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゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Printable Version

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Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 08-30-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]Ophiuchos Sapientia ( “I am here to return your bones and stars.” )
——— The Serpent Bearer; Incarnation of Ophiuchus, the Deity of Curiosity, Memories, Choices, Regeneration, Evocation
Gender: Non-binary / Birthday: November 30 / Star Guardian: A non-binary Cat named Qí; is kept in a Pearl pendant / Powers: Shapeshift ( can be used once in every one or two weeks ), Venom Secretion, Snake Physiology, Reptile Manipulation, Camouflage, Constriction, Enhanced Stealth, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation / Notable Features: Can shift from Human to Naga and back, poisonous fangs, have scales on most parts of the body, forked tongue / Main Appearances: Initum, Medium, and Finis

Krios Vita ( “How long can you bear blood between your teeth? Long enough to treat it as water?” )
——— The Ram; Incarnation of Aries, the God of Beginning, Life, Self, Ego, Appearance
Gender: Male / Birthday: April 19 / Star Guardian: A male Dragon named Cí; is kept in a Bloodstone pendant / Powers: Horn Protrusion, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Leap, Climbing, Fire Manipulation, Strength Manipulation, and Caprine Physiology / Notable Features: Ram horns, strong foreheads, bones are stronger than average / Main Appearance: Initium

Tavros Lucrum ( “Cherish the temporary.” )
——— The Bull; Incarnation of Taurus, the Goddess of Possessions, Value, Acquisition, Wealth, Cultivation
Gender: Female / Birthday: May 14 / Star Guardian: A female Snake named Cōng; is kept in a Sapphire pendant / Powers: Charge, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Stamina, Bovine Physiology, Earth Manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Stone Manipulation / Notable Features: Cow horns, strong stomach and immune systems allows them to eat anything without harm / Main Appearance: Initium

Didimoi Fratres ( “We are everywhere, and so will you if you choose to believe.” )
——— The Twins; Incarnations of  Gemini, the Gods of Social, Siblings, Transportation, Communications, Intelligence
Gender: Male / Birthday: June 20 / Star Guardian: A male Horse named Jīng; is kept in an Agate pendant / Powers: Replication, Air Manipulation, Air Mimicry, Mental Mimicry / Notable Features: Second set of arms, have two extra smaller eyes below the main eyes / Main Appearance: Initium

Karkinos Genitor ( “Love is the most beautiful magic to ever exist.” )
——— The Crab; Incarnation of Cancer, the Goddess of Home, Ancestry, Security, Intimacy, Emotions
Gender: Female / Birthday: July 21 / Star Guardian: A female Goat named Hé; is kept in an Emerald pendant / Powers: Pincer Grip, Constriction, Seismic Sense, Crustacean Physiology, Water Manipulation, Aquatic Respiration, and Lunar Empowerment / Notable Features: Hands morph into crab claws, skin glitters when exposed to moonlight / Main Appearance: Initium

Leon Nati ( “It is never too late to be childish, to be free.” )
——— The Lion; Incarnation of Leo, the God of Children, Games, Creativity, Pleasure, Love
Gender: Male / Birthday: August 10 / Star Guardian: A male Monkey named Zhī; is kept on an Onyx pendant / Powers: Feral Mind, Natural Weaponry, Superhuman Senses, Enhanced Roar, Enhanced Reflexes, Feline Physiology, Animal Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Solar Empowerment / Notable Features: Have sharp fangs, nails are long and sharp like claws, skin glitters when exposed to sunlight / Main Appearance: Medium

Parthenos Valetudo ( “Every heart beats differently from each other, and I think that’s beautiful.” )
——— The Virgin; Incarnation of Virgo, the Goddess of Health, Operation, Services, Routines, Employment
Gender: Female / Birthday: September 16 / Star Guardian: A female Rooster named Mǐn; is kept in a Carnelian pendant / Powers: Purification, Healing, Enhanced Regeneration, Holy Fire Manipulation, Earth Manipulation / Notable Features: Have large feathered wings / Main Appearance: Medium

Zygos Uxor ( “To love or to hate, to give or to kill. We were born to burn like stars nevertheless.” )
——— The Scales; Incarnation of Libra, the God of Partnerships, Attraction, Law, Judgement, Justice
Gender: Male / Birthday: October 31 / Star Guardian: A male Dog named Qīng; is kept in a Chrysolite pendant / Powers: Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Intelligence, Equality, Spiritual Meditation, and Air Manipulation / Notable Features: Hands and forearms are gold coloured, have glowing eyes / Main Appearance: Medium

Skorpios Mors ( “The Afterlife is weeping over us, our misfortunes.” )
——— The Scorpion; Incarnation of Scorpio, the Goddess of Death, Reincarnation, Taboos, Sexuality, Self-Transformation
Gender: Female / Birthday: November 23 / Star Guardian: A female Pig named Lèi; is kept in a Beryl pendant / Powers: Water Manipulation, Chrono Vision, Venom Secretion, Insect Manipulation, Dermal Armour, Scorpion Physiology, Mediumship / Notable Features: Have scorpion tail, have multiple of tiny eyes around the main eyes, can see in the dark, can sneak up as silent walkers / Main Appearance: Medium

Toksotis Iter ( “Do not be afraid to play with the Unknown.” )
——— The Archer; Incarnation of Sagittarius, the God of Philosophy, Wisdom, Travel, Perspectives, Morality
Gender: Male / Birthday: December 18 / Star Guardian: A male Rat named Kuài; is kept in a Topaz pendant / Powers: Enhanced Accuracy, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Leap, Enhanced Tracking, Taur Physiology, Enhanced Hunting skill, Fire Manipulation / Notable Features: Can switch from Human to Centaur and back, keeps their tail in either forms / Main Appearance: Finis

Aigokeros Regnum ( “I wonder when will there be a time to breathe again.” )
——— The Sea Goat; Incarnation of Capricorn, the Goddess of Traditions, Careers, Status, Roots, Initiative
Gender: Female / Birthday: January 19 / Star Guardian: A female Ox named Qín; is kept in a Ruby pendant / Powers: Caprine Physiology, Enhanced Balance, Environmental Adaptation, Earth Manipulation, Water Manipulation and Mountain Manipulation / Notable Features: Have goat horns, legs and hooves when on land, legs turns into a Mermaid tail when in water surface / Main Appearance: Finis

Ydrohoos Benefacta ( “Put me in a place where there are hundreds of people, I will still feel alone.” )
——— The Water Bearer; Incarnation of Aquarius, the God of Friendships, Groups, Profits, Liberation, Faith
Gender: Male / Birthday: February 16 / Star Guardian: A male Tiger named Nài; is kept in a Garnet pendant / Powers: Water Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Water Mimicry, Air Manipulation and Air Mimicry / Notable Features: Have at least one robotic body enhancement / Main Appearance: Finis

Ihtheis Carcer ( “Waking up is my biggest nightmare.” )
——— The Fish; Incarnation of Pisces, the Goddess of Reflection, Dreams, Imprisonment, Privacy, Self-Undoing
Gender: Female / Birthday: February 16 / Star Guardian: A female Rabbit named Xǐ; is kept in an Amethyst pendant / Powers: Aquatic Adaptation, Underwater Breathing, Zoolingualism, Fish Physiology, Water Manipulation, Underwater Senses / Notable Features: Can switch from Human to Mermaid and back, have gills that closes when on land, have scales on stray parts of their bodies / Main Appearance: Finis

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 09-07-2019

( TW: Mentions of death, use of alcohol and drugs, and suicide )

Ophiuchos managed to find Somied sitting at the kitchen, his faint red eyes on a book. ‘Since when does a bloodthirsty troublemaker ever wanted to take the time to read a book?’ they thought. They looked around the kitchen and didn’t see Phobos, which was rather strange, given the idea that Terrible Twins were inseparable.

Ophiuchos jumped at a voice.

“He needed to have a personal talk with Mars.”

They heard a chuckle and realized it was Somied, either he had guessed their thought or somehow entered their mind without their permission. They hoped for the former, but knowing him, part of them doubted it.

“What do you want?” Somied asked without putting his book down, disinterest in his tone.

Ophiuchos walked over and took a seat in front of him. They nearly snorted when they spotted the title, The Shining by Stephen King. Of course, someone like Somied would be interested in books, if only they provided horror content.

They was given a growl from Somied. Within his eyes, impatient burned wildly, and Ophiuchos supposed they would have to make it quick. They was not in a mood to get another room on fire because of Somied’s pathetic tantrum.

“Your name,” they replied calmly, their head tilted as their sharp gaze fell on Somied’s, analyzing, seeking. They found their fingers tapping against the wooden table. A waiting game was on.

Somied stared at them. He finally let the novel go and let it landed on the table without even giving it a bookmark ( which Ophiuchos thought that was a dramatic move, but, it’s Somied. Obviously, he would do something like that ). The glowing brightened as he laughed, amusement spilling into the reality that soon became distorted by his wonder. “You know.” A statement falling from the tip of silver tongue with no hesitation.

Somied glanced away for a brief moment and back at Ophiuchos, their rough lips stretched widely into a horrible thing Ophiuchos could only describe it as a smirk. All teeth with no gaps between them. They was staring at Death. “You are quite of a clever being, I must say,” cooed Somied, “It had been a long time since anyone had figured it out. The last time they found out, they died from a heart attack.” He paused, as if he realized what he just said. Though, either with intention of giving that detail away or not, he added ominously: “It wasn’t my fault, though. They asked for it.”

Ophiuchos narrowed their eyes. In his voice, they could tell he had something more to say, so they only remained silent and allowed him to steal the moment for the most part.

“Ophiuchos Sapientia, if I tell you my real name,” said Somied, leaving his seat to come closer beside them, his face now several inches closer to their ear, “Will you promise me you won’t die so easily as well? I genuinely like you, and that is something I don’t give to many entities, especially if they are bound to last.”

A dark chuckle sent a wave of electrics down in Ophiuchos’ spine. They shuddered as his hot breath passed their ear. At this point, they nearly thought they was meeting Death.

“If it makes you feel any better, you can hold my hand,” offered Somied. Sarcasm was apparent between every words uttered, but in their eyes, surprisingly, he meant it.

Ophiuchos shot him a funny look, but despite their annoyance, they silently gripped his hand and nodded. Sure, they was not fond of his attitude, though, somehow, they trusted him. “Tell me,” they said. “I promise.”

Somied lifted his other hand to conceal the world from hearing his name, and in the most softest way possible from an entity of horror and rage, he said:


Images flashed wildly between Ophiuchos’ visions. They couldn’t move or think, forced to only watch them as screams and wails filled their mind, managing to hear the damned and the lost sobbed while they fell to their defeat, their misery. Bodies scattered across battlefields and even the most simplest places like malls and schools. Some of the livings, though, they survived, but ended up having alcohol and drugs in their veins as when they bled, there were only wastes spilled. Some ended up swinging in their bedroom, stomach filled with pills or thousand of lines in sins and apologies on their body—their maimed thing of nothing.

Death sung, and the Afterlife was alive.

Ended in a blinding light, a sob burst from Ophiuchos‘ dried throat and they shoved Somied away before they threw themself onto the floor. Pain flared across the body, yet gone ignored, their nails scratched against the cold surface, chest heaving as they gasped for something that was not apart of his name. Desperation run deep through their veins. They couldn’t think, couldn’t believe, as they stared blankly at Somied, shivering violently. His eyes were not there but a pair of sanguine lights. Darkness slowly crawled from the corner of their eyes, and they would never forget that those terrible lights were the last thing they saw before they fell unconscious.

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - drachen - 09-07-2019

quietly slides in

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - pallid-i - 09-07-2019


Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 09-12-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]*picks up Aby and Caine and tightly hugs*

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - Crycosmos - 09-14-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: courier; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"]“UH...HEWWO OWOWOWO??

Is this something kids say nowadays? Ah, fuck, if I know.

Anyway, I was told that I should introduce myself on here? So, um, hew—hi, I’m Shane Anneghanz. Or just call me Shane. I’ve been called by my last name too, although, it’s usually because I’m in trouble or something. Seriously, though, why do you guys do that? I would eat someone’s tower of marshmallows and suddenly, I’m Anneghanz? Okay, Rebecca.

I was designated male at first, and I identify myself as agender. I’m not very picky with pronouns, so I go by any pronouns, but most refers to me with neutral ones, which, I don’t mind at all.

I don’t even know what my age is anymore, man. I’m so old, I just feel like Death everyday. Some tells me I’m sort of young looking, like about two years old, but they’re probably just saying that so I wouldn’t cry in front of them.

I’m more of a traveller than anything, so I’m here and there. At the moment, I reside in Los Santos because my two close friends, who I call Su and Mo, want me to stay for them. I don’t think I do well with groups, but I’m mostly there just to interact with the spirits the group have there. Um. Yeah.

I’m panromantic pansexual, and I’m single as fuck. I form crushes way too easily, so, I beg you to not get me into parties, or my poor pan heart will die on me. Although, that’s the case, I don’t know if I’m fully ready to be in a love relationship? It’s...something, and I don’t know if I can handle that sort of a commitment, to be honest. I mean, I did have...a thing with Su and Mo, but- I- uh, it’s complicated... Anyway...

What I look like? A trash. HAH. That was a good one, right?

Really, though, I’m basically the tallest tabby cat you’ll ever meet with those stunning brown eyes that can get my ass NOT kicked if I do anything wrong. You can definitely find me by my lanky ass legs that doesn’t seem to know where they’re doing most of the time and how often I look so lost and out of the reality because, man, do I feel like Life always want to take me to Denny’s not to eat together but to beat the shit out of me, which, that’s homophobic.

My personality... Well, first thing to know about me is I’m an absolute mess. If you ask me how’s my day going and I’ll just blurt out, “By breathing”. I say dumb shit all the damn time without realizing, and if you’re one of the victims to my stupidity, I’m so sorry. Also, you need to know that I’m pretty damn awkward and forgetful, so good luck having to handle with me, um... If you can’t tell by now, I’m usually immature, let me be honest with you, but just let me have my moments, okay? I know when it’s time to be serious and all, so, please don’t hurt me, I’m like a child in an adult’s body. Even though I look like an asshole, I’m really kind. I think I’ll cry if someone tells me I’m an asshole, but, I swear, I will always find joy in making those around me feel loved and valued. So, if you ever need anything, just come to me, okay? I can’t promise I’ll make you those delicious comfort treats you’d see in movies, unless you dig with burnt food, but I’ll, like, give you hugs or read you bedtime stories, I don’t know. I’ll try whatever I can to make you have at least that small spark of hope. But, yeah, basically, I’m a chaotic disaster with a side of love.

Oh, that seems like that’s the time I have here, folks!

...Backstory? Family? Whomst? Don’t know them. My anxiety is calling me, so I gotta go. Okay. Cool, bye and thank you for coming by to read this mess of an introduction!”

Re: ゚ ☼ ✧ ☾ » h o m e ( for you and me ) - ANGUITENENS - 01-30-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; line-height: 13px; font-size: 10pt"] FALL

I. Move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.

II. It begins with a fallen constellation.

III. The night lets out a weep of woe through the heavy howls and starry snowflakes, plagued by a terrible snowstorm, and a single, delicate teardrop fall from its endless black skin. Once shaped as the serpent bearer, now shifted into the same but with tragic tongue and only blood spills from their gaping, raw wounds. No stardusts, no lights. Only a God’s sign of existing. Whatever comes from a presence are all the same though: Something that is beautiful, something that is terrible.

IV. How strange that dusts and moonlight together can kiss a presence so harshly, too much that defines carelessness. Though Mother Nature can not be blamed at for her gentleness can not catch their doom and bless it anew. Nothing of her existence can take them with tenderness when she have ever thin skin and fragile bones. Their presence made in thousands of suns, their soul bears a galaxy, will only ruin her. The creatures have destroyed her enough. How can her own celestial creations betray her?

V. The ocean is ever dark blue with the sky painted in great morning before mourning black, the trees carry fragile fragments that turn from emerald to amber to gone before the cycle restarts, and the stars? They are never meant to be eternal. Wildfire can die and so can their life. As this constellation can, as this wonder can while they falls, and falls, and falls. Into the world, into the unknown.

VI. This fall, however, does not seem to hurt the most. Fire engulfs the formed organs and skin, making everything heavier and harder to breathe in many reasons why they should continue living. Thousand sparks rushes through in celestial veins, and no one and nothing can hear their wails when their sounds of tragedy are consumed by the cold, merciless laughters from the throat of winter. Even when they falls, there are no changes left behind them. The sky is still black, and the stars and moon only stares at them and their exile from the galaxy, their once home.

VII. They, their celestial kins and associates, only watches them fall, and that hurts them the most.

VIII. Everyone makes a wish for themselves or their loved ones when they see a shooting star, either at their greatest times or otherwise, but the constellation wonders if they thought of wishing for the ones who does not mean to fall. If one catches their figure of flames tearing across the atmosphere, will they wish for them? Hope that they will be given reminders through more than cricket charmed song and burnt surface touching against them that everything will be okay in the end? That their fall does not define their identity?

IX. Something snaps violently in the constellation as their presence finally reaches to the sandy surface, and a massive sound pierces through the reality. For some seconds does it distort and scream at their unholy arrival, shaking at the fact that despite their fall, the lights of their figure has not faded away. A figure yet glowing ever so brightly in the darkest area. Though with their core damaged, they can not find themself moving, paralyzed but somehow breathing in their own way through mortal dusts and ashes. The serpent bearer is still alive. Despite all of this.

X. They falls, but they lives, and that is worse than death.