Beasts of Beyond
Question about site. - Printable Version

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Re: Question about site. - axiom - 01-01-2019

awesome, thanks! and no rush of course, take all the time you need for that i know what a pain it is lol

Re: Question about site. - tikki - 01-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]also, as far as advertisement goes, I can advertise on my twitch ~

Re: Question about site. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-02-2019

Anyways, in terms of sites that require link back enabled some of them don't want to have to make their own account just to advertise. So we'd benefit from making an advertising account the user and password of which could be detailed in the advertisement board description. It's not unusual and also keeps the member count from including one time to advertise accounts.
This is a small starting list of some animal sites. I had compiled a much more full list but my computer got a pop up and I had to shut down, so I lost it cause my dim wit self put it in this section instead of a google doc or something. Every week or two I can find some more sites if wanted and just forward them to whoever does ad's if its devoted to one person or a team. This is the end of the span of time I devoted to this for this week though.

Re: Question about site. - Orion - 01-04-2019

//edit, gonna try and do these tomorrow
Banners! Got it. I definitely did have a beautiful purple one for a long time, but I think it’d better if we use something more modern and in tone with the website!

Social Media? You bet. I haven’t posted on the Instagram just yet, but you can follow our Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr at @BeastsOfBeyond.

Also thank you for compiling a list. I know Axiom and I previously discussed sites I had advertised on (I think I only recognize Souls/Dire from that list, but never advertised on either). Any of those would be excellent suggestions to indulge in.

Now all we need is an interesting description of the site to rope people in. How would all of you describe the site in a sentence?

Re: Question about site. - tikki - 01-04-2019

"An inclusive pg-13 animal roleplaying site with interesting twists" maybe?

Those twists being the shops and powers and such

Re: Question about site. - Orion - 01-04-2019

Ooo definitely. That seems like a fantastic description.

Re: Question about site. - Orion - 01-09-2019

Any ideas for banners? I have a few made but I'm not a huge fan and they're p simple.
bob ones:

Re: Question about site. - woody - 01-09-2019

oooooooooooooooo i really like the black cat one!!!!!  the first logo is also super appealing

Re: Question about site. - axiom - 01-09-2019

i like the black cat + the lion one -- the lion one especially helps make it obvious that it's not a warriors rpg lol

Re: Question about site. - Orion - 01-09-2019

those are my personal favorites too! i wonder if i can photoshop one with many animals on it... HmMmM
the cat one is definitely a+, just the lack of info puts me off from it.

any ideas??