Beasts of Beyond
PEEL THE MASK AWAY / goldie's head - Printable Version

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Re: PEEL THE MASK AWAY / goldie's head - Crow Roux - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"C-corn syrup?" The feline shook his head at Beck's incoherent words and continued to stand in front of the poltergeist to block his movements while he pondered how he was supposed to react to the strange behavior he was witnessing, but a shift in the atmosphere drew his attention away from the previous situation. There was a movement in the corner of his eye, and suddenly Mikolaj was lunging toward Perseus, teeth exposed.

A panicked sound escaped Crow's chest, and he acted on impulse—he flung his body to meet with Miko's flank to knock the shepherd off balance.

Re: PEEL THE MASK AWAY / goldie's head - RED - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]It's a split second decision to abandon Beck where he stands. Miko's aura smells like something rancid, something hungry, something uncontrollable - and Red has always felt that pang of suspicion deep in his chest, but because their interactions were few and far between he only chalked the feeling up to the distrust of a stranger. But now, now everything makes sense. A creature tainted, a beast untamed blossoming in Mikolaj's heart and lashing out at anything it can draw the life out of. Miko snarls like a wild animal and Red jerks his head in the direction of the sound, ripping his attention away from the equally debilitated Beck. The variables here are far too dangerous - he needs to clear the scene and get the innocent away before things get out of hand.

Leaving Beck, the silverback lunges at Mikolaj head-on. Red is not agile or nimble, but he's fast, he's angry, and he has a sledgehammer of a fist to slam between sharklike rows of teeth and the fragile skin of someone's throat. "Get out of the damn way!" He barks the words out to Crow, and while he knows his order will get him in trouble, the leader just isn't equipped to take out a vampire alone. He isn't sure what Mikolaj is looking to kill - just Perseus, or everyone in the clearing - so it's not worth risking one life over another.

When Red is close enough, he rears up on his hind legs and brings his stone fist high above his head. His towering figure closes the distance between them, and with a heavy swing he aims to clamp his inanimate arm (or, less-animate arm) between Mikolaj's snapping jaws before he could latch onto Perseus' jugular. That could break a few teeth, maybe dislocate his jaw. The rest of Red wasn't immune to the vampire's bloody hunger, but like a dog trainer with a bite sleeve he could at least throw the dog far enough to distract him, or better yet, take him on alone. The others could take care of Beck.

Re: PEEL THE MASK AWAY / goldie's head - Perseus - 08-06-2019

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#6D6D6D,2,300]Ω —[/glow] Sudden movement triggered the Greek German Shepherd. After years of attacks, the older canine unnervingly learned how to avoid the repeated attacks of a presumed enemy with ease, but within close range combat it was much harder. Precise decisions were key. All the warrior had to do was nail the execution. Otherwise he'd become one of the monsters he despised. Thus he was determined. His life and legacy depended on his actions. (At the moment he didn't know what his opponent truly was though.)

The world's view came into slow motion. Once stiff as the board, the other canine was now rushing towards him. As per usual, he had to navigate himself out the situation with what senses remained. Right now, his bet was the sounds and the feeling of the earth underneath him. The thump of Mikolaj's paws rumbled through the floor. It's sound grew closer to Perseus, signaling him to tense up. Instantly his ears perked, ivory teeth bared, and sharp claws laid out for all to see.

His enemy got closer... and fast. The whir of the wind was the first signal of a definite attack. Not even milliseconds later, a head swung in his direction. Perseus dipped off to the side, blindly navigating himself off to the side. With what sight he had, he managed to see a dark blur whipping by him. They barely missed. Mere centimeters were split between them. As he did so, the vile sound of smooth teeth emerging from their spit-covered sheaths rang in his sensitive ears. A snap followed quickly after.

Other identified sources rushed to his assistance, unknowing to him. Perseus continued on his own.

Now onto the attack, he moved forward towards Mikolaj. With what strength he could muster, he'd attempt to punt the other shepherd to the ground. His attempt relied on pushing the other to the floor and them immobilizing him by standing upon their shoulders, dagger-like claws digging into their tendons. He would do no damage further than that. If his attack worked well, the vampire would remain still and possibly even writhe in his grip helplessly. This was the only time he'd show mercy to this thing.

This was nothing new to him. "Well," he enthused dryly, "What are we going to do with you?" That said, the rest was up to whether Mikolaj attacked and if Crow wanted to do anything in retaliation.

//oh my god i take a break and this happens

Re: PEEL THE MASK AWAY / goldie's head - beatae - 08-09-2019

his logical mind isn't there, at least consciously. mikolaj had come here for this exact reason. to curb his cravings. to stop him from his meaningless attacks. to keep the hunger from getting to his head again like it had before. he had lost control again, but this time, like he had hoped for, there were the numbers to stop him.

perseus was old, but he wasn't dying. he wasn't sick. the shepherd didn't fall under any sort of rules that mikolaj tried to strictly keep himself to. the sense of weakness from the dog's sight only fueled the beasts desire to hunt, but other than that there was nothing else.

crow's attack landed easily, as he was not focused on any of the others around him. unfortunate for mikolaj, his balance faltered and only helped with his teeth meeting red's limb. there's little to no reaction from the lack of flesh. only a struggling step away as multiple shards of teeth are cracked and chipped. mikolaj is still full of vicious snarls, jerking his head left and right to try and loosen him from red's grip until he was suddenly thrown.

the air is knocked from his lungs. the hunger still rages and gnaws at his insides. perseus is lucky for the vampire's stalling, as the old man's attack is successful. the pain is there, but it does not register to mikolaj. he merely continues snapping his jaws repeatedly at perseus wherever he can reach. his ankles. his chest. his throat. he's a wild beast with little control over his instinct while his hunger still crawls through his thoughts.
