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LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Printable Version

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Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Jervis - 05-29-2019


Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crow Roux - 05-30-2019

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//small gore warning paragraph 3

What the Pitt did not know was this was far from a simple visit to express gratitude for a deal long broken. Goldie was not stupid, and her suspicions that the Pitt was still harboring slaves were not uncalled for. What they also did not know was that Goldie had not come as alone as she appeared. Behind her trailed Crow, gradually spacing the distance between them until he went his own separate direction and disappeared into the familiar jungle his enemy called home. He was cloaked under a transparent guise, the only hints of his presence the crackle of twigs. On his back he carried a satchel of the supplies that he needed, several packs of matches and a weapon—a small risk to his stealth but nothing too flashy that he was given away upon sight.

Crow stepped perhaps a little too loudly, and a pair of whispers rose above the clamor of the jungle. The tabby slid his satchel off his back and drew his ornate dagger from its pouch. He could not risk being spotted, not now anyway; it was too soon into the plan for him to experience any trouble. The feline sunk to the ground and felt around for something to throw, then tossed a stick into the nearby bushes to which he elicited a response of surprise from the measly guards. Another stick was tossed, then another, each time drawing a more concerned interaction until they split their own separate ways to investigate separately. Perfect.

His paws grabbed out of the undergrowth at the flank of the smaller of the two, and he pulled her back into the cover, twisting her onto her back as they fell to the ground in a flurry, but it was over as quickly as it began. Before she could open her mouth to cry out to her partner, the blade was already removed from the clean cut across her throat, and he kicked her face into the dirt where she would watch her own blood leak into the soil. The second was jumped in a similar manner, except this time from behind after he gazed after where he saw his comrade disappear, and the dripping dagger entered at the base of his skull with enough force to render him stunned and helpless as he crumpled to the forest floor.

With one glance behind him and without bothering to clean his crimson-tinged blade, the feline continued deeper into the jungle and followed landmarks he recognized from his previous excursion until he would near the camp, then took a detour; the camp was not his exact target this time. There was a faint smoking in the bushes where he had been, scattered in small increments without pattern and just far enough away from civilization that when they were discovered, it would be too late to stop them—the Tanglewood general was committing arson in his wake, and it would not go unnoticed long by the citizens of the Pitt.

The last match would be tossed behind the Pitt's slowly growing welcoming party where Crow expended himself to remove the moisture from the plants surrounding him until they became shriveled and dead, perfect fire starting material. It was here that his guise would finally collapse, and his attenuated form was left in the open to meet eyes with Goldie and smirk at his job well done as a small flame began to grow.

"Yeah, an' it says, 'You fucked up, bitch!'" he spat, and a wispy black substance began to slowly ooze from between his teeth and down to the ground.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - bubblegum - 05-30-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The response that the captain received from Argus would nearly cause her to lose her cool. You'd be "sitting in my shoes?" How dare she? How dare she claim that? And then she goes onto to suggest that she should stay here. The female maintains a small smile, her paws shifting ever so slightly. Unfortunately for everyone here, Goldenluxury kept plenty of grudges. The tiger would only allow a long, silent sigh to escape her. Argus' leave would make her slicing pupils to follow after the female, staring until another arrived and broke the silence. The actions and words did not fully transfer through the pirate at first, her mind still latched onto Argus. She has plans for after this visit ends. However, the stranger did say something to her, and in a language she'd come to recognize between her own crew. Specifically, a certain family of pirates. "Tá fáilte romhat." (You're welcome) Her voice is slightly distant, though still polite. It's one of the few occasions her more Irish accent comes out quite strong.

Upon the sight of the ugly fox, the female would raise her head slightly. She didn't know how much longer she could stall, but hopefully she won't need much longer. She simply listens to his lying words with polite nods. Hurry the Hell up, Crow. "Oh, yes. 'm sure you'll be happy t' read it. Is' quite short n' sweet." She could not help stop the smile from widening upon her features, her head tilting slightly. The female slowly moves her paw towards the note, using an unsheathed claw to pierce into it and pick it up, being sure to take her time. She could start to smell the distant hint of smoke, but figures she should still stall just a bit longer, to be safe. The male ought to get as much free range as he could. "Here it is." She says sweetly, offering it to the fox, the scent of smoke began to grow closer. Perfect timing. She then would intentionally put on a thoughtful expression, her nose twitching as she dramatically sniffs the air around her. "Hm. D'ya smell somethin' burning?" an innocent curiosity.

Now Crow appears, making his presence loud and clear. That should be enough. The tiger's wings would then open, flapping slowly and then faster as she took flight. "I don' s'pose ye wanna do anythin' about this lil' situation?" The tiger would feel slightly bad about the small child's presence here, but hopefully her guardian would know better than to stick around. It wasn't her responsibility right now. The female would hover above them for a moment, before moving upwards. She reached out a paw and called down a single bolt of lightning, near all of them, in an effort to distract them. At the same time, however, she would aim her mental manipulation to cause them to see multiple lightning bolts, circling them (aside from Crow, of course). Both actions would drain a bit out of her, and she did feel a bit of a shock wave run through her own fur, but her goal wasn't exactly to hurt anyone right now, unless she had to. Leave a message. She kept her eyes on the Tanglewood leader, floating above him with cold eyes that struck like bullets.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Jervis - 06-07-2019

Well. That was a pleasure to hear. A short and sweet letter for a short and sweet vulpine. Jervis seemed pleased with himself, but the reality was soon going to slap him across the face. He reached out, clasping the letter between his claws and pulling it closer to him. Before he opened it, Goldenluxury pointed out something dearly concerning. Jervis’ nose raised to the sky and sniffed deliriously. At first thought, it seemed as if it was a mere festivity of his clan. Then came what was next.

The twang of the familiar leader met his ears. His words were filled with fiery passion and coated in venomous intent. Then what the phrase met hit him. His haunches raised. The world around him came clear and the hint of smoke reached his nose, alerting him of further danger. There was no time to prepare. Feelings of demise rushed through him but he powered through it, beginning to slowly back away from the two leaders that encircles him. ”And how have I slipped up?” he crooned towards Crow. His question was not delirious. Jervis was asking how he messed up, not implying that he didn’t know what has happened. ”Was it the slaves running to your border, pleading for forgiveness?” A laugh faltered through him. ”Or did I slip up?” There was no way. His peak performance shouldn’t of failed. Yet here he was. The holy ardent was slipping backwards towards his groupmates, hoping for their saving. Where had he gone wrong?

As Goldenluxury continued, Jervis tried to play along. If he could persuade her once, why couldn’t he do it again? His confidence, though suffering currently, was still present. ”Perhaps,” he continued further, ”We could sort something out?” There seemed to be no option nevertheless.

The leader, realizing there was no turning back, let out a demanding yell. ”PITTIA-“ But his words fell silent as the lightning struck below. Jervis scrambled back further. ’Fuck.’

//mobile, apologies
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - teef - 06-08-2019

everything had gone to hell, and all she wanted to know was what was happening. she was curious, and that curiosity was lining up the ranged sights on her, apparently. the sizzling and crackling of energy coursed through the air and across her pelt, the young wolf hybrid giving a low snarl. where was her father? where was he? was he safe? was he okay?

shaking her head, the girl fought off the desire to cower against the ground despite the visions of all the lightning flashing around her. taking a deep breath,
she drowned out the angry voices and tried to figure out the scents of all who were present. she easily found the scents of aine, gael, and jervis. she caught ththe scents of fourthwall and argus after a few more seconds, the halfling working her way towards her group members, eyes shut and creeping across the ground, chanting a mantra from her childhood, Dont look, little warrior, it'll just try to give you a spook., she repeated over and over, refusing to acknowledge the cracks of thunder screaming over head, nor the flashes of lightning all around her.  she just had to reach the others, and then she could open her eyes and focus on helping her new family.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - gael - 06-10-2019

Gael failed to comprehend fully why he felt tense, but he did.  Even as Jervis arrived, something felt off.  We're not friends -- there's a deal.  But Séamus didn't say they'd attack us.  A frown quickly replaced his polite smile.  Oh dear cousin... If you've anything to do with this...

A flash of light.  Crackling electricity and his fur bristled.  You've been played Jervis.  Without another thought, he aimed to quickly grab Aine by her scruff, scrambling far, far back before the lioness struck again.  The smell of smoke through his flared nostrils concerned him.  Where did he take Aine if everything was on fire behind them?

His sharp eyes latched onto the winged captain.  Protectively, he dropped Aine beneath him, slamming his hind paws down firmly, pushing a harsh gust of wind to knock down the blazes beyond, careful not to fan them.  Cold rage coursed through his veins.  No one puts Aine in harm's way.  He's lost everything but her.  "You threaten my family, forghéilleann tú mo chol ceathrair, captaen," Gael's call is rough and dark.  A father's fury.  I warned him.

Now he'd pay.  One way or the other.

And whatever Jervis did to invoke this... For he suspected this as a warning attack.  No one had been directly hit, even if the fire threatened them behind.  He dug his claws into the ground.  I hope it was worth the threat to my daughter's safety. Or Séamus wasn't the only one with hell to pay.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby
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Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - aine. - 06-10-2019

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— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Da.  The child blinked as she found herself pulled away from Fourthwall.  Eyes still shining bright with curiosity, she bounced on her father's paws, shifting her weight around.  It seemed as though the captain knew Miss Argus, which Aine found interesting, head flashing between the two.  The tension in the air made her bite the inside of her cheek.

Brief concern brought her gaze towards her father, head tilting up.  The fact Goldenluxury knew Gaelic caught her pleasantly surprised, wondering if now that Argus was gone (what a strange interaction, oh well), she would hear more in her native tongue.  Unfortunately, such failed to happen.

Instead their ardent Jervis arrived on scene.  Aine bit back a sigh, ears flicking as he spoke.  Always so flamboyant.  Well.  At least that meant she could sit back and listen without attracting too much attention to herself.  So many eyes afterall.  Her own remained on Goldie for the time being, growing attuned to her father's growing wariness.

Before more words reached her, she caught something in the wind.  Instinctively her nose twitched, wrinkling in confusion and distaste.  A strange memory resurfacing. Smoke.  Burning, burning.  Everything burning.  Everyone burning. 

Even as a new, angrier voice caught in the wind, her ears flattened.  Why fire? Why the smoke and lies?  Was everything burning?  A frightened whimper.  Then lightning.  Closer, brighter, than anything she'd seen before, but she's moving, or her father is moving.

Her father is speaking, but she flattens beneath him.  She didn't like the fire.  She didn't want anymore fire.  No more storms or lightning.  No more smoke.  Enough smoke.  "Da?Make it stop. Make her go away.  Suddenly the golden lioness was not so pretty anymore.  No.  She was scary.  Mean.  Make her leave.
I'll come back when you call me

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crow Roux - 06-14-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
At this point it was pure stubbornness that kept Crow moving. The feline coughed a loud, wet cough, and more of the aforementioned black substance ejected from his mouth to the ground and dribbled down his chin, a sign he was reaching his limits. In the past, he had called it quits—a few days of rest had cured his symptoms—but resting was not an option at present.

"You bet it was the slaves pleadin' at my border," he snapped at the proud vulpine, absentmindedly raising his socked paw to wipe the void-like matter away from his face. "An' all the lyin' and kidnappin' and killin' you an' your cronies have been doing!" Crow did not advertise himself or Tanglewood as being seekers of justice. It was the killings of a few poor bastards and the kidnapping of little Kiira and a chance meeting with a new friend he now held close to his heart that ignited a blaze inside him and told him this was the right thing to do.

For the safety of Selby.

He drew his ornate dagger from its filthy sheath rather forcefully, sending jelly-like blood to splat in the dirt, and with a fire in his eyes he began a charge toward Jervis with intention to kill, knife pointed at the ardent's collarbone. Now was the perfect time to end it right here and now, while everyone was in a state of disarray and confusion.

Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Crackers - 06-15-2019

Well, that had certainly gone to shit. The territory was on fire, Jervis was practically cowering amongst his clanmates, and Goldenluxary and her little cohort had just broken what was left of their ceasefire. The only thing he was really bothered by was the fact that their jungle was burning, mainly because he'd only just gotten used to the humid little forest. Jervis failing to take control of the situation was irrelevant, because why did Fourth need someone to tell him the obvious stuff? And Goldies little slip up here only meant that she'd made herself fair game to Fourthwall and the other Pittians.

"Fuck this." hed snort, tired of just standing there waiting. He would do things his own way, and the other Pittians could join in or piss of. It was high time somebody showed then how a clan that boasted vengeance and warfare should act.

As Crow lunged for Jervis Fourth made no move to stop him. The fox could either take care of himself or die and let Fourth take over, either outcome a satisfactory one. Instead the massive canine set his mismatched gaze on Golden and lunged for the feline. With a violent snarl a large paw would lash out at her head, aiming to land a heavy blow to disorient her, not bothering to sheath his retractable claws- if the hit landed she would find herself not only momentarily stunned, but with a nasty gash from his hooked feline claws as well.


Re: LET MY PEOPLE GO / typhoon visit - Kydobi - 06-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: this thread may be dead but it clearly isn't over so I'm just gonna insert him in here because this is such a vital event ]

He never trusted her. He never even liked the tigress. So when she came here he knew something was off. He lurked in the shadows, the safety of the tree. But something was off.

A blinding bolt of light. Multiple. He flinched. His enhanced senses were overloading. He squinted his eyes and fell of the tree. A deep cry of pain rumbled in his chest. Neck muscles tensed, a high pitch ring was in his ears.

But this was no situation to wallow in his pain. He opened his eyes and saw Jervis about to be attacked. He then saw Ramona.

Who would he save? Did he want power? To prove to Jervis he was reliable? Or did he protect the cub?

"Ramona run! Run! Think of your training and run! I'll find you!"

He would try to save the fox. This was the jungle.

" [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] ! We have no slaves!", jesus if only the fox had acted sooner, "I swear me and him had just had the discussion. I convinced him to change. A new leaf!"

He would pelt towards the cat with the knife, using his intangibility to make no sound as he bursted forward. Hoping to use the element of surprise and sheer size the brute would raise his paw, using his momentum to slap the knife down in an attempt to drop it out of the cat's maw.

"Listen please! There are children!", he had been making waves, hoping to change the foxes outlook or at least create the facade that the Pitt had changed. The feline so desperately wanted peace, "We were going to announce our change of heart at the next meeting. I swear it. This is all so unecessary."

Death led to hate which led to strife which led to spite which lead to death. It was all such a vicious cycle.

Please let Ramona be safe

For what had just occurred would lead to more death. Jervis' pride would be wounded and he would retaliate. All that effort for nothing.

"If you have no mercy for the innocent youth then you are no better than the monsters you make us out to be. And I will not let you harm the only glue keeping this group together.", truth be told the death or life of Jervis would not harm him. If the fox died the throne was for his taking. While he did not desire to rule, he felt obligated to create a safe place within the jungle.
