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MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Printable Version

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Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Kydobi - 05-10-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Both immature specimens. Really. But the child had an excuse for his behavior; he was a child. But the grown tiger? What could he blame? His balls?

Really the way they were both acting. A bunch of who is more of the man. A contest between the masculinity of both. But he didn't bother participating he was confident in his manhood..

"If you don't want to be called 'boy' stop throwing things like a child", no one would respect you if you didn't act worth it. Kydobi rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Not really sure what we do at these things. Talk about what is going on?"

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 05-11-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


... perhaps this was not the best time to show up, but alas, the pharoah was finished with their own meeting and was appearing at the mass meeting. they truly did not feel inclined to step in but they would if things further progressed. instead, they gave a warning rumble from their comfortable position draped across the sun warmed rocks, leaching off the last of the heat. soon, their daughter would accompany them to these things, and the last thing they wanted was for the new-born to experience fights but ah, tensions were high. "what's going on here, boys?"

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Tanga - 05-11-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: this will take place prior to him coming to Rosebloods? ]

"Nothing. Just trying to teach a child some manners."

He snorted and eyed the pale cat. He would walk away from the tree, continuing to ignore the

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2019

Killua wasn't great when it came to making first impressions. He was overly violent thanks to his upbringing and he didn't care where his words usually got him. What were they going to try to do? Kill him? He has heard every threat in the book when it came to others talking about what they were going to do to him if they could catch him. It was all jokes to Killua as he didn't believe anyone was ever capable of backing up their words and proving that they weren't cowards. It was funny to see how adults considered themselves to be better than him just because he was a child. It was also funny to see how their words were usually kicked back into their faces and there was nothing they could do because hurting a child usually meant that no one liked you. There were plenty of reasons why Killua didn't like adults, as the only adults that he had come across managed to disrespect him like he was a piece of garbage that was to be used for their own benefit. His own family had manipulated him for their own gain because if they had him on their side it meant that no one would be able to oppose them. He was a child in some ways more than one, but just because he spoke his mind didn't mean that he was just a child for that fact. There were few that were willing to speak their minds when it came to the likes of the clans. What would happen if they said something that someone didn't like? What if they got in trouble for what they said? Most of those that lived in the clans followed those that were in the lead like they were being herded like sheep. It was pitiful to watch. Killua didn't care about the consequences of what he said, because he could always deal with the consequences. He had been deputy more times than he could count, each of which was confusing because he had never asked to be promoted and yet they had promoted him anyway. He never took his job seriously as he didn't care about the clans at the time. The only reason he liked belonging in the ranks of a clan was that he could use his rank to get some leverage over the clans. Even if to Killua, ranks were just titles and meant nothing when it came to the battlefield and making the right decisions. He didn't follow rules, and he didn't expect anyone to follow rules either. After all, they all fought the same battle of survival.

Then everyone began talking again. It was the jaguar that was starting to talk first, and Killua didn't bother to look at the larger wildcat when it spoke. Killua did the same action and simply rolled his eyes at the mention of the throwing of an object. It was a lollipop stick. If he really wanted to be an asshole, he would have conjured a boulder to drop and kill the tiger below him. "If he isn't going to respect me, like hell I'm going to be courteous enough to treat him like an equal." The albino serval would snort, not caring about what would ultimately end up happening to the tiger. If Lucifer ever found this guy near the Typhoon, if that's where the massive dragon lived, he wouldn't be surprised if the guy basically torched the tiger till there was nothing left but ash and bone. Now, he could do the same thing, by torching the guy with a bolt of lightning and it would be the end of it. But, he was trying to remind himself that he wasn't an assassin anymore and not trying to kill those that simply irritated him was difficult. There was once a time where he was more volatile than he was right now, and anyone that made a snarky remark to him usually walked away with several wounds across their body. He had once been incredibly abusive to those that he lived with, but that was because he worked with his family during that time. It seemed most of these animals were inexperienced when it came to these gatherings. Killua sat himself down on the branch that he was on instead of laying down this time. The former Snowbound deputy would shrug his shoulders before answering the jaguar. "Basically. These things are almost completely boring and a waste of time as nothing ever happens. Some could say it's a way 'for other clans to get to know each other', which isn't true because anyone could just go up and visit a clan they want to get to know. It isn't complicated." There were plenty of aspects of the clans that Killua thought were stupid and dumb. Maybe he just didn't like these gatherings because he wasn't the most sociable guy around. London would probably be better at a thing like this.

The neutral look on his facial features would falter for a split second at the memory of his friend. God, he hoped she was alive. Now that he was just sitting on the branch, Killua raised one of his paws and conjured up a small rectangular box of chocolates. Using his claws, he sliced open the top of the package and threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth. Chocolate was toxic to almost every animal in existence, but since he had been trained to deal with poisons or anything that could enter his system that could make him ill, his body basically was resistant to the substance. He had started eating chocolate since he was born, and had adapted an immunity to the food. His large ears began to swivel on the top of his head as he heard large movement coming toward them. The assassin would turn his sapphire blue gaze to look at a dragon. Huh. He hadn't seen a dragon in a while, but the much smaller creature didn't seem to be all that concerned with the other's presence and even snorted in amusement at the rumble of the other to the group. Oh? Did the dragon think that he was going to be the one to be able to stop a fight if he broke out? Just because the guy was larger didn't mean that he couldn't be killed with a swift movement of his claws or a bolt of electricity straight to the heart. Chewing a piece of chocolate, it took Killua a moment to speak and answer the question that the dragon gave, already fluffing up his fur at the way the other spoke. "Boring shit really. Like almost every aspect of the clans, nothing ever happens." Killua complained like he usually did about the clans. Even though he complained quite a bit, there were aspects of the clans that he did quite enjoy, but that didn't mean that they were perfect. His attention turned back toward the tiger, and Killua couldn't help but let out a quick short laugh, raising one of his paws to place on his chest as he did laugh. "You? Teach me manners? If you are you're doing a piss poor job of it! And this is coming from a guy that wants to conquer the clans in the area. If anything you're delusional." The albino serval was certainly egging on the tiger. The guy's ego needed to be knocked down a peg and if no one was willing to do it then he was the one for the job. Killua impaled a piece of chocolate before throwing it into his mouth and looking at the dragon again. "So where are you from ya big noodle?" Killua questioned calmly and in a casual manner this time around. There were plenty of scents around that he couldn't pinpoint where they were from. Besides, the Rosebloods never even existed when he was around in Snowbound.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - Kydobi - 05-12-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

While the serval wasn't wrong on some things, he was certainly becoming a pest with his cockiness.

"You aren't the only one with powers little man. Trust me on that. And if you're going to respect anyone respect them, their group is allies with yours I believe." the white cat smelled of Elysium and if he knew correct the coast and the desert were awfully close.

The child's insolence was beginning to anger Kydobi, he expressed this with a huff and a shift of his weight.

"How've you been my friend?" he addressed Bai Shi

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 05-12-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


(yeah, it would be before) //

bai shi gave a low breath, letting the different emotions in the others float around them. "my title holds no weight here until arrogance turns into bloodshed." they chuckle, relaxing fluidly with closed eyes before opening their eyes as they were addressed as a 'big noodle'.

humor flickered in their gaze before kydobi spoke to killua about powers and respect, blue eyes holding onto him for a moment, an unspoken word passing, not a warning but a request to let them talk. they cherished that he was quick to defend them, but the oriental dragon could handle themselves, all the years in court and listening to the war threats made against their mother for decisions made that impacted the government of their kingdom. the boy's tone didn't bother them, they had heard disrespectful words or similar tones such as this.

"I come from the rosebloods. I'm the leader there, my name is bai shi.", they murmur, humming lightly, politely, before looking back at kydobi with a gentle expression, "I've been well, my friend. and you?", they ask evenly, a content rumble slipping from their throat. more talk would come after, likely. concerns to pass with their friend.

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2019

(Ah sorry! Please keep in mind this was retro to Killua joining Elysium, and that with his powers, he does not have any scent that is tied to him (his air elementals))

Killua was great when it came to pushing other creatures buttons. It would be a way to see exactly what pissed them off and see how weak minded someone could actually be. Killua had only met a couple of individuals that were fine with his teasing and would immediately tease him back, which he was fine with as it was a means of banter back and forth. Mel and he had done it constantly with one another, Killua making fun of her in a teasing manner that almost had no bite behind his words. On top of that, she would call him Candy Boy, based on the first interaction they had with one another when she first joined. He missed her. He missed everyone. He wondered if anyone was actually alive around here anymore that he would actually know of. The assassin wished that he could have been there for everyone else, instead of being terrified like a coward and running away to save his own skin. He had never sacrificed anything from himself to benefit the lives of others, at least nothing that he could distinctly remember. Killua wouldn't be surprised if was considered to be a constant nuisance when it came to those around him, but everyone else had a stick up their ass and couldn't take a couple of jabs here and there. Where was Tama when you needed her, or even Amorette where he could joke around with his sister. The good ol' days. Did they even exist? Killua wasn't entirely sure anymore. The assassin was laying back down the branch that he was on again and had rolled himself over so that he was on his back instead. One could say it was a vulnerable position when it actually wasn't when it came to having teleportation if anyone really wanted to try anything. Still, Killua didn't bother to look at the jaguar when he spoke, and in response, the other's words Killua let out a snort. He wasn't naive to believe that there were those that didn't have powers. Everyone had powers nowadays it was to be expected. It was simply that he had ways of defending himself against almost every power that existed, or at least he had plans set up that would help him in a battle.

He did extensive research on the capabilities of the powers in this area, and he knew what made them tick, but everyone used their powers differently. "Allies with my group? I belong to no group genius. If you haven't noticed I don't smell of any group." Killua snarkily spoke as he gestured with his paw to the rest of his body. "Besides, if they're someone with a rank from another group, that doesn't mean he deserves special treatment." Killua hated those that held ranks over other people's heads. It made him somewhat of a hypocrite as he had once planned to use his rank to get what he wanted, only to never have the plan come to reality. Ranks were just titles that held no power to them. They were just words after all. He had killed clan leaders in the past, and all of them had been leaders of that group for some time. It was funny to see leaders reactions when they were beaten in a fight. While he was laying down on his back, Killua would lower the top of his head to the branch so that he would look at the large dragon upside down. The 'big noodle' nickname hadn't been the first time he had used it. In a previous clan that he had visited, there was a baby snake that had approached him while he was talking to Circusclown. The small snake was then dubbed 'little noodle' as a small joke. Killua usually gave nicknames to those that he knew, except he had never given one to London for whatever reason. Mel had numerous nicknames, Stark was Stork, Izuku was apple or grape, and many others. Ah, so this guy was the leader of a group he had never heard of. Rosebloods. Were they created after he left Snowbound? Probably. "Rosebloods? Never heard of them. They a new group? What's it like?" The curiosity that showed from Killua belonged to that of a child. He always enjoyed exploring other clans territories, whether they knew about him being there or not didn't matter. His tail flicked below him as he would remember the other's name. Bai Shi. That wasn't a regular clan name. "What language is your name in?" Killua questioned, as his own name was in Japanese, although if anyone could translate his name, it wasn't all that special.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 05-14-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a patient look over all those at the meeting, eyes sliding closed to rest comfortably. they were far from arrogant with their title, hell, they had run from the weightier of them all. they didn't want to shoulder the responsibilities that the throne of their lineage would thrust upon them. but alas, they had no way but to take the crown and lead on, groomed for it from childhood when their own biological brothers had died alongside their father in a massive attack from an enemy.

tail flicking and hitting a tree they gave a slight hiss at the pain that raked up their spine, relaxing again, not liking the closed in area but adapting. "for what I've heard, it's been around for quite some time. enough to make war and create grudges with other groups. it's fairly nice, just changing lands.", they rumble thoughtfully as they curled their body around some of the boulders to adjust to the space.

"Chinese, Mandarin? Not a proper name, but my mother wanted to honor my father in a way, I suppose. Better than my birth name. Gods, I hated that. It's a scrambled translation, really. roughly translates through 'pure' and 'honest', or 'honesty'. A funny name, really, but none of us have regular names.", laughter rumbled from their body, content. "yours is Japanese, I see. I've learned some of my languages."

// sorry on mobile

Re: MAY 2019 MASS MEETING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-15-2019

Killua could have been a leader during two different instances in the clans that he was living in at the time. Both of which didn't really have all that many that were in the ranks but had plenty of those that would just come and go as they please. Killua had never really tried to be promoted in his life, as he didn't really see a need to. Instead, he opted to simply act like himself and not care about what other's thought of him, whether it would lead to a fight or not he didn't really care. He had been deputy two times in his life, both of which ended up losing their leaders at some point. The first group that he had a chance to become leader in, it was taken over by some random guy that didn't belong there. The guy preached about all the good that he was going to do and everyone else in the clan just seemed to agree with him and not considre it remotely suspicious that the tiger came out of nowhere just to throw his weight around. Killua wasn't pissed off that he hadn't managed to become leader. He could care less. What pissed him off was the fact that everyone was just okay that the tiger was there and that the tiger was obviously lying to their faces when he said that he was around. That wasn't true, and Killua could prove it, as he was the most active in the clan and used his enhanced senses to constantly scan the area around him.

There was no way he could miss an entire tiger, and he refused to believe the guy. He threatened the leader's life, and Amorette had even tried to calm him down. Every time the tiger opened his mouth he continued to lie over and over again. Killua knew that he could kill the tiger knowing that the guy had fire elementals. He didn't care. Ultimately, he was demoted for his actions, but there were a couple of faces that believed in the words that he used saying that the tiger didn't belong in the chair of a leader if he was going to lie. After he was demoted, he visited the clan that Stark was in charge of and complained to everyone there about the situation he was going through. Most of them agreed that it was ridiculous that the clan was just following the guy like sheep, which would probably end in their deaths if they just continued on the path that they were heading. Then the tiger had the nerve to follow the former deputy to the one place that he enjoyed visiting. The tiger was met with glares and suspicion, which the male promptly deserved. He could care less if the tiger dropped dead on their border eventually. Either way, Killua was forced to leave that group, not because of his rank like some may think, but more of he fact that his brother had nearly killed him and was still in the area.

If he wanted to protect those that he cared about, he would need to leave, no matter how much it hurt him. Then he arrived in Snowbound when Leigh was in charge. The wildcat simply just acted the way he usually did and ended up being promoted to deputy right off the bat. Killua rarely ever did anything with his job, but he would occasionally hold some weekly tasks and protect the clan. He was more of a fighter than a socializer after all. When Leigh disappeared, he had the option to take the mantle from the unicorn but decided against it. He could care less about leading the group as he was trying to keep a low profile so that his brother wouldn't find him again. Instead, he let Jacob become leader, the canine having a better mindset when it came to the clans than Killua did, as Killua felt all the clans were weak and complete pushovers. He was even demoted from deputy so that someone that could better utilize the title would have a chance of being promoted to it. Which, Killua didn't care because it meant that he had much less work to do. Although, later on, Killua began to immediately disagree with the decisions that Jacob made, mostly with the Typhoon. However, Snowbound was gone now, and he doubted that he would ever see Jacob again, including London. Killua's sapphire blue eyes remained glued to the dragon now as he watched the mythical creature nearly take out a tree. Were they not used to their current body? Or maybe they weren't used to visiting this specific area. He could see the pain that went through the creature's body, but didn't seem to comment on it, and instead took a mental note. A curious look spread across the albino serval's face when Bai Shi mentioned that they had been around a while.

"Well, they weren't here when I was around. What's the territory like?" All clans were involved in war and grudges, whether they were framed or deliberately caused it themselves. The talk of war wasn't surprising to the tom. Killua was more curious about the territory as he thought about the prospect of visiting the group just to see a new change in scenery. That was why the language the creatures name was so familiar. Killua knew about the two languages but didn't study them enough to be able to form proper sentences. Killua couldn't help but chuckle at the dragon's dislike for his own birth name. It couldn't have possibly been that bad. "Oh? What was your birth name? You can't just say that you hated it and leave me hanging on what it was." Killua stated with a small grin spreading across his face. Killua would nod his head at the statement of no one having regular names, or at least regular clan names. "It's rare to see a clan name nowadays." It didn't bother Killua though, as he could care less of the names other's chose for themselves. One could say that he could change his name if he didn't like it, but he never really thought of it that way. Despite how much he said that he hated his family, they were still his family. Killua flicked his left nicked ear when the dragon said that he knew Japanese. It was rare to find anyone in the groups that surrounded these areas that were capable of speaking it. He couldn't remember the last time he came across one that spoke Japanese. "Ā? Nihongo ga hanaseru hito ni deatta koto wa arimasen." Killua said in a slightly smug fashion toward the dragon.

Translation: Oh? I haven't come across anyone in a while that can speak Japanese.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19: