Beasts of Beyond
GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - Printable Version

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Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - ... - 11-17-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 98%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 98px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 12%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 2 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Step by step, do Their quivering paws take Them over to where They saw a streak of navy striking over the pale blue for a few seconds before it dies down, following along with the strange noise, muffled from rain and thunder. Nevertheless, it still caught Their full attention, with eyes wide and mind open for the possibilities of what is happening that prompted the sound.

Eventually, They finds bodies of all shapes and sizes gathering in an area They have yet to explore. Curiosity flashes across mismatched eyes, as interest flickers within soft brain. Their gentle gaze settles on to Elijah with Thirteen, and They quickens Their pace to take a seat beside Their friends. Their forepaws pat against the surface a few times. An innocent habit at its finest. How it brings Them to focus on Their surrounding more.

They silently watches more pirates settling by, lips curling downward, head tilts. They switches Their attention on to Elijah and gently pokes him on the shoulder with Their nose. "I don't... endah?" They whispers, tone filled with confusion, once They backed up. Words felt heavy on Their tongue. It left a sense of awkwardness within Them and burnt Their throat. They attempts to ignore it as They glances peer to the throne that sets before Them.

There is a creature sitting on there, body still and eyes cold. Royalty can They hear as it rushes through his veins. Loud is his presence. Divinity is he breathing in. No wonder there are rain and thunder happening at this very moment, with the attention from those gathered around are given to the supernal being of dead seas and striking storms. Just him. Only him is even Nature is bowing to. An act of surrender.

Now, it is his turn to be heard by them all.

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - bubblegum - 11-17-2018

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - OWEN. - 11-17-2018

"I almost punched the dude." Owen rumbled as he shifted into his german shepherd form, the brown and black canine trotting over to his daughter to sit next to her. While he loved meetings, this was great- Pincher was getting back into the groove.

Owen was just glad the Caesar issue was taken care of.


Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - Luciferr - 11-17-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
The black dragon overshadowed the rear of the group gathering as was usual, a solid silence where he usually sat himself - quietly doing a headcount of who was present and who they were missing - and who was a new face astride the old.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - JUNJI - 11-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The angel approached in relative silence, wings fluttering as he entered the dome to shake the water from them. Junji seated himself his children and curled a large wing around them. He rested his gaze on Pincher then, simply awaiting the announcements he had yet to make.

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-19-2018

was she late to this? perhaps by a little bit. luckily, though, pincher hadn't begun announcing things yet. at the captain's call, aphra made her way over, taking a seat next to owen and wrapping her long, pluming tail over her paws.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - PINCHER - 11-20-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
As enough members arrived despite the heavy downpour of rain, Pincher was glad that they had decided to come and hear what was needed to be said for this week. He raised a lean back leg to gently scratch at an itch behind his ear, his feather earring gently bouncing before the male cleared his throat and straightened his form. His crystalline ice blue gaze fluttered to each face as he nodded and decided to start. "Right. Thanks for coming despite the obvious rain so I'll make this brief. Joiners for the past week should be welcomed in and introduced so...Welcome Hobbitfoot, Jiro, Bubonicplague, Mingan, Bodkin, Sparrow, Marco, Delta, and Hawke. Returning faces are Sylvina, Aphra, Roxanne, and Victor. New faces also include Eleven, Adara, and They...? Yeah, anyways, also welcome the new kids known as Elijah, Priscilla, Stella, Kaisa, and Eris. Make sure to mingle but not too much unless you want your shit stolen." He flashed a light lopsided smirk while allowing there to be a silent moment for anyone that wished to openly welcome the new crewmates into their group. It was refreshing to see new faces of many kind and he just hoped that they felt excited to be a pirate living in a lush volcanic island.

"Shoutouts this week are pretty much everyone. Everyone has been doing outstanding and I would like to thank you all for doing your part. However, there is a little announcement for those interested in the art of healing and all that jazz. Junji has stepped down from his spot as our Soothsayer and this allows for anyone interested to try out. There are no promotions for this week but who the fuck knows, maybe that will change. No one is demoted for now but I would like to see my high positions contribute more." Pincher was glad that the week had gone rather lax but there was a troubling moment for them or well...more specifically an annoyance. The Rosebloods. Bitch lasagna had decided to claim the Typhoon open game and frankly Pincher guessed it was time for them to step up and fight the fuckers who had killed one of their members and also captured on. His forked tongue flicked out as he decided to bring this up to attention.

"We've retaliated with the Pitt but they are no longer our focus. The rosey bitches have decided to cause trouble and try to hurt us. I see them more as a thorn in my side than an actual threat but we can't let ourselves be pushed around. Seriously, listen. I will be giving everyone weapons and some training to defend yourself. Last time, everyone was getting scooped up by the Pitt and frankly, that is pathetic for pirates to be the ones getting captured. Get your shit together. There are plenty of experienced fighters here to teach you and I want all of you to teach the Rosebloods a good fucking lesson. Drag one of their pathetic shitheads here and give them a show, I don't give a shit as long as it's not children. We don't deal with children. I also want someone to lead the raid against the Rosebloods just to fuck around with them, give them a few good scars. Destroy their shit for all I care, just get the job done. Other than that, the meeting is dismissed." Pincher stood and stepped down from his throne, frost glazing his shoulders as he had grown rather annoyed and pissed off about the topic of the Rosebloods. He didn't like that the Typhoon was seen as some place to pick off members when they should be the ones capturing and pillaging. He snorted, upper lip curled as he growled "I better see all of you in the weaponry session or I'll chew you the fuck out for not trying to defend yourself." With that, he stepped to head out and make sure to find enough weapons for everyone that needed any or desired for a new one.

Welcome joiners and returnees !! Glad to have you around!! <3
[member=2833]HOBBITFOOT[/member] / [member=1813]Jiro,[/member] / [member=1381]BUBONICPLAGUE[/member] / [member=1869]MINGAN[/member] / [member=2854]BODKIN[/member] / @SPARROW. / @Marco C. / @DELTA / [member=2848]HAWKE[/member] / @SYLVINA / @APHRA CIPHER . / @ROXANNE R. / @VICTOR / @ELEVEN / @PRISCILLA / @stella / [member=2796]kaisa.[/member] / [member=2805]ERIS.[/member]
Shoutouts to everyone!! Well done with the activity guys, y'all are killin it
No warnings / demotions / promotions
Someone is open to leading a raid @ Rosebloods!!
Pinch will be holding a semi-mandatory weaponry session to make sure everyone is packing ashdj
I apologize for the late reply to the meeting, I have been super busy so thank you for your patience!

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - OWEN. - 11-20-2018

MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

"Got it, Cap! I'll host the raid on the Rosebloods then." The shepherd spoke up, hungry for a fight. The Pitt hadn't given him much of a fight, it was quite a terrible job done on their side, really. But who was he to judge?

Once Pinch finished, he nudged his daughter's side then dipped his head to the unfamiliar white feline who had taken her place beside him, walking out of the meeting to prepare. Fuck yeah.

Re: GANG ROBBERY — MEETING 11.16 - cleo roux. - 11-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Late. She was late. Not that that mattered though, from what she had managed to hear, she had not been among those welcomed back. Forgotten, it seemed. An afterthought. "Noted." It was all the tiny wisp of a girl could manage, red eyes trained upon the ground, trying her best to avoid Pincher's or Aphra's gaze. Both of her parents were here it seemed and both of them seemed to have less than favorable opinions of her. At least her sister was back, but would Sylvina even remember her? Or like her? Everything had changed. Everything.