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DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Printable Version

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Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
A silver blade in the dark storming heavens, wings hidden by invisibility now visible in black and purple edged aura - as eerie cerulean eyes flicker to Ninazu below in contempt, but he is a smaller target than the dragon even if still larger than any normal animal - the sunhaven hearthkeeper leads the way for his brethren to join the typhoon in battle as a bolt of black-purple Lightning join's the black-white fire in destruction - this time it strikes below at the chunkier sections of the temple and any unfortunate fried unknown pittians around it.

/Cryptic is HARD/EXTREME

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - bubblegum - 11-14-2018

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - buckingham barnes - 11-15-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham absolutely hates how familiar and soothing the hot sand feels against his paws. He hates that the moment he stepped onto the desert territory, that he felt reminded of his old home. It felt insane that only a few months ago, Buckingham lived in a group much like the Pitt. That he performed the same evil deeds as them, and performed them willingly(well, most of them if you don't count his first few weeks). Now that he's seeing a battle against a warbound group on the other side, he feels disgusted. Disgusted that he once acted nearly as, or even more savage than Stryker and his group. He can't be more grateful that he ran across Sunhaven rather than this shit hole.

The former assassin didn't make a sound as he padded through the hot, burning sand. Bucky had no problem with the hot environment, after living in another hot desert for months, this is nothing. Bucky's light blue eyes scanned the area, nose scrunching as he picked up the scents of each animal he looked towards. There aren't a lot of Pittians here to defend their territory- just three. Most of the Pittians seemed occupied in a fight, but the thing is, war isn't fair. He's not going to go easy on his opponents- he'll give them living hell. His light blue eyes landed on Ninazu, while she hid well in the lion's fur, her scent gave her away.

Without another thought, the maine coon began to run forward, ears flattening to his cranium and his lip curling into a dangerous snarl. As he got close to the two, the former assassin leaped into the air, attempting to land on the back of [member=1738]Stryker[/member] . If successful, Bucky would attempt to furiously swipe his metal claws at the face of [member=2040]ninazu[/member] , hoping to leave a scar.


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He remembered what Lucifer said, heck, he remember what he himself said, yet the gryphon hadn't acted on his battle senses yet. It wasn't that there was nobody to attack, Ninazu and her mount would be enough prey for Feliks to tussle with, his mind was hard at work when Sunhaveners arrived into the fray. Try hard as they were, their presence at least wouldn't leave him cautious here. One dragon is attacked, another takes their place. Unless their newly found friends didn't have the spines to back up their aggression, how else would this end if not in a massacre? "Hey, beauty and the beast over there!" he'd call out towards Stryker and Ninazu. "Where the hell are your fighters? I know your numbers are plentiful, yet no one's willing to help out a bastard leader,". Maybe if he was the type to get distracted by taunts, he'd realise he was on his own.

A slave and a sandcat, powers aside, had clear disadvantages in closer range combat. A lion was better off, with muscles and teeth as strong as weightlifters, speed only helped so much in the end. A speedster himself knew of the problems it caused. "You wanna discuss surrender terms before I go to your camp?". Constant journeys over here had given him a rough indication of where it was, the hybrid with his head held high didn't think it'd be a challenge to find with enough willpower.

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - ninazu - 11-15-2018

© lexasperated
Purple lightning flashed through the area, and the mage flinched as her eyes struggled to adjust to the flashing lights. Her nose continued to ooze blood, drops trickling into her mouth; when she tasted the copper-sweet flavor, the flow increased. She saw Baku move towards Stryker, just as she sensed her lightning bend and twist towards her – spiraling through the air as though deflected. Ninazu had plenty of practice with fetching her lightning after some moron deflected it; Morgan in the Tanglewoods tried to hit her with her own lightning before, and she found herself more amused than anything that someone from the Typhoon tried the same trick.

Mentally grabbing hold of her bolt, she willed it to swerve in the air. She aimed for [member=1637]bakugou[/member] , attempting to hit him in the back or hindquarters so he wouldn’t see the lightning charge at him head-on. She felt irritated that she failed to strike the massive dragon, but… if someone were going to idiotically redirect her lightning, she was pleased it got redirected to her right when an enemy decided to threaten her mount.

Blood splattered out of her nose, drenching her muzzle as a dull ache pounded in the side of her head. Her pupils dilated erratically – in the dim light, that quickly turned into a liability. She heard Bucky land behind her, his figure little more than a shadow with a shiny arm. But, at this range, she didn’t need her accuracy; she simply needed to barbecue him. She turned, clutching Stryker’s mane with her paws, as she looked over her shoulder and caught the claws through her face – but with the blood already dripping from her muzzle, the damage wasn’t obvious to see. Opening her maw despite the agony, she attempted to breathe a sheet of fire at [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member] .  She knew her flames wouldn’t hurt Stryker – not after their late night activities – but she was more than willing to exert herself to force the damn cat off of him.

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - OWEN. - 11-15-2018

Owen's single eye narrowed as Feliks spoke, a soft chuckle rising in his throat as the indominus rex used the gap in time he had to make his way further into the territory, slavers falling captive to sharp talons and tight grips as he reached down and picked NPC's up, a loud roar ripping from his throat as fire was balled towards him, making the male swing his tail around to hit the opponent.

Once he wasn't distracted, Owen lifted his head up to the sky to make sure Luciferus was okay, and sighed when the dragon was still flying. Good. "Where the Hell is your forces at, Stryker?! Did you really attack such a huge clan knowing you'd get your asses handed to you?!" Owen snapped towards the lion, his tail lashing around and smacking a buggy to pieces in the process. He was making minor destruction on purpose, really. To startle people into fleeing- Owen knew he could bring more destruction with his massive size, but he had to keep on his toes.


Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Masie - 11-17-2018

She was completely on her father's head the whole time, watching what was going on around her and trying to figure out exactly what she was supposed to be doing. Even with his clear instructions before? It didn't help her, she had never fought before. However, she did know that her small body was incapable of doing some of the things being done by the larger animals, she had been alive long enough to realize that different animals were capable of different things. Where were the other tiny raptors of the group? She needed to see those in action, whatever was going on here involved tons of movement in ways she had not really become familiar with yet and they shared the closest appearance to her. If they could do something here? She should be able to. Father and Sisters were too large for her to mimic in this case, easily able to throw most of their opponents across the field. Was this some sort of fight for dominance? That was the closest idea she had.