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is that lost on you — p, izuku - Printable Version

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Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-26-2018

Aizawa takes a seat as he takes his time in trying to figure out how to fix their situation. He had never been out this way, of course, so he wouldn't be much help. He didn't have any natural sense of direction, either. Hopefully they wouldn't be stuck here for long. But luckily, Izuku quickly figured out what to do, gathering up his bearings. He gets up then, following after the maine coon. He probably isn't completely sure what he's doing, but he knows the way better than he does.

The dead grass eventually gives way to healthier, more lush grass, fallen leaves going from brown to green. The trickle of water reached his ears and he's impressed. There had been times before that Izuku had caught him off guard. He had founds ways to reach his expectations before, when he had so little faith in him. Once again, it seemed he had underestimated him.

Pausing at the river's side, he bends down to drink, the cold water soothing his throat. He turns to his companion after he's done, allowing him to continue to show him the way.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-27-2018

As the grass grows softer under their paws and their air grows warmer, Izuku can't help the relief that floods him. They're pretty far from Snowbound by this point, and getting lost would be ... unfortunate. Izuku had been getting better at finding his way back to places, but it'd taken a long time for him to get used to it. He hadn't been out of the city all that often, after all, and all his directional cues had been learned from there. Relearning was difficult and slow, though not impossible.
Even so, Izuku beams as he really catches sight of the river. The green-furred feline bounds forwards to look into its waters, and can see the flickering shapes of fish. He's briefly reminded of his fretting over Aizawa's health, but dismisses it for the time being. Once he gets everything together, he can probably find the river nearby and see if he can do some fishing. He doesn't actually know a lot about fishing, but he'd managed to catch some in the past when land prey was scarce.
Izuku doesn't bother drinking any of the water, and instead waits until Aizawa looks ready to move on. From there, Izuku turns to follow the river upstream, tail still wagging enthusiastically. They continue going upwards until they reach a particularly rocky area of the river, and from there they just have to cross over. Not a fun part -- Izuku enjoyed water, but the river came down from colder areas, and as such, was colder itself. Izuku was just lucky that it was still so warm down here, if you excuse the river.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-27-2018

Aizawa isn't at all eager to cross the river, either. He could remember when he first woke up, soaked with blood, the memory haunting to him even now. He wasn't sure if he could ever wash away the smell of it from his nose. At least he hadn't had any injuries. Even with Izuku's medical knowledge, it definitely would have hindered his adjustment.

He stops as the cat does, looking down at the water streaming past them. His reflection ripples as it rushes past. He isn't too happy about getting wet and cold, but if it was the only way to a happy cat-nap, then he'd accept it. Taking in a breath, he steps in and it doesn't take him long at all to reach the middle, his strides long and effortless. It's easy to pass through the currents with his size.

But then he realizes that Izuku isn't as big as him, thus he'd have a harder time than he did. He turns back, sighing, then walks back to bend down towards the maine coon. "Here" he offers a split moment before grabbing him by the scruff, catching the fur between his teeth. It's slightly harder this time around, as he has to crane his neck slightly to keep him from getting caught in the water. But eventually he reaches the other side and dumps him onto the dry ground.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-28-2018

Honestly, Izuku would probably have more problem with water by now if it weren't for the fact he'd violently repressed just about everything before his old group. He's had like -- two different, very unfortunate encounters with water by this point, including an attempted drowning, except Izuku definitely isn't thinking about that because it'd probably just ruin this entire experience more, if possible.
As they stop at the river, Izuku sighs. Okay, it's -- a little deep for him, especially considering the water currents, but he'll just jump in at the last minute, for less risk. Just as he had last time. The green tabby bunches himself up and hops to the first rock, claws digging in for extra purchase as he stumbles. Aizawa is already part-way across the river by this point, but Izuku hardly notices. The lion can go find the field himself if he wants, it's not far from here. He is a little surprised when Aizawa turns back, though, and the maine coon jolts as he hears the lion's voice. And, next thing Izuku knows, he's being held by his scruff and pulled. Izuku starts, a flash of panic running through him, but it doesn't take long before it subsides, and Izuku curls into himself as they cross. (generally these days, izuku doesn't like being handled, but he doesn't think Aizawa is gonna hurt him.)
As they reach the shore, Aizawa apparently dumps Izuku gracelessly to the ground. Even with this rough handling, Izuku lands on his paws just fine, and can't bring himself to be insulted, though he finds it is a pretty hilarious contrast to being carefully held above the water. So with this, Izuku takes a moment to shake himself out, because his fur is feeling kind of weird and stiff after all of the splashing water. At least he isn't soaked.
"Th - thanks," Izuku says to Aizawa with a little grin. He does appreciate it, though he is a little shaken. Still, he doesn't linger on it too long, his tail gives a wave as he whirls back around on his paws. It's only a little ahead, and though it's hard to detect over the river, Izuku thinks he can faintly pick out some of the soft floral scents. He can't help but beam as he moves ahead, at a higher speed this time. He'd actually met Amunet here, before he'd joined Snowbound -- it was a fairly positive memory, and only added to the allure of visiting the field, though he definitely can't do it often. It was quite a while away, again, but if it only took a day to get to somewhere like the Typhoon, then a flower field wasn't that out of place. Plus, it may or may not have been a garden, once? It had a lot of flowers that weren't common to find in the wild, but it'd clearly been untended and unvisited for a long time, if that was the case. By this, he means it'd been a few decades since it was tended to. It's just a theory, though, and it doesn't really matter anymore, really.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-29-2018

Aizawa had no idea about Izuku's past experiences with water and being handled, and it was probably for the best he didn't. If he had, he probably would have just left him to cross on his own, which may or may not have ended badly. But since he was oblivious, he didn't think twice about it, only nodding at his gratitude. He wasn't really expecting a thanks, it was just his natural instinct to help. It came with being a hero for so long, he supposed. But that didn't matter anymore, unfortunately. It was hard to remember sometimes.

He follows after him, his pace slightly faster than before. He shared his anticipation, but for other reasons. He wasn't there for the flowers, just the sunshine. It would be nice to feel it on his skin--uh, fur--again. His pawpads ached from the cold, and his pelt definitely wasn't thick enough to keep all of it out. The warmth that seeped down from the meadow was definitely a welcome sensation.

Finally stepping out into the sun, the lion breathes out at the heat on his back, a pleased chill running through his body. He sits back on his haunches, the grass tickling at his stomach. He drops down onto his side and rolls over onto his back. He makes sure to savor the sun before they have to return to Snowbound, though he could probably come there whenever he felt it. Unlike Izuku, he didn't need to be accompanied wherever he went.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-30-2018

To be completely honest, Izuku didn't have any intentions of sunbathing. In fact, he'd probably stay out of the sun, if anything. He'd grown used to the cold, and his pelt had already thickened during the weeks spent in Snowbound. If he thought it'd been easy to overheat in his old group, with fur patchy and thin, he'd be in for hell now. It was a fair trade, though, since he'd been spending so much time bouncing around in the snow now. Luckily for Aizawa, though, the snow would be scarce during the summer. From there it'd just be slow adjustment back to winter. Hopefully. Were they still even going to be here by then? Izuku would hope so, but it's not like he always had a choice in the matter.
When they arrive at the field, Aizawa simply flops down on the grass, as expected. Izuku rolls his eyes, but at least he's not here alone. He had a tendency for paranoia and also nearly attacking people for startling him when he's on his own. It always just sort of ... reverted him to default 'nobody means well until otherwise proven' mind state and that couldn't be healthy. Even so, it doesn't take long for Izuku to get absorbed in the methodical procedure of looking for herbs or the such. Marigolds grew about the field, but other than that, Izuku wasn't exactly sure. He'd only kept the simplest of medicines on hand when he was on his own, to avoid making his bag too heavy, or too hard to sort through.
Even with this, it takes only a little while for Izuku to get bored. With a pack full of marigolds(and a few other things, of course), he's not sure what he could find or do. He has no plans on leaving so soon, but Izuku was, first of all, entirely incapable of taking naps anymore. What else -- oh. Oh. Izuku eyes the flowers about the field, the little ones without any real use, with a little grin on his maw. Flower crowns, of course. He hadn't made any himself, of course, but he knew the method, at least. It's not like Aizawa could object to one if he was sleeping, anyways. (izuku would still make one for himself, of course) So with this, Izuku carefully wriggles through the long grass to start plucking the flower stems off of a little bush.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 04-30-2018

Summer would be an eagerly awaited season, but for now, Aizawa would just have to deal with frequent trips to this meadow. All that walking and possibly getting lost (again) along the way isn't exactly very appealing, though he supposes he could use some action and what not. Life was a lot more boring now that he was an animal without any expectations. Unlike Izuku, as a Tenderfoot, he didn't have that many duties, and he didn't feel very indebted to Snowbound. He only did things to keep himself alive. And the maine coon, too--maybe. Just a little bit.

Speaking of which, he watches said cat out of one half-lidded eye, making sure he wasn't getting himself into trouble or whatever. It always seemed to follow him from what Aizawa had seen. After a while of nothing, he deems it alright to finally close his eyes and have a much needed nap. It doesn't take him nearly as long to drift off, his face buried in his scarf.

It isn't long before he stirs, grumbling as he blinks his eyes open, slightly surprised to see Izuku wasn't where he had last been. He cranes his neck and is quickly put at ease when he spots the abnormally-colored cat still nearby, picking at a bush. What the hell was he doing? The large feline decides not to question it, as it doesn't really matter to him. He could do whatever weird things he wanted--as long as he didn't get himself into a sticky situation that would need his assistance. So, he settles in again, falling back to sleep.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 04-30-2018

To be honest, being a Tenderfoot didn't have that many responsibilities at all, though it was enough to keep him occupied. It just encouraged him to leave the territory more to find herbs and the such, and that was of Izuku's own volition and choice. He wasn't expected to do a lot just yet, being fairly new to the position, and a Snowbounder of only a few weeks. Already though, Izuku was pretty attached to Snowbound, unlike Aizawa. He liked the members, and the traditions, and just -- he's not sure. Either way, Izuku was content where he was, though he'd be lying if he said he wouldn't give it all up to have his classmates back, or to just ... go home. Izuku was, in the end, replaceable, after all.
Right now, however, Izuku is focusing on getting the stems braided just right. His tongue is sticking out just the slightest, and he's mumbling to himself as he tries to figure it out. He doesn't have hands. He's struggling. He's dying.
He gets it eventually, and Izuku is triumphant as he ties the marigold and rose(??) flower into a final circle. He pulls it onto his head, and then goes seeking out more flowers. Something simple, maybe? Just a little flower crown would do. Hopefully less lumpy than Izuku's was, at least. Another while(more than a few minutes) and -- he's got it. They're little yellow flowers, and he keeps the decorating a little more scarce. Aizawa didn't seem to like the flower crowns at Pierce's meet and greet, so Izuku is compromising here, thanks.
With this done, Izuku grabs the stems between his teeth. It's very big -- it had to be, or else it wouldn't fit. Still, it makes carrying the thing over problematic, as he keeps on almost tripping on it. He doesn't wanna ruin it, either. He gets there eventually, though -- he's not too far from Aizawa, luckily for Izuku. He pulls up beside Aizawa, tail giving little waves as he pulls it closer. Aizawa, even laying down, is kind of tall for Izuku to get the thing on easily, so this is a risky mission that'll probably end in the lion waking up. Very unfortunate, he didn't think this far ahead. Oh well -- he'll be out of Aizawa's uh, mane, in a few minutes. Fishing can't be too hard, right? I mean, it's a big river, and the chances of him falling in are a little high for his tastes, but it is what it is. Anyways, Izuku, from Aizawa's back, grins wide as he wobbles onto his hind legs, and braces his front paws against Aizawa's shoulder, praying that Aizawa doesn't move yet. And then -- Izuku tosses his head so the flowercrown lands on the crown of Aizawa's head. It's not a perfect throw, of course -- chances are that it's lopsided and pressing down on an ear, but Izuku will take what he gets. With this, Izuku giggles with a sort of childishness he didn't usually have, and falls back to four paws, scrambling back a few steps. He's hoping Aizawa won't wake, but he probably will, and Izuku is fully prepared to flee from the repercussions if need be. But it's no fun if you leave before you see what'll happen, you know?


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - guts - 05-01-2018

Since Izuku is pretty small compared to him, he's also pretty light, and so him leaning against him barely causes him to stir. The only sign of Aizawa waking is a twitch of his nose. But the sudden weight on his head is enough to finally disturb him. He blinks groggily, frowning as the crown pulls at his mane, sitting uncomfortably on his ear. He thinks about shaking his head and dislodging it, but decides to humor him, reaching a paw up to adjust it so it wasn't as uncomfortable. True, he didn't quite like flowercrowns--but he didn't hate them, either. Being seen wearing one wouldn't kill him. He had never seen much use in appearances, anyway. Besides, it was only Izuku.

Once it's comfortably settled on his head, he sits up, stretching out his body and feeling the sleepiness slip away. Then he turns to his traveling companion. The joy on his face is clear, the child-like glee something he hadn't see in him--or anyone, for that matter--in a long time. Again, he thinks about taking it off, but the look in his eyes stops him. He decides that, just this once, he'll let him have his fun. There's a slim chance he'll let him do something like this again (or at least that's what he says).

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks in his usual gruff tone, eyeing the smaller feline. If he did try to flee, he'd probably just let him. He was willing to let him have this one, but he wasn't about to run after him. Too much unnecessary work.


Re: is that lost on you — p, izuku - arcy - 05-03-2018

Well, at least Aizawa didn't wake up till the flower crown was on. Izuku was pretty light, as mentioned, but mostly because he's 80% fur and also because he's a scrawny little thing. He misses the days that he was strong without one for all, because now the only thing he's any good at is -- absolutely nothing, actually. He was a pretty bad Tenderfoot, but mostly because he was hardly a natural and his memory just didn't want to remember anything, apparently? He was usually good at studying, what's up with that? Uh, anyways --
"What do you think?" Izuku says, a little smugly(very out of character, he knows), but mostly with the same bright glee as his grin. The Maine Coon's tail is wagging, because it's either that or anxious waving, apparently. Aizawa doesn't seem too upset, so Izuku is content to talk a little before he tries fishing. Which he sincerely hopes won't go wrong. "I just thought I'd give you a flower crown, too," The smug edge is gone, and Izuku is just grinning as he tilts his head. That kind of sends his own flower crown slipping, though -- oops. He grimaces slightly as it's hanging off of one here, but decides he doesn't really care. Maybe he should try making flower crowns again sometime, maybe next time he came here.
