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kugawing’s pile of art realm - Printable Version

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Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-04-2019

[Image: DP1GSEJ.jpg]
Heyo, it's more SFM time! I'm still really new to this software and I'm trying to do everything I can to make it look as stellar as other SFM works I've seen! I'd like to learn how to animate in it at some point, but I think learning how to create poses is likely the better first step.
Above we see Agent 3 and a random Octoling fleeing from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Why is it there? Why are they being chased? Don't really know, it's just something that surged into my head and decided I'd try making. I'm pretty proud of it: even if the camera angle isn't the greatest. Again, still learning!

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-04-2019

[Image: g4c1ej7.jpg]
What can I say, I like Agent 3 a lot! I don't really have an explanation for this in all honesty. It was mostly a lot of posing practice and testing out some new maps that I think I'd downloaded. Why the Ghost Leviathan is there is mostly to gover up the blank space in the drawing. That's a valid excuse, right? I'm using it either way.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-13-2019

[Image: s4hWLH6.png]
Some more tortured Bubua! This would be before both of her eyes were removed, so it's more recent to when she had been locked up in a cardboard box. I still really need practice with shading and highlights but hey, any progress is good progress! Probably!

Meta Knight rubs his mask. “We don’t have time to check! She could be at least injured! Let us just use the baby-rock demon idea.” Meta Knight heads into a random room and calls into it. “The baby rock demons are coming!”
Arthur gave a small huff, and elected to do the same in the other rooms. Nothing, nothing, and more senseless nothing until it was the storage room that was shouted into. One of the boxes was weakly moved, just barely. It was taped shut, and from the outside and far away it looked like a regular box. Closer up, well, it seemed as if bloodied feathers had been shoved into what could be considered breathing holes.
Meta Knight gasps. He careful cuts the box tape and opens it.
Bubua had been trying to make the holes that were used to breathe bigger, but all she had really done is just clog them up. She’d been in a panic attack when she had been shoved and taped into the box, but it wasn’t exactly the most clear that her nearly plucked clean wings (which were bleeding as all wings did when they were nearly ripped clean of their plumage) and a bloodied, foggy and swollen eye were self inflicted. It could be assumed that the monster did such, but in truth it was self inflicted as most of her injuries were. Barely breathing and certainly not aware in the slightest, her energy having been spent in her hyperventilated and feather plucking spree. She did not look healthy in the slightest- being shoved in a tight cardboard box with backfired attempts to breathe could do that. She really looked dead, but the movement said otherwise.

-excerpt from the roleplay~

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-13-2019

[Image: DNDjXN7.png]

"Don't you's think this'll be exciting, Asli?" Ichigo asked, her leaning her head over to look at the baby rock demon. There was a snort in reply, and then a grumble as Aslisk turned a page in the book. It was ridiculous in her opinion that the designer for their wedding attire had a whole book filled to the brim with hues and different colors. Couldn't she say she wanted pink?! No, no, apparently there were so many shades of pink that it constituted a good portion of the book.
"It's a human tradition," Aslisk responded, again turning the page. "I don't know how excited I could get."
Ichigo pouted. "You's don't gotta get like this again, you's know."
"I'm not getting like anything," the sharp reply came. The taller piyan rolled over, leaving Ichigo to whine and grab onto a webbed wing. "Look, we're getting married and this right here isn't making anything easier."
A huff was her response, followed by a sneeze. "Asli, this is supposed to be a very happy day, you's just gotta that."
"Do what?"
"All of what you's doing right now, which is not cuddling with I's," Ichigo chirped, her flopping against the baby rock demon. Aslisk grumbled. Her red eyes turned to look at the book of colors. There were notes hanging this way and that off of the pages. With another grumble the baby rock demon laid back, and Ichigo was more than happy to curl up next to her and swiftly doze off, her breath raspy from the eternal cold that she suffered.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-13-2019

[Image: 9k26chh.jpg]

So I found some Pikmin models. Pikmin is great, just wish they'd finally release Pikmin 4. I think it's stuck in the depths of development, and it'll likely never see the light of day. But who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky at E3 next year. I don't really know what's happening in this image. Maybe Olimar is asking for directions? Or, perhaps, the rogue Pikmin is preparing to strike?
Also I'm still learning how to use lights so please ignore how Olimar's antennae causes for everything to look like something out of a juvenile horror film.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

[Image: Mn9f2tn.jpg]
Busybody gave a thoughtful expression as the description was given. When the comment of feathers was brought up, his mind could only go to bird. Birds had feathers. A tall bird with plasma, right? That sounded right and rather legit to him. “Well, if you think him being here would help you then I can go get him,” the dragon offered as he stepped in after the human. The burst of steam and heated air didn’t affect him, as the only soft part of him was his scarf and his blue, feathery tipped tail. He sat back on his haunches and began wringing out his scarf. He didn’t like the damp material against his chest, even if the heated air dried it instantly. It still felt damp to his incredibly warm scales, and so he messed with his article of clothing for a few moments. He fished out the keycard from where he had tucked such into his scarf, then outstretching such to the human before he went back to being on all four feet. “Here’s the keycard, I’ll show you how to use it. Then I’ll see if I can get you some stickers while you look around,” the dragon offered. He’d learned the lesson of leaving the human alone somewhat, figuring that if he had something to do while he was alone it would be alright. Right? The dragon hoped so, he was exhausted from the search he had done. It was evident in his sunset colored webbed wings ever so slightly hanging by his sides, but were still lifted above the ground.
“Oh, I haven’t even got to show you the laboratory yet. Prosper hates them too, so hopefully our take at it won’t make him upset,” Busybody rumbled in reply. The woodpecker-lizard hybrid had done his best to make everything as natural and open as physically possible for a building only a few meters underground. “I’ll go get him in a bit, then, bring you two at the same time to see it.”
The keycard was a nice green color. A few golden wires stuck out from one side, and on the other was the wording ‘floor 1 room 1’ on such, entailing which door it went to. A nice leaf emblem was on one side- the same one that was on Busybody’s scarf. Likely the trademark, the ‘natural’ theme the Reserve strove for even with pieces entirely made of technology.
When they got to the room, the dragon slowly showed the human how to work such. It slid in and out like a credit card, chirping out a ‘Welcome’ as the door slid open. The rooms of the Reserve were a lot dimmer than the rest of the place. It looked like an apartment, with a broad hallway leading straight to a living room, on the right being the bathroom through a door, and a closet on the opposing side. Then there was a laundry room on the same side of the closet, and on the other side of the living room from the entrance was the bedroom, which was locked. There was a television and a couch as well as a rug in the living room, all pastel greens and blued while the walls were a deep purple. The kitchen parted from the living room as well with deep green counters, and a fridge that had lots of sticky notes at the ready on such. Microwave, too, as well as a sink: the essentials. It was nice and quaint, and very open it was indeed.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

Busybody comes from a story I hope to publish one day. He's from a species called Sunriser dragons, who spit fire that surprise surprise are just as hot as the sun. When they die, they turn the planet they die on into a star as well! He's one of the dragons that go out in the universe to kidnap people in order to bring them to the Reserve that he works for. He's almost an adult in his species, and is one of the three of his kind left in existence.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

[Image: FJBKVKr.png]

Kaniktu eyed Anubis as he took a knee. She plopped into a sit, neatly wrapping her tail and wings around herself. “There once was a little hatchling that had come into the world from an egg. She hatched with two eggs next to hers, but she was the first. There was no warmth and no care, and the little hatchling wound up cracking the other eggs open and ate what was inside of them after days upon days of mewling for food and care to no avail. She had no sense of right and wrong, having just come into the world, and thought nothing more of it than something to be done to survive.

“The little hatchling had two parents. Both were nice and kind to her. They picked her up from the dirty floor not long after. The parents cleaned her, and set to work raising her as all parents did, whether it be for worse or better. They did their best to shelter the little hatchling from their vicious peers. The parents taught their one child how to read and write and create and destroy as all their kind did. They treated her well, and the little hatchling loved her parents dearly, and they reciprocated.

“As the hatchling grew older, her parents and herself was sent to a separate home, an older facility. She experienced the cutthroat behavior of the rest of her kind for the first time. They put her into the dirt, and her parents were there to pick her up, wipe the tears from her face, and get her on her feet again.” She paused, just to make sure that Anubis was still following. She was speaking oddly, in a theatrical way. Kaniktu was not the villain to spill out her plans until they happened- all the more formidable that had made her.

“The little hatchling was quick to learn, quick to adapt, and quick to strive for doing whatever she could to make things better for herself. The parents tried to protect their hatchling, but it wound up with poison being slipped into their food. A slow poison, the poison that kills when the target sleeps. Or, at least, the hatchling thought so.” Her tone grew a bit more cold here, a paw reaching to gently scratch underneath her visor. She winced, maybe from the wounds on her face? Hard to tell with the visor on.

“The little hatchling tried to save them, and she couldn’t. She turned them into a puddle of water on the floor. They said they loved her, and then they left her. The little hatchling grew up, pushed her face into the dirt, and now there was no one there to pick herself up, wipe her tears, and put her onto her feet.

“The little girl’s attempts to save her parents caught the attention of the ones who deemed themselves the best of the best. They had earned a rank in the world by soaking their talons with the blood of their peers and their family. They told her that she would make them creatures, or they’d take her claws and her mind for their own. So she was assigned to work, and with her face still wet from tears, has to recreate what had failed to save her parents.” Another pause, her rocking back on her feet, likely thinking ahead in the story she was telling.

Kaniktu’s gaze quickly turned to look at Anubis when he moved. Her demeanor was relaxed, but her sharp movements to look at him certainly showed that she was not allotting the room for surprise attacks. “The best did not let anyone of the death world work alone, for they feared insubordination. They did not want someone more deadly and mode cruel to do them in, as they had to countless others. So, the little girl had to be given a partner. Her assigned partner was rude, mean, and snappy. He had a fire to be the best as well, and that the little girl was nothing more than a stepping stool to be used to further his own gains. The little girl decided that she would not let herself be bested by someone such as him. She met his brother, who was younger than her, and they sabotaged him severely and cost her partner his life with an explosion that leveled the hallway. The brother was her new partner, when the commotion settled, and they got along well. He held her paws to keep her head from the dirt, and used his paws to wipe his tears, and his wings to lift her onto her feet. They worked to fix what had gone wrong with saving her parents, and only had complications when they needed someone to test it on.” Her tone was growing sharper now, a little more guarded. Her horned head turned to survey the crowd of creatures, spiky tail scraping at the ground behind her.

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

[Image: pAcD30r.png]


Kaniktu snapped her teeth at Anubis, her unfurling her webbed wings. “It’s quite rude to interrupt a story,” She snarled, a flicker of frygnot having rippled through her wings before fading away again. She continued to growl, but did start speaking again. “The brother decided then was the time to admit that he fancied the little girl. The little girl did not reciprocate, yet the brother understood. There was a long talk behind the closed doors of that lab room, and neither had their head down to the dirt, tears to their face, nor did they need to be picked up. They smiled and talked, and the little girl decided that she would not let the ones that deemed themselves the best take away such a close friend as they had her parents. She turned him into a puddle and had been struck by cold terror, afraid that she had killed the one other person in this cold world that had cared for her. She watched him reform, relief fill her core. The best were impressed, and sent her off to work on yet another project. They did not dare to fight against her when their attempts to steal her first creation failed- when the cannibalistic began water dragon slain one of their own, they backed off entirely. He was not the little girl’s beloved but made himself a part of her family nonetheless.

“The little girl continued to create creatures as she was asked. She worked a little harder than most, and it was the brother that had become an indestructible watery dragon that kept her in check and reminded her to sleep and eat. The little girl was a scientist, now, a scientist that wanted more respect put under her name. She had been working on a creature to regulate the dandelion ninja population when a stranger arrived. He was from another facility. The scientist was belittled by the stranger for one of her creations seeming harmless. She sweetly told him to get closer, and the stranger did.”

Kaniktu’s tail slowly swished behind her, having grown quiet for a moment. “Later, far later, she’d come to regret what followed. He was ripped apart and maimed and mangled, and the scientist decided she would keep him alive as proof of her ferocity. That way everyone else of the death world would fear her, and not mess with her nor anything else she made.

“The stranger became one of the people that would work under her. The stranger sabotaged her works and made things harder for her. He pinned it onto her other assistants, and they faced the wrath of her self appointed guardian. The scientist was pushed from one of her original projects due to one of the higher ups claiming it to be her idea. A rage began to boil in her core. She took the new assignment as a mechanic without rebuttal, keeping the anger subdued until provoked. The scientist began lashing out more frequently, clawing and biting rather her previous subtle punishments of acid burns, harsh words, and humiliation. The stranger stopped his own sabotages, realizing that it was his relation to the little scientist was the only thing that was keeping the other residents of the death world from trying to kill him.

“The work was done swiftly when less sabotages happened. The scientist and the stranger grew a lot closer, in a manner similar to that of how the little girl had grown close to her old partner’s brother. Something felt more right this time, and the brother turned into an immortal dragon of water had to be rapidly shushed to not gurgle about the topic in public. The scientist was not sure what it was, but she felt happy to have the feelings for someone once again- and scared, as she did not know if they were reciprocated as they had been between her and her parents, or as it had been between her and her partner’s brother.”

Kaniktu slowly rocked back on her feet again. “It was then that a puff clad in plants arrived. She deemed herself the new Queen of the deathworld, and had declared war against the species that she was a member of. The death worlders rejoiced about having someone to give orders, someone who had not earned their rank in blood. She wanted to engage in utter genocide.” She began snickering, a noise that the puff hadn’t made in a while, a noise that definitely sounded strange coming from her.

“The scientist hated genocide. She and her assistant packed their things and left the old facility. They walked through a hoard of the dandelions, fighting away. They found another facility, one that was abandoned. There was green carpet and red lights, and was perfect for housing the scientist’s creatures. The work turned. No longer was it about impressing the higher ups, or the best. No, now it was to impress her new partner, to ready a place to live.

“Her assistant became her right paw as time went on. While the other death worlders set out for genocide, the scientist and her aide began working on a new place to live. The creatures she created had come with them, and helped the process move swiftly along. The facility was slowly being repaired and adjusted to suit the needs of both her, and her creatures. She captured the person that had her booted off of her original tasks, and sent her to suffer by slowly starving to death by the brother turned into a water dragon. Someone came along and asked for a human to be added to the suffering. The scientist didn’t argue. She should have.”

Kaniktu’s tail stiffened up a little, her then slowly turning her horned head to the side. “Then came an indestructible machine from the sky. It blasted at the scientist, and pushed her into the dirt from the force of it’s laser. The ceiling followed. She had tears on her face from the pain, and would have died then and there had it not been for her respectable peer. He used the item that they had found laying around on the planet’s surface in order to save her when she had almost died in her sleep. That item could speak, although it never once had spoken to the scientist beforehand. Things continued on as normal, repairing and working.

“The Lasinka one day reporter that all the other Nitisians were dead. The scientist had gone to investigate, and found such to be true. They were all dead. Freely she was able to take back her project that had been stolen from her, and now had the whole planet as her’s. She deemed herself the queen now- of her creations, and her assistant as her second in command. She did not notice during the work that he was coughing more, growing more tired. She ignored his pain in order to work, now that she deemed herself a queen. She got to meet her personal smart*ass’ little brother after a while, and was delighted in the aspect of becoming an aunt. She had never wanted kids, but this certainly filled the void for her.

“Then the Lasinka brought someone in, and everything got to turn. He was not Lighsni nor Nitisian, not of the ancient of death nor the ancient of life. Crystallized wings and colored red, he was not of any puff species either of the death worlders had seen before. The queen answered his questions and set him on his way, feeling paranoid with the idea that he was tied to the indestructible machines that had nearly cost her life. He was not of this world, just like the machine hadn’t been. She told her beloved to go and fetch him, so they could wipe his memories and send him away.”

Re: kugawing’s pile of art realm - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

[Image: 2Q7Z3fV.png]


“This other worldly puff accused her of wiping the memories of a member of the species that worshiped the Ancient of Life. She did not want to answer, and so she didn’t. The queen wiped his memories and sent him on his way.” Then she paused, getting a little more twitchy. Why, why was hard to tell.

“Then the love of her life died. He had gone to sleep and didn’t wake back up. She had gone to go to sleep and couldn’t get him to wake up. It was the queen’s fault, she figured. She had overtasked him and hadn’t gotten him help for the injuries one of her beasts had caused them upon their initial exchange. So she cried, and kept crying, but crying does not bring people back from Nitis’ talons.

“The Maker of many new species was quick to realize that she should have killed the outsider rather than only wipe his memories. He returned time and time again, bringing other annoyances with him. They wandered around and entered places and never once asked the queen of the planet if they could or couldn’t. They acted as if they owned the place, as if the queen was weak and would not stop them. The maker was again stolen from, the project that she had only recently reclaimed. She set the beast she had made to protect herself from then indestructible machines upon them. Yet the beast brought back someone new, too.”

Kaniktu’s head has returned to staring at Anubis. She had stood up at some point during her talking, and began rapidly pacing around him. She was speeding up her words and the story now, sounding angry. “Some army that she had never heard of before decided to assign him to watch her and report of her evil doings. All the queen had wanted after the death of her second in command had been to work alone, and to eventually die from the stress. There was the slightest bit of semblance that this one shared with her assistant. Dark colors, snappy personality. In her grief, the queen decided that it wouldn’t hurt to try to open up. She immediately regretted that.” Now she was screaming, the fluff of her tail raising. “Then he decided to take it upon himself to force himself into her life! He decided that he would distract the assigned care taker of her twice over stolen project! He filled their minds with horrific stories! He almost got them killed by not letting her take care of them! He ridiculed her, the queen, for how she ran her planet! He sabotaged her like her beloved had, but it was for his own amusement! Did not matter if she told him no, the new arrival petted her and forced for her to speak on several occasions order to break free from the relaxed state the motion put her in. He raised a worm into a moth and decided to ditch it when it became too troublesome for him!” She was snarling now, having come to a halt behind Anubis.

Kaniktu fell quiet as she stood there. There was a shuffling noise, she was grabbing something for sure. "There was a heated exchange. She felt something in her break, the something that had slowly begun breaking since her parents had been poisoned. She sent him off, and realized that she was never going to be left alone again. People would always come to boss her around and tell her what she could and could not do. First the outsider asking questions, then the army, and recently the person that she had dared to compare to her king." She took a small step closer, her claws scraping across the ground. Still behind him, still where he couldn't see. "So, the queen of Nitisia decided that she would not let anyone remain in order to ensure that no one, absolutely no one, would ever be able to boss her around ever again." Something sharp was pressed into his back. Not a sword, not her weapon, not her claws or teeth or talons. "As for why I'm doing this to you? Well, I don't think killing you once will make me feel any better." She drawled. It was a tranquilizer, Anubis would soon realize. It paralyzed him like frygnot before slowly, slowly putting him to sleep.