Beasts of Beyond
The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Printable Version

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Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Stryker - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stryker never understood the talk about the afterlife that many members of the Pitt had. They all rambled about their angels, the demons possessing them, or the ritual that happened to ruin their life with the snap of a finger. To hear Jeriside talking about it, the ardent was not surprised. Ears pinned to the back of his head as he headed over, hoping to tune out the bullshit and instead focus on more important matters. They had a stranger on their territory and of all people Jeriside was communicating with them. The wolf really needed to check up on his attitude. Luckily, by their rejoicing chatter, the ardent knew they were (hopefully) of no harm within The Pitt.

Finally growing close, his ears rose back to their normal positions. Stryker flaunted a grin towards the stranger. "Care to explain who you are?" inquired the lion.

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-13-2018

Now of course Ammon was familar with anyone who wore power like a cloak, and Stryker reeked of it.  He was almost certain the lion held his strenght over most things, knowing nothing would take a notch to his ego.  Oh how the mighty fall, very hard as usual.  He may never understand why on creations sake he was here where there were greener grass in the world.

All for love, he supposed.  Getting back to the question the wolf who could make slight judgement towards the lion from his limited senses.  " Ammon. And you are?" he repiled cooly.  Now was not to become a totla asshole Ammon.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie's ears switched backwards as he caught stryker's scent, the hellhound quickly on his feet and fighting to not stand in front of ammon. if the ardent knew about the importance of the blind masked wolf to him, he knew that ammon would be used against him.

and so he wisely made the choice to stay silent, eyes focused in stryker's direction based off of his direction of voice. he knew that ammon could defend himself, but the demon wasn't going to put his faith into that considering ammon seemed to have reincarnated not many days before now. they could resume their quiet moment later, maybe when jerisidie returned to his part of the dens, hating of any chains.