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when all you feel is jaded || joining - Printable Version

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Re: when all you feel is jaded || joining - HAWKE - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="font-size:9.3pt; max-width:420pt; text-align:justify;"]Oh, he was insufferable, he knew. Most of the people who could stomach his presence were insufferable in some way themselves, and Hawke got along quite well with his fellow smart-asses - people with bite were so much more fun. Hawke didn't much care if their sharp tongues slashed his way. Truth be told, he courted the witty insults and teases, if only because one of the things he loved almost as much as booze and booty was banter. The holy trio of Bs.

(Not bees, although it was a testament to his mess of a mind that he pictured bees wearing vestments and nearly laughed in the hellhound's face for no explainable reason).

He still gave a hearty chuckle, however, at the "vile beast of temptation." "It is wonderful to be recognized for our better qualities," the mixed-canine agreed, the laugh remaining present in the brightness of his eyes and the upward slant of his mouth corners. She dwarfed him thoroughly, didn't she? Ah, well, if ever there was a spar between them, he would gladly receive his ass on the platter she would offer it on. A rare occurrence for him to look forward to losing. Carver would absolutely lose his shit - perhaps that would do some good for him.

"Oh, but imagine if you were some sort of noble. They would all be scared shitless - they couldn't look down their noses and call you a degenerate without creating a scandal." Though that breed of people thrived on scandal and spurious rumors - how else would they have any fun? Personally, Hawke could be content eating those little cakes and grapes on a dais, but if people who deserved to be well-off were, the world wouldn't be what it was. Perhaps he should sell those small calendars with advice for every day: "Hawke Helps." That was a phrase no one had ever held in their mouth.

The wolf-dog inclined his head Natalia's way, rather pleased he had veered close to estimating her name. "Are you certain you're not a lady? I feel like I'm entering a marble parlor in a constrictive outfit." His grin returned in full force - though it had never truly dissipated - before his gaze wandered over to the pouty kitty cat, whose nose scrunched as though someone had set a plate of shit under his face. Quite a comparison.

Wasn't that an interesting insult? Perhaps Hawke would allow him a free pass - he didn't know the canine well enough yet to ascertain that ordering him to kiss people wasn't precisely insulting, so he merely laughed, body shifting with it. "Housekeeping? Do I sense a disdain for domesticity? Beating the dust out of rugs is satisfying - you should try it." It might release some of that over-built tension, but Hawke wasn't a miracle-worker, however damned close he seemed to be at times.

His focus found the lion, who really was pretty, he'd meant that. Unfortunately, he wasn't especially appreciative of Hawke's - appreciation. It was a pity, really, but the canine wasn't blind so much as he was deliberately antagonistic, and he could discern for himself that it would be a bit like poking a sleeping bear with a stick: entertaining for the first three seconds, and then followed by screaming and running. "I would, but apparently it isn't socially acceptable to talk to yourself in public." A shrug from broad shoulders, as though to say, "what can you do?" but nothing further than that. Where was Mother to give him a pat on the back for minding his manners? It was damn difficult. He wanted his cookie.

"I didn't think you wanted to know what I'm 'in to.'" Hawke's stare strayed from the lion to the magnificent beast - he was quite large as well, wasn't he? Understatement. The grin twisted into a leer, much more overt than he had been with the lion - perhaps because he had his wires crossed somewhere. Definitely because he had his wires crossed.

Dark umber eyes glinted, and the canine leaned in unabashedly. "I'll gladly fight you if it means getting up close and personal." Which he was careful to extend to Luciferus - of course that was his name - and not to the lion, who was very blatantly disinterested. He didn't make it any easier on Hawke shifting like that, and he came very close to outright pouting.

He couldn't quite resist saying, "Are you certain you're not cursed? I could handle it for you."

// i love talia!! im so glad to see her again :>

i love finding more people who played the games

Re: when all you feel is jaded || joining - adomania - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Des stood by idly as the banter slid easily off of Hawke, listening but not bothering to interfere for lack of engagement. He could shove his ass in and pretend like the conversation could pertain to him, but he could equally well sit back and observe, if only to get a further feel for both sides. To say he knew anything about his own clanmates would be a lie - he was gone more than he was present, off hidden somewhere on the beach where he had made his hut, or not even on the territory to begin with and instead wandering between the Typhoon and Sunhaven. He knew even less about the stranger (Hawke. He had to start remembering names fast if he wanted to get anywhere in life) other than that his mouth was quick and his mind seemingly quicker. Des liked a challenge, though. The sharper the quips the more fun it was, if kept to decent terms and was mostly light hearted. He didn’t much appreciate taunting and jabs towards his personal life if he could avoid it.

But the attention was promptly returned to him, and Des’ gaze remained warm regardless of his unwillingness to give Hawke any positive reaction towards his attempts. He seemed to get the message, if not the whole context behind it, and regardless if he stopped because he cared or because it didn’t seem worth the trouble, he let the topic drop. The advances ceased, and with that Desperado’s shoulders sagged in obvious, if minute, relief. The lopsided grin became less teeth and more smile once again, especially when Hawke’s further statements proved just how quick his mind and ability to entertain were. It was a welcome distraction. ”Pardon my manners but you don’t seem to be one who cares much about what’s socially acceptable. If you’re worth it then go right ahead and compliment yourself, and tell anyone too stuck up and worried about societal norms to mind their business.” Hell, flirting wasn’t his strong suite and he didn’t much like it, but compliments were free to give regardless of sexual or romantic interest. ”Gotta admit, you don’t look bad yourself. ‘S why I’d hate for you to waste it on someone like me.”

It seemed like he wasn’t done, though, and a sharp laugh that surprised even him escaped Des’ throat at the comment. ”I’ll trust you on that one - would hate to make the mistake of asking you to elaborate,” he didn’t want to or need to know what strange fetishes others engaged in when he was hardly interested in even the vanilla. ”I’m sure there’s someone out there for you to engage in it with, though. We’ve got an entire slew of people here who’s tastes are as vast as the damn ocean.”

He wasn’t sure if he was going to start regretting his life decisions any time soon, or if Hawke would become too unbearable in too short of a time… but for now, as long as everything was light and non-threatening to his mental state, Desperado couldn’t help but admit he was having a good time. As long as it was nice and slow - socializing, although it appeared to come naturally to him, was as much as a facade as everything else was. That, or everything he said was simply a half truth or a lie. Maybe he was good at talking, but not so much at talking the truth.

”I’m afraid I’m cursed in other ways, ones that a kiss can’t fix and will only make worse. I appreciate the offer, though,” he mused, a deep rumble stuck somewhere in his chest that vaguely resembled a chuckle but could moreso be compared to a purr. ”Desperado, by the way. Most call me Des, though.”

It was high time he introduced himself. There wasn’t any weaseling out of this one, not when he was trying his damn hardest to be polite and to get to know people more than by their looks.