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triangle club (chat thread) - Printable Version

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Re: triangle club (chat thread) - Ren - 03-14-2018


Re: triangle club (chat thread) - april . - 03-14-2018

me: *can barely comprehend anything because i just woke up and still feel jet lagged*
also me: goats mcgoats o W o

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-14-2018

Totes mcgoats my dude

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - vvintersoldier - 03-14-2018

yasss hello twin lmao XD

and okay?? xDD i actually feel tired rn tho xD

omg april xD

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-14-2018

Idk i say cryptic stuff when im tired

Say hi to your mom tho. Tell her you love her. Itll make herĀ  day

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - cougar - 03-14-2018

[td]chat thread?[/td]
[td][Image: PVh1ArY.jpg][/td]

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - april . - 03-14-2018

jet lag is a bitch
goat mcgoats is better than totes mcgoats anyways pssh
shut up

COUGS?? *eyes emoji*

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-14-2018

Hi! Welcome to my safe space

Have a triangle. Itll be your best friend for life!

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - body - 03-14-2018

what up im lucas im 19 and i never learned how to masticate

Re: triangle club (chat thread) - skypher - 03-15-2018

body is my one true love