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[ BUT BABY ] torture! - Printable Version

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Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - deimos - 08-09-2019

// tw for blood / gore!

Shit, shit shit shit shit shit. Hearing Jervis snarl at Drae just before she moved, the hair on her spine sticking up and her stomach twisting. When she was down, she knew she was done for. She waited for that release, hoping it was quick, but oh no, the bastard had so many more things in mind. Her eyes snapped wide open as his fangs closed around her body, snapping into her flesh. She seethed with a snarl, squirmed and trying to fight. She only had her flesh pierced more as she moved.

Sam's ears flattened as she was spat out, rolling. Sam didn't have a second to recover as his claws hit her side. Green eyes snapped shut, her maw opening wide as she cried out in pain. Blood dripped down her side, crimson, filling the air with it's putrid scent. Sam didn't fight as much, dizzy when she was rolled on her side. Her blurry vision opened to focus on Jervis, ears flattening tightly against her head, horns making her head stay propped up. "M.. mother.. fucker.." She spat in his face.

She saw her mistake as he reared back. Her paw moved out to grip at the ground, the ledge from the lowered ground- anything, but she missed. Her body tensed up as he came onto it, a scream emitting from her muzzle. Green eyes searched the ground, landing on the tiger who had backed up. What a coward. What a fucking coward. Blood bubbled up between her lips, and she spit it out, letting it dribble down her cheeks. What came next only made her seize up, the pain making her more woozy then the loss of blood.

She hissed, then whimpered, her body squirming in pain as her right leg snapped. Her chest heaved, eyes streaming tears and muzzle dripping blood. Sam forgot about those back at home, those back in the world- Dean. Black hair being pulled back with a comb swam before her vision, and she sobbed, her body shaking terribly. She drew her paw back in against her side as he leapt up onto her chest again, the doecat spitting blood once again. Her body heaved and shuddered. "Get.. g-get o.. off.."

Sam's pleading words, almost on the verge of begs, didn't keep up with Jervis. His claws hovered in front of her eyes, and she shook her head. Green headlights were wide, and she screamed, more out of fear then pain, as they dug into her eyelid, then down into her eyeball. Her body heaved, stomach trembling. She tried her best to keep breakfast down at this point, blood and bile mixing in her stomach. Her mouth opened, struggling with words.

She barely heard his words. Sam didn't want to live through any more of this, she wanted to beg to be killed- but the thin breath just barely working her organs and the paw against her chest made her think better of speaking just yet.



Re: [ BUT BABY ] torture! - Crackers - 08-10-2019


Draekon... He'd have to work with the tiger if he wanted to keep him out of Jervis's crosshairs. They were primitive, utterly baseless reasons, but Fourthwall wanted the other kept around because they were the only person he was able to socialize with. This wasnt the first encounter between the tiger and the hellhound, and he didn't want it to be the last.  [member=6888]DRAEKON[/member]  want a thread where Fourth trys to educate him in the ways of the clan?

His wine red gaze would shift from the feline to the Ardent fox, who seemed to be about finished his violent attack. He didn't interfere in the bloodshed- why would he? Their clans were enemies and she was nobody to him, and while he wasn't really into making sport out of prey that wouldn't fight back, but it was none of his business where his clanmates found their kicks. Weather Jervis was just going through a mid-life-crisis or if this was the real deal witht he fox now, but either way he was free to do as he pleased. If beating on some idiotic Elysium cat would feed that void a bit, then who was he to interfere?

As the Ardent finally pulled away from her, lips and paws covered in blood, Fourth would let a smirk pull his lips up into a subtle but approving smirk.  "Live bait, got it, Boss." he'd call as he made his way toward the fox and the heavily damaged captive. "Want me to find a place to 'store' her, or should we keep her out in the open ?" he'd ask, figuring if she was meant to lure her clan in than either one would work. He could chain her to a post, lock her in solitary confinement, heal her up a bit and put her to work. The options were endless.
