Beasts of Beyond
CAN OF WORMS / mass meet & greet - Printable Version

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Re: CAN OF WORMS / mass meet & greet - Morgan - 05-28-2018

Unfortunately for Beck, Morgan was taking its time to come up with a question to ask. It hardly knew anything about the apparition; it hadn't really talked to him before either. Outside of their mutual interactions and announcements, the samoyed had heard little from or about him...

That is, besides the one thing it had heard from watching a recent newcomer. A word that sounded similar to one it already knew, but was used in an odd context. "What's Fisher - is Beck?" the cream samoyed inquired, tilting its head. The strange leader was clearly not a fish, yet somehow the word seemed assigned to him.

Re: CAN OF WORMS / mass meet & greet - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-29-2018

At the question, Zimavich flipped up his eyepatch to show off his darkened, milky eye. He blinked roughly as if helping the eye adjust to new light.
”Anakin.... Skywalker.” He said, pointing to Anakin’s symbol on the patch. ”Gave to me. He sewed. Good friend. Took care of me.” Zimavich seemed to deflate a little at the topic, then grumbled. “Look.” He removed the eyepatch, handing it off to Beck for inspection.

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Re: CAN OF WORMS / mass meet & greet - ▷killian◁ - 05-30-2018

Oh, the scar. Killian twisted around to look at it as if he'd forgotten it was there. Which, honestly, he probably had. He stared at it for a long moment. How had he gotten that? The dog would have to think about it. While he thought, he listened to the responses of the others, hazy eyes drifting to stare at Zimavich's eyepatch. That was cool. The dog's eyebrows furrowed and he stared at the ground for a moment longer.

"A fight, I think? Yeah. I don't know what the hell it was, but there was this big huge fuckin'... Monster thing that came outta nowhere. Probably should've stayed in my damn den that day, ha. But I didn't, I went out and it came for me and I fought it. I don't really remember what happened after, though. It slashed me and then my brain goes fuzzy. Maybe I passed out? I dunno." The demon shrugged his shoulders, turned around once more to look at the scar. What had happened after? That'd bug him for days now..

"Hm.. Why are you so drippy? I mean, it's fuckin' cool 'cause you can see your teeth 'n' shit, but how the hell does something like that happen?" Killian seemed genuinely curious, gaze moving to the feline's muzzle. It looked pretty fuckin' sick.
