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Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Honey - 05-18-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

Fighting was never the pup's cup of tea. It just felt so wrong to hurt another body. Even when she and her siblings would play fight, she would hate to participate. She only acted in defense too. By the end of their little rough housing, she would always check to make sure everyone was okay.

"I don't really like to fight... Is there someone who can teach me how to heal?"

She smiled at Ariside. Hoping this didn't displease the battle scarred tigress. Besides, the dog couldn't really be all that formidable right?

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - Tena M. - 05-19-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Well.  What a mixed group before her.  Tena smiled, whiskers twitching without thought as Killua and Stark spoke their refusals.  "Not a problem." Honestly?  The Demdji had only taken the oath herself because she had nothing else.  No home to return to.  No family.  Only an annoying Jedi at her side.  "I believe actions speak more of someone's heart than their words and you remain welcome as true Elysites."

To Warringkingdoms she inclined her head.  "For those who only wish to stay here for short times, there's no pressure to swear anything."

Swiftly, her bright eyes darted to Kade, giving her silence to speak.  Tena hummed softly in agreement, the tip of her tail twitching.  "I will give some thought on changing the tradition a little, for more time to be allotted in between joining.  I understand more than most that trust is not easy." She furrowed her brow, breathing in softly through her nose.  They didn't need to know why, or just by how much, only that she was not naïve in that matter.  "Tradition is nice to hold onto, but can always be adjusted."

Battle training.  Yes.  That was good.  No one had targeted them yet, and they had not attracted any other sort of trouble or drama, but Tena firmly believed in maintaining proper caution.  "Do not feel pressured to fight," she offered Honey warmly.  "While Kade is offering instruction on defense, perhaps someone could take some time to inform us on healing."

While Tena knew some of the very basics, she hardly considered herself well-informed enough to offer insightful lessons.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: ASSEMBLY [★] SOMEWHERE I BELONG - teef - 05-19-2019

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


a small pup wanted to learn healing, mh? well, she could solve that.

the small elder russian blue female stepped forward, acknowledging all with a nod, "I can hold medical training or healing lessons if no one else wants to. I have some experience from my younger days.", finnloch murmured warmly.