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let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - Printable Version

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Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-27-2019

also!! i was watching a lot of youtube vids yesterday about just one-on-one bts member interactions because,,, well why not, their relationships are precious and should be noticed by everyone. but i was watching some jin and yoongi compilations and the whole time i was like "?? boy and crownedprince? the best brothers around"

a lot of what i saw was mainly jin trying to do cute stuff with yoongi but yoongi just either ignoring him (playfully) or doing something to make him stop, like glaring or lightly smacking hm. but then later on, yoongi would try to do cute stuff with jin, and either jin would reciprocate or ignore him like how yoongi did to him beforehand. so maybe when boy and prince start meeting up with one another, prince tries to have his stone cold bro try to open up and not be brooding the entire time. prin could try to squish his cheeks to have his lips turn into the shape of a smile i'd assume that at this point, prin is the only one that boy is comfortable enough to have some form of skinship with or have him do some sort of aegyos, but boy's just staring at him with a blank face or kinda just grumbles and turns around. and prin's like "yknow this kid is useless," then out of nowhere, boy does some cute shit or kinda snuggles his fat ass head into prin's smaller body and prin's is either "oh my god" or "this big buffoon? really thinks imma show him the love he rejected before? syke" and just move away from a now-pouting and whining boy

also that one heart event during the wings tour where jin supposedly lost the heart but it ended up being in suga's back pocket? yeah imagine that happening with prin and boy. prin could probably do a heart event out of nowhere in pv, just stopping in front of a big group of pv members and pulling out a heart from somewhere, anywhere, and showcasing his love for his pv family. and when boy first witnesses his first heart event, he's just overall confused because he doesn't know what the heart stands for nor why his brother's doing it in the first place and probably also think his brother's a witch or smth and be scared of the magic prin did to pull the heart out of nowhere. but after prin explaining the meaning behind the little hearts, boy's kinda just lowkey excited to see it and kinda just flabbergasted that prin just keeps doing it and is openly expressing his emotions. then one day, the pv members are expecting the next heart event and are excited to see what he's gonna do this time, and when prin's about to do it, he pretends that he lost the heart. everyone's like "who-what" while boy's just looking at his non-witch brother in confusion, until prin turns to boy and sticks a paw into boy's insanely thick fur, and pulls a heart out. everyone's going wild, while boy is probably broken because
one: how did he not realize that heart was in him the entire time
two: is this a sign from the gods that he shouldn't be terrified to show his emotions but rather embrace them and not think that showing emotions = being weak

idk this was more clear in my head yesterday, but jin and yoongi's relationship is so precious and it could be the same for prin and boy. prin would most def be the biggest source of comfort for boy, being the first person that he feels comfortable around and the first person he doesn't want to instantly fight. he'd lowkey appreciate prin not viewing him as this big brute only worthy as the position of a bodyguard but as an actual little brother- a family member. being around prin would allow him to slowly get used to not only society (with both customs and language), but also that it's okay to not be tough every so often. boy would be so protective of prin and would most likely be a big ass clingy teddy bear on the downlow. from anyone on the outside of their relationship, they might still see boy as an aloof and intimidating person who doesn't appreciate prin's attention and brotherly love, but in reality, boy's little affectionate actions and other things (like just coming to pv every so often and not pushing prin away) speak louder than his overall persona

also just,,, prin being the only person being able to control boy and scold him for doing dumb shit and not having to worry about boy stomping his ass

youtube stuff:

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - dreamiplier - 01-27-2019

ASDFGHJKL you're right wtf LMAOOOOO
no but seriously literally matt is so obvious it's not even funny
so am i now though, i think we've both just given up tbfh
you've been gone since like 1/2/19 so you have a LOT to hear about oh b o y, i hope you're ready for it all
i'm willing to write up EVERYTHING for you because i love you

im in an all around slump, like posting? tf is that. creativity? tf is that.

sorry i wasn't on, i was at church oof not much happened today w matt but i did catch him staring at me at one point seuorfjdhk
i was listening to jimmy, and out of the corner of my eye it looked like matt was looking at me but i couldn't tell, so i decided to risk it and sneak a look
and guess what?
he was staring at me
we both quickly looked away because we're Awkward and Nervous lmfao but omg i just please @ God lemme love him

i literally love prin & boy so much, please, have this happen im soBBING

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-28-2019

i still don’t know where my destination is.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae velit tempus, hendrerit sem sed, vestibulum odio. Aliquam quis nunc tempor, vulputate lorem vel, accumsan ipsum. Nam id est fringilla, molestie lorem at, pretium nisl. Quisque nibh sem, fermentum sed tortor ac, tempus sodales nunc. Sed semper porttitor placerat. Donec tempus, diam at hendrerit sollicitudin, dolor massa interdum turpis, eu ullamcorper sem magna quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sollicitudin iaculis tellus. Phasellus vel molestie enim. Nunc sem nulla, rutrum ut enim ut, tristique maximus augue.

Praesent non suscipit dui. Fusce quis lacinia nunc, faucibus cursus massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce consectetur, arcu id tincidunt vehicula, purus tellus tempor nunc, id fermentum elit ante facilisis neque. Mauris risus est, aliquam et ante at, sollicitudin scelerisque turpis. Praesent sed odio odio. Maecenas eu sapien dapibus mauris ultricies lacinia et vitae velit.

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; height: 150px; background-image:url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: bottom; border-top: 20px solid #000;"][div style="width: 450px; height: 130px; background-color: black; opacity: 0.50;"][/div][/div]
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[font=verdana][size=5]i still don’t know where my destination is.[/size][/font][/div]
[div style="width: 450px; height: overflow; overflow: stretch; background-color: black; padding: 15px;"][div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: #374b73; float: right; padding: 2px; margin-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 1px;"][div style="width: 46px; height: 46px; border: 1px solid #808080; padding-top: 12px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 20pt; color: #808080;"][b][i][abbr=tags][url=tags][color=#808080]f[/color][/url][/abbr][/i][/b][/div][/div][div style="width: 420px; height: overflow; overflow: stretch; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: #808080; line-height: 13px;"]text[/div][/div][/align]

loudly screams bc my laptop is about to turn off and i forgot i had this in another tab and the drafts ain't working so quickly posting it asdfghjkl

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-30-2019

(01-27-2019, 04:04 PM)wednesday link Wrote:
ASDFGHJKL you're right wtf LMAOOOOO
no but seriously literally matt is so obvious it's not even funny
so am i now though, i think we've both just given up tbfh
you've been gone since like 1/2/19 so you have a LOT to hear about oh b o y, i hope you're ready for it all
i'm willing to write up EVERYTHING for you because i love you

im in an all around slump, like posting? tf is that. creativity? tf is that.

sorry i wasn't on, i was at church oof not much happened today w matt but i did catch him staring at me at one point seuorfjdhk
i was listening to jimmy, and out of the corner of my eye it looked like matt was looking at me but i couldn't tell, so i decided to risk it and sneak a look
and guess what?
he was staring at me
we both quickly looked away because we're Awkward and Nervous lmfao but omg i just please @ God lemme love him

i literally love prin & boy so much, please, have this happen im soBBING

screams because i have a 5-day weekend due to this mess of a winter storm or whatever it is we're dealing with up here so i finally have time to do stuff!! kinda. my body is so drained bc of school but ya know, what's new?

but the hype for all this matt stuff is too much for me to handle. i swear, these boy chronicles are keeping me alive. yet we gotta give attention to this obvious goddamn staring. slICK MATT? NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. also just busted some uwus over these awkward yet cute interactions. y'all are too much yet give me faith in humanity
time to ask god to have matt just confess already, he's already letting u love him asdfghjkl

and i haven't roleplayed in months so a big ass shmood. i have some free time to do things but ?? probably gonna spend it doing hw aaaa

me: things of prin and boy being good bros
me: [Image: acbeec525b296cd39b807f0dce6a0c61.jpg]

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-30-2019

welcome to my hope world.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae velit tempus, hendrerit sem sed, vestibulum odio. Aliquam quis nunc tempor, vulputate lorem vel, accumsan ipsum. Nam id est fringilla, molestie lorem at, pretium nisl. Quisque nibh sem, fermentum sed tortor ac, tempus sodales nunc. Sed semper porttitor placerat. Donec tempus, diam at hendrerit sollicitudin, dolor massa interdum turpis, eu ullamcorper sem magna quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sollicitudin iaculis tellus. Phasellus vel molestie enim. Nunc sem nulla, rutrum ut enim ut, tristique maximus augue.

Praesent non suscipit dui. Fusce quis lacinia nunc, faucibus cursus massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce consectetur, arcu id tincidunt vehicula, purus tellus tempor nunc, id fermentum elit ante facilisis neque. Mauris risus est, aliquam et ante at, sollicitudin scelerisque turpis. Praesent sed odio odio. Maecenas eu sapien dapibus mauris ultricies lacinia et vitae velit.

boy roux
you can be king again.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae velit tempus, hendrerit sem sed, vestibulum odio. Aliquam quis nunc tempor, vulputate lorem vel, accumsan ipsum. Nam id est fringilla, molestie lorem at, pretium nisl. Quisque nibh sem, fermentum sed tortor ac, tempus sodales nunc. Sed semper porttitor placerat. Donec tempus, diam at hendrerit sollicitudin, dolor massa interdum turpis, eu ullamcorper sem magna quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sollicitudin iaculis tellus. Phasellus vel molestie enim. Nunc sem nulla, rutrum ut enim ut, tristique maximus augue.

Praesent non suscipit dui. Fusce quis lacinia nunc, faucibus cursus massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce consectetur, arcu id tincidunt vehicula, purus tellus tempor nunc, id fermentum elit ante facilisis neque. Mauris risus est, aliquam et ante at, sollicitudin scelerisque turpis. Praesent sed odio odio. Maecenas eu sapien dapibus mauris ultricies lacinia et vitae velit.

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - dreamiplier - 01-30-2019

OOOOOO GOD BLESS!!! i don’t have to go to school on friday bc i’m job shadowing but i’m going to my mom’s school lmfao
u should sleep bby ily

i’m just,,, so excited ugh. i literally just,,, wow i love him lmao
asdfghjkl i wish he would already like jc matt we A L L know

same same same same sameeeeee i love those babies
yes, focus on homework!!

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 02-17-2019

hey, hi kids, lemme tell ya something very quickly
when you're in ib,,, you should not be surprised when teachers nail you with endless tests and projects as well as a few actual ib assessments for 2 weeks
and also don't be surprised when you basically live in your room because of s t u d y i n g and not s l e e p i n g
im very t i r e d

me: wow im finally getting myself back together
school: yeet

it's almost 1 am and im still so tired from babysitting grown adults until 4 am during my dad's birthday party so:
dream open the spoiler for some surprises

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - dreamiplier - 02-18-2019


i bet it was beautiful omfg but thank you so much guess i'll actually cry

im so sorry this is happening to you again though, i hope you're doing well and won't be stressed soon!!

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - dreamiplier - 02-19-2019

[member=1886]guppy[/member] you BETTER go to the bts concert this time i stg, you deserve to go, don’t let me not going hold you back (if i don’t go, i might fight to go to the chicago one if they don’t come anywhere close to florida)

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 04-06-2019

i live bitches
i love this place too much to leave asdfghjkl im love everyone on here <33333

edit: 200th post, it was meant to be