewmate

> Single
> Caesar Cipher xx NPC (second generation)
> Half-sister of Horizon, Billiam, and Gordon Cipher
> Mother of Nyssa, Silus, Kathrine, and Sylvina (Pincher xx Aphra)
> Niece of Atbash Cipher and Vigenere Cipher
> Cousin of Coriander (adopted by Atbash)

> Oriental Longhair; pure white fur with ice-blue eyes. She wears a [url=]gold pearl necklace
, as well as black hoop earrings and a black mouth ring. She also has a beauty spot on her muzzle.
> Bengal cat; silver fur that has darker, almost black spots. She still retains her beauty spot, although her piercing do not appear in this body.

> Seductive and flirty
> Manipulative and bitchy

> Physically easy, mentally easy
> May start but won't stop fights
> attack in BOLD WHITE
- POWERS: Reincarnation, Shapeshifting

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-02-2018

CHARACTER STUDY: APHRA (updated 11/13/18)

Full Name: Aphra Cipher
Age: 2 years
Death: n/a
Background: Aphra was born in The Typhoon's territory, though she technically wasn't apart of the group, and was the only child out of the litter. Her father is Caesar Cipher, an Officer, and her mother was an NPC. She never met her mother, though she knows Caesar killed her once she was weaned. Aphra took care of herself for years, before deciding to join The Typhoon on July 2, 2018.  She joined due to having an affair with Pincher a couple months prior. On July 20, 2018 she gave birth to Pincher's kids in her bengal body.

On November 10, 2018, Aphra returned to The Typhoon after disappearing for a bit, and soon stole her father's crown on November 13, 2018.

This will be updated as events happen.

Home: Aphra currently lives at The Typhoon, and they live on an island known as Paradise Island. The island holds a tropical rainforest jungle as well as an active volcano. There are many other islands in The Typhoon's territory, and you can see each one detailed here.

Weather: Aphra's favorite type of weather is clear and sunny skies, and her favorite season is summer. She likes the heat and enjoys sunbathing. Her least favorite type of weather is snowy and stormy, and her least favorite season is the winter, due to it being cold.

Physical: Aphra is an Oriental Longhair with pure white fur and ice-blue eyes. She wears a gold pearl necklace, as well as black hoop earrings and a black mouth ring. She also has a beauty spot on her muzzle.

She also has a bengal cat body with silver fur that has darker, almost black spots. She still retains her beauty spot, although her piercing do not appear in this body.

Weapons: Aphra doesn't currently use or own any weapons, although she does like the blade her father has.

Reactions: Below are ways Aphra acts a certain way whenever she feels a certain emotion. She usually keeps a stoic expression, though sometimes she lets her emotions get the best of her
Anger - Aphra is quick to anger, and her tail lashes whenever she is upset. Her front paws shuffle back in forth instead of her flexing her claws.
Scared - Aphra isn't scared very easily, though she will lash out whenever she is startled.
Stressed - Aphra doesn't stress often, but will retreat to her room if she does feel stressed.
Rejected - Aphra doesn't care about rejection and doesn't really get close to others romantically, so she isn't worried about rejection. However, if she is rejected being given attention, then she hisses and throws a fit.
Happy - Aphra is usually happy for the most part, although she doesn't really express it often. One way to know she is happy is by the way her eyes shine.
Hurt/Sad - Aphra doesn't get sad or hurt often, but she will retreat to her room and throw a fit if this does happen.
Confused - Aphra tilts her head whenever she's confused and her tail flicks back and forth.

Motives: Aphra's main motive in life is to seduce and sleep with as many people as possible, usually those in higher ranks so she can manipulate them into getting her a high-ranked position. She likes being the popular one and enjoys being in the center of attention and will try to do anything to get to that point.

Failure and Success: As Aphra is a new character, she hasn't really had to deal with successes and failure. This will be updated as these things happen, though.

Mood: Aphra is generally in a good mood, though it doesn't take long for her to get irritated or made, especially if she isn't in the center of attention and isn't getting her way. She is, however, easy to calm down, but still quick to anger. Her moods aren't influenced by others and she usually keeps a stoic expression on most events.

Opinion: Aphra, despite being the embodiment of lust, doesn't really care much for love. She doesn't really experience it, and anybody she sleeps with is just a one-night fling. She usually uses those she sleeps with, trying to absorb their energy or manipulate them.
Aphra doesn't really have an opinion on war, as she hasn't really experienced any.
Aphra isn't a fan of powers, and doesn't use them herself.
Aphra also doesn't believe in any religion and believes those who are religious and dumb and naive.

Religion: Aphra is atheist and doesn't believe in any religion, although The Typhoon does have one. The Typhoon currently believes in a religion based off Haitian Vodou, and it focuses on a spirit (or "Loa") named Agwe. Agwe rules over the sea and is seen as a mediator between The Supreme Creator (or "Bondye") and those who believe in the religion. She doesn't believe in this, nor does she respect its traditions. Aphra is the embodiment of lust, and this is the main vice that powers her, although she is prideful, envious, and greedy.

Magic/Powers: Aphra doesn't mind powers, although she doesn't have any herself and she doesn't particularly like using them very often. The only powers she has is reincarnation and shapeshifting.

Perception: Aphra has a neutral outlook on life, and believes that the glass is both half-full and half-empty. She just kinda goes through life as things happen and doesn't let the past or future bother her.

First Impressions: Most first impressions of Aphra are of the way she holds herself. She holds her head and tail high, believing that she is of the upmost importance. This can lead to others thinking she is very narcissistic, though she mostly just has a big ego. She doesn't care much for others, but first impressions mean a lot to her.

Template I used

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-06-2018

FULL NAME Dante Northwest
CLAN/GROUP[b] The Pitt
—ranking Dweller
— former ranks Dweller (Promoted to Strong Arm)
Strong Arm (rank changed to Crusader)
Crusader (stepped down to Dweller)
8 years
—mental age 8 years
—aging ratio 1 year every August 18
—zodiac sign leo
—pronouns he/him
can breathe underwater
has one extra row of teeth, though not for the ones sticking out of his mouth
cannot fly, can only glide
health status -[100%]
SPECIES[b] hybrid (shark x cat)
a large, muscular shark-cat hybrid with the pelt pattern of a whale shark. he has white paws, ear tips, fin tip, tail tip, as well as a white muzzle, chest, underbelly, and underneath his tail. he has large fangs that stick out of his mouth, both his upper and lower lips, and white wings (these are mutations). his eyes are green. his left ear is born, and he has multiple scars that cover his body. some notable scars are the scars on his right eye and on his neck; his neck scar is a bite wound. reference
—smells like the ocean, cigarette smoke
—injuries n/a
BODY LANGUAGE[b] dante is always standing almost in a defensive-type position
—posture bad; whenever he sits, he's usually slouched
ENTJ ("The Commander") - Chaotic Neutral - Slytherin
daring - spontaneous - steadfast - stoic
cruel - determined - frightening - hostile
blunt - demanding - sadistic - uncaring
ORIENTATION[b] pansexual and panromantic
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush n/a
—friends n/a
—family n/a
—enemies pretty much anybody
start fights - fight back - will try to end fights - will kill
—platonic relationships hard to get along with; he's extremely harsh and aggressive towards others
—romantic relationships has an extremely hard time getting to actually "like" anybody
—rivalries extremely easy to become his enemy
—physical difficulty medium
—mental difficulty  easy

Joining Thread - July 11, 2018
Tags - Updated November 3, 2018
Character Study - Updated November 3, 2018
OOC Promotion to Strong Arm - July 31, 2018
IC promotion to Strong Arms - August 11, 2018
Strong Arm changed to Crusader - September 7, 2018
The Purge Participation + Point Tracker - September 17, 2018
OOC Step Down from Crusader - September 20, 2018
Returning to The Pitt - October 31, 2018

TV Tropes:
Smoking is Cool, Pasttimes Prove Personality, Deadpan Snarker, Covered With Scars, Ear Notch, Wings Do Nothing, Authority Equals Asskicking, Nepotism, The Berserker, Blood Knight, Blood Lust, Brutal Honest, Conditioned to Horror, Entitled Bastard, Hates Being Touched, Jerkass, Lack of Empathy, Nobody Calls Me "Chicken!", Sadist, The Unfettered, Ungrateful Bastard, Being Tortured Makes You Evil, Fangs Are Evil, The Dragon, The Brute, The Social Darwinist, Ask A Stupid Question..., *Cough* Snark *Cough*, Dark and Troubled Past, Driven to Villainy, Had to be Sharp, I'm Not Here To Make Friends, They're Called Personal Issues For A Reason

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 07-11-2018

Opinions & Choices IC | Bump private threads after 7 days | Updated 11/3/18

> Dante Northwest | Male (he/him)
> 8 years (48 human years) physically; 8 years mentally
> The Pitt | Dweller | Former Crusader [HP]

> Single
> NPC xx NPC (first generation)

> Shark-Cat Hybrid with mutations; he has the body of a feline, with the pelt pattern of a whale shark. He has a fin on his body, as well as a shark-like tail. He has white ear tips, fin tip, tail tip, as well as white paws, muzzle, chest, underbelly, and under his tail. His wings are also white, and he has green eyes. There are scars that litter his body; there is one on his eye, below his wing, on his right forearm, and left hind leg, as well as multiple on his tail. There is also a bite wound scar on his neck, near his gills. He also has four fangs sticking out of his mouth, making him seem as if he has both an overbite and an underbite.

> Aggressive and impulsive
> Merciless and quick

> Physically medium, mentally easy
> Will start fights, will end them
- POWERS: Reincarnation

Re: I FEEL THE CHEMICALS KICKING IN || Maple's Storage - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-16-2018

[Image: caesar_quick1.png]

Art of Caesar by [member=207]axiom[/member] ! ^

[Image: Vigenere_Mask_Concept.png]

Art of Vigenere and his mask by [member=profile;u=11].[/member]/Papa ! ^

[Image: vinegar.png]

Art of Vigenere by [member=36]madster[/member] ! ^

[Image: bash.png]

Art of Atbash by [member=62]arcy[/member] ! ^