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kills me every time [joiners] - Printable Version

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Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Crow Roux - 07-05-2019

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His jade-hued eyes would narrow slightly as he listened to the sly words roll off of Stryker's tongue, and he did not believe any of it. Much of it, at least. It came off as mere flattery to get his way, and Crow would not give the lion the satisfaction that he bought any of what he was telling him. Of course, Crow was bad at reading others. For all he knew, Stryker could have been a changed man and his fears were uncalled for, but regardless of that, it did not alter the past.

The fact was, Stryker was walking on thin ice. Crow was unsure of how many lives were snuffed out at the paws of the ex-Pittian ahead, nor was it a high concern at the present—what did not matter was the amount, but the fact that any lives at all were stolen. Right here, in front of him, was a serial killer trying to repent for his actions with mere words. Crow could let him in, treat him well, but would any of these suggested favours be upheld, or were they even desired in the first place?

Crow's alabaster toes flexed into the dirt causing it to crumble in his grip as he thought harshly, his ever growing frustration painted across his body through his twitching tailtip and tense skin, his calculated breaths as he focused his breathing. The situation at front was unfortunately a moral crisis. Had it not been for Ninazu, he would have ordered the removal of the male from the premises at first glance. A wrong word and he could have the entirety of the island after his scrawny neck, he could jeopardize the lives of those close to him... Stryker could even hurt Selby, and he would never let himself live in peace after it.

The tabby took a glance at Leroy as if to silently ask forgiveness from the wolfhound, to meet his gaze and reassure himself that he had support from behind with what he was doing, and if he believed in a god he would be praying that what he was doing was even right. What was the right in this anyway? Morality blurred, and it seemed no matter what course of action he took, he would be doing someone an injustice. It seemed he would have to make a compromise.

"Ninazu can stay. Stryker, I'm gonna give you two options, and you're gonna take one," he exhaled after a pause that seemed to never end. Then his tone became more serious. "You can rest up right where you're sittin' and get the fuck out and never show your face 'round here again, or I’ll kill ya."

His voice cracked at the end. It was done.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - arrow - 07-05-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
"If you’d have us, you won’t regret it."

Out of all the answers that could have possibly been spat up from the roughed up heathen, that was definitely not something she had expected to hear. Stay? Here? In the same place that he'd waged war with? Even by her standards, that was fucking stupid. He must have been real desperate to stoop down to this level. Why Tanglewood?

Arrow's ear twitched as she listened to Crow's compromise, green eyes distant as she thought the situation over. So here was a serial killer, a war criminal, someone who could be put down like a rabid dog and no one would think much else about it. Ninazu could have been just as guilty, or even at the lowest level just guilty by association. It was entirely possible that this whole thing was a big set up, and he was just trying to get inside Tanglewood's core and using Ninazu as leverage. Dirty tactics, but an interesting method.

On the other hand, Stryker had gotten the shit beat out of him by something stronger, and carried his fat ass to Tanglewood to ask for shelter and food. If she didn't hate Stryker and what he had done, she would have said the guy had guts. Hell, it was almost commendable. Almost. She was conflicted. His pleading interested her, and deep down maybe she just wanted to stick him in some dingy space or chain him to a wall. You know, reasonable extended punishment.

"Keeping the lady and sending her man packing? Kinda cold, don'cha think?" Arrow let out a snarky laugh after keeping quiet for a good few minutes. God, she was going to get in trouble if she voiced her thoughts on this, wasn't she? Ah, well. If Leroy and Crow kicked her ass, then so be it. She couldn't look any of these slimy fucks in the eyes and not think of what they did to countless Tangewood members, what they did to her, to Delilah, but maybe seeing them in the state they were in struck a cord with her about that. It was....hard to explain.

She let out a long, irritated sigh. [b]"Now wait just a sec, Crow. I get this is Stryker and all, but he might have a valid argument. No intel is like intel from the ex-boss, eh? Making Stryker run around in circles doing some work is fucking gold, man."
Stryker in servitude was like seeing a double rainbow, it was amazing. "We could always use some extra help around here."

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - beck. - 07-05-2019

    To an entity as old as he truly was, recognizing faces from the recent past, much less names, was a rarity. As expected, these two peculiar figures hobbling to the border failed to ring any bell in Beck's memory. From what he could overhear, however, his peers certainly recognized the pair. He gave a quiet snicker at Leroy's venomous tone -- knowing how blunt the wolfhound could be, his threats undoubtedly held hefty gravity. On any other occasion, the poltergeist would have observed the ensuing conflict with no shortage of amusement plastered on his scarred face. If only he could enjoy a bag of popcorn during this show.

    Beck remained perched on a tree branch above the scene, gauze-bound forelegs dangling to and fro as he watched in silence. It all certainly was interesting. Or it would've been if he could salvage any sort of concern for the temporary sacks of flesh below him. If anything, the poltergeist was only present to participate in the possible scrap; he craved proper bloodshed these days after months of solitude. To see the creatures writhe to escape and to scream as they realized there was no hope left for them... now, that was truly amusing. He'd be lion if he said he didn't want both Stryker's and Ninazu's heads tacked to his wall -- they would be the mane trophy in his collection! Beck snickered at his morbid wordplay, cupping his snout with a paw before his attention returned to the fugitive attempting to persuade his enemies. Pathetic. The scrawny feline narrowed his eyes as Stryker continued to speak, realization worming its way into his brain. His head reared, honey-brown eyes locked onto the beast he heard so much of during his days loitering around the pirate scoundrels.

    As Arrow tossed her two cents into the fiasco, Beck released his grip on the branch, softly landing behind the runagate pair. Straightening from his braced crouch, the poltergeist crooned in a ludic voice, "'Fraid not, Arrow. Ya see, I know a certain 'pirate princess' --" he spat the self-proclaimed title with mockery laced in his breathless words -- "who'd love to settle a score with this bootlicker here." Revenge proved to be a relentless motivator; Beck happened to know first-hand just how intoxicated with the blinding goal Goldenluxury was. Who would've thought his traitorous wandering could provide such personal intel? The boy licked his teeth exposed by the burn marring his face before sneering, "If ya ask me, I don't want an entitled Goldilocks to come knockin' on our door 'n' wreckin' all our shit just 'cause y'all wanted to watch this sick fucker chase his own tail." Truthfully, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the captain in a situation he couldn't fully control. "But if that's your cup of tea, be my guest," the poltergeist concluded, breaking into a harsh cackle until he lapsed into a rasping quiet once more.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 07-06-2019

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[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Slitted eyes narrowed at the alabaster tabby. So she can stay? But he could not? Perhaps he hadn’t made it clear enough that this was a two for one deal. All Crow had to do was give them the okay and they’d spill their guts. Whatever information the leader desired from The Pittians would flow straight to him, then perhaps he would have a chance at taking on his enemy. That though, seemed to bother him. There was something that was holding Crow back, unbeknownst to Stryker. Whatever that may be, the lion thought he could get around those boundaries. What had to offer had been already laid out though. It appeared as if he had no more cards to play.

The lion offered a lazy sigh. He momentarily shifted to face Ninazu, but was met with nothing except silence. Sharp teeth gritted together in frustration. If only she spoke up, then perhaps his point would be reinforced. After all, Ninazu seemed to be the middle man here. In an attempt to get her to speak up, he shot her an encouraging glare from across the field. With his point we ross, the lion’s gaze returned back to Crow. ”I’ll think on it, black bird,” came his cocky tone.

Green irises shifted towards the next animal to speak. His upper lip constricted to the side, exposing ivory teeth. His head tilted towards Arrow. ”Precisely,” the former ardent of The Pitt spoke. ”You’d think we’d be in Snowbound with that chilly breeze running through your leader’s fur.” Perhaps he wasn’t helping his case. Stryker couldn’t help his split tongue though. ”Turning away the homeless is quite cruel.” His eyes fluttered in confidence as he spoke. Hell, he plead a convincing case. Any unknowing Tanglewoodian would probably fall for his generous words. After all, Stryker was being truthful. To the others though, it was their decision to see if his past would impact his future.

Arrow hit the target again. The assets he offered to Crow were valuable, but the leader seemed to ignore them. Here was a presumably sane member speaking to the tabby, pointing out the positives in the situation. Stryker obviously wouldn’t want to be chained up, hence why he offered the opportunity. Plus they’d have another helping hand. Even someone to dirty the waters of the enemy if they really needed it. With intel like his, Tanglewood would thrive against The Pitt... Plus, who wouldn’t enjoy their enemy running around doing gruesome tasks? Stryker nodded along with Arrow’s words. ”Well,” he added, ”Do you value your dignity or defeating a common enemy between us more?” That was a hypothetical question though.

His cocky expression faded. A serious tone fell throughout the clearing. The lion was now sitting up straight with his ears pinned back. ”They will die without a solid plan.” A sharp claw outreached towards the crowd. Stryker pointed at those that surrounded the leader. Finally, his dagger-like claw landed on Crow. ”Your deaths will be on your hands.” A sharp growl left his throat. ”You have an offer right in front of you that can prevent that.” For the most part.

The brute’s attention shifted towards Beck. So he knew about the inspiring Goldenluxury? It was nice to know that someone caught onto the Goldie Locks nickname too, but in a rather friendly tone. Pathetic though. From what he knew, Tanglewood and The Typhoon were far from being friendly. Stryker just scoffed. ”But who said she has to know?” Stryker proclaimed. ”Goldie locks isn’t gonna just going to randomly burst out once I step foot into your territory.” His paw challenged at his theory, stepping over the metaphorical border line in front of him. ”See?” Jumping suddenly, he looked behind him for Goldenluxury (who obviously wouldn’t be there) and then settled back down calmly. He shrugged lightly. ”A few white lies wouldn’t hurt anyone.” The Typhoon Pirate probably wouldn’t be asking in the first place. Five months of silence usually told someone that all Hope was lost. To her, Stryker and Ninazu could be seen as dead.

Stifling a smile, the former Pittian turned back to the leader that stood before him. Stryker simply sneered. ”What do you say?” he finished off with. ”Can I tempt you to take me in?” Or would that be too much for Tanglewood to lose... or gain?

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - toboggan - 07-06-2019

Thick brows mildly furrowed following Crow’s immediate retort. The action of providing the bare necessities to two individuals of such a vile nature of survival displeasured the hound, ultimately staining the image of Crow that persisted within his mind. Had the general existed during the ex-ardent’s peak, it was safe to say that Crow wouldn’t have even drawn a single breath of mercy. However, on account of Morgan leaving behind Tanglewood’s throne to one as inexperienced as the bumbling buffoon that sat his scrawny ass in it today, mercy, mayhaps too much of it, had been given. The fact did not marinate well with the guardsman, yet his lips remained zipped. As difficult a task it was to shut one’s mouth in the face of a fool, listening in on what others had to say would prove to be a superior route.

An inflamed glare sat on the shoulders of Tanglewood’s general well into the opening lines of Stryker’s speech, a glare which gradually shifted towards the white lion as his sermon went on. Mockery and falsehoods made up the majority of the deliverance which he spoke - his ill attempts of wit were disregarded for the most part, as, in Leroy’s mind, Stryker deserved not the chance to speak.

Crow spoke next, moments after a flummoxed Moth, equipped with 'whatever they needed', made her return. The choice he offered Stryker would satisfy Leroy by a modest margin, howbeit it remained barely insufficient as a solution. The power to make a choice wasn’t the power the tryant should have. If the decision rested within the hound’s grasp, the murderous bastard’s ass would have already become a new home to a huge pike by now. Leroy shrugged off Ninazu’s fate - she hadn’t done anything worth notice during her reign anyways.

The true surprise came when Arrow weighed in her input. The captain of the guard thought that her superior wasn’t being lenient enough? Out of everybody here, Leroy predicted that she would best understand Stryker’s audacity. After all, she witnessed the aftermath what they did to Delilah, brutally taking the poor girl’s sight away without a reason. Once more, the power of lip-zipping made a guest appearance - a strong desire of lashing out at Arrow rang throughout the mongrel’s thick skull.

Even Beck had something to add to the topic, quite literally dropping in to try countering Arrow’s remarks (birthing a smug grin on the wolfhound), and making mention of a pirate princess. Goldenluxury. Assuming that affairs didn’t end in his favour, the Typhoon’s captain would be a deciding factor. He hated to think of her as a tool, but if some people could bear to think of Stryker as a potential ally, then Leroy saw nothing wrong with it.

Once again, the green-eyed lion spoke utter nonsense; empty threats that left the canine rather unphased, and what may have just been the most unsubtle guilt tripping he’s ever seen. Seeing the individual who had tortured many, and saw over the torture of many more, dictate the cruelness of turning him away was quite comical.

Whilst the feline stepped over the imaginary border, the corners of his maw curled into an ugly snarl. If the oversized feline’s knavery cracked the thin ice which he stood upon, then consider his most recent action the icebreaker. The swamp-dwellers weren’t what one would call the proudest sort, but they had standards. The guardsman wasn’t going to sit back and watch idly as a murdering, torturing, lying, scumbag waltzed all over them.

"Crow gave you a damn choice, so make it!", he hacked feverishly, "Don’t try to tempt us with nothing he didn’t say, you fuckstick."

"You’re right about us sharing a common enemy in the Pitt, but you’ll find that the Typhoon an’ us find a common enemy in you. So, fuck off."

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 07-07-2019

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[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] A glare radiated in the direction of Leroy. His paw still remained over the border as his ivory claws began to slide out from their sheaths. ”And what if I don’t?” he challenged them. A soft cackle left him and Stryker’s eyes rolled sarcastically. Please. Another paw into the territory. He slowly slinked forward, staring Leroy in the face. ”Just because you’re so prideful, you’re going to let your fellow group mates die?” A scoff left him. ”I offered you information and a way to end this war in exchange for a home, but you’re too self absorbed.” Not just Leroy, but Crow and the rest of Tanglewood’s members that surrounded him. Besides Arrow of course. It appeared as if only they knew the honesty and worth behind his gratitude.

Slitted eyes maneuvered their way over towards Crow. ”I’m offering you a way out,” the lion continued. ”After the deed is done, I’ll be gone.” It was never that simple though. ”Well, what do you have to say?” came his final challenge. ”Are you going to excuse me or accept the offer, Black bird?” After all, there were going to be consequences if he denied them. Even Crow had to know that. Stryker wasn’t going to lead them into a false set-up after being isolated for months and without any resources.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - beck. - 07-07-2019

    He should have stayed on his branch; being this close to the rambling bag of bones was undoubtedly worse. Beck's ears flattened to his skull in growing agitation, trying to block Stryker's voice but to no avail. Lies, all that slipped from his mouth were lies. The little poltergeist shared his experience, begging for forgiveness without a soul to hear his desperate pleas and false promises. I won't do it again, I swear! Please let me go, let me live! I'll make it up to you -- His teeth gritted, although he himself couldn't tell if it was because of the bubbling anger or the pain from remembering. Swindling and lying would be useless now. And yet, the ex-ardent continued talking in circles, practically six feet deep in the grave dug by his meaningless words. "Shut up," Beck growled under his raspy breath before incoherently mumbling a couple of insults to himself, a row of hackles bristling static down his spine.

    By the time Stryker mockingly stepped foot over the invisible border, Beck had tensed, expression warping into a frenzied snarl and foamy chemicals beginning to drip from his disfigured cheek as he nearly shook with rage. Yet the mangy feline forced himself to remain frozen where he stood, a cold draft emanating from his apparition while Leroy countered the unwelcomed visitor. 'Are you going to excuse me or accept the offer?' A bitter taste filled his mouth as the lion finished spewing filth from his maw. He couldn't tolerate Stryker's arrogant speech any longer -- fuck it.

    Beck sprung from his previously-restrained stance, aiming to lock jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth on the first part of Stryker he could reach from his position behind the pair. Which meant he would bite down on the lion's thin haunches. Not that he cared where he inflicted damage; as long as teeth broke skin and blood met his tongue, he would be content. Well... almost. If he managed to secure his teeth into Stryker's flesh, Beck would begin thrashing his head to and fro, attempting to tear as much tissue from tendon as he could while wildly clawing at the lion's hips. Perhaps Beck's unexpected attack served as a humorous sight to the others present, especially considering how he clung to the lion's hide to continue shredding into flesh and jerking his head in every which way imaginable to leave Stryker looking like his rear had been mauled by a chainsaw.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - ninazu - 07-08-2019

Fire curled around her neck, thin wispy trails thinner than fine gold chains. The Tanglewood creatures provided insult after insult – perhaps they thought they only hit Stryker with each jab, but forgetting her… that cut deeper than any words ever could. They forgot that she came here herself, to warn them about the Roseblood sacrifices? They forgot that she engineered the way to burn down the Typhoon’s precious Capricorn Tavern? Everyone in the world moved on, forgot her, while she rotted in endless torment.

If only Jervis forgot about her power as easily as these fools. Ninazu’s mouth etched up, one corner in a toothy half-smirk with the other side paralyzed by pain. With the scratches down to the cheekbones, the lioness resigned herself to a frozen half-leer at these animals. “You cannot be this blind. Stryker and I know more about the Pitt than all of you will ever know, combined. We have more reason to personally hate Jervis than most,” she said, slowly and deliberately until the scabs burst open and blood ran down her muzzle. Then she spoke with the venom of someone whose every breath pained them – as it obviously did, she could taste the metallic edge of blood with every word.

Her piercing green eyes narrowed, one blinking almost fully shut with the oozing blood. The former ardent did not want to speak further, to berate them with logic when clearly their heads belonged to emotional fluff; yet this shit smelled rosier than the imprisonment. What was a moment of pain in the present, for a potential future? “Who else can you find to take your forces down through the cave system? There are ways to get from anywhere to everywhere with them. Stryker and I are the best strategists the Pitt has ever known. And I am, indisputably, the best healer in the group’s entire history,” Ninazu said, wiping blood from her chin with the back of a paw.

To Stryker, she gave a scathing glare. How dare he think she would simply rest in Tanglewoods without him – leaving him to suffer and die alone wherever he shambled off? “You know better than to bargain for my life,” she grumbled, and would’ve given him a playful smack if the both of them weren’t in such terrible conditions. Tilting her head back to the Tanglers, she said, “You will want the both of us. Two heads are better than one, and all that piss.”

Yet one of them wanted to settle matters like a barbarian fool (and the Tanglers thought the two of them were the monsters?) – the constant flying was hard to ignore. It even bothered her with all that movement in her peripheral vision. Yet when the toothed bird flung himself down at Stryker, she snapped her teeth together and beckoned her weak fire to *burn* properly; the red draped down her neck and shoulders like a true fire mane, sprouting between her toes out of practice.

Thanks to her close proximity to Stryker and no thanks to her weakened state, she shifted to present a fire-covered shoulder to Beck’s attack. “Fuck off. I’m hungry, and you’d make a good roast chicken,” she snarled, her tone more venomous than she could hope to back up with if a proper fight started.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 07-08-2019

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] As the woman spoke, Stryker listened. He merely nodded along with her words. What she said really emphasized his point. Tanglewood had two former leaders and a medic (which they needed) before them, yet they were still ignorant. With the information they withheld, The Pitt would crumble in a seconds. If they thought that The Typhoon, their newest alliance, couldn’t join in on the fun, they were wrong. There were enough Pittians to go around. Hell, fuck the past. Perhaps Goldenluxury and him would even connect over a dinner date. Doubt it though.

At Ninazu’s searing glare, he just smiled. Though she was serious, the lion only took her comment as a mere bat to his ego. ”Oh but anything for you,” Stryker emphasized. He purred a bit with closed eyes before continuing on. His throat cleared beforehand. ”Sorry babe.” The lion’s attention returned to the Tanglewood members, eyes gleaming in delight. So far, there was no response to her words, but he was hoping for some positivity to fly into the conversation. Stryker just waited patiently with hope.

If they thought there was a risk of him attacking in such a weakened state or going against his word, they were dearly wrong. It seemed as someone thought so though. Out of the corner of his eye, a tabby emerged from the branches above and dove towards him. His first reaction was to back away and await more retailation, but Ninazu managed to step in front of Beck anyways. ”Thank you,” he muttered towards the female. With a growl, he continued to speak towards Beck. ”Our offer is fair.” There was annoyance in his tone. ”We mean no harm and want you to benefit from our presence.” Understandably, a sigh left him.

His ears flattened. Stryker was growing impatient, really. ”The offer still stands. If need be, I will even choose to spy within The Pitt if it means that us thr- two have somewhere to stay,” he offered. Green eyes flickered to Crow, head tilting off to the side. ”What do you need me to do to prove it to you and what’s really preventing you from keeping me?” While he had caused the death of Goldenluxury’s mother, he was a mere factor in whatever else. Many wouldn’t know that though. To them, he was a mere name in the wind. The crimes he were willing to admit were not as ill intent ridden as they led on. Especiallly with the heathens they already had in Tanglewood, disowning him would be hypocritical.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - arrow - 07-08-2019

Looks like she really was the only one here who didn't hold the pride and bitterness that the others seemed to have racing through their veins. She felt...bad about it, she truly did, but her curiosity over each unfolding part of this event held fast, and she just wanted to see how this would end if the less expected route was taken. She could just feel that it was not going to ever sit well with Leroy, and she wondered, briefly, if this was going to cause a rift between them from this point on. She felt she should explain herself maybe, one of these days here soon. Not that it would work, but maybe if she reminded him that she was, in face, just a little shit with a kink for risk and a hatred for the Pitt itself that went beyond Stryker. If they could help all of them take 'em out from the inside and finally extract whatever revenge they had been chasing, then by all means, even if they ironically made use of help from the guy who was in charge when the shitshow started. Funny how life worked.

"Oh god damn it, Beck." Arrow shook her head at the attack, the only thing she could really do at the time. Ninazu had already taken up defense against it, and if she tried to yank the ghost away from their infamous visitor, she'd get her ass handed to her on a silver platter later by the whole gang. No and thanks. That was taking it a step far, treason was the first thought to cross her mind on the idea. She almost winced.

"Pirate Princess. Heh." The name, while spiteful, was funny to her. But something about the statement irritated her, some lass marching in and deciding to suddenly raise hell over keeping the runaways. Okay, okay, it was fair to be upset, but at the end of the day..."It's just business at the very least, anything to take out the Pitt as a whole, even the Typhoon has their grudges against them. There's gotta be a way to get her to understand that." Why was no one else seeing this? Yeah it held the potential for danger, they'd be letting Stryker closer than he'd ever been, but by god, they needed any intel they could get, and medical professionals were always valuable. She looked over at Leroy out the corner of her eye, whiskers twitching. "I know you're pissed. I get it. I can explain later."

Arrow tilted her head as Stryker took a step forward. He was begging to stay. Her curiosity peaked. "We've got two of the best the Pitt had, which feels weird to say, and one of them heals injuries. Don't know if you noticed, boys, but we're usually getting banged up. These two ain't gonna separate." Her cynical attitude from earlier began to melt away with each passing second, as if a switch had been flipped over one of the "points" made in this seemingly never-ending struggle whether or not to shelter the war criminals. What replaced it was straight cold agitation. "Jervis probably has a target on our ass, wouldn't be the first time the Pitt labeled us Public Enemy #1. Yeah, Stryker was head of the Murder Tanglewood Team," She paused to at least get that out before someone else beat her to it, cough Leroy cough. "And the Pitt was responsible for manslaughter, a blinded medic and why i'll never be able to make a break for it without limping, but getting one of the big men in charge to help us out kicking Pittian ass is playing dirty, and we're Tanglewood. If anyone should play dirty, it's us."