Beasts of Beyond
dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Printable Version

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Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Jervis - 02-15-2019

Not willing to discuss her plans now? Sad. Updating her group in the moment, along with him, would of been nice. Everyone could of had their say. Jervis just shifted himself and offered a light nod as if he agreed. "Understandable," he responded. The fox felt like moving on from the subject of plans anyways. If she wanted to discuss them in private, then so be it. Plus the faerie was rubbing him the wrong way. Countering his opinion peeved Jervis visibly.

Interesting question too. It was most likely vital to Goldenluxury's own frustration, hence why she brought it up. The fox just sneered to himself. "I never decided to poke my head into my clan's gruesome business, so I am not highly familiar on the subject." That happened to be a lie. While he was unversed on the causalities of the war, he happened to participate occasionally for the sake of his own satisfaction. "I just know that you two have had significant conflict and that The Typhoon wouldn't perhaps mind a change in that violent status between us." Especially with their leader supporting that aspect. "Correct?" A sparkle of mischief flashed within his gaze.

Now when it came to him though...? Oh he could go on for hours. Jervis was the god to his own destiny and the shining star within the world. If it wasn't subliminally presenting to them, he was self-absorbed and narcissistic. "Oh, me?" he drawled surprisingly. "I suppose you don't just want my name, but my story too." He straightened out, letting out a comforted sigh. Enough talk about false concerns. It was his time to shine. "I was born into a rather fortunate family, one with their hand in all of the clans." Whatever he desired always came to him easily because of that. Privileged and posh, Jervis was spoiled. When he didn't get what he wanted, the fox knew how to manipulate them into giving him whatever he wanted and used that to their advantage as much as he could. "My line assisted in the creation of what many would consider the big five these days, including your own clan." Their power was prominent because of that. Jervis' family line demanded respect, but that ultimately bit them in the ass. The family's pride had damned them. With that, the family sunk into the shadows and remained hibernating until now. With leadership, they could gloriously rekindle their previous relations. "As second-in-line, I was to inherit whatever they possessed and learned the tips of their trade accordingly for when they passed on. My sister was first to succeed though." He visually tensed for a moment. His expression greatly soured. "Greedy brat ruined what we had." While his sister did nothing realistically wrong, as he happened to be the true cause of their demise after an impulsive temper tantrum and a failed plan, the red fox seemed to blame her for all of his problems. "My family succumbed, taking what they had to their graves." His sister was also... dealt with. "I ascended to the head of the family with nothing to my name, leaving me in a dire situation." Selfish and greedy, he was determined to prevail once again. If The Pitt's downfall happened to be the reason for that, then so be it. "With a clan in my grasp, perhaps I can restore faith an honor within our name."
tags - penned by orion

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - bubblegum - 02-18-2019

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Jervis - 02-18-2019

A private meeting? How generous of her. Though he did prefer to speak about it in public, especially with a crowd to view his expertise, the courtesy of showing him her secrets privately was also satisfactory. Jervis simply smiled back at her neutral expression. "Let's proceed then," he commented back. With that, the fox began to wander off with hopes of Goldenluxury following his trail.

[ The meeting is going to be assumed to already have happened by this thread. They will have formed their plan. ]
tags - penned by orion