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Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - arcy - 11-24-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
i dont know the specifics bc im a dumbass(and im not gonna categorize his difficulty or anything sfdsf) buT. theyre a massive black crocodile. big as im Legally allowed to make them. theyre open to most injuries as long as its not a straightup maiing sdfsdf
Jesus christ.
Joining the Rosebloods was a massive mistake.
.. However, Eddie doesn't have much of a fondness towards the Typhoon, either. They haven't done anything in particular, but they're infuriating nonetheless.
Really, though, it's the noises that alert him to this .. fiasco. Of course it is. Eddie scowls. Fighting. Of course this would come out of their .. tense relations .. with the beach group.  This sucks. Eddie didn't like fighting sapient creatures unless they've done something actually wrong. Like, personally. But Eddie would be a coward if he backed out, and Venom is practically vying for blood, anyways. (they insist they like showing off their strength who actually notice.)
He sighs. He might as well. It's practically in his rank description. He holds onto a precious few moments as simply himself as he scampers closer to the fight, taking it in. He sighs, murmurs something under his breath, and then they're just .. them.
.. The raptor looks like a beast to take down. Eddie points out that it'd be a shame if it got to any of their clanmates. YOU DO NOT CARE FOR THEM MUCH ANYWAYS, They rumble, though with interest. Eddie refuses to admit they have a point. He doesn't hate his clanmates -- he wouldn't still be here if he did. They're tolerable, some more so than others. Instead of arguing with his Other, he simply gives his bodymate a mental shove. Venom laughs, but they rush across the battlefield nonetheless, they try a dive at [member=2889]delta[/member], attempting to bite wherever they can reach on the Utahraptor. Just a fight starter, really. If they got a good chunk out of her, well, that was just a bonus.
//i have zERO PATIENCE for long posts rn im so sorry this is so bad???

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - teef - 11-24-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi's breath hitched, surprised by the lynx's sudden appearance. they didn't step back, their hackles rising. "watch it!" they snapped as marco dove in, their tail lashing. the raccoon was young, they didn't intend to hurt it, they had mainly tried to intimidate it away from the battlefield. they might seem like their comrades, but bai shi wasn't so interested in the fighting as protecting those that they could.

their gaze darted away from valentine and marco, leaping to try to avoid a tangle of their legs. panting as they landed, bai shi frowned around the handle of their jian, jaw tightening with a low growl. i must be blind, but is there a reason for this? they thought, observing a few gathering around owen.

as soon as they caught vagabond's scent, all bets were off. that might be one big dinosaur, but they had an ace up their sleeve. leaving behind the lynx and raccoon, the fox trekked towards owen, sharp little teeth bared.

when vagabond had welcomed them and gave them food when they joined, they'd felt attached to the hellhound. they also knew that nothing good could probably come from the attachment to the hellhound. to them he felt like home, something that they missed, he felt almost like a father. all of this, brought them to feel loyal to him no matter his crimes.

finally reaching the group of larger animals and beasts, they would utter a curse in their tongue, aiming to leap at the arm owen was stretching out towards vagabond, angling their jian in an attempt to cut the scales and skin of the arm if lucky. if unsuccessful they hoped that the weight of their body might jolt the arm, if not they would sail over gracefully.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - rhosmari - 11-24-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]NOT CAUSE I'M BUSY, I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]To be fair this shit was a riot and he wondered how long this would last before the other side would get tired and abandon all of this. Because surely they were just doing it for the heck of it and not actually doing it to gain anything from it. It was funny really and he could see very clearly that they were upset over the death of someone they probably didn't know anything about. There was humor in his gaze as he watched from the branch of a tree, kind of just like how he did with the fire that day. He'd just sat on the edge of the canyon and watched as the leaves burned and the trees fell. The cries of those from down in the canyon hadn't seemed to bother him and perhaps that was a sign of his messed up mentality but he felt no want or need to go down there and risk his life for a group he had no real connections to. He was here just to have fun, a world he still believe was made up in his mind and he wasn't going to do anything but be and exist and cause trouble. It was an easy life, a simple life and a hum was in his throat as he watched them call out and speak up about nothing he would normally care about. Save for the fact that it pertained to Vagabond suddenly. A question was pulled forward and honestly he wondered how the connection had been drawn. Scalping, and pulling back the flesh from a face didn't mean that someone wearing a skull mask had anything to do with it and a throaty chuckle left him before he beat his large wings and took to the skies.

This wings pushed him up into the air and he gave a strange grin because hot damn it was time to actually fight and cause some problems. His body hung there in the air and he aimed with a calculative stare toward the accuser. Then down he went at a break neck speed and god he hoped he didn't crash right into the ground. His body twisted like a corkscrew and he aimed to snap his tail forward to curl it around [member=1637]bakugou[/member] neck and suddenly snap the prehensile tail forward and release him to throw him against the side of a thick trunked tree. If that worked at all he would then landed clumsily, skidding across the ground and slamming against a tree himself. "Fuck, still don't have a hang of that." Pain hissed up his side but he was rearing to go as he launched himself forward to ready himself block his opponent should he attempt to try anything against his crew mate, any of them for that matter. Because at the end of the date he was here for Vagabond and for the crew. Not for the Rosebloods.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-25-2018

Sure she had told the hellhound if he put the group in danger she would beat him to within an inch of his life or beyond, but this didn't count. On this occasion? The jerk had actually done something right, destroyed an enemy animal which the calico vizer had no problem with. Watching him get teamed up on and charged by whiny cry babies who could not take the price of war, was another story. Her single blue optic watched the fight from the tree's where she stood within one, blinking as she quickly chose her course of action. Talk was cheap, silence her own training and intangibility keeping her silent as she snuck to the end of her tree branch, already having her attack plan in place.

From the side she shot out like a loaded spring in an attempt to latch her front claws into the top of owen's head so she could take her claws along him face, hopefully hitting an eye or damn near it. Sure she was smaller, but that meant absolutely nothing to the calico. Fighting smart and swift, had let her take on larger opponents her whole life, this would be no different.


Questions no one can answer -

Vagabond didn't really know anything when it came to elemental powers and what they could be used for. The Hellhound just thought he had abilities and didn't really try to question what he was capable of doing. It wasn't that hard considering that he considered most of the random stuff that happened to not really even be that real. He didn't know who he had killed. He didn't know the creatures name, and he didn't bother to try and let the creature have any final words. They were just an animal in his mind, and that was several weeks ago. Thanks to the sleep deprivation, he barely remembered anything that happened a couple weeks ago except for a couple events here and there but that was about it. The former human heard a voice that was probably directed toward him, and his head tilted slightly as he looked over his shoulder. Oh. It was just a domestic cat. The size of his paw compared the massive size that he was, but the guy had guts coming up to him and spouting such insults. Vagabond decided that the guy deserved to at least be spoken to face to face as the guy didn't seem to be attacking everything around him either. Kill her? Who? He had killed a couple of people. What signature? He didn't sign anything. Vagabond's head seemed to tilt to the side like a dog would when they were trying to understand something. "Throwing knives? I know plenty of other people, or well animals, that have throwings knives so I'm not the only one." Vagabond said with a shrug of his shoulders. It was obvious that he was having trouble remembering whether or not he had done something several weeks ago. This time, his vivid blue eyes did show with confusion when the other mentioned a name. "Argus? Who's that?" Vagabond said calmly. He had never heard of that name before and had no idea who the guy was talking about either.

The massive hellhound then realized that they had garnered the attention of the fucking dinosaur. There was no proof that he had done anything and the Rosebloods knew nothing of his crimes for that matter. The calmness that he had once been exhibiting was gone with the dinosaurs shout. Well, that was rude, and Vagabond simply leaped backward out of reach of the other's tail and claws. His vivid blue eyes were narrowed as he turned to look at the domestic cat. "We were just having a casual conversation. Where are you maNnErs?" The Hellhound would snarl in a distorted manner as three throwing knives began to hover around him almost like a halo would. It was then that Rimmy decided to make his entrance, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the African Wild dog as he wasn't really able to stick the landing. He had to admit that the other's move just now was somewhat impressive. "Show-off." Vagabond would scoff in a playful mocking manner toward his crewmate, before turning his attention toward the dinosaur. This was really a weird day for him he had to admit. Then Bai Shi joined the fray, and he had to say that his jaw did go a little slack as he watched the fox with a blade in its mouth and attacking the dinosaur. Everyone seemed to be ganging up against the dinosaur, and there didn't seem to be many other enemies nearby, at least ones that weren't children. "Hey! Get the hell out of here it's dangerous!" Vagabond shouted toward Bai Shi, still believing the fox was only a child and not wanting to see the other hurt either. His attention on Owen, Vagabond would aim to throw two of his throwing knives, while Jiyu was attacking, and aim to try and impale the blades into the dinosaur's neck. Vagabond made sure to keep his distance because the thing was almost twice the size that he was. No way he would win with just brute force. God he wished he had a gun.



MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

"You guys really are a bunch of stupid bit- HEY! Keep your fuckin' kids away!" Owen snarled, feeling the slight cut along his scaled arm before he could react, his single eye narrowing into dangerous slits as he swept his tail low, attempting to smack the child away from the fight.  "Fuck off, kid. The adults are fighting." He snarled, puffs of air leaving his nostrils.
[Attempt to swat away [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] ]

Once focus was taken off of the child, Owen got back to the task at hand, his head shaking relentlessly to attempt rid himself of the female currently clinging to his head, pretty damn near close to his scarred eye, small red lines being traced down his face. "Are you fuckin' stupid? Attacking my face with those tiny claws?" He snarled, his spines rippling down his back in obvious anger.
[Attempt to shake off [member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member] !]

Whether or not his attempts worked, Owen would still feel sharp objects impale his neck, but paid no mind to his large size. Ten feet tall was a huge creature, and Owen wasn't going to go down easily. "Manners? When do pirates ever fuckin' have manners?" Snorted Owen, Launching himself towards the hellhound, jaws opened wide in an attempt to latch onto the other creature's neck, moreso to pin him down than to snap it. "You fuckers killed someones kid, and now I'm gonna fuck you up!" Owen snapped, shaking his spines to try to unhinge the weapons lodged in the hard scales of his neck.
[Attack attempt on [member=2837]| THE VAGABOND |[/member] ]

Meanwhile, Owen was unaware that his son had shifted into a raccoon and was at the raid, merely focused on the three enemies he currently had on him.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - teef - 11-26-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi allowed the tail to whack them away, backing up to take advantage of the space that they needed. growling as they sheathed their jian they responded in a loud and biting retort, "not a fuckin' kid dipshit! hope you want a new asshole!" they cried, feeling their bones cracking and shifting in place as scales emerged from their fur. not the prettiest or least painful transformation, but they were heavily annoyed. their body would be too big to fit into this battlefield, something that they faced by leaping, using their air elemental to push them high into the sky.

above, they finished their transformation, a long twining and sinuous golden body filling some of the sky, the light shining off their scales brightly. they released a roar similar to the volume of the dinosaur below. they were annoyed with everyone thinking that they were a child. now though, they would summon their jian from it's sheath. if they really wished, they could fight with their claws, but they didnt want to get to close, wary of the male's teeth. they would send their jian to do their job, aiming the jian, their second one at its largest size, at the dinosaur, aiming to score over his shoulder by use of forcing their air elemental. if it missed, it would punch into the ground only to be summoned back and be readied for a second attack.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && RAID - dead chars - 11-26-2018

He had been merrily snatching whatever remotely flashy item he could get his paws on until the fox had yelled at him for it. Despite his small quaking, Valentine told himself he wasn't scared. The raccoon's breaths were shallow but he held his chin up, opening his mouth to retort when a lynx swooped in and nearly caught him.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit," the creature cursed rapidly as he rolled out of the way, ears twitching. Was that... Marco? He couldn't tell. He had lost sight of the guy, and assumed he had crashed and rolled off somewhere. But the fox had left. That was good, right? He gathered his treasures into a small mound and stuffed them into his mouth like a chipmunk. He was ready to take off again when he heard the agitated snarls of his father, Owen, and he paused.

His father seemed to be doing just fine. But with Bai Shi hovering overhead with her sword, and the number of enemies he had swarming him... Valentine couldn't just ignore it. His ears flattened. His tail tucked. What should he do? He wasn't supposed to be here.. if he got hurt, he'd never hear the end of it. But he had to help, didn't he? He sat for a moment.

The raccoon spit out his treasure.
"Hey, jackhole! Over here!" he cried, referring to [member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member] . Hopefully his vocal chords had mutated enough that he didn't sound like himself, in case Masie or Owen overheard. She looked like the smallest one- which meant she'd be the easiest to slip under the radar when it came to attacking Owen. If he could draw the calico away from the rex, it would all be alright. Then he could just run until they were safely away from the battle.
"How can you even fight with one eye? Sounds like a stupid excuse for a clanmate to me. Should I take out the other one? I bet you couldn't hit something two feet away from you. Do you miss depth perception?"
His threats were empty- really he was just trying to egg her into chasing him. He didn't really know how to fight. Hopefully this wouldn't turn out too terribly.
