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A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Printable Version

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Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Luciferr - 05-01-2018

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Starrynight ! - 05-02-2018


There had been an inkling of a feeling that his decision would be challenged hotly by the Ascendants gathered below. At first, all seemed well, some getting curious or excited over the prospect of the surprise, but his lips pursed as Roy called out. He waited quietly out of respect before defending himself. "We won't know until I try." A soft sigh puffed out of his jaws. "No, I haven't gone to Beck about asking him to be more kind. I simply offered a gift to surprise them, that was all. It went... fine." The members who had smelled the flowers and come over had been friendly enough. Beck had been, well... Beck.

His expression soured a little at the mention of the attack. It had been uncalled for, sure. But he wanted to give the Commander the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he had been coming to talk to him? Roy could be rather... intimidating and hostile upon first meeting. Beck might have felt pressured. Even as he tried to convince himself of such, the doubt continued to bite the back of his mind. "Just listen to me for this one, okay? I know all of you are mad. But I'll make this work. I promise. Just don't... do anything that might screw it up." He hated talking like this.

Starrynight shook himself. It was time to move on. "Let's just get back on the happy track, yeah? I don't like how tense it is in here." He drew in a deep breath. The smile returned. "I'd like to give a big shoutout to Margaret! You've done really great these past two weeks, and I appreciate every bit of it. Keep it up!" He nodded vigorously in her direction.

The Astral Seraph then looked down at Lunafreya. "Luna, I know you just got back and that you need to settle down and rest for a while, but I've been meaning to do this for ages. You can always turn it down, of course. Would you like to step up to Starstruck Guardian?"

One more. As Luna thought over her offer, he gazed at Suiteheart. "Hotelsuites!" he called. "You've done absolutely outstanding despite being kinda new here! I'm super happy that you've worked so hard, and I hope you've had fun doing it. Would you like to become a Starstruck Guardian too?"

Oh, one more thing! He'd almost forgotten! "I'd also like to quickly announce that Radeken has decided to take up the role of our Clan Cleric! Everyone give her a big thank-you!"


Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Roy Mustang - 05-02-2018

"I'm afraid I can't take your word for that." Roy said with almost little to no hesitation, not that long after Starrynight finished up his response to him and then his other announcements. Roy didn't have the best faith that Starrynight can really resolve this issue, especially in the way Starrynight has told the clan. Roy couldn't help it but feel a bit aggravated, in Roy's eyes it felt like he was the only one standing up to this idiotic, stupid plan. "I'm being honest with you, I don't think you, wandering up to Tanglewood territory, will be a good idea. Clearly Beck has shown us that he's damn hostile, and last time I checked in combat practice, you don't like to fight. You didn't even want to spar with your clanmate, who didn't have any intentions on physically harming you." But Beck? If that ghost attacked Starrynight, most likely Beck isn't going to show Starrynight mercy.

"There's a fucking possibility he might attack you if you go there to ask him to be more kind. I suggest you rethink this whole situation," He finished up as his ears pinned back to his skull, blue eyes staring right at Starrynight.

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Character Graveyard. - 05-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Her first-ever promotion. How exciting. The snowy-white serval would take a couple of steps forward before she smiled in her embarrassment towards Starry. "The last few days haven't been too stressful on me, so I'll accept it. I'll be alright. And congrats to Suiteheart and Radeken!"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Suiteheart - 05-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Roy only voice her concern. Granted, he did it in a way that she didn't particularly like, but it was whatever. Peace talks were not worth wasting breath over if nothing came out of it. Action needed action. Maybe she was just letting anger and worry blind her, but she thought they needed to do something. Retaliation, at least.

And to think she had been so against this idea a few days ago. Huh. Funny how things could change.

As the meeting lifted itself onto lighter topics, she listened carefully. A smile played upon her lips as Margaery was given a shout out for her activity. The chocolate point had been working tirelessly to do well for herself and her new home. Suite was glad someone was paying attention. "Nice job, Margy," she commented, turning to face her wife.

Promotions were next, and she found herself looking again to Starry. Luna was up first, and cheered her congratulations. If she'd been working hard, then surely she deserved it. Suite had seen her around a lot after all.

What surprised her most, however, was the next name on the list: her own. Baby blue eyes widened at the mention of her own promotion. Starstruck Guardian? That had a nice ring to it, didn't it? She grinned brilliantly at her leader's praise. "I'd be more than happy to accept, Star!"

Radeken's name was called next. Cleric. She felt herself breath a sight of relief. She had been hoping the Ascendants would be getting a medic soon, and here one was. It felt nice knowing someone could take care of them. Just like with Luna, she cheered her congrats for the wolf.

When Roy spoke, her ear twitched. Her face screwed up in annoyance. While she didn't necessarily agree with Starry's plan, she did not like Roy's loud-mouthed complaining. "Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not the leader then, huh?" her voice was flat but not cold enough to be hostile. [color=#73B1B7][b]"Even if you don't like the call, it's not yours to make. Starry's decision is final. Always. And you know that, dude. Besides that, if the time comes and the need's there, then we fight. But now? Now we need to bide our time. And we certainly don't need friction amongst our members - because we've got enough to fucking worry about."

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - guts - 05-03-2018

Really, their leader's pacifistic ways were getting on his nerves. He could understand not wanting to engage in violence, but the decisions he was making would only hurt the clan in the end. His friend was hot-headed, sure, but he couldn't help agreeing with him in most situations. Roy wasn't an idiot, and he was a natural leader. He had seen it himself first-hand. He had rooted for him, supported him in his journey towards the top. He knew that he would make his mark in history eventually.

Hughes strides onto the scene, the loud voices causing quite the commotion. He surveys those gathered before taking a seat close to his friend. He listens to what little he hadn't missed, the promise of a compromise with another group catching his attention. What the hell was he talking about? Oh yeah, that ghost that had attacked Roy earlier. He definitely wasn't happy about the incident, and even more-so with how they were deciding to handle it right now. His face sours, but he holds his tongue for now, at least until the bobcat himself speaks up.

As they go on, back and forth, a murmur of discontentment ripples through the crowd. He can feel the tension growing in the air. Still, he sits high, raising his chin as he finally speaks up, Suite's words enough to spring him into action. "Even if his decision is foolish and simply wishful thinking? I know he wants to make peace, but some people just can't be reasoned with," he points out, turning to the female with an unusually stern expression on his face. It was a lot different from his usual self. "So, what do we do until they decide to attack us? Roll over and take it like a bunch of mutts? Our inaction will only prompt them to come after us. They'll think we're weak," he keeps his tone even, unlike Roy, who he nudges with his shoulder to try and calm down. Still, he knows it probably won't be of much use. He was already fired up.


Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Suiteheart - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The group was at a crossroads. On one hand, talking things out may result in an attack. On the other hand, attacking would result in retaliation. The only way this could be resolved were if the peace talks worked. Starrynight could be a convincing individual; he just needed time - and faith that things would work out from his own groupmates. And the latter shouldn't have been as hard to get as it was.

The polar bear snorted at Maes' comments. "So, do you not understand what we're up against? Not to belittle you and your ideas - which are good and could work -, but only a handful of us here are actually capable of taking on Tanglewood. Throwing ourselves at them'll only leave us defenseless. And that's a fucking death sentence." Her voice was not angry but matter-of-fact. This was true after all. While the Ascendants may have a few skilled warriors, it wasn't enough to take on the whole of Tanglewood. That was wishful thinking. "I don't like sitting and waiting anymore than you guys, but in this situation, we have to. If Starry thinks it can work, then we need to have his back whether we like it or not." She wanted to agree with Roy and Maes and everyone else in disagreement with Starrynight, but she knew the reasons for their leader's want to remain at a distance. [color=#73B1B7][b]"If they think we're weak, let them. If we rest and train for what might happen, then we'll be ready. But we can't jump into something none of us are prepared for, Maes."

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Roy Mustang - 05-04-2018

Roy is well aware that he is not the leader of the Ascendants, but he can't help it but express his concerns about the situation. It seemed like even Hotelsuites didn't like sitting around and waiting, but she was still putting her trust into Starrynight. Roy felt his eyes blaze with anger at the snort Hotelsuites directed at Hughes- who had kept his tone even, unlike Roy. Roy almost spoke up again to retort at the polar bear, but he felt Hughes slight nudge against his shoulder, glancing at the male. It was true, Roy was pretty fired up, and it was probably a good idea from Hughes to attempt to get him to calm down. He didn't like Starrynight's idea, but the comment regarding most the clan being incompatible of defending themselves was a good point. That was actually a problem itself, Roy felt some concern regarding the clan's defenses back in his combat training. Letting out an aggravated sigh, the bobcat spoke up again. "Well at least if Starrynight is going to wander over there, some experienced members should go along with him." If Roy couldn't get his first way, he would be okay with a compromise. "If most of the clan is incompatible with defending themselves, that should be worked on, whether we have this situation with Tanglewood or not."

Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - guts - 05-04-2018

Hughes nods. She's right that he doesn't truly know what they're up against, but after seeing the remains of the battle Roy had with the leader, he could probably piece together how powerful they were. With that in mind, they definitely weren't about to reach some compromise so easily. "That's true, I don't. But I do know that we can't afford to let our guard down, either," he replies, then turns back to his friend as he speaks again. He knew that going back and forth like this would go nowhere, so hopefully this would be the next best option. Going alone definitely wasn't going to turn out well.

"He's right. It's best to be careful," the lab adds in. Now, as for their defense at the observatory. "We should also up our defenses at camp, in case they decide to make an enemy out of us. Even if things do go smoothly, it'd help in other situations, as well," it didn't hurt to be cautious. If fights ever broke out, they would be well protected, so they would hopefully have some time to prepare.


Re: A MOTHER'S EMBRACE // meeting 4/29 - Starrynight ! - 05-04-2018


Everyone was bickering and shouting challenges at him. Starrynight was looking increasingly dejected and insecure. Well, yes, there was a possibility Beck would attack him, but... ”That’s true, but-“ His quiet interjection was interrupted by Suite, followed by Maes.

The Astral Seraph’s face slowly melted into a scowl. A gas similar to that around his paws began to leak from his mouth. Almost immediately after Roy’s friend finished speaking, a crackle of electricity cut through the air. ”Enough!” he spat. His tail lashed from side to side. Sparks danced across his back and between his paws. ”We are a peaceful group, and I will be damned by the stars before I let any of you change that! If there is a peaceful way to end any tension, then we will do so.” He took in a deep breath.

Starrynight’s glare shifted to Roy. ”Whether or not I choose to fight is none of your business, Roy. If it comes down to it, I am perfectly capable of defending myself.” As if to emphasize his point, another loud crackle of electricity lept into the air before fizzling out. ”None of you have even bothered to consider this situation from Beck’s point of view. He has had Ascendants trespass on his territory multiple times now. For a warbound group such as Tanglewood, this is likely a mere warning on their end. Just as you are angry at him, he is angry at us. I will be going there alone. There will be no further discussion about it.”

Gradually, as his anger subsided, the massive aura around his paws shrunk to normal. The gas leaking from his jaws subsided. The milky feline sighed. ”If they do raid us in the end, we will have just as many advantages as they do. Our territory is on the plains. Air can travel a long way. Tanglewood doesn’t have a very... pleasant smell. If they’re coming, we’ll know.” His reasoning was now directed at Maes. He attempted to meet the canine’s eyes as he spoke. ”Many of you know I reside in the observatory’s control room. This place is a massive, connected facility. Not many of you know all of the mechanics I control, but if it makes you feel better, I’d like you to know the door to the observatory is mechanical. I can close and lock it. I also have keys to every room in this place, including your rooms. Your belongings are safe, and so are you. Not to mention that the underground complex is massive and, well, complex. If raiders got down there, they would have a grand time trying to find anyone.” Starrynight shifted his paws. ”And another thing- the tall grasses east of here are also a very good place to hide and retaliate should it come down to it. Are there any more concerns I need to address?”