Beasts of Beyond
GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - Printable Version

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Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - MADI - 04-25-2018

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - coldblue - 04-27-2018

no stranger to the danger
he doesn't have to be small? does that mean that seamus can change his shape? cool. really cool. but coldblue won't confess his amazement, and instead nods his head curtly as if he knew it all along. the boy is very committed to playing the role of know-it-all child. if he means he has to read and pretend to know everything to do so, then he will. blue tells himself it's because playing a role is entertaining (which it is), but the truth of the matter is that he is struggling with the idea that he is the captain's son and he has nothing interesting to bring to the table. as far as blue knows, he is powerless, worthless in a fight, and too young to do anything useful. so he compensates by pretending to be someone more capable than he actually is.

coldblue is confused by all the strange words passing between the reunited family, and because lucifer is an unknown person, he does not feel comfortable at all. so when roman arrives, the young bengal naturally relocates closer to his sibling.

although pincher might give roman a hard time since the youth is only adopted into the family and not blood-related, blue actually likes his brother quite a bit. perhaps it is the shininess of his pelt or the pretty way he talks--blue does possess a love for all things beautiful. or maybe it is simply because children, especially those he has grown up with, do not judge. roman probably does not expect blue to grow up capable and strong like their father, which is extremely refreshing. the boy will never admit to it, but the knowledge that both of his parents are so accomplished stresses him out immensely. he feels as if everyone is watching him, waiting for him to disappoint the family name.

"roman roux," amends the child, flashing his brother a sideways smile as he steps up beside him. "he's my brother." coldblue cares a lot more than he lets on. he would rather die than to have to say "i love you" to any of his family members, but it is gestures like this that reassures others that he cares. as much as blue likes to spew bullshit and pretty words, his actions speak louder than his words.

Re: GOODBYE TO A WORLD --- open, joiner - SÉAMUS - 04-28-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ I COULD BE THE LIGHT OR DARKNESS, REDEMPTION OR SORROW
Quite a few names.  Quite a few children, he noted, tilting his head lightly in acknowledgement to each one in turn.  He was about to tell Lucifer to go ahead and lead the way, curious to what his new home would look like, when another voice cut the air.  Séamus grinned, waving his tail in greeting as his brother made his presence known, clearly having been searching for Keona.  Spoil sport.  "Aye dearthair." His eyes briefly narrowed, supposing he was not truly surprised at his brother's wariness.  The two were twins and had known each other very well.  He gave him a mock expression of disappointment, before splitting into another smile.

"Don't be too rough on her, she's just stretching her legs," 'course, truth be told, Séamus would be a little bothered in Kian's position too.  Keona was rather young - and small - to be wandering on her own. If it had been someone else at the border, other than family, or someone who was not interested in joining... Well, he was glad that was not the case.  Unwilling to overstep any bounds with his brother - yet - he turned back to the massive dragon.

"Lead the way, I'll be right behind ya."