Beasts of Beyond
send me to hell ● joiner - Printable Version

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Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


they snorted at the sand as it got into their fur and face fur, rumbling gently in amusement, "relax, my dear child. we are in a better land than the one we knew. here, i can protect you, and there will be other youths for you to play with.", they tell her, amused by the chosen name, gently shaking out their fur and body with her between their shoulders.

"Kydobi, this is Usagi. Usagi, Kydobi. Usagi is my second sister, Hope is my first and I am the eldest. Eclipse, this is Kydobi. Now, don't bother him too much, he's got an important role within this group. And you will have to start listening more closely and obeying orders.", they tell her softly with a warm snort, the jaguar resting on their belly in the sand themselves, unconsciously laying in a similar fashion to kydobi.

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Kydobi - 06-30-2019

Posting soon!

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-30-2019

okie dokieSmile