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[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"We should follow Lucifer. It's not about getting in his way or doubting his abilities, he'd have our backs if we were in the same situation. Just let him know he's not the only one who wants blood," the male piped in, having been ghosting the scene until he felt it was right to talk. This shouldn't concern him, a gory death of one he barely knew and a silent death of one he did know wouldn't cause him to lose sleep, but Argus' relations to Lucifer were pretty well known. As big as the dragon was, he'd proven to be a good friend and rival, letting him grieve alone like the Privateer had been left to do... that'd break him. Let the world suffer in the same way the gryphon did he guessed, but someone he considered a friend should be exempt from that bitterness. "Two clanmates died, regardless. He shouldn't be the only one getting his own back,".

His brain recalled back to the conversation with Sepiroth, the way he'd insinuated that this was all Pincher's fault, but if one housed creatures capable of this, who really was to blame? The Pitt was a flea, sucking the life out of all those who entered their realm, but for all their flaws they at least didn't maim someone to standards like this. Who the fuck would do that to a corpse? Feliks may have been an advocate for many unethical things, but he had to draw the line at defacing the dead. Heartbeat staccato as thoughts of revenge pumped through his veins, a surprisingly thoughtful frown would be offered towards the Quartermaster, hoping to get Baku to see it from a different perspective. "I'll even host a raid if you're too unsure to do it,". Let Lucifer let out some steam in a controlled environment later on down the line, all of this was to help him overcome those horrid feelings after all.

Re: TIME TO CATCH A CRIMINAL | ARGUS'S DEATH | TW GORE - bubblegum - 11-21-2018


His brows narrow towards Owen's words, the sudden meekness that evolves into his tone. There it was again, the defeat that sometimes appeared within the raptor trainer's voice. To be honest, it annoyed him. He would rather the male continued to frustratingly argue with him because he doesn't like change, he doesn't like this difference. It felt off as if there was a secret motive behind it all, like as if Bakugou were being mocked in the behind the scenes. He huffs, flicking an ear at Owen when the male suggests to move the body, the male simply turning his gaze towards Goldenluxury who appears shortly after to chime her opinions. Of course, he thinks. He doubts anyone would be foolish enough to send off the body in a ceremony of flames whilst Luciferus is away. Then, before he is about to turn and leave, thinking that the situation was finished, Feliks speaks up. He looks at the griffon for a while, no expression upon his usual hard features when he listens to the creature. He bites his bottom lip. It was obvious that they would all want blood. Truthfully, he doesn't think they need to prove it by getting in the way with Lucifer's rampage. They would simply look like undying fans supporting a giant dragon's destruction of a land. For them to follow so hastily would only make them look weak in the eyes of the Rosebloods.

Then comes the male's next words. The way Feliks added 'if you're unsure' makes his face morph into a scowl. He clearly dislikes hearing those words. It wasn't a case of Bakugou being hesitant to react, being unsure of himself, it was a case of him simply not caring enough. The Rosebloods were getting on his nerves, they were begging to be noticed and he would rather let them fade with their hideous names. His ears raise when his fellow Quartermaster speaks yet again, agreeing with his perspective that he lets steam pass his maw. He is glad the fem understands his point of view, now walking towards the corpse of the fallen guard. While Owen moves the body of Argus, he may as well assist with the moving of the much smaller body. A throwing knife. His earth elementals extract the weapon, noting the materials and wondering where the killer had gotten it from. Had they made it themself? Had they found it? His nose twitches before shuffling to drag the body.