Beasts of Beyond
DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Printable Version

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Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - drachen - 12-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"]  holidays. it is a foreign concept despite him being around for plenty years to know learn, but never devled into the topic considering it doesn't deal with his job as a whole. now seems like the best time to involve himself in the activity of "secret santa" and gather knowledge on it. create a gift for another, don't tell them, and hand out the present before, or by, the 25th. lips curl up in a small smile as he notes this whilst cool gaze flickers over the flyer then shifts to write on the paper.


Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Masie - 12-17-2018

Everyone was milling around speaking about something but since it was a new concept to her the young raptor couldn't comprehend exactly what was going on today. Amber optics blinked as she looked over towards Golden who had come up near her, tilting her head and through a sort exchange finally listening to the alpha explain what was going on and how it worked. Of course, this was another time when her inability to speak their tongue caused frustration, she couldn't exactly have someone write down her stuff for her, so far she didn't know of the right words in her tongue expect for when she made them up. Pictures seemed to be fairly universal but it would take her all night to carve the proper things into something and turn it in properly, best time to get to work.

NAME: Masie
LIKES: Shiny things, Soft things, Colorful things, Food.
GROUP: Typhoon

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - bubblegum - 12-18-2018

skipping skeleton key since he's been dropped, updated first post
[member=2947]VAUGHN[/member] and [member=2585]Masie[/member]

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Whisper - 12-18-2018

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain . vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "
vaas was a party animal despite his own lazy nature, the holiday seasons always promised something in return for him. maybe he was just giddy from the lime lite - or rather any attention at all . the tiger is used to - well, not negativity , but just being overlooked . It was nice to actually be noticed for once , despite this not being his family - it was, well... his clan now. Things were new- things were good , the tiger was getting his own fix just from the collective attention , the difference from watching this clan while he grew up and being a part of it was . . . indescribable.

if there was anything vaas liked more than parties is was things - certain things of course - valuable things . something precious to someone else was always precious to him . because with it he could barter - trade - blackmail. he of course - wished for something to call his own. for the longest time he is known to provide - keep safeguard his family. vaas had no qualms for it , but it left so little time to spare beside time to rest.

there was also the fact that vaas had little he could honestly give he was selfish and aloof - anything vaas could give he would hord - just for the attention alone. Greedy claws unable to surrender even the tiniest little thing - if someone else wanted it - it was his.

.. but what if -

his face remained neutral, if a little bemused as he stepped up to take a slip of paper and sign.


Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - bubblegum - 12-21-2018

for time's sake, [member=339]VAAS.[/member] and [member=48]goldenluxury[/member]

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - bubblegum - 12-24-2018

reminder to send out your presents!! any gifts not handed out by the 26th will be done by goldenluxury