Beasts of Beyond
when the fir needles fall // return - Printable Version

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Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-25-2019

jerisidie - the king !
he didn't dare react, eye holding to Augustin and Sunday, lips firm and teeth slightly gnashing. "good to be back. when did you two come by?", he asks, pushing down the fear of facing the monster that had hurt him so many, many lifetimes ago.

he subconsciously shuffled his youngest behind his back to protect the youth from the puma that had directly hurt him when he was much younger, and had taken a vital part of him. he had children by this monster, once having thought he had loved him.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Sundayprayers - 06-27-2019

  Ah those lifetimes, those always would bleed right between this one and the probably the next.  Any time Augustin would find Jer, it would result in Sunday always dying.  That was how it happened, and this time things would be a little bit different, even if in this time around he would have to die again so be it.

Common sense would have clearly told him to tell any kind of information that would easily bring a upon the end of Augustin's torment, but that would also might lead to his own demise. Of which he was fine with, after all he was technically responsible for any crimes that the puma had probably caused.

One thing was for damn sure that he really shouldn't be correcting the other's mistakes.  His previous lives had proven that times before. "A few months ago." came the answer to hellhound's question, and he stared at the puma to as if to wordlessly warn him to think before speaking.

But one could only hope that Augustin, could understand nonverbal warnings.  Probably not.


Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-27-2019

jerisidie - the king !
jerisidie watched sunday and augustin, gaze taking in everything as he looked augustin straight in the eye, snorting in slight response, "few months, huh? say. by any chance, would you happen to know something about a series of murders in my family?", he asks in a chilly voice, pointedly staring at Augustin.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Sundayprayers - 06-27-2019

  Life for an life, and here was when Sunday knew he had to either stop himself nodding.  Well fuck it, he nodded anyway, Augustin had no self control, and the murders were getting way out of hand. Without a ounce of remorse of what he was planning on doing, and how much damned he just placed Augustin under.  He nodded, watching the morality of Augustin ebb away.

"For the record, I have no blood on my paws.  The one who you seek is heavily stained in them, and all over." Sunday said without an ounce of emotion in his tone, dead and void of emotion. As if someone who was prepared to die, they had nothing else to loose.  They were going to loose it all again after all, this death and rebirth cycle was tiresome.

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Usagi Smallpaw - 06-30-2019

She had heard the howl. The twin tailed wolf heard it and was conflicted on whether or not to go to it. Usagi had not seen the one who called for quite a while and every memory that included him was of him wanting her to remain away from him and him seemingly not giving her a second thought. But she also had questions for the one who called, questions she had been thinking on for quite a while and that only he could answer and that seemed to make Takao extremely bemused with some seemingly private knowledge that he knew. After thinking on it she answered the call and as she walked up she could see there were already others here and that she was late to the party. It was only as she walked closer to the group that she stopped dead in his tracks. Ice began to mist her coat, a snarl creeping onto her face with Takao rolling with laughter and amusement inside of her. It was HIM, the false father, the one that had beat her so many times and he was facing a form that she recognised immediately as being the one who had howled. A growl tore through her throat as she shook with anger,hatred,fear,pain and many more emotions as she faced the false father, repeating to "Hello dear FALSE father. It seems you've broken a rule."

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-30-2019

jerisidie - the king !
as her scent filled his nose, jerisidie turned to face his third eldest child, his voice sharp and brisk as he started towards her, already knowing that Augustin's gaze would have found her by now. he remembered the words, twisted as they might be, from when she had been ripped from the breast and beat for something she couldn't even have done. "foolish child! don't interrupt when the adults are talking!", he urged as the battle scarred hellhound quickly slid before usagi, his back to her, pelt quivering as he blocked her from Augustin's view, his tail still and erect, ears pushed forward and legs locked in a combatant state. "thank you, Sunday. I know who the bastard is now, and I won't be so stupid as to let him twice into the family lines.", he growled, eyes locked on the large puma who had begun towards usagi with angry narrow eyes.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-30-2019

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - teef - 06-30-2019

jerisidie - the king !
he knew the attack was coming, and he knew he had put himself in danger, but this was his daughter, and even if he hated her father, he wouldn't let her come to be hurt again. not by that monster.

finding himself chest first on the ground and breathless, he made an angry rumbling noise as his head was forced to the ground, tail beginning to whip a little bit, lips pulled back from his teeth as he snarled back at Augustin, rearing his head up into the other's chest, horns scoring red marks on the puma's chest, his hind leg bunching with the prosthetic in an attempt to regain his feet before he was blinded by the pain of teeth sinking into his hindquarter, tearing and crushing the bones and nerves within it. yet he would give no show of the pain it caused him. roaring his own cry, he would lash out at Augustin's eyes, scoring across his muzzle and splitting it open. not enough. he quickly found himself being flung through the air by the enraged mountain lion, a tree stump slowing his fall and immobilizing him from the agony.

collapsing at the base of the stump, he snarled as he tried to get back to his feet, face angry as he tried to move, his right hind leg dragging and lagging behind him. growling, he charged towards Augustin once more, trying to leap and falling just short before rolling to his feet and challenging the puma again, tongue between his teeth, holding back on exclaiming from the pain that tortured his mind and heart. he wasn't going to be able to last much longer, he was weak and sickly from the start of this life, and soon he would die, and be reborn.

the next attack from augustin completely rendered him helpless, the white hellhound forced onto his back, soft belly flesh exposed to the puma pinning him down, both snarling at one another. the attack had twisted his leg in a bad way, and he was in great pain, the leg obviously shattered and broken in several places with bone close to emerging in some places. "I will never submit to you, you monster. leave my daughter alone or gods help you, murderer.", he snarled, biting the mountain lion's face and hanging on for all of his worth.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Usagi Smallpaw - 06-30-2019

That was it, the final straw. As she saw Jerisidie attacked her rage boiled over. It took all her strength to keep Takao in, to not make the situation worse. Her false father, one who had caused her so much pain was now causing pain to the one blood parent she knew about. Jerisidie may not have wanted her around but at least he provided assistance with Takao but now, seeing him attacked and being torn apart she was stuck helplessly watching as she battled internally, her coat turning more and more frozen with each second. Then it happened....Jerisidie called her his daughter....and this monster was about to tear him to shreds.A wave of calm surged through her and Takao's amusement increased as he believed he had achieved victory and was about to gain her body. Takao's amusement quickly turned to fear as Usagi won the battle once and for all.She was not going to let either the monster outside or inside harm her family again. She was going to end this.Her coat froze into a shell, surrounding her in a cocoon only to be broken moments later by wings and two hellish horns, her figure becoming quite larger and her hind legs and hip mending back to before her ages ago injury. "Get the hell off of him you savage beast. You are a poor excuse for a father and its pure luck that you ever even had a litter whoever that litter is.YOU will submit to my TRUE father once i send you down to the deepest darkest pits of hell where you belong you s.o.b. I will be the end of you!" With a snapping Growl of rage Usagi begins racing towards Augustine, A slash of water aimed at his back and spine to hit as deep as it can go, followed by a spikes of ice launched towards his shoulder joints before slamming full force into him with teeth and claws trying to tear his flank to shreds and attempting to get her maw around his neck

Re: when the fir needles fall // return - Sundayprayers - 06-30-2019

( permission granted to powerplay at Augustin)
  Truth be told that Sunday was not supposed to be here, and all this family drama was clearly pointed between Augustin and the others. The lynx watched as the dual tailed wolf started to rip Augustin a new one, he didn't dare stop this.

After all this was all going to be a long hard lesson for the overgrown pigheaded entitled idiot.  Rolling his eyes at the macho puma, sighing having heard this madness, time and time again.  Moving over once he was close enough to whack the puma over the head, growling. "Oh I hope you learn your lesson this time around,you pigheaded entitled alpha."