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Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-09-2019

for no-memories baby, but look at this goddamn disaster i hate him. i still haven't seen a single thing he's in but fuck. i love him. but i need a name for them wtf i can't keep calling them no-memories baby

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-09-2019

what if no-memories baby was a golden tiger

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

NAME: Thorn.
AGE: Young adult. Between 3 to 4 years old.
GENDER: Unknown. They/them. Perisex AMAB.
ORIENTATION: What is love? (Baby, don't hurt me).
RANK & ALLIANCE: Sunbearer [NP] of Sunhaven.

SPECIES: Siberian tiger.
APPEARANCE: The first thing you'll notice about Thorn is that they lack the orange fur and black stripes typical of their species. Instead, they boast a burnished golden coat that is equal parts honey and metal, vined with darker bronze streaks. The absence of black allows prominence to the shining white of their underfur. Their eyes glow with the blue of the sky; depending on the light, they may shade closer to summer or winter.

Thorn is tall, even for their kind, towering over all but the largest of creatures. They sport a sinewy, supple build that draws the eye with its subconscious grace—and not only that. At once handsome and beautiful, their exceptional form attracts many like moths to a light. Their body is unblemished, as though new.
FACE & VOICE CLAIM: Cody Fern as Michael Langdon in American Horror Story: Apocalypse.

PERSONALITY: If one were to ask Thorn who they are, they couldn't give an answer except for "I don't know." Try as they might, they remember nothing of their life before waking up, alone and shivering, with the word "thorn" on their lips. It's not hard to see how much this upsets them. There is a lock on their memories, and they don't have the key.

Such a lack of knowledge and experience makes them seem almost a child; their hypersensitivity and wide-eyed earnest and only adds to the image. Social graces and intricacies fly over their head, and their mindset is easily influenced and startlingly simplistic. Everything is black or white, with no room for grey in between. They're clingy, too, and hate being by themself; those with patience may find it endearing, but others less so.

An identity crisis is bad enough, but constructing a sense of self from scratch is a whole 'nother level. Learning what they like and what they don't consumes much of Thorn's time and energy, as well as does clumsily mirroring the people around them. Sometimes this gets them into trouble: as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, and imitation isn't always seen as flattery. Thorn is an open book, begging to be written in; everything they think or feel is scrawled across their features, and they don't have the self-control to rein their flyaway emotions in.

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

[Image: 30w75np.gif]


Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

NOTES: lux, aka angel baby, isn't actually an angel. xe is a young blue star that fell to earth because xe wanted to observe mortals on their level. xe's watched them before from xir dusty cluster in the vast vacuum of space, a hobby that the other stars, both inside and out of xir star cluster, viewed with either indulgence or annoyance. mostly the latter.

many years ago, deciding the distance between xem and the creatures xe loved was far too wide for xir yearning's taste, xe flew the nest, uncaring of xir kin's disapproval. what is the use of age without experience? throughout all this time, xe never truly mingled with the mortals, preferring to remain removed—a mere audience to their brief lives.

lux's current mortal form is a brown tabby cat of short fur and dainty build. xir true form is, you know, a star, but. i don't know how to describe a creature that would break your brain, not just your eyesight, if you looked at xem for too long. the angel inspiration is still there, i just don't know how to translate that into something the shop carries lmao.

that being said! now that i've settled on xem being a literal star instead of an angel from the gotdam bible, here's an updated list of items i need to buy for lux. totals to 400k. still not sure about a couple items, but whatever.
— clairvoyance
— conjuration
— enhanced senses
— fire elemental
— health transfer
— large mythical or extinct creature
— mental manipulation & communication
— shapeshifting
— teleportation
— x-ray vision

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

i'm. so tempted to make another character. who is slightly based off the tswift gifset i linked and also all of her songs that i'm currently listening to bECAUSE I'M A SWIFTIE I GUESS though i still haven't listened to anything before speak now whoops

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-10-2019

it's 2am and i don't know what i'm doing

NAME: lmao idk
AGE: 21-22 months old. March nth, 2017.
GENDER: Female. She/her. Perisex AFAB.
ORIENTATION: bi probably
RANK & ALLIANCE: the ascendants probably

SPECIES: Cheetah (king color morph).
APPEARANCE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula ex vitae magna commodo, ac iaculis ante pulvinar. Praesent sed nisl finibus, posuere nisi quis, bibendum urna. Integer gravida justo non erat accumsan pulvinar. Morbi congue rutrum odio. Nunc tincidunt risus purus, vel aliquet lacus accumsan vestibulum. In laoreet accumsan tortor, a pharetra velit porta tincidunt. Suspendisse viverra justo quis lorem luctus ultrices. Sed id convallis justo, et bibendum augue. Fusce pharetra quis sem nec pretium. Curabitur malesuada sed dui ornare consequat. Sed quis nisl eu tellus pretium convallis. Sed vitae porta mi. Nunc eget mauris in nulla tempus blandit vitae non odio. Aenean nec dui maximus, mollis ante a, eleifend turpis. Phasellus ac lacus mi.
FACE & VOICE CLAIM: Taylor Swift.

PERSONALITY: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula ex vitae magna commodo, ac iaculis ante pulvinar. Praesent sed nisl finibus, posuere nisi quis, bibendum urna. Integer gravida justo non erat accumsan pulvinar. Morbi congue rutrum odio. Nunc tincidunt risus purus, vel aliquet lacus accumsan vestibulum. In laoreet accumsan tortor, a pharetra velit porta tincidunt. Suspendisse viverra justo quis lorem luctus ultrices. Sed id convallis justo, et bibendum augue. Fusce pharetra quis sem nec pretium. Curabitur malesuada sed dui ornare consequat. Sed quis nisl eu tellus pretium convallis. Sed vitae porta mi. Nunc eget mauris in nulla tempus blandit vitae non odio. Aenean nec dui maximus, mollis ante a, eleifend turpis. Phasellus ac lacus mi.

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-11-2019

NAME: Poison. "Poise" for short.
AGE: 21 months old. March 24, 2017.
GENDER: Female. She/her. Perisex AFAB.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual demiromantic. Likely poly.
RANK & ALLIANCE: Observer [NP] of The Ascendants.

SPECIES: Cheetah [king color morph].
APPEARANCE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula ex vitae magna commodo, ac iaculis ante pulvinar. Praesent sed nisl finibus, posuere nisi quis, bibendum urna. Integer gravida justo non erat accumsan pulvinar. Morbi congue rutrum odio. Nunc tincidunt risus purus, vel aliquet lacus accumsan vestibulum. In laoreet accumsan tortor, a pharetra velit porta tincidunt. Suspendisse viverra justo quis lorem luctus ultrices. Sed id convallis justo, et bibendum augue. Fusce pharetra quis sem nec pretium. Curabitur malesuada sed dui ornare consequat. Sed quis nisl eu tellus pretium convallis. Sed vitae porta mi. Nunc eget mauris in nulla tempus blandit vitae non odio. Aenean nec dui maximus, mollis ante a, eleifend turpis. Phasellus ac lacus mi.
FACE & VOICE CLAIM: Taylor Swift.

PERSONALITY: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula ex vitae magna commodo, ac iaculis ante pulvinar. Praesent sed nisl finibus, posuere nisi quis, bibendum urna. Integer gravida justo non erat accumsan pulvinar. Morbi congue rutrum odio. Nunc tincidunt risus purus, vel aliquet lacus accumsan vestibulum. In laoreet accumsan tortor, a pharetra velit porta tincidunt. Suspendisse viverra justo quis lorem luctus ultrices. Sed id convallis justo, et bibendum augue. Fusce pharetra quis sem nec pretium. Curabitur malesuada sed dui ornare consequat. Sed quis nisl eu tellus pretium convallis. Sed vitae porta mi. Nunc eget mauris in nulla tempus blandit vitae non odio. Aenean nec dui maximus, mollis ante a, eleifend turpis. Phasellus ac lacus mi.

Re: HOLY SICK DIVINE NIGHTS — STORAGE - skullcrow - 01-11-2019