Beasts of Beyond
Strange Happenings//Joiner - Printable Version

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Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - Revan Malakith - 12-30-2018

this Jim seemed almost as strange as aya and revan had never seen a scarf such as his along with that odly shaped badge. Perhaps it was his intuition or prior connection to the force but he could tell that they thought he was wierd. So he mentally reviewed what he had Said during the convorsation and picked out one of the things which may be causing some confusion.[color=red]"My appologies for not explaining myself better... this"he indicates his body best he can[color=red]"Is not my....original body. Up untill a few days ago when I woke up, I'd never even seen this bodY before. For my entire life I've Stood on two legs not four. I was born on the planet Deralia and I was heading to a planet in the outer rim in search for the emporor when I was attacked by what I assume to be sith forces. I received a hit in the insuing fight and fell out of orbit above an isolated planet in the outer rim. I lost conciousness upon reentry and woke up here in this body."