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better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - Printable Version

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Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-08-2019

a majority of one's age or power was shown in the way that they carried themselves, and learned knowledge used to survive never truly went away. when one was trained to kill, their body adapted no matter how strange the environment or any physical handicaps. hmm. she was coming to like him already and they had just met, certainly a man with a respective stance, if not just an old soul in a youthful body.

"forgive my words if they do not abide well, but you are not what you appear. well, let us start a patrol quickly then, I will join.", she murmured as she shook out her body, the tigress settling in a more relaxed way, smiling. "well, for starters, what's your name?"

mobile & at work //

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-08-2019

Most smaller animals didn't like to be around larger predators if they could avoid it. That was because it was a basic instinct to avoid something that could potentially kill them in a moments notice. Killua was actually used to being around tigers, or at least he had a tiger as a sibling that he had lived with for the majority of his life. The two brothers weren't the type to get along with one another all that easily, and Killua hated his brother with everything he had. The wildcat wanted nothing to do with his sibling, and he hoped that it stayed that way. Considering how stubborn his brother was, he doubted that would ever happen and he would be doomed to always have his family lurking over his shoulder. Compared to Kade though, his brother was starkly different when it came to appearance. The only thing that his brother had similar with Kade was that they were basically the same species. His brother was a black tiger that had black wings that allowed him to fly over large expanses. He also had weapons with him constantly, weapons that were more often than not poisoned half the time. His brother, Illumi, was probably considered to be the best assassin there was, but at the same time, the tiger abandoned his morals to the work and didn't seem to care about anything. If Illumi did love him as a brother, it was a smothering kind of love that made Killua want to vomit. There was only one creature in existence that he was afraid of, and that was Illumi. He wasn't even afraid of his own father, who was a lot stronger than Illumi. That was because Killua knew that his father wouldn't directly try to kill him. He was the only air to the family and his parents were far too old at this point to bare any more children. Killua carried himself with a means of confidence but also showed that his body language was constantly relaxed.

Having a relaxed body language usually meant that his enemies didn't really expect him to attack or be prepared to dodge any attack that was thrown at him. Deception. Killua was pretty damn good at it. The albino serval listened to the female speak, and the first sentence he said didn't make him tense like it would have done in the future. Oh? Could she seemingly tell what he was? Well, hopefully, she would keep her thoughts to herself as he wasn't about to start revealing that he was an assassin to anyone. He kept his past carefully under wraps. Instead, he kept his innocence up as he raised both of his front paws and shrugged his shoulders. A nonchalant expression was spread across his facial features as he did so. "Sorry lady, I don't know what you're talking about." Killua said calmly, and like usual he didn't speak in any formality. It was simply the way he spoke, and there wasn't really any disrespect in his tone. At the mention of the patrol, Killua slowly stood back up onto his paws, arching his back as he stretched his long limbs, causing his metal claws to fully unsheathe for a split second. At her first question, a small smirk placed itself on his lips as he looked up at the much larger animal. "Name's Killua. Yours?" Killua questioned calmly with a flick of one of his massive ears. Kade would be one of the first to actually know his name.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - Straw - 05-09-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Oh, they were doing weekly tasks again? She probably ought to ask for one; the question and answer session had gone okay, though some of the questions had been difficult to answer. Straw came over to the group and waited quietly, listening in on the conversation between Killua and Kade with perked ears.

  After Killua finished speaking, Straw cleared her throat softly. "I'll take one," she said, twitching her tail. Hopefully it would be slightly less awkward this time around.

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-10-2019

ah, this was fine. she knew that sometimes words were better kept quiet. his tone didn't bug her, even if she had been militant at one time, the tigress was more laid back than she was before this awkward time of being trapped in this feline body.

"my name is ariside, killua. pleasure." she responded pleasantly before turning to straw and smiling at her welcomingly, "good to see you again, straw. hmn. do you know how to swim? if yes, do you think you would like to hold a small party among the members on the beach? we have some youngsters and the sun will start to get hot soon, so we should likely hold swimming lessons. If you're uncomfortable with the water, why don't you make some juices and snacks for a picnic on the beach or up in the mountains?"

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2019

It was common for Killua to throw his weight around from time to time. The assassin had always been placed on a high pedestal when it came to how his family had treated him. They gave him everything that he wanted when it came to his training and if he wanted something small. However, letting him out to enjoy the outside world was something that they couldn't deliver to him. Killua had always been the type to talk casually when regarding those that he came across, and there were some instances where one may be insulted with the way that he spoke. Most of the time he didn't really mean any sort of disrespect to those that he was talking to, but it was really hard to tell with his tone of voice whether or not he was joking. There were few moments where the young assassin could be considered serious, and it was in those situations where fights usually happened. Killua was all for a fight, as he had the confidence of a skilled fighter through years of training. Even while he was the deputy of many different clans during his life, Killua didn't really bother to do the job that had been given to him. After all, he had never asked to be promoted, they just simply promoted him. If the creatures that promoted him realized how he acted, he would think that they wouldn't promote him at all. Certain beings that he came across though promoted him because they saw the potential that he had, a potential that Killua honestly didn't really see himself. Killua knew that in the future he would be stronger than he was now, but at the same time, he didn't know what he could do with such power either. His main goal was to beat his older brother so that he wouldn't have to roll around in fear of facing the tiger again.

Almost no one knew about it, and he planned on keeping it that way. Ariside. Certainly an interesting name, and not like a regular clan name either. His name itself wasn't all that unique and basically meant what it sounded like. His name literally translating from Japanese as 'killer'. Killua certainly wasn't used to having someone act so formally to him, and this caused him to shift slightly in the sitting position that he was in. Those that he interacted with usually tried to ignore him or kept their distance thanks to his cold demeanor toward everyone. It was a pleasure to meet him huh? He doubted that. Even if she believed it was now, he knew down the line that it wouldn't be the case. He flicked one of his large ears as he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess..." Killua mumbled under his breath, but also did not say it was nice to meet the tiger once she introduced herself. There was no point in saying such things when he didn't mean them, as he didn't know the tiger and wasn't about to make random assumptions right off the bat. His gaze turned to look at Straw, having seen the red panda around here and there. As the two talked, the assassin raised one of his paws, scratching the side of his neck with his metal claws. Small flecks of fur fell down to the ground as they were cut by the blades, before finally lowering his paw back down onto the ground. "Any other questions?" The former Snowbound deputy questioned, his tone sounding somewhat bored as he did so. He used to having others constantly ask him questions, most of which he never replied to without lying.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - COSMIIX - 05-12-2019

Limping over, the canine ears flicked forward as he drew a soft breath brushing up next to Killua and nudging him with his shoulder "I got one. From all the god damn candy consumption, how have you not got a cavity yet?" His tone was playful, using a paw he would use it to move his sunglasses a bit until they rested atop of his forehead. He rolled his shoulders slowly hoping that he wouldn't get something too physical, he still had to regain some form of strength after his several months that he was gone. "Stark Ferro. Pleasure," This was directed towards the tigress but there was a small pause only for him to say with a nod of his cranium "I'd like to get a task, Ariside." The Alaskan Malamute would sit down slowly glancing down at his bandaged up paws making sure they wouldn't fall off though his eyes strayed from the bandages and locked onto his reactor, using a claw he tapped it a few times before setting his paw down once more. He glanced up once more with one of his non-existent eyebrows propped upwards awaiting a possible task to be assigned to him.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #c96470; font-size: 12px;"]— STARK FERRO

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-12-2019

a pleasant purr and dip of the head, "greetings, stark farro. hmm. you have injuries?", she asks, concerned for him. "hmm. a task that shouldn't be too physical. well, maybe story-telling would be a good one, for you. or maybe doing a painting activity, one that younger ones might enjoy alongside the older generations."

shaking her head in answer to killua, she smiled, indicating that no, she had no more questions herself.

sorry, mobile //

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2019

One could say that Killua had an addiction when it came to candy. Well, they would be right. He had been eating candy since he had lived in the mansion with his family. It was one of the few things in life that he had come to enjoy as time has progressed. The assassin could care less about how unhealthy it was for him to eat so much candy all the time. No one had ever really tried to make him stop eating candy or tried to better his diet, which he was grateful too as he was far too stubborn to let anyone change that. Besides, anything that wasn't sweet always tasted like cardboard thanks to his damage tastebuds on his tongue. Having something poured down one's throat that could eat away at flesh would certainly damage any flesh that it did indeed touch. There was some candy that he wouldn't eat though, and that was the candy that Circusclown had given him. Killua didn't have anything else to remember the former clan leader and refused to touch the small bag of candy that had been left for him once the male had killed himself. Killua kept most of his things outside of Elysium territory in case he ever needed to get his equipment and supplies. He actually had a couple of belongings to keep track of now, and he wouldn't let anyone try to steal from him if he could help it. The assassin enjoyed anything sweet and it wasn't just candy. He remembered when Amorette would make his pastries, muffins, scones, etc. Those were the days that he greatly enjoyed because he got to try new foods that Amorette could make because she was a great cook. The wildcat also had a resistance to most foods that could kill normal animals, such as chocolate.

Killua had an amazing immune system that fought off almost every illness one could think of, and his stomach was used to having poison dumped into it, so chocolate was child's play in that regard. The young male's ears turned in the direction of limping pawsteps that were heading toward him. He only knew of one creature that was injured and trying to heal themselves as best as possible. He should probably tell the old man that he was going to be checking his bondages over and over again to make sure that there wouldn't be any sort of infection. Did Elysium have a healer? He doubted it, the place was so small and the population itself wasn't that large in Killua's mind. Killua didn't turn his head to address Stark until he felt the other brush up against his side. Due to months without physical contact and even longer while he lived in Snowbound, Killua's body instinctively tensed and he bit the inside of his cheek. Stop. He was overreacting. This was okay. It was just Stark. Stark wasn't going to hurt him. A shiver ran down his spine as he could feel pressure in the back of his mind, the voice that was constantly there starting to probe itself into his thoughts. He shut it out, but he had no idea how long that would ultimately last. Killua forced his body to relax as a smirk spread across his jaws, situating the lollipop in between his cheek and his teeth, on the side of his mouth that wasn't missing a molar. "My immune system is just that good. And also good teeth care is a part of it." Killua stated smugly toward the larger canine. The assassin was immune to most things that could infect his system. It wasn't like he never took care of his teeth, no one was around to witness it. Out of the corner of his eye, Killua watched Stark careful, taking note of all the movements he made. When he did this in the past, it was usually to figure out the weaknesses of those around him and figure out how to kill that being. Now, he was trying to deduce methods that would help Stark's condition, and to make sure that his father figure wasn't hiding anything about his condition.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - COSMIIX - 05-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M THE ONE AT THE SAIL, I'M THE MASTER OF MY SEA !。+゚.[/glow]

He couldn't help but snort in amusement before speaking with a slow nod of his cranium "It's actually Ferro but that's an interesting take on it. As for injuries, not necessarily just rawed out my paws for walking so goddamn much." He blinked his eyes calmly wondering what kind of task she would give him only to hear what activities he could do with the younger clanmates of the Elysium, he snorted at the older generation bit. He wasn't that old was he? He didn't think so anyways, his eyes turned their attention back to Killua as he answered his question "Gotcha. Wish I had me a tough as shit immune system, the struggle of growing old." He said the last bit dramatically. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: better make the shot ¤ weekly tasks - teef - 05-13-2019

a light noise of surprise and embarrassment answered his correction, a sheepish smile coming from the tigress, "so sorry. brain's not keeping up.", she laughed warmly, before tipping her head, "I can see if an old friend is still kicking, and get her to look at your paws?", she suggested with a flick of her tail.
