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FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - Printable Version

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Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - Jervis - 03-09-2019

Oh sick burn.

Sarcasm of course.

As he reveled in dominance, Jervis was unprepared for what was going to happen next. His guard was down. It seemed as if Crow had noticed his few seconds of weakness. Only seconds later did the mask slam into his skull with a loud crack. Surprised, he staggered backwards. A grumble of pain and frustration left the back of his throat. Squinted eyes looked back at the other leader with narrowed pupils. "Your mask cracking resembles what I'm going to do to your skull later on," he sputtered furiously. "Ragged fool."

And he lunged forward again. His running was wobbly due to the dizziness that perused after the hit, but he still was bee-lining successfully towards the Tanglewooder. This time Jervis wanted to slash into Crow's side with hooked claws when he grew close.
tags - penned by orion

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - toboggan - 03-10-2019

And then they were off, like a swarm of angry killer bees mobbing tempestuously after whatever nuisance disturbed their tidy hive. Somewhere in the duration of the charge, the mask ineptly slid off of his mug. Oh well, it was bound to happen, anyway.

Yowls arising from the off-guard Pittians, sharp exclamations caused by the abrupt abuse - just hearing the many vociferations of distress shot stimulated spasms through his system. The onslaught had begun, and for the most part, circumstances couldn’t have looked better; the surprise attack was a benign success.

Unfortunately, with his size came a decrease in nimbleness, and it appeared that everybody but him already had a partner to roughhouse with. A good few moments were spent desperately combing the battlefield in hopes of spotting a potential stooge which he could take out his pent-up resentment on.

In the rim of his amber-toned headlights, he could spot a busy Crow, currently engaging with who appeared to be the opposing leader. Tanglewood’s leader looked as though a single blow from the fox could knock him cold, or at least that’s how the situation seemed to Leroy. The mongrel commenced a jog, scampering along to his superior’s location to serve as a means of backup.

Whatever concentration he possessed was thrown off course, as a proximate zoom! whizzed past the mutt’s posterior. Leroy spiraled his discombobulated noggin to view what the disturbance was - to which he saw a piece of earth darting in Beck’s direction (which was unfortunately too far in its course for the canine to stop), and a fairly aggravated-looking feline chasing after. Uncool. The ghost was still a kid, after all.

Brows furrowed, he’d hastily swivel his body around to the direction of [member=3521]captain[/member], and attempt to plunge his broad frame into the mammal’s hindquarters. The attack was not a bite, as his maw was instead busy with shouting "TAKE A HIKE!" - thus, he guardsman utilized the blunt force of his forehead as a weapon. But, the pounce was so sloppily executed, so even if a level of discomfort was inflicted, perhaps the same amount would be experienced on his end.

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - trojan g. - 03-10-2019

The sound of an angry other cause Captain to swivel his ears back quickly in search of who it was that the shout was for, when he suddenly felt something hit the back half of his body. The shock of the hit made him drop his guard for but a moment, letting the earth that was flying towards Beck drop suddenly, no longer heading towards the ghostly child.

He would quickly try to turn his frame in an attempt to get his front half facing the other before lunging, aiming for the head of the canine in an attempt to bite at his eyes he wanted the other wounded enough to leave a lasting impression if he did manage to get away.

//this was rushed, sorry.
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - arrow - 03-10-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
The chaos had taken over by now, the metallic scent of blood and the panic of the Pittians caught in the crossfire of the "prank" hitting some kind of switch in her brain, knocking away any walls preventing her from just tossing herself into the scuffle rag doll style and doing something stupid for the fun of it. As if that wasn't enough to get her involved, Crow's fight with Jervis was just the initiative she needed to really get the gears turning. Hadn't had a good rumble like this since she was younger, but living completely feral with no real rules or restrictions meant a lot of unsupervised ass kicking.

Her devilish grin only widened as she locked her eyes on [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] and cracked her neck after kicking off some other Pitt bastard that was still disoriented by the ambush. Arrow lept forward, attempting to bite down hard on one of Jervis's back legs as he tried to attack Crow. Leroy could handle his own, or so she figured, and it wasn't that Crow couldn't either, but there was no fun in playing fair and the insults thrown at him pissed her off.

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - Crow Roux - 03-10-2019

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
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"Bold," he quipped, spitting wood chips onto the ground. Crow swiftly realized that with each passing second, the fox was growing more and more frustrated. If he played his cards right...

The mask had absorbed most of the force from where he connected skulls with Jervis, but a dull throb inched across his cranium from the impact site, and man, it hurt like a bitch. A few seconds passed in what felt like infinity to the feline as he backed away in a stumble to regain his bearings, but like a lightning strike the ginger furred man was back on the assault. The feline grunted as claws met his flank, tearing flesh. Crow sidestepped and stuck his hind leg out to trip the fox, drawing moisture from the bracers around his forearms and the surrounding air which he would propel forward in the form of minuscule, needle-like shards of ice towards Jervis's face as a last ditch effort to slow his attacks.

He was angry now.
— ★ —

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - beck. - 03-11-2019

    It only took a hissed command to smear away his doubts and send him into a blind lunge after the few familiar creatures rushing to met the enemy midway. If his lungs worked properly, he would've giggled at the absurdity of what he gotten himself into. But he could only wheeze in sharp, nearly-desperate inhales as a recognized buzz flooded his senses. No, not now, go away! A violent shake of his head should have warded away the advance, but something... someone grabbed hold of his foot and yanked, effectively tripping him up enough to release the scrawny boy into a skidding tumble.

    Nauseating hum bouncing off the sides of his skull as he lifted his face from the dirt, Beck scrambled back to a readied stance despite the static whispering in his ears. Amber eyes drifting across the scene involving a fox on the verge of a tantrum barking at Crow, his attention was quickly stolen from the blooming fight to a mirrored silhouette idly watching the violence on the distant sidelines. The buzz drowned out the insults thrown at each other and the noise of exchanged blows as Beck could only stare at him. Rotten eyesockets peered back at him, accompanied by a smile streaked by the red of a nosebleed. The hallucination tilted his head to tease the poltergeist, disturbing a sparse cloud of flies from his decomposed frame, before swiveling his head once more to face ahead of Beck. The entranced feline followed the empty gaze, returning attention to the battle breaking out before his eyes --

    Another was lurching towards him, a blur of tan fur. Beck's ears dropped to flatten against his head. Yet instinct kicked back in, and the apparition of the boy disappeared in a blink. If Leroy hadn't the kindness to save his distracted ass, the caracal would likely have tackled cold air instead of catching him. Get it together, Beck. When [member=3521]captain[/member] spun on his heel to challenge the faithful wolfhound, the unseen entity circled around to get behind him, rematerializing right as jaws of razor-sharp teeth aimed to clamp down on one of his thighs, claws seeking to join teeth to score his haunches while he erratically shook his head back and forth. Maybe if he was lucky, his anatomy studies would pay off and he'd pierce the artery he knew pumped lifeblood under the wildcat's flesh.

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - Luciferr - 03-11-2019

heavy wings beat above and then a shrieking wail that ascends higher in pitch like the screams of the damned as the pale shadow drops and lays a swathe of fire burning pure white lined across the ground below into a group of amassing Pittians across the other side - reinforcements perhaps or latecomers, the reaper cares for neither merely that he has targets to sentence today.

It’s not long before he banks back around for another go at torching the walls - he may not have been a tangled long but he shares the distaste of this place and though he has yet to find a target, well, it matters not - the territory will do for now.

[eh just an intro, he hasn’t attacked any player chars yet. - tags in sig, Extreme.]


Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - teef - 03-12-2019

the sounds of battle and the heat of flames tore a terror open in the tall borzoi pup's heart, the pup racing from the caverns, screaming for her uncle, "MARLE!? UNCLE MARLE!?" the battlefield was her least favorite place, reminding her of the men and women that she had once trained with in her uncle's pack, and their brutal ways.

taking a deep breath, she looked around for the closest source of combat, pushing back the tears that came at the memory of finding her uncle's corpse. letting out a cry, the youngster charged at beck and Leroy, doing her best to avoid the tangle of wild limbs and blood and fur, the lass aimed to butt one of the two with her own head, too disorientated to truthfully understand the situation. stumbling through the bodies, she whipped around for a second attack, aiming to catch @beck with her front paws, crying out a loud, "dont hurt him!" out of the entire group currently involved, captain seemed the least mean or scary that she had met, which sparked some sense of loyalty within her heart.

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - Jervis - 03-13-2019

As he whizzed throughout the air, he was jolted backwards. Teeth like dagger dug into his shins, causing Jervis to let out a yelp of surprise. Ultimately his claws met Crow’s cheek anyways and the ardent was utterly pleased in such a result, allowing himself to smirk in victory. The fight was not over yet though.

With the thrust of his free back leg, Jervis attempted to kick backwards at Arrow’s face in hopes of doing some damage. Either way, the fox seized his chance to escape their grip. Free at last, he sneered. His belly brushed the floor as he prepared to rush forward and soon enough he pounched to the frontlines, only to barely escape Crow’s attempt to trip him. At the last moment, he happened to sidestep but still stammered forward. The needle-like shards had missed his face but wildly wisped past his underbelly (as that’s where his would of lied if he had fallen), only missing him by a few milimeters. Then to the ground they went. Like knives, they pierced through the dirt. Jervis was ultimately stunned and came to realize what damage that could of done to him, causing the red fox’s blood to boil. Things were heating up.

With Crow in his reach, Jervis pushed forward nevertheless. Ragged fur breezed through the wind as he tried to tackle into Crow into the ground once again. This time his unsheathed claws would grab at the sides of the other leader’s head, ultimately hooking onto of his ears in the fury, and attempt to bash his skull downwards into the ground. His expression twisted into rage. TELL THEM TO LEAVE, he furiously growled. Jervis would attempt to slam his head again before continuing on. OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE FIRST ON THE BORDER’S SPIKES. His lips contorted backwards and exposed all of his yellowed teeth. He’d continue to try and vigorously slam Crow as he spoke. ”THIS-“ Slam! ”-IS-“ Slam! ”-MY-“ Slam! ”-VICTORY.” Slam!  And thus he grew close, practically drooling over Crow and spitting in his face as Jervis spoke. Golden eyes stared daggers into Crow. Not yours, not Tanglewood’s,” he whispered mockingly. All of the sudden his voice rose again. MINE! Slam!

@— arrow [member=1477]Crow Roux[/member]

//sorry sorry! plans came up
tags - penned by orion

Re: FLYING OFF THE DEEP END // raid - beck. - 03-18-2019

    He was far too lost in the moment to fully register the impact coursing through the tussle of limbs and flying fur. Nerves failed to inform him of the blow delivered by Ramona's charge, but one moment his teeth shredded into something, and the next, he bit the dust.

    The little cat jerked back to his feet despite the stumble, jaws parted in the beginning of a snarl as his eyes tracked the hound responsible. He lurched when she spun around, anger welling up inside his chest and rattling in his head. Her front paws struck his face, yet the combination of numbness and the mask -- he didn't remember putting it on, when did he put it on? He didn't want it on! The combination of numbness and the mask spared him from the strikes, hardly disconcerting him. If anything, the sharpened spikes lining the mask's bone cheeks would've pricked her paw pads. His head still was knocked to the side, but it swiftly snapped back, hollow eyes burning behind the blanched face of bone he adorned. Beck didn't acknowledge [member=3295]ramona.[/member]'s plea, instead responding with an abrupt upward swipe to her chin, although his claws potentially could slash her neck as well. It was scarcely enough to satiate the hatred bubbling over its brim in his guts. He followed by moving to jab an elbow into her windpipe on the way down from his initial swing, seeking to at least stun her.

    Harsh shrieking pierced through his thoughts, earning a pained whine from the boy. He stepped back from Ramona, spine bristling with static and head violently tossing about to rid of the horrid noise. Too much noise, too much noise. His focus locked onto the source, and an unhinged wail tore from his throat. Before he himself could realize it, Beck was ramming into [member=3615]JERVIS[/member]'s flank, the devilish horns of his mask aimed to gore into the fox's torso twice. Even if the mask's horns didn't return slick with blood, the poltergeist attempted tackling Jervis to the sand, teeth snapping at anything he could latch onto in a frenzy and toxic spit flying with every careless bite He didn't care about the possibility he might have saved Crow, or that he left open vulnerability by not ending Ramona on the spot. No, all he wanted was to shut this fucker up.