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to be clear [visitor] - Printable Version

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Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-08-2019

and the call is answered rofl -- meeting going up tonight look out for it xD (and same on the problem) //

a slow growl would erupt from the edges of the desert, a stocky tigress making her way over, eyes cutting and dangerous, "bai, we've got it covered. go back." she tells the dragon, affectionately bumping against them, the tigress' accent showing through. bowing her head to fika, the tigress turned her gaze back on kanga with a distrustful glint. another tiger, huh? hadn't seen another of her kind since ichigo.

tail lashing slightly, she licked her lips, shifting her pack of work on her back, looking at fika with a soft murmur, "got anything you want me to bring from elysium? going out on another trip to visit the youngster there. eclipse is in bai's nest, keep an eye on them, their egg will be hatching soon." she murmured, touching her nose to her comrade's ear.

turning her gaze back to kanga she gave an irritated noise, "don't bug the pharaoh in the next few hours, fika or I will guide you around if you wish to see the land." she didn't trust this big guy around fika, even if she knew that the petite femme could handle herself. she didn't want her own lover to get the wrong idea -- wait, were they lovers, truly? that last little spat with ymiry over her name hadn't gone too well and she was still kissing ass.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-08-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Oh hey now wait a minute. A rather gorgeous specimen of tiger would come sashaying in. Teasing him alright. He liked her sharp words. Excited him.

The king always considered himself a hunter and when the prey provided a challenge... Made it all worth the while. He would forget about the snow kit and focus on Kade. His eyes would glaze over her body in a rather... Admiring way. Strong indeed.

She would make a wonderful mother... Just imagine the children they could create! Naturally as she came closer he stood up and and adjusted his weight to show her all his glory.

"Aw. Everyone gets a snuggle but me?", he had a feeling the joke wouldn't sit well, "Only kidding. And duly noted. I don't wish to bother the Pharaoh nor the Vizier... I'm sure you have a lot of things to tend to madam." he said looking at the cat briefly before turning back to Kade.

"Would you mind showing me around? I wouldn't dare harm a lady.", he smiled at her. An attempt at charm and his right eyebrow would raise slightly.

"Though I'm sure you are quite capable of handling yourself.", he liked them all however they came. But strong females really got him going. Excited him on a whole other level. Especially if those women played hard to get. It was like getting a beautiful mustang. He wanted to break her.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Cosmic - 05-08-2019

Fika gave a nod to Kade, quietly whispering back quickly, “I’ll keep them safe. Bai Shi doesn’t need more stress. As for things back in Elysium, I do have a gift for someone there that I would like for you to deliver if you could. And perhaps my stash of herbs when you have the time.

Honestly the sudden change in Kanga’s demeanor put the feline off, and she flicked her tails in passive irritation. Did he really think he was all that and a bag of chips? Fika gave a subtle huff before he decided to... show off to Ariside. A look of disgust appeared on the feline’s face as she listened and looked at Kanga.

Yeah. I have things to tend to, like making sure newcomers stay in their place if they think they’re hot shit.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-08-2019

there was no way that fika's response and irritation could match her own, but honestly? this wasn't the first time that someone had thought of her as an intimate partner.

shifting her position, the tigress flicked her oddly colored tail with an annoyed sound, "if you picked your jaw up off the sand and paid a bit more attention to your surrounds, you would realize who knows this land the best." a rumble left her lips, amused.

nodding to fika she smiled, "I'm bringing back a few more scavenged tools from my shop, so I'll be sure to get it done. who am I delivering to?" she spoke, gaze flicking back to kanga. gods bless her heart, he reminded her of donovan. shaking her head, she gave a slight sigh, closing her eyes for a moment, "you are correct, I can handle myself in battle." her voice snarled slightly, annoyed yet amused as she left fika's side to begin his tour.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-10-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

The small white cat must've smelled something sour, otherwise the only other reason that cute little thing would have such a face would be jealousy. She envies her friend. Really it was a common thing, why wouldn't a female be angry a man like him wasn't giving her his undivided attention?

She made a comment, an attempt to jab at him but he was so full of himself that there was no room for criticism. I don't think I know sweetheart. But he would say nothing, relieved she was gone. No cockblocks now, the tigress was all his.

Finally she spoke, his ears perked forward toward her voice. Sexy. To him at least.

"But I want to get to know a familiar face. I haven't seen a fellow tiger for ages.", eh a lie but still. It had been a while since he was in the embrace of a woman of his own kind.

"So I take it you are not of the desert?", idle chat and then subtle moves.


Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-10-2019

a low noise of annoyance left the woman but she moved, regardless, leading him along the border, continuing her patrol.

"a familiar face, hmm? well, come up here so you can actually see me.", she responds in a neutral tone, ears flicked back slightly, not wanting him behind her. grumbling slightly under her breath in her native tongue, the tigress shook herself out with a yawn, stretching.

"no. I am not of the desert, but of the coast. my family lived there before I met my first friend. war came to us and i lost him. travel out there a lot. I wish the fool was still alive, it's been hard without him trying to make my father laugh and accept him.", she snorted at the fond memory of the boy she had grown up with, the eight legged male enjoying himself and his exploits of friendship, her blue eyes lidded and relaxed.

"how about yourself? your accent says that this is not your regular placement.", she finally asks, deciding that apart from his flirtiness, no matter how annoying, he seemed to be alright. if he tried something, she was confident that she could take him on. There was a reason she was a demon hunter and exorcist after all.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-10-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

She basically threw herself at him right? Get over here. Sure thing mama. He sped up and was quickly by her side. Very close but about 6 inches of space between their flanks.

He would suppress a yawn when she told him of her past and presnt.

"Oh that sucks. I assume he has died? Ah nevermind I may be stupid but not stupid enough to pry."

He didn't care. Really he didn't want to hear her drag on and on about the sorrowful past.

"I never really knew my father- or my tiger one I mean.. Must be some feral mongrel that answered a tigress in heat. I was never really close to my siblings. I mean we grew up together but my tiger mother preferred me over them. I was the strongest ya know..", he glanced at her before looking forward, walking in pace.

He liked that he was still bigger than her. But not too much and that was better.

"I... I don't know what to say. I was born in Florida. A place not here, in my past life... I remember it all. Even my death. Next thing I know I'm being licked by a tiger and sucking from her teat."

He didn't outright say it but she could think he was crazy. He didn't care.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-11-2019

a brutal bitter laugh, "I remember when I walked upright and was not stuck in this goddamn body. Death, huh? I knew them once, take care of their entire family." she sighed, tail lashing, sending him a chilling glare. not enough space for her liking.

"what year in our regular world? back before the Germanic tribes took land and started working on building themselves into a different society is when I was born. Dont ask me how fucking long I've been alive.", she snarls, it was a touchy topic even for her, her ears turned backwards in her dislike for the topic before she shook herself out.

changing direction, she marked the border with a blank face, doing her duty as one who guarded and fought so the others would be safer from outside danger. "if you were born after the world wars, you would be looking at me with distaste in your eyes, being German and all.", another cold laugh before she looked at him, curiosity showing on her face before sighing and looking away. Her past truly didnt have much meaning or importance here in this world.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-11-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -


Never one to hide his emotions, Kanga was caught off guard.

"You were a human too?", all the other animals had laughed at him when he spoke and he didn't mind he just thought he was an anomaly. A special and rare existence. It was a bittersweet thing, to know he was not alone but for the same reason he was not as special.

"Well I think it was late nineties... 1996 or something like that. And no, I never really cared what you guys did to the Jews. Natural selection right? Weak are killed by the strong... So I guess that's why I drowned as a young boy only 11 or something like that."

He flicked his tail, wondering if she felt the same, "And I never want to go back. I prefer this life over that one. Humans have it worse than animals. Plus that was then and this is now."


Re: to be clear [visitor] - FleetFoot - 05-11-2019

Fleetfoot perked her ears watching baishee talk to the bird she stuck out her tounge panting to keep cool she layed down in a shade of a tall rock keeping an eye on them