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after years, movement. // open, joining! - Printable Version

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Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - jacob w.c. - 04-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//do his wounds and whatnot heal with him being undead or do they just decay? i just wanted to double check for when jake tries to treat him

Jacob didn't comment much on other's physical state at this point. Since moving here, he'd seen so many strange things, he wasn't sure if it was polite. What might look like a horrible wound or painful disfigurement that could be treated with physical therapy, much like his own, was sometimes just a part of the other. When he heard Cry squawk what sounded like 'dead', a frown came to his maw and then his eyes widened in realization. Yes, of course that'd make perfect sense. Then August himself confirmed the idea and asked for Jacob to look at the large wound on his shoulder. "Oh, uh, yes, ah' course I can. Do ya' know how long ya've had it? Somethin' 'bout it don' look quite right but I'll have ta' get a li'l closer. You're a bit tall for me ta' treat it righ' now. N' yeah, I don' wanna' alarm ya' but it stinkin' certainly ain't good but it could jus' be an infection. Nothin' too bad, I hope but I'll have a better idea if ya' can sit or bend down a bit. Is it givin' ya' any pain?" Jacob didn't speak as much as he could have. With a wound like that, August shouldn't even be standing. At the very least, he should be in some sort of pain but he didn't seem in to be in any sort of distress. In fact, he didn't seem to be bothered by his situation much at all. He had a suspicion that all the odd facts about this wound had to do with the fact he'd come back from the dead but he'd hold that to himself until he could figure out more about it but his head was already spinning. Was it possible the deer's body was still decaying? It would make sense for the site of his wound to go out. However, there weren't any bugs he could see trying to feed off the area but Snowbound was also too cold for most critters that would behave in such a way. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - →AUGUST← - 04-30-2018

/i dont really know what they shld do i was just gonna have it like... be there. not heal, not get worse, just kinda stink if it isnt cleaned. i figured he probably wont heal cus his body isnt rly,,, functioning like it did before technically his brain is still dead and his heart doesnt beat so.. i guess rly it just needs to be cleaned every so often so it doesnt start 2 stink and maybe covered up?

August noticed the lion fairly quickly. His eyes narrowed and he let out a nervous snort, head dipping down and up as he took a few steps back. He pointed his bloody antlers in the direction of the lion but stayed still, listening as he introduced himself. His hazy eyes flickered between the group and he took a few more steps back. "..Hello, Aizawa. I am August." The deer's eyes stared at the lion for a long moment, but his ears turned towards Jacob as the wolfdog began to speak.

"I do not know. This place looks very different from when I.. When I died. I cannot tell how long it has been." The deer slowly folded one foreleg down, then the second, and then in one big movement, fell down to sit on his side. "You can check it now? I cannot feel it. Actually, I cannot feel anything anywhere. It is all numb." If he had proper eyebrows, they'd be furrowed in confusion.


Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - jacob w.c. - 05-01-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — //okay, that sounds good to me! I just wanted to check before Jake did something he shouldn't lol.

Jacob nodded as the deer knelt down. "Yeah, I can see it. Thanks," he stated before moving forward to analyze the wound further. It was easy to guess he was numb because, well, he was dead. That would also explain his slow behavior. His nerves weren't working to full capacity. Even as he thought it, Jacob could only think of his legs and he couldn't help but cringe at the thought. He'd known that his legs were 'failing' but the truth was a lot of the nerves and cells in them were dead. That was why he had phantom pains despite the fact his legs were still technically on his body. His legs were dead. Well, not quite dead. They at least still responded when he wanted them to move most of the time, but even that was coming and going these days. Without the phantom pains, though, he felt nothing. He covered them mostly to hide his scars but also because it was easier to find little scratches or bumps he'd gotten throughout the day and needed to take care of. He didn't notice when it happened but he'd notice a little bit of blood later or he'd notice a tear in the fabric and he'd get it taken care of.

Even as Jacob looked at August's wound, he determined he'd have to make something nice to cover the wound up with. He'd just use bandages for now but he'd make him something nice, like the cloth, patterned bandages Jacob used. "It jus' looks like it needs ta' be cleaned up a li'l. It looks worse than it is, I think. Giving your... uh, well your state righ' now, I dunno' if it'll heal properly since, ya' know, I dunno' if things like that work for ya'. I'll jus' keep an eye on it, though, n' I'll get ya' some nicer bandages ta' put on it. I don' have anythin' ta' wash it with out 'ere but I can clean it up when he get in the tunnels. For now, I'll jus' put some marigold on it n' give ya' some bandages ta' kill anythin' that might be in it n' then keep everythin' out until we get there," he explained as he reached in his bag, chewing up some of the marigold before applying it to the wound and then using some cobwebs on it. He couldn't wrap full bandages around this right now and it'd be better for such a big wound to have cobwebs anyway. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - →AUGUST← - 05-01-2018

August's hazy grey eyes strained to keep an eye on the wolfdog, every so often flicking back to the lion to make sure he wasn't creeping up or anything. He huffed out another snort as he watched Jacob check the wound. The muscles near the wound twitched a bit as Jacob applied the marigold to it. "Keep everything out? What things will go in?" He watched as the cobweb was put over it and couldn't help but feel.. Wrong.

Would he always be numb like this? What if he just dropped dead again? It was so weird to watch someone touch his skin, only for him not to feel it. Would he ever be able to think normally? He could remember how he used to think. August rather thought dying and standing back up after death had made him very dumb. That was.. Upsetting. He used to be smart.

Once Jacob was finished with his momentary patching up of the wound, August staggered to his feet and flicked his ear. "Where are these tunnels? We can go now, right?" He dragged a hoof across the snow, watching it. Weird how his knees didn't buckle, even though he couldn't really feel that he was standing.

its hard to describe his numbness in an,,, ok way but basically im imagining it as being like.. when u stand up and ur foot/leg is asleep but hasnt started doing pins n needles yet


Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

(Pls excuse how late to this i am aaaaa)

Death had always become a common factor in his life. A factor that he doubted that would ever really go away in that regard. No matter where he went, death always seemed to follow in some shape or form. Whether it was him doing the killing or someone else, there were always bound to be wars where he went. He had practically been born into the life of violence thanks to the ties that he had with his family and nothing else. He had been alone since he was a kitten as his family had refused to let him outside of the mansion, basically a castle, that they lived in because they said that they were protecting him and that was all that he was going to ever need to know. At first, Killua had wondered whether or not what they said was true or not, but ultimately being as young as he was, he wasn't going to end up doubting his family all that much. They had fed him lies for a very long time that he had made sure were formed into truths by being too gullible. But was one ever gullible when it came to the aspect of family though? The assassin wasn't sure what to really consider to be family at this point even after his adopted sister that had been in the previous clan that he had come from. Either way, Killua seemed to be some of the few that actually lived in the clan that wasn't surprised to see a corpse that was on the border. Maybe that was why he and London got along so well because the female didn't seem to be all that phased when it came to dealing with the dead. She had told him that she felt bad if she were to stare at the corpses because it almost seemed rude. Which had almost made Killua break out in laughter because he had never heard anything like that before from the likes of someone that was a clanner. Although, he had figured that the albino clouded leopard wasn't exactly a clanner and came from a different place. He had been here when she had joined and she didn't have a specific clan name like some others either. Just like Jacob who didn't have a clan name and had ultimately come from a city if he could remember correctly. But in a peaceful clan like this, it was a shock to see corpses that were just placed here and there or to hear about an attack that had ended up happening. Despite all of this, most of the creatures that lived in this place were recovering quite well all things considering, and so far the only one that was probably slightly afraid of him was Ivylee, but that was because she was so young and had been exposed to death far too soon. He hadn't meant for that to happen, but it did and he was going to have to live with it. The young assassin didn't feel bad with all the things that he had done in his past. Sure there was some guilt if he could remember some of the jobs that he had been on, but if he couldn't then there was no use dwelling in the past. The only one that currently knew who he was right now was London, and he trusted the female not to tell his life story to the rest of those that were in the clan. The Snowstriker knew exactly how the rest of the clan would react if they realized that he was an assassin and his family was hunting him. They would kick him out and he would have to figure out where to go from there. Stay with Argus? That was out of the picture as he knew that he would just get pissed off if he decided to join the Typhoon. He didn't exactly like Tanglewood so that meant the Ascendants was his only option. He didn't want to think about that right now, because he was in a pretty good mood. Up until the point where he was walking around in the snow and the smell of decay filled his nostrils. A scowl scrunched up onto his face and obviously meant that someone was dead. Definitely not dying considering if anyone had that stench clinging to them, it would mean that they were already far gone from that point.

The albino serval debated whether or not it would be worth for him to check, which he knew it was considering that if it was a crime scene he would probably have to investigate it like the rest. The albino serval looked like a standard albino serval all things considered, except that instead of claws on his front paws, he had metal claws that were easily five times larger than that of a regular serval claw. For the most part, he could keep the claws sheathed, but the claws were still long enough that even the tips of the metal could still be seen no matter what he did. The other once had bandages that covered his body but had recently healed so those had been ditched completely. He wasn't exactly happy with how long it did take him to heal but there wasn't a point in complaining about it right now. Being a serval, however, meant that he was larger than a domestic cat, but he was far from being the biggest creature that existed in Snowbound right now. If anything it was Silent and Stark that were the largest, but he hadn't seen either of the two for very long. Killua was different than a regular serval, even if Pierce was a little bit bigger than him and had the regular coloration, Killua was far more lethal than the other carnivore. His air elementals made it so that he was impossible to smell and muffled every noise that he made. It was a force of habit to keep his air elementals on, and he honestly had no idea if he was capable of turning it off now. Not like it mattered. As he approached the scene, his paws didn't make any sound as they moved through the snow, only to see that there was a deer standing on the border. Killua was far too small to want to try and eat something like a deer, although he could kill one with ease if he had the right strategy and the use of his powers as well. At the distance he was at, he couldn't see if there was anything strange about the male, until he was only a couple feet away. The smell was coming from HIM. Which took the albino serval a little bit by surprise as he blinked up at the deer. The others wounds were rotting away, and yet here the creature was standing as if there was nothing really wrong with him. Well, this guy certainly had caught the former deputies attention, and he moved so that he was a little bit to the left of the group, sitting himself down as there was nothing but curiosity in his sapphire blue eyes. A whistle escaped him as he looked over the deer for a couple of seconds. "Whoa. You're like.... an actual zombie, but in deer form!" Killua said almost excitedly, although the mood of the situation at hand wasn't exactly exciting. Maybe Killua was just strange in that regard. He hadn't arrived in time to listen to what the other's symptoms was like, but he could easily tell by the smell that the other's wounds were infected. Jacob was here though, which meant that there was no need for him to try and patch the other up along with him. Unless Jacob asked for his assistance in which he would reluctantly help him. "You're basically a walking corpse. How did you end up like that? Do you feel anything? Are you hungry, like for something other than grass or whatever? How long have you been like this?" A grin was spread across the Snowstriker's jaws as he asked his questions. Which probably sounded morbid toward others, but he was just curious about the deer's condition. He had read plenty of books during his life, and learning about zombies had been one of those instances. If he was a dog, the other probably would have been wagging his tail at this new discovery. He had never seen this before, and this just meant that it was a new experience for the young serval. He would definitely have to tell London about this.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: after years, movement. // open, joining! - →AUGUST← - 05-01-2018

August swung his head around to look at the serval. He stared at him for a long while, brain slowly picking apart the words he'd spoke and attempting to put them back together in a way he'd understand. This cat had spoken.. Rather quickly. August seemed to blank out as he went over the others words, processing them until he could get the gist of what had been said to him. The first thing he said was, "Why would I not be a deer? It is the animal I died as."

He then went quiet for a few more moments as he stared at Killua. He took a few deep breaths, stomped one of his hooves on the ground. How long had he been like this? He couldn't tell just from looking around here. He knew it had to have bit at least a few months, but other than that.. It could've been years. Hell, it could've been decades if the snow had been around long enough. He couldn't even tell based off how much his body had already decayed, because he had no clue if the snow had fallen recently after his death and stayed there, or if it was new. For all he knew, the snow could've fallen today and he could've died not even a few weeks ago.

"I was killed by a predator. I cannot feel anything. And.." He paused, then continued on. "I am still not hungry. I do not know how long I have been dead. I just woke up a little while ago." August sighed a little bit, hazy eyes flicking back to Jacob for a moment as if pleading for him to save him from the questioning. On a normal occasion, August would've been happy to answer the servals' questions, but he was feeling rather tired already and thinking about why he was alive after dying was starting to make him feel like there was a ball of ice forming in his stomach.

Well. He supposed there could be an actual ball of ice forming inside him. But, he guessed it probably wasn't real and was more just the instinctual fear that most, if not all, creatures have inside them somewhere.

"Who are you? Are you also in this.. group?"