Beasts of Beyond
CAW // joining(?), injured - Printable Version

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Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - deimos - 07-31-2019

Sam nodded at Wormwood in appreciation. The little guy DID need space, afterall, and woulda look at that. He seemed to calm down, if just a bit. Sam looked towards him again, lowering her head and offering a paw towards him. "Hey, don't worry about the name. It'll come to you- or at least something will, yeah?" Sam grinned at him, trying to be helpful. She had spotted the wound, of course.

Her eyes rose towards Selby, before darting back towards the crow. "You can trust him. He won't eat you." Sam winked at Selby, playing just a little bit. Sure he was scared, but Sam didn't see why should couldn't try to relax him.



Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 07-31-2019


Although his mouth was dry, he swallowed again. Another cat darted onto the scene, carrying a bag in his mouth. The crow watched as he stopped behind the antler cat. It'll be okay, he said, and the bird was starting to believe it. Just in case, though, he looked to the antler cat for confirmation, and seemed to be visually relieved when he received it. They wouldn't eat him.

Nodding once, a little more sure, he offered a simple "Okay." Wobbling to his feet again, he awkwardly got a little closer, quickly sitting down before he fell over like an idiot. What was wrong, anyway? Was it his head? He had figured it was just a headache, but maybe not. He looked up uncertainly at the domestic cats. "It's not... bad, is it?"
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - selby roux ! - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby hummed appreciatively as the bird moved closer to him, and he examined the bird’s head. There was too much blood to see properly, so he reached into his bag and retrieved a small wad of gauze. As he gently cleaned the wound, he got a better visual. The amnesia was concerning, but the cut itself wasn’t too bad.

"No, no," he replied soothingly. "It’s not too bad. Give it a few days and you’ll be right as rain." Selby’s mind had immediately wanted to tack on a ‘dear’, but he pushed away the urge. "Before I do anything else though, could you tell me how you got hurt? It’s okay if you can’t, it’s just useful information."

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 07-31-2019


He wanted to trust them, but for the moment, he couldn't- it was apparent in the way he flinched gently as Selby drew closer. It quickly became clear that the cat was just a doctor doing his job, and he did his best to sit still despite the sting and burn every time his injury was touched. "Okay," he said again, thankful that he wasn't going to die from some mysterious injury.

The crow looked down at the ground. "I don't know," was his weak reply. There was a pause. "I don't even know how I got here," he added, voice wavering. Man, he really needed to stop crying. But he just felt so... confused. His own body felt foreign and strange. Beak lifting so he could look at the gathered creatures again, he inquired. "Do... all of the animals in this forest talk?" he trailed off, face twisting in confusion. He was an animal and he could talk, so why did all of this feel so wrong? "Do I live here?" This forest didn't feel like home to him. Nothing felt familiar at all.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - trojan g. - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]At the being told to take a step back, Moth could only oblige, looking towards the crow as she did so before laying down on her stomach to stay at a lower level. She knew that sometimes smaller animals were calmed by this, and it usually helped the female calm down when bigger creatures got to her level - they didn't seem so big when they did that.

Listening to the words the other spoke, she would shake her head. "Most of the ones I've met have." She would answer, speaking softly and her head tilting before speaking once again. "And I don't think you have before, though you could now, if you want."

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - selby roux ! - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby nodded as the bird said he didn’t know. Alright. That made his job a little more difficult. He looked at the wound more closely, gently prodding around the edges with the gauze to see if there was anything caught in it. That didn’t appear to be the case, but better safe than sorry. "Not all of us," Selby said in reply to his question, fetching a premade poultice from his bag. He put a little bit onto a bandage, then looked back to the wound. "This might sting a little, but it’ll prevent infection and stop the bleeding, alright?" And without waiting for a response, the feline applied the bandage, making sure it was securely on.

He listened to the bird’s last question, thinking about it. "I’ve never seen you before," Selby said slowly. "It might be possible that you live here, but I wouldn’t mark it as likely."

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 08-01-2019

//this is the longest joining thread i've ever had

So... some animals didn't talk? He tried to think about it more, but it was sending him into a tizzy. Later. The crow appeared a little crestfallen that the answer to his second question was 'no.' It would have made things easier if this was his home. At the same time, it made sense- none of them had recognized him. Now that he knew he wasn't even in his own home, he was all the more confused. Where was his real home, then? They were offering to let him stay. He looked over at the fox with a somewhat hopeful look, oblivious to her intent at appearing less threatening. It was working regardless. "Until I get my memories back?" he asked, somewhat childishly. Do you promise?

He fidgeted again when he felt Selby touching his head, reminding him to stay still. Looking down at the ground to make the feline's job easier, he frowned at the warn of a sting. The poultice touched the exposed wound and he jumped, letting out a rough caw. Instinctively trying to pull away, he found that he couldn't while the bandage was being expertly secured. At last he could and he jerked away, attempting to rub his head with his wings and failing. Eventually giving up with a grimace, he looked up at the gathered forest-dwellers again. "Do you really live in this creepy forest? And just sleep anywhere?"
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS