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Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Orion - 12-28-2018

If you go on an animal site without having any animals, you're insane! /s
I personally own two lovely cats, along with a dog. In my past, I've also owned a bunch of crazy things (for someone in the city) such as ducks and chickens... but mostly cats. Whoops. At one point in time, I did have a seagull named Duncan for awhile (found the poor guy hurt on the road and gave him a home till the rescue was open).

Ask yourself... "Is liquid water dry?"
The answer? No. Of course it's not.

If you want further 'proof', proceed to read this long and unneeded list of reasons why water IS wet:
- Water holds properties that science defines as 'wet', such as viscosity.
      - The definition of liquid supports this claim: "a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil: synonyms: fluid, moisture;" (from Google)
- The definition of wetness: "the state or condition of being covered or saturated with water or another liquid; dampness. (from Google)[/i] The H20 molecules are all touching together, hence water is wet. Water is covered by itself. It's wet.
- Another definition to wetness: "moist and humid content" (from here)"
- This video.
- "Water cannot be wet!" YOUR OPINION IS WRONG.
- George Orwell, in 1984, said: "Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall toward the earth's center"(71)." This was through his character Winston Smith. Book 1, Chapter 7.

... but as I look further into this argument, I begin to doubt my own opinion. To be honest, I don't even think I truly have an answer. There are some compelling and other scientific views on this subject. While I would like to say I provided a surefire answer above, the answer is truly something that depends on your own views. What I've come to notice is the lack of semantics! To each independent person who has formed an opinion on this subject has likely never looked into actual research, as it's just a conversation starter, but if from my own research, I've found that it's all one big misunderstanding.

The definition of wet depends on the person, hence why this debate has started. Basically, this is asking if a hotdog is a sandwich.

So if you want to ask yourself 'Is water wet?', you should instead ask yourself... "Is water wet or is the surface water sits on wet?" Yes.

why am i up this late looking this up like it's a research project?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - axiom - 12-28-2018

[member=1325]AUREATE™[/member] probably a just pound pupper honestly, or we'd get them from a reputable breeder for keeshonds, corgis, or goldens! kinda depends on the space of our apartment and what our work schedules will be like.

tell me about your boxer o:

only if you imagine it is ayyyye i'll see myself out lol

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Grimm - 12-28-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]why do good girls like bad boys

yes i had to but being entirely serious now what first drew you to writing and / or what was your first experience with it, do you believe you would be a different person if you hadn't gotten into rping

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - toboggan - 12-28-2018

i gots two questions;

[member=1752]woody[/member] what terrible event in life caused you to believe that water is wet?

and uhhh hey yall on the staff whats your favourite types of food

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-28-2018


Why do good girls like bad boys?: Even if not a completely serious question, I'd have to say subjectiveness! And/or movies and media. If you want to be historical about it (because I'm a little bit of a nerd), the idea of a 'bad boy' kinda traces back to a lot of cultural influences towards the 50s and 60s at the end of World War 2, where the idea of a 'teenage' life kinda started to blossom. Kids had rock music, and movies, and media that could allow them to ignore the rigours of 'adult' life for a lot longer. On that same vein, the idea of a teen idol or 'bad/good boys' were starting to become more popular, and a lot of teens latched onto that idea for the capacity of being a 'teen'.

Or at least I think that's what I recall from some history class or two.


I always remember writing as a kid. Usually essays, papers, or small stories that any little kid would write. I was homeschooled as a kid, so writing was always really important for my mom and the curriculum I was doing. I actually hate writing in the academic sense, but it wasn't until I actually found my first forum roleplay, and sites like roblox, or even games like Lord of the Rings Online (I admit it), that I started branching out into "roleplay". I do think that I am a completely different person today because of roleplay. I think what drew me into it at first was the idea that I could be or play anything. I could write a story about a medicine cat with a bunch of different people, or I could have fun being in a real, live story about something totally ficticious and still have a lot of fun doing it. It sort of inspiried me just to become more creative and analytical about my writing, which has actually translated into more strength in college-level and academic writing. I think it's always been a sort of outlet for me which I've relied upon.

I LOVE. FOOD. I love all types of food. But if I had to choose a few favorites, I'd say pasta, followed by anything dessert related (especially with chocolate), and then maybe like crepes or french toast.

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - toboggan - 12-28-2018

hey andromeda new question why are you so valid

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-28-2018

(12-28-2018, 01:32 PM)toboggan link Wrote:hey andromeda new question why are you so valid

What can I say? Food is great -
What's your favorite foods?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - dreamiplier - 12-28-2018

[member=125]Andromeda[/member] i really don't have an opinion on it?? personally, i kind of think water has to be wet to be able to know what it feels like or whatever, if you know what i mean lmao. i see both sides of the argument, though, so i guess you can say i'm neutral on the subject pfft

[member=1752]woody[/member] a whole mood

[member=1]Snow-rion[/member] oh my god bro, you really outdid yourself there LMAO (if you ever need to write a report on something, now you know what you can use as the subject tbh)
i'll have to read all that later, but the facts you gave are p accurate, as that's how i see water being as well
but is a hotdog really a sandwich? i say: no, don't @ me

[member=207]axiom[/member] that's a good one i like it

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - axiom - 12-28-2018

let me link to an actual thoughtful answer i gave to this exact question --

basically, i only fall for the bad boys that are damn loyal ha. sweet boys, you have to worry about them putting other people/responsibilities in front of you -- with a bad boy, you already know you're the #1 bc they don't give a shit about anything else.

+ writing for me is cathartic. i like experimenting with plots and character development! i'm experimenting with writing short stories and trying to plan out a novel now, so ye. rping helps make sure i keep writing everyday, even if it's not quite the same as working on stuff i'd like to get published.

i don't think i'd be a different person if i hadn't gotten into rp, but i do think i would be more moody.

chocolate is a food group at my house, just sayin'

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Orion - 12-28-2018

Bad boys tend not to care about much and are much more willing to go with whatever the good girl has to say. Hence, she feels special. Also I'm not going to ask why [member=207]axiom[/member] has so much information on the subject... mostly bc I did the whole thing with the 'water is wet' above.

Oh god, this is going to be embarrassing. There used to be this site where you could take care of pets, sort of like an animated Chicken Smoothie. After awhile, the site got restricted and you could only play if you paid the membership fee. My little kid heart was crushed. Sometime later I found a roleplay site that pertained towards animals and joined that in hopes of finding a similar experience. Of course it wasn't animated glory, but it was the closest thing I could of found to what I was searching for.

Give me Nutella.
That's all you need to know.
I am a disgusting human being that eats spoonfuls of it and will scrape the container edges when it's almost empty.

When it comes to bullshitting an essay, I'm your man.
If we're going to start on this hot dog thing then....