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I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Printable Version

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Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - FELIKS - 11-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]His cockiness faded away for a moment as his comments were taken in the wrong way, an accusatory glare being sent in the direction of Seamus and Owen. He was only joking, was marriage really such an intimate thing? It was just some contract made up by creatures who wanted attention or a way of showing love when words weren't enough to validate it, jesting about that didn't feel wrong to him when he was naive to what them romantic gestures meant. "Didn't mean it in a couple way, just meant that like, they're gonna be jealous that you're spending time with your children by blood instead. Like when the uh... ludzie or whatever you folk call 'em say that they're married to their work. Doesn't always have to be about non-platonic love," he grumbled, hushed tone an admission of guilt that he probably should have worded it better. Though unappreciative of being called a 'moron', he'd drop it for now, knowing better than to cause a scene in this sort of environment.

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - dead chars - 11-20-2018

Valentine was not quite accustomed to social situations yet, as he had really only interacted with his family so far, but he could sense the tension between his own parents and Feliks. It made him... uncomfortable. Not because he knew the implications of what was being said, though, just because everyone else seemed uncomfortable, and that usually meant bad stuff. The white puppy's fur fluffed even more than it had been for a moment before it resettled. Masie's invitation was far too enticing to fixate on the strangeness of the situation at hand.

Val yipped as he bounded after the raptor, hoping that Leo was following but not bothering to check in the moment. Where were they going? Was there another island to explore? He was incredibly eager to go, but more greetings stopped him in his tracks.

Kian was the first face he snapped his attention to. He studied the fae with incredible scrutiny before giving up, focus melting to a smile. It seemed that his nerves had left him at that point.
"Uncle Kian!" Valentine repeated, his voice an energized yip. "Why d'ya talk like that, by the way? All like.. dee-ya da hoo-it, and all."
He wasn't sure he had ever picked up on Seamus's language. Or, at least, not yet, if the butchering of his pronunciation could make it any more clear. However, his mind shifted again at a new arrival and oh jeez this guy was huge. The white canine had to look all the way up to even get a glance at Lucifer's face. The size was intimidating, but Val was determined to be brave. If Leo could do it, he could too.

"Hallo!" He was yelling. He hoped the dragon could hear him all the way up there. "'M Valentine!"

Don't be a complete moron. He turned on his heels. Who was being a moron? Was it him? Was it Feliks? It seemed that the griffon was under fire for something, but Valentine couldn't tell what. Oh well. Not his problem! His rosy gaze turned back to Masie eagerly, ears flicking and tail wagging. Hopefully Leo was excited to go on the adventure too!


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Keona. - 11-20-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
Wary, uncertain steps carry the small fae forward.  Voices, familiar and new ringing in perked ears.  'Cá bhfuil Sibi?'  Cold, absent frown resting on her maw, following her unc - father's - voice.  Disappointed?  The striker halted beside her da, for the first time in some while, seeking Kian for guidance.  Comfort.  Stability.  Since her talk with Séamus, she'd given up the charade of avoiding them but... She had not asked for this.  "Ní thuigim." Were these children... Séamus'?

… Uncertainty danced in her pale sea-green hues.  What were they to her?  Cousins?  Half-siblings... Half... Brothers… With everything between her da and father, Keona felt quite disturbed at the notion of any siblings.  Especially brothers.  All having brothers had done for them was tear them apart… Betrayal flashed inside her eyes, turned on Séamus as she scooted closer to Kian.

"… 'm Keona..." a quiet, mumbled, reluctant introduction it is, wrought with the panic that she had more family than ever before, and they weren't just cousins.  "Sibéal ó Faoláin."
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Sympathy - 11-20-2018

People. People. People. People everywhere. Too much talking. Too much to focus on. Leo faltered, briefly hanging back to press against Valentine as he took a moment to take in everything and everyone. There was Feliks, his sister Masie, his uncle Kian, Keona, and...

oh what was THAT?

Lucifer caught him off guard. How he hadn't noticed the large dragon sooner was beyond him. His golden eyes were as round as saucers, and his already fluffy fur puffed out even more; bristling. He couldn't help the little aggressive warning yip that escaped his mouth. Leonidas was thoroughly intimidated- afraid even- by the gentle giant, but he did his best to pull away from Val and place himself in front of his family and Luci, small body shaking like a leaf. His mouth opened and closed lamely, trying desperately to find any sort of words to say to the guy. 'Don't hurt my brother, you- scary!' That would work, and yet he still could bring himself to do anything except scurry back towards Masie and huddle himself between her legs, shooting nervous glares at Lucifer.

Not so tough now, was he?

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #be9b7f; font-size: 24px;"]— LEONIDAS Ó FAOLÁIN

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Kian. - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
The fae smiled broadly, tail flicking.  "Think of it as a fancy hello," he exclaimed amiably.  "Dia dhuit.  Literally it means 'god to you', but really, it's just a nice way of saying hi." It was, far as he felt, only a matter of time before his nephews picked up on the tongue.  They already seemed to know Owen's raptor speech, interestingly enough.  Bilangual already.  Not too different from Keona.

Speaking of, he blinked in surprise at said child's appearance.  Considering she'd been avoiding him since the business with her mother's ghost, the last thing he expected was for her to creep up so close.  Sharply, his eyes turned back on his twin, gears turning swiftly.  Damn.  Odds were she didn't know how to feel about all of this, and they had not been casting a great example.  Uncomfortably, he shifted his weight around.  "Keona's your half-sister," he offered the two boys, gentle, more for his girl's sake. 

"She's my daughter too, though," he'd add, frowning lightly.  It felt important, that this time around, the children found themselves with few surprises in the family, lest they felt the way Keona must have since the incident.  "Her mother's... Gone." And god, he missed Haliaka every day. 

His earlier smile returned, though a tad more strained.  He'd gently nudge his daughter with his muzzle, encouragingly.  "[b]Is deirfiúr mór duit."

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - ikaia - 11-22-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
"Aloha!" The boy grinned ecstatically at the sight of new youth, deep brown optics gleaming.  He felt tremors of anxiety and unease, slowly trickling into his mind from Keona.  A worrisome thing, but when he remembered that her uncle wasn't just her uncle, it made sense.  They were her half-brothers!  Ikaia found that rather exciting, if he was honest.  He had no idea what having a little brother was like. "Hiya," the young oncilla greeted more calmly as he halted beside Kian and Keona, conscious of his friend's discomfort.

"I'm Ikaia."
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY && kids' intros. - Eris - 11-22-2018

It had only been a short while since Eris himself had been introduced to those outside of his family. It was a fresh memory, one filled with bubbling excitement and wild awe. Now, more children were being introduced. Eris spotted the commotion and he just had to go over and see what was going on. There were many creatures present, none of them his family, but he didn't mind. Eris's pink-tinted eyes flickered from each Typhooner to the next. There was Owen, the dinosaur... Masie, he thought her name was, a griffon, a couple of rusty spotted cats, and the big dragon dude- he had been there when Eris had been introduced, but he didn't know his name.

All these faces were looked at, briefly, but the ones Eris focused in on were those of Valentine and Leo. They were the ones that were meeting the rest of The Typhoon. They were the ones his age. Possible friends! Definite friends! Eris bounded over, completely oblivious to any sort of awkward family stuff was going on. He decided not to run over to the pup that was hiding underneath Masie; he looked like he didn't want to be troubled. By Lucifer, perhaps. The other pup looked more open and excited.

Eris went right up to Valentine, all wide eyes and charming smile. "Salve! I'm Eris!" He chirped, deciding to go with the Latin word for hello, because it was cool. "I just got in'roduced to e'eryone, too, a... few weeks ago." He paused and remembered, his dark-striped tail giving a satisfied swish as he recalled it.